Esempio n. 1
def solve_problem(file_name):
    rectangles = read_file(file_name)    
    clone = rectangles[:]       # clone so that original info retained

    # get student solution and measure tie
    start = time.time()
    upper_left_coordinates = bin_packing.find_solution(clone)
    time_elapsed = time.time() - start

    # convert student solution to show upper left and lower right coordinates
    rectangle_coordinates = corner_coordinates(rectangles, upper_left_coordinates)

    # get a solution using the naive method
    naive_left_coordinates = find_naive_solution(rectangles)
    naive_rectangle_coordinates = corner_coordinates(rectangles, naive_left_coordinates)
    naive_perimeter = evaluate_solution(naive_rectangle_coordinates)

    if is_solution_valid (rectangle_coordinates):   # is student solution valid?
        perimeter = evaluate_solution(rectangle_coordinates)
        if time_elapsed > 5.0:                      # is student solution fast enough?
            print("Error.  Time Limit Exceeded.")
            perimeter = 0                           # answer is penalized
        print("Error.  Overlapping Rectangles in Solution.")
        perimeter = 0                               # answer is penalized

    improvement = naive_perimeter / perimeter
    return improvement
Esempio n. 2
def solve_problem(file_name):
    rectangles = read_file(file_name)    
    clone = rectangles[:]       # clone so that original info retained

    # get student solution and measure tie
    start = time.time()
    upper_left_coordinates = bin_packing.find_solution(clone)
    time_elapsed = time.time() - start
    print("Time elapsed in seconds =", time_elapsed)

    # convert student solution to show upper left and lower right coordinates
    rectangle_coordinates = corner_coordinates(rectangles, upper_left_coordinates)

    # get a solution using the naive method
    naive_left_coordinates = find_naive_solution(rectangles)
    naive_rectangle_coordinates = corner_coordinates(rectangles, naive_left_coordinates)
    naive_perimeter = evaluate_solution(naive_rectangle_coordinates)
    print("Bounding Rectangle Perimeter of Naive Solution =", naive_perimeter)

    if is_solution_valid (rectangle_coordinates):   # is student solution valid?
        perimeter = evaluate_solution(rectangle_coordinates)
        print("Bounding Rectangle Perimeter of Your Solution =", perimeter)
        if time_elapsed > 5.0:                      # is student solution fast enough?
            print("Error.  Time Limit Exceeded.")
            perimeter = 2 * naive_perimeter         # answer is penalized
        print("Error.  Overlapping Rectangles in Solution.")
        perimeter = 2 * naive_perimeter             # answer is penalized

    print("Percentage Improvement Over Naive Solution =", 100 - (perimeter / naive_perimeter) * 100)
Esempio n. 3
def solve_problem(file_name):
    rectangles = read_file(file_name)
    clone = rectangles[:]  # clone so that original info retained

    # get student solution and measure tie
    start = time.time()
    upper_left_coordinates = bin_packing.find_solution(clone)
    time_elapsed = time.time() - start

    # convert student solution to show upper left and lower right coordinates
    rectangle_coordinates = corner_coordinates(rectangles,

    # get a solution using the naive method
    naive_left_coordinates = find_naive_solution(rectangles)
    naive_rectangle_coordinates = corner_coordinates(rectangles,
    naive_perimeter = evaluate_solution(naive_rectangle_coordinates)

    if is_solution_valid(rectangle_coordinates):  # is student solution valid?
        perimeter = evaluate_solution(rectangle_coordinates)
        if time_elapsed > 5.0:  # is student solution fast enough?
            print("Error.  Time Limit Exceeded.")
            perimeter = 0  # answer is penalized

        print("Error.  Overlapping Rectangles in Solution.")
        perimeter = 0  # answer is penalized

    improvement = naive_perimeter / perimeter
    return improvement