def _plot_shear(self, show=False): import biggles from biggles import plot tab=biggles.Table(2,1) tab[0,0]=plot(self.s1grid, self.lnp, xlabel='g1', ylabel='log(p)', visible=False) p=numpy.exp(self.lnp-self.lnp.max()) tab[1,0]=plot(self.s1grid, p, xlabel='g1', ylabel='p', visible=False) pngfile=files.get_psample_summed_url(self['run'], self['is2n'], itrial=self['itrial'], ext='png') print("writing:",pngfile) tab.write_img(800,800,pngfile) if show: return tab
def add_scinv(self, show=False): import fitsio import zphot from . import sigmacrit import biggles zsvals = self.get_zsvals() cosmo=self['cosmo'] scalc = sigmacrit.ScinvCalculator(self['zlmin'], self['zlmax'], self['nzl'], zsvals[0], zsvals[-1], H0=cosmo['H0'], omega_m=cosmo['omega_m']) n_zlens=scalc.nzl data = self.read_original() dt=data.dtype.descr new_dtype=[] for d in dt: if d[0] != 'pofz': new_dtype.append(d) new_dtype += [('scinv','f8',n_zlens)] out = numpy.zeros(data.size, dtype=new_dtype) eu.numpy_util.ahelp(out) print("copying common fields") eu.numpy_util.copy_fields(data, out) print('adding scinv to each') for i in xrange(data.size): if ((i+1) % 1000) == 0: print("%s/%s %.1f%%" % (i+1,data.size,float(i+1)/data.size*100.)) out['scinv'][i,:] = scalc.calc_mean_scinv(zsvals, data['pofz'][i]) if show: biggles.plot(scalc.zlvals, out['scinv'][i], type='solid') key=raw_input('hit a key (q to quit): ') if key=='q': return h=copy.deepcopy(cosmo) h['zlvals'] = list(scalc.zlvals) outf=self.original_file(with_scinv=True) print("writing scinv file:",outf) fitsio.write(outf, out, header=h, clobber=True)
def view_profile(image, **keys): """ View the image as a radial profile vs radius from the center. If show=False just return the plot object. Values below zero are clipped, so pre-subtract any background as necessary. parameters ---------- image or r,g,b: ndarray The image(s) as a 2-d array or cen: [c1,c2], optional Optional center show: bool Set False to not show the image in an X window. file: string Write the image to the intput file name. .png will be written as a png file, else an eps file. width, height: integers Size for output **kw: keywords for the FramedPlot and for the output image dimensions width """ import biggles plt=keys.pop('plt',None) show=keys.pop('show',True) cen=keys.pop('cen',None) if cen is None: cen=(numpy.array(image.shape)-1.0)/2.0 else: assert len(cen)==2,"cen must have two elements" rows,cols=numpy.mgrid[ 0:image.shape[0], 0:image.shape[1], ] rows = rows.astype('f8')-cen[0] cols = cols.astype('f8')-cen[1] r = numpy.sqrt(rows**2 + cols**2).ravel() s = r.argsort() r=r[s] imravel = image.ravel()[s] #pts = biggles.Points(r, imravel, size=size, type=type, **keys) keys['visible']=False plt = biggles.plot(r, imravel, plt=plt, **keys) _writefile_maybe(plt, **keys) _show_maybe(plt, show=show,**keys) return plt
def _get_fracdev_guess(self, fitter): tests=self.fracdev_tests lnps=zeros(tests.size) for i in xrange(tests.size): lnps[i] = fitter.calc_lnprob(tests[i:i+1]) w,=where(isfinite(lnps)) if w.size == 0: return None if False: from biggles import plot plot(tests[w], lnps[w]) key=raw_input('hit a key: ') ibest=lnps[w].argmax() guess=tests[w[ibest]] return guess
def view_profile(image, **keys): """ View the image as a radial profile vs radius from the center. If show=False just return the plot object. Values below zero are clipped, so pre-subtract any background as necessary. parameters ---------- image or r,g,b: ndarray The image(s) as a 2-d array or cen: [c1,c2], optional Optional center show: bool Set False to not show the image in an X window. file: string Write the image to the intput file name. .png will be written as a png file, else an eps file. width, height: integers Size for output **kw: keywords for the FramedPlot and for the output image dimensions width """ import biggles plt=keys.pop('plt',None) show=keys.pop('show',True) cen=keys.pop('cen',None) keys['xlabel']=keys.get('xlabel','radius') r, pim = get_profile(image, cen=cen) keys['visible']=False plt = biggles.plot(r, pim, plt=plt, **keys) _writefile_maybe(plt, **keys) _show_maybe(plt, show=show, **keys) return plt
def plot_fits(self): means=self.means if means.size == 1: return else: import biggles biggles.configure('default','fontsize_min',1.5) fits=self.fits args=self.args #Q=calc_q(fits) if args.yrange is not None: yrange=[float(r) for r in args.yrange.split(',')] else: yrange=[-0.01,0.01] xrng=args.xrange if xrng is not None: xrng=[float(r) for r in args.xrange.split(',')] tab=biggles.Table(1,2) tab.aspect_ratio=0.5 diff = means['shear'] - means['shear_true'] plts=[] for i in [0,1]: x = means['shear_true'][:,i] plt =biggles.plot( x, diff[:,i], xlabel=r'$\gamma_{%d}$ true' % (i+1,), ylabel=r'$\Delta \gamma_{%d}$' % (i+1,), yrange=yrange, xrange=xrng, visible=False, ) yfit=fits['m'][0,i]*x + fits['c'][0,i] z=biggles.Curve(x, x*0, color='black') c=biggles.Curve(x, yfit, color='red') plt.add(z,c) ''' mstr='m%d: %.2g +/- %.2g' % (i+1,fits['m'][0,i],fits['merr'][0,i]) cstr='c%d: %.2g +/- %.2g' % (i+1,fits['c'][0,i],fits['cerr'][0,i]) mlab=biggles.PlotLabel(0.1,0.9, mstr, halign='left') clab=biggles.PlotLabel(0.1,0.85, cstr, halign='left') plt.add(mlab,clab) ''' if False and i==0: Qstr='Q: %d' % (int(Q),) Qlab=biggles.PlotLabel(0.1,0.8, Qstr, halign='left') plt.add(Qlab) tab[0,i] = plt fname=self._get_fit_plot_file() eu.ostools.makedirs_fromfile(fname) print("writing:",fname) tab.write_eps(fname) if, height=1000)
def plot_results(trials, **keys): """ Plot the points and histograms of trials from an MCMC chain. """ import biggles import esutil from esutil.numpy_util import where1, between npars = trials.shape[1] fontsize_min = keys.get("fontsize_min", 1) biggles.configure("default", "fontsize_min", fontsize_min) weights = keys.get("weights", None) nbin = keys.get("nbin", 35) names = keys.get("names", None) show = keys.get("show", True) nsigma = keys.get("nsigma", None) means, cov = extract_stats(trials, weights=weights) errs = sqrt(diag(cov)) plt = biggles.Table(npars, 2) ind = numpy.arange(trials.shape[0]) for i in xrange(npars): if names is not None: name = names[i] else: name = r"$p_{%d}$" % i use_trials = trials[:, i] use_ind = ind use_wts = weights if nsigma is not None: w = where1(between(trials[:, i], means[i] - nsigma * errs[i], means[i] + nsigma * errs[i])) use_trials = trials[w, i] use_ind = ind[w] if weights is not None: use_wts = weights[w] burn_plot_i = biggles.plot(use_ind, use_trials, type="solid", xlabel="step", ylabel=name, visible=False) plt[i, 0] = burn_plot_i hcurve, bin_edges, harray = biggles.make_histc(use_trials, nbin=nbin, weights=use_wts, get_hdata=True) plti = biggles.FramedPlot() plti.xlabel = name hmax = harray.max() plti.yrange = [-0.05 * hmax, 1.2 * hmax] plti.add(hcurve) lab = r"$<%s> = %0.4g \pm %0.4g$" % (name, means[i], errs[i]) plab = biggles.PlotLabel(0.1, 0.8, lab, halign="left", color="blue") plti.add(plab) plt[i, 1] = plti plt.title = keys.get("title", None) if show: return plt
def doplot(self,args): import biggles means=self.means fits=self.fits Q=calc_q(fits) if args.yrange is not None: yrange=[float(r) for r in args.yrange.split(',')] else: yrange=[-0.005,0.005] xrng=args.xrange if xrng is not None: xrng=[float(r) for r in args.xrange.split(',')] tab=biggles.Table(1,2) tab.aspect_ratio=0.5 diff = means['shear'] - means['shear_true'] differr = means['shear_err'] plts=[] for i in [0,1]: x = means['shear_true'][:,i] plt =biggles.plot( x, diff[:,i], yerr=differr[:,i], xlabel='shear%d true' % (i+1,), ylabel='shear%d diff' % (i+1,), yrange=yrange, xrange=xrng, visible=False, ) yfit=fits['m'][0,i]*x + fits['c'][0,i] c=biggles.Curve(x, yfit, color='red') z=biggles.Curve(x, x*0, color='black') plt.add(c,z) mstr='m%d: %.2g +/- %.2g' % (i+1,fits['m'][0,i],fits['merr'][0,i]) cstr='c%d: %.2g +/- %.2g' % (i+1,fits['c'][0,i],fits['cerr'][0,i]) mlab=biggles.PlotLabel(0.1,0.9, mstr, halign='left') clab=biggles.PlotLabel(0.1,0.85, cstr, halign='left') plt.add(mlab,clab) if i==0: Qstr='Q: %d' % (int(Q),) Qlab=biggles.PlotLabel(0.1,0.8, Qstr, halign='left') plt.add(Qlab) tab[0,i] = plt fname=files.get_fit_file(self['run'], extra='fit-m-c', ext='eps') eu.ostools.makedirs_fromfile(fname) print("writing:",fname) tab.write_eps(fname) if, height=1000)
def plot_fits(self): means = self.means if means.size == 1: return else: import biggles biggles.configure('default', 'fontsize_min', 1.5) fits = self.fits args = self.args #Q=calc_q(fits) if args.yrange is not None: yrange = [float(r) for r in args.yrange.split(',')] else: yrange = [-0.01, 0.01] xrng = args.xrange if xrng is not None: xrng = [float(r) for r in args.xrange.split(',')] tab = biggles.Table(1, 2) tab.aspect_ratio = 0.5 diff = means['shear'] - means['shear_true'] plts = [] for i in [0, 1]: x = means['shear_true'][:, i] plt = biggles.plot( x, diff[:, i], xlabel=r'$\gamma_{%d}$ true' % (i + 1, ), ylabel=r'$\Delta \gamma_{%d}$' % (i + 1, ), yrange=yrange, xrange=xrng, visible=False, ) yfit = fits['m'][0, i] * x + fits['c'][0, i] z = biggles.Curve(x, x * 0, color='black') c = biggles.Curve(x, yfit, color='red') plt.add(z, c) ''' mstr='m%d: %.2g +/- %.2g' % (i+1,fits['m'][0,i],fits['merr'][0,i]) cstr='c%d: %.2g +/- %.2g' % (i+1,fits['c'][0,i],fits['cerr'][0,i]) mlab=biggles.PlotLabel(0.1,0.9, mstr, halign='left') clab=biggles.PlotLabel(0.1,0.85, cstr, halign='left') plt.add(mlab,clab) ''' if False and i == 0: Qstr = 'Q: %d' % (int(Q), ) Qlab = biggles.PlotLabel(0.1, 0.8, Qstr, halign='left') plt.add(Qlab) tab[0, i] = plt fname = self._get_fit_plot_file() eu.ostools.makedirs_fromfile(fname) print("writing:", fname) tab.write_eps(fname) if, height=1000)
def make_summed_pofz(scat_vers, tilenames=None): """ match the dg scat to scinv using a Matcher parameters ---------- scat_vers: string name of a source catalog version e.g. scat-006 tilenames: list, optional subset to process, for testing """ import fitsio pz_sum_colname = get_pz_sum_colname(scat_vers) print("will write to column: '%s'" % pz_sum_colname) xi = XShearInput(scat_vers) cols = pz.open_pz_columns(xi["pz_vers"], xi["pz_type"]) zvals = cols["zgrid"][:] pzsum = zeros(zvals.size) if tilenames is None: tilenames = get_tilenames(xi["scat_table"]) ntile = len(tilenames) ntile_use = 0 nuse = 0 first = True for i, tilename in enumerate(tilenames): print("-" * 70) print("processing tile %d/%d: %s" % (i + 1, ntile, tilename)) data = xi.read_input_data(tilename) if data is None: # not all tiles are present continue w = indices = data["coadd_objects_id"][w] matches = cols["index"].match(indices) nmatches = matches.size print(" matches: %d/%d" % (nmatches, indices.size)) pofz = cols["pofz"][matches] good = zeros(nmatches, dtype="i8") for mi in xrange(nmatches): wnan, = where(isnan(pofz[mi, :])) if wnan.size == 0: good[mi] = 1 wgood, = where(good) if wgood.size > 0: print(" not NaN: %d/%d" % (wgood.size, nmatches)) pofz = pofz[wgood, :] pzsum += pofz.sum(axis=0) ntile_use += 1 nuse += wgood.size if False and i > 5: from biggles import plot plot(zvals, pzsum) break print("finally used: %d/%d tiles" % (ntile_use, ntile)) print("summed %d p(z)" % nuse) print("writing to column: '%s'" % pz_sum_colname) cols.write_column(pz_sum_colname, pzsum, create=True)