Esempio n. 1
def test_empty_pool_is_populated_with_instances(mock_queue):
    from bigchaindb import util

    pool = util.pool(lambda: 'hello', 4)

    assert len(mock_queue.items) == 0

    with pool() as instance:
        assert instance == 'hello'
    assert len(mock_queue.items) == 1

    with pool() as instance:
        assert instance == 'hello'
    assert len(mock_queue.items) == 2

    with pool() as instance:
        assert instance == 'hello'
    assert len(mock_queue.items) == 3

    with pool() as instance:
        assert instance == 'hello'
    assert len(mock_queue.items) == 4

    with pool() as instance:
        assert instance == 'hello'
    assert len(mock_queue.items) == 4
Esempio n. 2
def test_pool_raises_empty_exception_when_timeout(mock_queue):
    from bigchaindb import util

    pool = util.pool(lambda: 'hello', 1, timeout=1)

    assert len(mock_queue.items) == 0

    with pool() as instance:
        assert instance == 'hello'
    assert len(mock_queue.items) == 1

    # take the only resource available
    assert pool().__enter__() == 'hello'

    with pytest.raises(queue.Empty):
        with pool() as instance:
            assert instance == 'hello'
Esempio n. 3
def create_app(settings):
    """Return an instance of the Flask application.

        debug (bool): a flag to activate the debug mode for the app
            (default: False).

    app = Flask(__name__)

    app.debug = settings.get('debug', False)

    app.config['bigchain_pool'] = util.pool(Bigchain, size=settings.get('threads', 4))
    app.config['monitor'] = Monitor()

    app.register_blueprint(views.basic_views, url_prefix='/api/v1')
    return app
Esempio n. 4
def create_app(settings):
    """Return an instance of the Flask application.

        debug (bool): a flag to activate the debug mode for the app
            (default: False).

    app = Flask(__name__)

    app.debug = settings.get('debug', False)

    app.config['bigchain_pool'] = util.pool(Bigchain, size=settings.get('threads', 4))
    app.config['monitor'] = Monitor()

    app.register_blueprint(info_views, url_prefix='/')
    app.register_blueprint(transaction_views, url_prefix='/api/v1')
    return app
Esempio n. 5
def create_app(*, debug=False, threads=4):
    """Return an instance of the Flask application.

        debug (bool): a flag to activate the debug mode for the app
            (default: False).
        threads (int): number of threads to use
        an instance of the Flask application.

    app = Flask(__name__)

    app.debug = debug

    app.config['bigchain_pool'] = util.pool(Bigchain, size=threads)
    app.config['monitor'] = Monitor()

    app.register_blueprint(info_views, url_prefix='/')
    app.register_blueprint(transaction_views, url_prefix='/api/v1')
    return app
Esempio n. 6
def create_app(*, debug=False, threads=4):
    """Return an instance of the Flask application.

        debug (bool): a flag to activate the debug mode for the app
            (default: False).
        threads (int): number of threads to use
        an instance of the Flask application.

    app = Flask(__name__)

    app.debug = debug

    app.config['bigchain_pool'] = util.pool(Bigchain, size=threads)
    app.config['monitor'] = Monitor()

    app.register_blueprint(info_views, url_prefix='/')
    app.register_blueprint(transaction_views, url_prefix='/api/v1')
    return app
Esempio n. 7
def create_app(settings):
    """Return an instance of the Flask application.

        debug (bool): a flag to activate the debug mode for the app
            (default: False).

    app = Flask(__name__)

    app.debug = settings.get('debug', False)

    app.config['bigchain_pool'] = util.pool(Bigchain,
                                            size=settings.get('threads', 4))
    app.config['monitor'] = Monitor()
    #welcome view
    app.register_blueprint(info_views, url_prefix='/')
    #transaction operate view
    #block operate view
    app.register_blueprint(block_views, url_prefix='/uniledger/v1/block')
    #vote operate view
    app.register_blueprint(vote_views, url_prefix='/uniledger/v1/vote')
    #timestat operate view
    app.register_blueprint(timestat_views, url_prefix='/uniledger/v1/timestat')


    app.register_blueprint(contract_views, url_prefix='/uniledger/v1/contract')


    app.register_blueprint(acount_views, url_prefix='/uniledger/v1/account')
    return app
Esempio n. 8
def test_pool_blocks_if_no_instances_available(mock_queue):
    from bigchaindb import util

    pool = util.pool(lambda: 'hello', 4)

    assert len(mock_queue.items) == 0

    # We need to manually trigger the `__enter__` method so the context
    # manager will "hang" and not return the resource to the pool
    assert pool().__enter__() == 'hello'
    assert len(mock_queue.items) == 0

    assert pool().__enter__() == 'hello'
    assert len(mock_queue.items) == 0

    assert pool().__enter__() == 'hello'
    assert len(mock_queue.items) == 0

    # We need to keep a reference of the last context manager so we can
    # manually release the resource
    last = pool()
    assert last.__enter__() == 'hello'
    assert len(mock_queue.items) == 0

    # This would block using `queue.Queue` but since we mocked it it will
    # just raise a IndexError because it's trying to pop from an empty list.
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
        assert pool().__enter__() == 'hello'
    assert len(mock_queue.items) == 0

    # Release the last resource
    last.__exit__(None, None, None)
    assert len(mock_queue.items) == 1

    assert pool().__enter__() == 'hello'
    assert len(mock_queue.items) == 0