def loop_matplotlib(nav, bike, map_model): """This function uses adding and removing patches to animate the bike.""" plt.ion() # enables interactive plotting paths = map_model.paths fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes(**find_display_bounds(map_model.waypoints)) lc = mc.LineCollection(paths, linewidths=2, color="blue") ax.add_collection(lc) # For plotting the bicycle axes = plt.gca() # Holds past locations of the bike, for plotting bike_trajectory = [(bike.xB, bike.yB)] # We need to keep this around to clear it after path updates path_patch = None prev_bike_patch = None prev_lookahead_patch = None # Main animation loop while True: if path_patch: path_patch.remove() path_patch = PathPatch(Path(bike_trajectory), fill=False, linewidth=2) axes.add_patch(path_patch) # Plot the bike as a wedge pointing in the direction bike.psi if prev_bike_patch: prev_bike_patch.remove() bike_heading = bike.psi * (180 / math.pi) # Converted to degrees wedge_angle = 45 # The angle covered by the wedge bike_polygon = Wedge((bike.xB, bike.yB), 0.3, bike_heading - wedge_angle / 2 + 180, bike_heading + wedge_angle / 2 + 180, fc="black") axes.add_patch(bike_polygon) prev_bike_patch = bike_polygon plt.pause(0.00000000000001) bike_trajectory.append((bike.xB, bike.yB)) steerD = nav.get_steering_angle() # if new state has new target path then recalculate delta bike.update(bikeSim.new_state(bike, steerD))
def loop_pyqtgraph(nav, bike, map_model): traces = [dict()] # Set the background color of all plots to white for legibility pg.setConfigOption('background', 'w') qt_win = pg.GraphicsWindow(title="Bike Simulator 2017") # Stores every item in the "trajectory" plot plot_items = [dict()] # This ViewBox will hold the bike and trajectory viewbox = qt_win.addPlot(col=0, row=0, lockAspect=1.0) viewbox.setAspectLocked() viewbox.sigResized = viewbox.sigRangeChanged # Axes need this method viewbox.showAxis("bottom", show=True) # Make an item for the bike bike_polygon = QtGui.QPolygonF() for _ in xrange(3): bike_polygon.append(QtCore.QPointF(0, 0)) bikeItem = QtGui.QGraphicsPolygonItem(bike_polygon) plot_items[0]["bikeitem"] = bikeItem plot_items[0]["bike"] = bike_polygon bikeItem.setPen(pg.mkPen(None)) bikeItem.setBrush(pg.mkBrush('r')) viewbox.addItem(bikeItem) # Graphics helper def setPenWidth(pen, width): pen.setWidth(width) return pen # Make an item for the static (given) path paths = map_model.paths static_path = QtGui.QPainterPath() static_path.moveTo(paths[0][0][0], paths[0][0][1]) for each_segment in paths: static_path.lineTo(*each_segment[1]) static_path_item = QtGui.QGraphicsPathItem(static_path) static_path_item.setPen(setPenWidth(pg.mkPen('g'), 2)) static_path_item.setBrush(pg.mkBrush(None)) viewbox.addItem(static_path_item) # Make an item for the trajectory traj_path = QtGui.QPainterPath() traj_path.moveTo(bike.xB, bike.yB) plot_items[0]["traj"] = traj_path traj_path_item = QtGui.QGraphicsPathItem(traj_path) traj_path_item.setPen(setPenWidth(pg.mkPen('b'), 2)) traj_path_item.setBrush(pg.mkBrush(None)) plot_items[0]["trajitem"] = traj_path_item viewbox.addItem(traj_path_item) def traj_update(): plot_items[0]["traj"].lineTo(bike.xB, bike.yB) plot_items[0]["trajitem"].setPath(plot_items[0]["traj"]) traj_timer = QtCore.QTimer() traj_timer.timeout.connect(traj_update) traj_timer.start(100) # This bit simulates the algo receiving delayed information delayed_bike = bikeState.Bike(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) = delayed_bike def delayed_update(): delayed_bike.update(bike) delayed_timer = QtCore.QTimer() delayed_timer.timeout.connect(delayed_update) delayed_timer.start(1) get_steering_angle = nav.get_steering_angle simulation_step = lambda angle: bike.update(bikeSim.new_state(bike, angle)) def update(): simulation_step(get_steering_angle()) x1, y1 = bike.xB, bike.yB x2, y2 = bike.xB + 2.0 * math.cos(bike.psi + 13 * math.pi / 12), bike.yB + 2.0 * math.sin( bike.psi + 13 * math.pi / 12) x3, y3 = bike.xB + 2.0 * math.cos(bike.psi + 11 * math.pi / 12), bike.yB + 2.0 * math.sin( bike.psi + 11 * math.pi / 12) #x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 = tuple(int(num) for num in (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)) new_polygon = QtGui.QPolygonF() for each_point in ((x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)): new_polygon.append(QtCore.QPointF(*each_point)) plot_items[0]["bikeitem"].setPolygon(new_polygon) anim_timer = QtCore.QTimer() anim_timer.timeout.connect(update) anim_timer.start(ANIM_INTERVAL) QtGui.QApplication.instance().exec_()
def loop_matplotlib_blitting(nav, bike, map_model, blitting=True, filename=None): """This code uses blitting and callbacks to simulate the bike. Because so much of the code is shared, this function, when provided with the filename argument, will save video to the specified filename instead of displaying the animation in a window.""" figure, axes = plt.figure(), plt.axes( **find_display_bounds(map_model.waypoints)) # Square aspect ratio for the axes axes.set_aspect("equal") paths = new_map_model.paths # Draw the paths lc = mc.LineCollection(paths, linewidths=2, color="blue") axes.add_collection(lc) # Paths won't change, so capture them figure.canvas.draw() background = [figure.canvas.copy_from_bbox(axes.bbox)] # Create bike polygon bike_heading = bike.psi * (180 / math.pi) # heading is psi, but in degrees wedge_angle = 45 # The angle covered by the wedge (degrees) theta1 = bike_heading - wedge_angle / 2 + 180 theta2 = bike_heading + wedge_angle / 2 + 180 bike_polygon = Wedge((bike.xB, bike.yB), 1, theta1, theta2, fc="black") bike_polygon.set_zorder(10) axes.add_artist(bike_polygon) # Create bike trajectory bike_trajectory_polygon = axes.plot([0, 0], [0, 0], "g")[0] # Set up trajectory data bike_traj_x = [bike.xB] # Just the x-coords bike_traj_y = [bike.yB] # Just the y-coords add_traj_x = bike_traj_x.append add_traj_y = bike_traj_y.append # Create lookahead point #lookahead_polygon = Circle((bike.xB, bike.yB), 1) #axes.add_artist(lookahead_polygon) # Create dropped point #dropped_polygon = Circle((bike.xB, bike.yB), 1, fc="red") #axes.add_artist(dropped_polygon) # Create current line highlight #current_line = axes.plot([0, 0], [0, 0], "r")[0] #axes.add_artist(current_line) # Set up resizing handlers listener_id = [None] def safe_draw(): canvas = figure.canvas if listener_id[0]: canvas.mpl_disconnect(listener_id[0]) canvas.draw() listener_id[0] = canvas.mpl_connect("draw_event", grab_background) def grab_background(event=None): #transient_polygons = (bike_polygon, lookahead_polygon, current_line, dropped_polygon) transient_polygons = (bike_polygon, ) for polygon in transient_polygons: polygon.set_visible(False) safe_draw() background[0] = figure.canvas.copy_from_bbox(figure.bbox) for polygon in transient_polygons: polygon.set_visible(True) blit() def blit(): figure.canvas.restore_region(background[0]) axes.draw_artist(bike_polygon) figure.canvas.blit(axes.bbox) listener_id[0] = figure.canvas.mpl_connect("draw_event", grab_background) # This timer runs simulation steps and draws the results figure_restore = figure.canvas.restore_region get_steering_angle = nav.get_steering_angle simulation_step = lambda angle: bike.update(bikeSim.new_state(bike, angle)) figure_blit = figure.canvas.blit def full_step(data=None): figure_restore(background[0]) simulation_step(get_steering_angle()) # Update bike polygon properties and redraw it wedge_dir = bike.psi * (180 / math.pi) + 180 bike_pos = (bike.xB, bike.yB) bike_polygon.set(center=bike_pos, theta1=wedge_dir - wedge_angle / 2, theta2=wedge_dir + wedge_angle / 2) axes.draw_artist(bike_polygon) # Update trajectory and redraw it add_traj_x(bike.xB) add_traj_y(bike.yB) bike_trajectory_polygon.set_xdata(bike_traj_x) bike_trajectory_polygon.set_ydata(bike_traj_y) axes.draw_artist(bike_trajectory_polygon) # Update and redraw lookahead point = nav.lookahead_point #axes.draw_artist(lookahead_polygon) # Update and redraw dropped point = nav.dropped_point #axes.draw_artist(dropped_polygon) # Update and redraw highlight for current closest line #curr_path_segment = paths[nav.closest_path_index] #current_line.set_xdata([curr_path_segment[0][0], curr_path_segment[1][0]]) #current_line.set_ydata([curr_path_segment[0][1], curr_path_segment[1][1]]) #axes.draw_artist(current_line) # Redraw bike figure_blit(axes.bbox) # Start the update & refresh timer if blitting and not filename: figure.canvas.new_timer(interval=ANIM_INTERVAL, callbacks=[(full_step, [], {})]).start() else: ani = animation.FuncAnimation(figure, full_step, frames=xrange(0, 20000)) if filename: writer = animation.writers['ffmpeg'](fps=30), writer=writer, dpi=100) # Display the window with the simulation
def update_graph(data): new_bike.update(bikeSim.new_state(new_bike,