Esempio n. 1
def main():
	print "Linear congruences (ax = b mod m)"
	print ""
	print "Enter a:",
	A = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	print "Enter b:",
	B = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	print "Enter m:",
	M = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	if (A < 0) or (B < 0) or (M <= 0):
		print "A and B must be positive!"
		print "Modulus must be > 0"
	A = A % M
	B = B % M
	print A, "* x =", B, "mod", M
	isSolved, x = algs.LinCon(A, B, M)
	if isSolved:
		if x == -1:
			print "x - any"
		else:	# решений может быть несколько
			print "x =", x
		print "No solution"
Esempio n. 2
def GCDEx(a, b):		
	if b == 0:
		return a, 1, 0
	if a == 0:
		return b, 1, 0
	x1 = bigInt.bigInt(0)
	x2 = bigInt.bigInt(1)
	y1 = bigInt.bigInt(1)
	y2 = bigInt.bigInt(0)
	while b != 0:
		q = a / b
		r = a % b
		a = b
		b = r
		xx = x2 - x1 * q
		yy = y2 - y1 * q
		x2 = x1
		x1 = xx
		y2 = y1
		y1 = yy
	x = x2
	y = y2

	return a, x, y
Esempio n. 3
def main():
	print "Pollard's rho algorithm for logarithms (a^x = b mod m)"
	print ""
	print "Input: a, b, m (prime)"
	print "Ouput: x\n"
	print "Enter a:",
	a = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	print "Enter b:",
	b = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	print "Enter m:",
	m = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	if not algs.isPrime(m):
		print "m must be prime!"
	print ""
	print a, "^ x =", b, "mod", m
	x = algs.RhoPollard(a, b, m)
#	if x == None:
#		print "No solution"
#	else:
#		print "x = ", x
	print "x =", x
Esempio n. 4
def RhoPollard(alpha, beta, N):
	n = N - 1
	x = bigInt.bigInt(1)
	a = bigInt.bigInt(0)
	b = bigInt.bigInt(0)
	X = x
	A = a
	B = b
	i = bigInt.bigInt(1)
	while (i < n):
		x, a, b = new_xab( x, a, b, n, N, alpha, beta )
		X, A, B = new_xab( X, A, B, n, N, alpha, beta )
		X, A, B = new_xab( X, A, B, n, N, alpha, beta )
		i += 1
		if( x == X and i > 2):
			if (B - b) == 0:
				return None
			Bb = B - b
			Aa = A - a
			if Bb < 0:
				Bb = b - B
			if Aa < 0:
				Aa = a - A
			isSolved, res = LinCon(Bb, Aa, n)
			if not isSolved:
				return None
			if res == -1:
				return None
			return res[0]
Esempio n. 5
def main():
	print "Square root modulo a prime ( x^2 = a mod p (p - prime) )"
	print ""
	print "Input: a, p (odd prime)"
	print "Output: x: x^2 = a mod p\n"
	print "Enter a:",
	a = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	print "Enter p:",
	p = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	if p < 3:
		print "p must be odd prime!"
	if not algs.isPrime(p):
		print "p must be prime!"
	a = a % p
	if a < 0:
		a += p
	if a == 0:
		print "x = 0"
	isSolution, res = algs.SqrtPrime(a, p)
	if not isSolution:
		print "\nNo solution"
	print "\nx =", res
Esempio n. 6
def getFromFiles (fileA, fileB, fileMod, binary):
	A = bigInt.bigInt()
	B = bigInt.bigInt()
	modulus = bigInt.bigInt()
	if (binary):
		if not A.getFromBinFile(fileA):
			print "Can't get number from:", fileA 
			return False, A, B, modulus
		if not B.getFromBinFile(fileB):
			print "Can't get number from:", fileB 
			return False, A, B, modulus
		if fileMod:
			if not modulus.getFromBinFile(fileMod):
				print "Can't get number from:", fileMod 
				return False, A, B, modulus
		if not A.getFromTextFile(fileA):
			print "Can't get number from:", fileA 
			return False, A, B, modulus
		if not B.getFromTextFile(fileB):
			print "Can't get number from:", fileB 
			return False, A, B, modulus
		if fileMod:
			if not modulus.getFromTextFile(fileMod):
				print "Can't get number from:", fileMod 
				return False, A, B, modulus
	return True, A, B, modulus
Esempio n. 7
def JacobiSym (a, p):
	if GCD (a, p) != 1:
		return 0
	r = bigInt.bigInt(1)
	if a < 0:
		a = -a
		if p % 4 == 3:
			r = -r
	while (a != 0):
		t = bigInt.bigInt(0)
		while a % 2 == 0:
			t += 1
			a = a / 2
		if t % 2 == 1:
			if p % 8 == 3 or p % 8 == 5:
				r = -r
		if a % 4 == 3 and p % 4 == 3:
			r = -r
		c = a
		a = p % c
		p = c
	return r
Esempio n. 8
def main():
	print "Euclid's algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor ( GCD(A, B) )"
	print ""
	print "Enter A:",
	A = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	print "Enter B:",
	B = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	print "GCD (", A, ",", B, ") =", algs.GCD(A, B)
Esempio n. 9
def main():
	print "Legendre symbol ( L(a, p) )"
	print ""
	print "Input: a, p (prime)"
	print "Output: L(a, p)\n"
	print "Enter a:",
	a = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	print "Enter p:",
	p = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	print "\nL(", a, ",", p, ") =", algs.LegSym(a, p)
Esempio n. 10
def main():
	print "Jacobi symbol ( J(a, p) )"
	print ""
	print "Input: a, p"
	print "Output: J(a, p)\n"
	print "Enter a:",
	a = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	print "Enter p:",
	p = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	print "\nJ(", a, ",", p, ") =", algs.JacobiSym(a, p)
Esempio n. 11
def main():
	print "Chinese remainder theorem"
	print ""
	print "X = R1 (mod A1)"
	print "X = R2 (mod A2)"
	print ". . . . . . . ."
	print "X = Rn (mod An)"
	print "X (mod A1 * ... * A2) - ?\n"
	print "Input: n, Ri, Ai (i = 1 .. n)"
	print "Output: X\n"
	print "Enter n:",
	n = int (input())
	R = [0] * n
	A = [0] * n	
	# Ввод Ri, Ai
	for i in range (n):
		print '\nEnter R%d:' % (i + 1),
		Ri = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
		print 'Enter A%d:' % (i + 1),
		Ai = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
		if Ai < 2:
			print "Modulus must be > 1!"
		Ri %= Ai
		if Ri < 0:
			Ri += Ai
		R[i] = Ri
		A[i] = Ai
	# Проверка на попарную простоту Ai
	i = 0
	isSimplePairwise = True
	while i != n and isSimplePairwise:
		j = i + 1
		while j != n and isSimplePairwise:
			if algs.GCD(A[i], A[j]) != 1:
					isSimplePairwise = False
			j += 1
		i += 1
	if not isSimplePairwise:
		print "Modules (Ai) must be simple pairwise!"
	print ""	
	for i in range (n):
		print "X =", R[i], "mod", A[i]
	print "\nX =", algs.ChinRemTheorem(R, A)
Esempio n. 12
def ChinRemTheorem(R, A):
	"Решение системы уравнений по китайской теореме об остатках"
	M = bigInt.bigInt(1)
	for Ai in A:
		M *= Ai
	x = bigInt.bigInt(0)
	for i in range(len(A)):
		Mi = M / A[i]
		isOK, invArr = LinCon (Mi, bigInt.bigInt(1), A[i]) # нахождение обратного для Mi
		MiInv = invArr[0] # в общем случае, у элемента может быть (?) несколько обратных, поэтому берём первый
		x = (x + R[i] * Mi * MiInv) % M
	return x
Esempio n. 13
def GCDBin(a, b):
	if (a < b):
		return GCDBin (b, a)
	if a < 0:
		a = -a
	if b < 0:
		b = -b
	if b == 0:
		return a
	if a == 0:
		return b
	g = bigInt.bigInt(1)
	while (a % 2 == 0) and (b % 2 == 0):
		a /= 2
		b /= 2
		g *= 2
	while a != 0:
		while a % 2 == 0:
			a /= 2
		while b % 2 == 0:
			b /= 2
		if a >= b:
			a = a - b
			b = b - a
	return g * b		
Esempio n. 14
def main():
	print "Exponentiation modulo (a^b mod m)"
	print ""
	print "Enter base (a):",
	A = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	print "Enter power (b):",
	B = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	print "Enter modulus (m):",
	M = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	if (A < 0) or (B < 0) or (M <= 0):
		print "A and B must be positive!"
		print "Modulus must be > 0"
	print A, "^", B, "mod", M, "=", algs.PowMod(A, B, M)
Esempio n. 15
def main():
	print "Extended Euclid's algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor ( GCD(A, B) )"
	print ""
	print "Enter A:",
	A = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	print "Enter B:",
	B = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	if (A < 0) or (B < 0):
		print "A and B must be positive!"
	if A > B:
		GCD, X, Y = algs.GCDEx(A, B)
		GCD, Y, X = algs.GCDEx(B, A)
	print "GCD (", A, ",", B, ") =", GCD, "=", X, "*", A, "+", Y, "*", B  
Esempio n. 16
def GarnersAlg(R, A):
	"Решение системы линейных сравнений по алгоритму Гарнера"
	# инициализируем массив inverses, inverses[j,i] = aj^(-1) mod ai
	inverses = []
	for i in range(len(A)):
    		inverses.append([bigInt.bigInt(0)] * len(A))
    	for i in range (len(A)):
    		for j in range (i):
    			isOK, invArr = LinCon (A[j], bigInt.bigInt(1), A[i]) # нахождение обратного для A[i]
			inverses[j][i] = invArr[0]
	# подсчитываем коэффициенты по алгоритму Гарнера
	x = [bigInt.bigInt(0)] * len(A)
	for i in range (len(A)):
		x[i] = R[i]
    		for j in range (i):
			x[i] = inverses[j][i] * (x[i] - x[j])
			x[i] = x[i] % A[i];
			if x[i] < 0:
				x[i] += A[i]
	return x
Esempio n. 17
def noArguments():
	print "Launched without parameters."
	print "Perform all kind of operations with entered numbers."
	print "Enter A:",
	a = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	print "Enter B:",
	b = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())

	print "A + B =", a, "+", b, "=", a + b
	print "A - B =", a, "-", b, "=", a - b
	print "A * B =", a, "*", b, "=", a * b

	if b != bigInt.bigInt("0"):
		print "A / B =", a, "/", b, "=", a / b
		print "A % B =", a, "%", b, "=", a % b
		print "Division by zero"
	print "Enter modulus for pow: ",
	mod = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	print "A ^ B mod N =", a, "^", b, "mod", mod,  "=", bigInt.pow(a, b, mod)

	print "That's all"
Esempio n. 18
def process(A, B, modulus, operation):
	zero = bigInt.bigInt("0")
	res = zero
	if (modulus < zero):
		print "Negative modulus!"
		return False, res
	if operation == '^':
		res = bigInt.pow(A, B, modulus)
		return True, res
	if (modulus > zero):
		A %= modulus
		B %= modulus
	if operation == '+':
		res = A + B

	elif operation == '-':
		res = A - B

	elif operation == '*':
		res = A * B

	elif operation == '/':
		if B == zero:
			print "Division by zero"
			return False, res
		res = A / B

	elif operation == '%':
		if (B == zero):
			print "Division by zero"
			return False, res
		res = A % B
	if (modulus > zero):
			res %= modulus
			while (res < zero):
				res += modulus
	return True, res
Esempio n. 19
def main():
	print "Quadratic congruences modulo a prime ( ax^2 + bx + c = 0 mod p )"
	print ""
	print "Input: a, b, c, p (odd prime)"
	print "Output: x:\n"
	print "Enter a:",
	a = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	print "Enter b:",
	b = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	print "Enter c:",
	c = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	print "Enter p:",
	p = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
	if p < 3:
		print "p must be odd prime!"
	if not algs.isPrime(p):
		print "p must be prime!"
	a = a % p
	if a < 0:
		a += p
	b = b % p
	if b < 0:
		b += p
	c = c % p
	if c < 0:
		c += p

	if a == 0:
		print "This is linear congruence"
		c = p - c
		print b, "* x =", c, "mod", p
		isSolved, x = algs.LinCon(b, c, p)
		if isSolved:
			if x == -1:
				print "x - any"
			else:	# решений может быть несколько
				print "x =", x
			print "No solution"
	# сокращаем на коэффициент a:
	# Вычисляем invA = a^(-1)mod p - обратный элемент в кольце Zp
	isOK, invArr = algs.LinCon (a, bigInt.bigInt(1), p)
	invA = invArr[0]
	b = (b * invA) % p
	c = (c * invA) % p
	if (b % 2 == 0):
		# делаем замену
		#	y = x + b/2
		#	a = (b1/2)^2 - c
		# и получаем уравнение y^2 = a
		# решаем его
		if ((b/2 * b/2 - c) % p == 0):
			print "x =", (p + 1)/2
		isSolved, y = algs.SqrtPrime ( (b/2 * b/2 - c) % p, p)
		if not isSolved:
			print "No solution"
		res = [0]*2
		res[0] = (y[0] - b/2) % p
		res[1] = (y[1] - b/2) % p
		# делаем замену
		#	y = x + (b + p)/2
		#	a = ((b + p) / 2)^2 - c 
		isSolved, y = algs.SqrtPrime ( ((b + p)/2 * (b + p)/2 - c) % p , p)
		if not isSolved:
			print "No solution"
		res = [0]*2
		res[0] = (y[0] - (b + p)/2) % p
		res[1] = (y[1] - (b + p)/2) % p
	if res[0] < 0:
		res[0] += p
	if res[1] < 0:
		res[1] += p
	print "\nx =", res
Esempio n. 20
def main():
	print "Garner's algorithm"
	print ""
	print "X = R1 (mod A1)"
	print "X = R2 (mod A2)"
	print ". . . . . . . ."
	print "X = Rn (mod An)"
	print "X = x1 + x2 * a1 + ... + xn * a1 * ... * a(n-1) - ?"
	print "Input: n, Ri, Ai (i = 1 .. n)"
	print "Output: X, xi\n"
	print "Enter n:",
	n = int (input())
	R = [0] * n
	A = [0] * n	
	# Ввод Ri, Ai
	for i in range (n):
		print '\nEnter R%d:' % (i + 1),
		Ri = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
		print 'Enter A%d:' % (i + 1),
		Ai = bigInt.bigInt(raw_input())
		if Ai < 2:
			print "Modulus must be > 1!"
		Ri %= Ai
		if Ri < 0:
			Ri += Ai
		R[i] = Ri
		A[i] = Ai
	# Проверка на попарную простоту Ai
	i = 0
	isSimplePairwise = True
	while i != n and isSimplePairwise:
		j = i + 1
		while j != n and isSimplePairwise:
			if algs.GCD(A[i], A[j]) != 1:
					isSimplePairwise = False
			j += 1
		i += 1
	if not isSimplePairwise:
		print "Modules (Ai) must be simple pairwise!"
	print ""	
	for i in range (n):
		print "X =", R[i], "mod", A[i]
	print ""
	x = algs.GarnersAlg(R, A) # получаем массив коэффициентов xi
	coefAi = bigInt.bigInt(1) # a1 * a2 * ... a(i-1)
	res = bigInt.bigInt(0)    # X = x1 * a1 + ...	
	print "X =",
	for i in range (len(x)):
		res = res + x[i] * coefAi
		print x[i], "*", coefAi,
		if i != n - 1:
			print "+",
		coefAi *= A[i]
	print "=", res
Esempio n. 21
 def test_add(self):
     a = bigInt.bigInt([1, 0])
     b = bigInt.bigInt([1, 1, 0])
     result = a.getNumberString()
     self.assertEqual(result, "120")
Esempio n. 22
def SqrtPrime (a, p):
	"Нахождение квадратного корня по модулю простого числа по алгоритму Тонелли-Шенкса"
	if a == 0:
		return False, 0
	# проверка, есть ли вообще решение
	if JacobiSym(a, p) == -1:
		return False, 0
	# находим b такое что (b,p)=-1 
	b = bigInt.bigInt(2)
	while (JacobiSym(b, p) == 1):
		b += 1
	# Представляем p-1 в виде p-1 = 2^s*t, где t - нечетное
	t = p - 1
	s = bigInt.bigInt(0)
	while (t % 2 == 0):
		t /= 2
		s += 1
# по методичке Шитова	
#	# Вычисляем a2 = a^(-1)mod p - обратный элемент в кольце Zp
#	isOK, invArr = LinCon (a, bigInt.bigInt(1), p)
#	a2 = invArr[0]
#	N1 = PowMod (b, t, p)
#	a1 = PowMod (a, (t + 1)/2, p)
#	N2 = bigInt.bigInt(1)
#	j = 0
#	i = bigInt.bigInt(0)
#	while i < s - 1:
#		b = (a1 * N2) % p
#		c = (a2 * b * b) % p
#		e = PowMod(bigInt.bigInt(2), s - 2 - i, p)
#		d = PowMod (c, e, p)
#		if d == 1:
#			j = 0
#		if d == p - 1:
#			j = 1
#		e = PowMod(bigInt.bigInt(2), i, p)
#		e *= j
#		N2 = (N2 * PowMod(N1, e, p)) % p
#		print "i =",i, "b =", b, "c =", c, "d =", d, "j =", j, "N2 =", N2
#		i += 1
#	r = (a1 * N2) % p
#	res = [r, p - r]
#	res.sort()
#	return True, res

	# Вычисляем invA = a^(-1)mod p - обратный элемент в кольце Zp
	isOK, invArr = LinCon (a, bigInt.bigInt(1), p)
	invA = invArr[0]
	c = PowMod (b, t, p)
	r = PowMod (a, (t + 1)/2, p)
	i = bigInt.bigInt(1)
	while i < s:
		# вычисляем d=[(r^2*invA)^(2^(s-i-1))][mod p]
		e = PowMod(bigInt.bigInt(2), s - i - 1, p)
		d = PowMod(r*r * invA, e, p)
		print "d =", d
		if d == p - 1:
			r = (r * c) % p
		c = (c * c) % p
		i += 1
	res = [r, p - r]
	return True, res