def test_CharsInCharTree(self):
        root = Node('a')
        root.left = Node('b')
        root.right = Node('c')
        root.left.left = Node('d')
        root.left.right = Node('e')
        root.right.left = Node('f')
        root.right.right = Node('g')
        root.left.left.left = Node('h')

        self.assertEqual('b', binaryLCA.findLCA(root, 'd', 'e'),
                         "Should be b but got: " + str(binaryLCA.findLCA(root, 'd', 'e')))
    def test_CharsInNumberTree(self):
        root = Node(1)
        root.left = Node(2)
        root.right = Node(31)
        root.left.left = Node(4)
        root.left.right = Node(10)
        root.right.left = Node(16)
        root.right.right = Node(7)
        root.left.left.left = Node(24)

        self.assertEqual(-1, binaryLCA.findLCA(root, 'a', 'b'),
                         "Should be -1 but got: " + str(binaryLCA.findLCA(root, 'a', 'b')))
    def test_CommonAncestorIsTarg(self):
        #print("Test5: commonAncestorIsTarget")
        root = Node(1)
        root.left = Node(3)
        root.right = Node(5)
        root.left.left = Node(6)
        root.left.right = Node(8)

        self.assertEqual(1, binaryLCA.findLCA(root, 1, 3),
                         "The output should be 1 since it is both the ancestor node and the target node")
        self.assertEqual(1, binaryLCA.findLCA(root, 1, 5),
                         "The output should be 1 since it is both the ancestor node and the target node")
        self.assertEqual(3, binaryLCA.findLCA(root, 3, 6),
                         "The output should be 3 since it is both the ancestor node and the target node")
        self.assertEqual(3, binaryLCA.findLCA(root, 3, 8),
                         "The output should be 3 since it is both the ancestor node and the target node")
 def test_MissingNode(self):
     #print("Test6: testMissingNode")
     root = Node(1)
     root.left = Node(2)
     root.right = Node(31)
     root.left.left = Node(4)
     root.left.right = Node(10)
     root.right.left = Node(16)
     root.right.right = Node(7)
     root.left.left.left = Node(24)
     self.assertEqual(-1, binaryLCA.findLCA(root, 10, 9), "Missing node should return -1")
 def test_DuplicateNodesLucky(self):
     #print("Test7: duplicateNodesLucky")
     root = Node(1)
     root.left = Node(1)
     root.right = Node(2)
     root.left.left = Node(4)
     root.left.right = Node(10)
     root.right.left = Node(50)
     root.right.right = Node(7)
     root.left.left.left = Node(24)
     self.assertEqual(1, binaryLCA.findLCA(root, 1, 2), "Both the common ancestor and target are separate nodes both"\
                                                        "storing the value 1")
    def test_BasicTree(self):
        #print("Test1: Test Basic Tree:")
        root = Node(1)
        root.left = Node(2)
        root.right = Node(3)
        root.left.left = Node(4)
        root.left.right = Node(5)
        root.right.left = Node(6)
        root.right.right = Node(7)

        # visualising the data


        self.assertEqual(3, binaryLCA.findLCA(root, 6, 7), "3 should be the lowest common ancestor of 6 and 7")
    def test_DuplicateNodes(self):
        # print("Test8: duplicateNodes:")
        root = Node(1)
        root.left = Node(3)
        root.right = Node(2)
        root.left.left = Node(4)
        root.left.right = Node(6)
        root.right.left = Node(6)
        root.right.right = Node(7)
        root.left.left.left = Node(24)
        self.assertEqual(1, binaryLCA.findLCA(root, 7, 6),
                         "There are two instances of the value 6 in the tree, 1 should be returned as it is the common"
                         "ancestor for both values of 6")

        #Example of visualization
        print("Test 8: test_DuplicateNodes")
 def test_OneNodeNotPresent(self):
     #print("Test4: testOneNodeNotPresent:")
     root = Node(1)
     root.left = Node(6)
     self.assertEqual(-1, binaryLCA.findLCA(root, 6, 7), " The output should -1 since one of the nodes is missing")
 def test_BothNodesNotPresent(self):
     #print("Test3: testBothNodesNotPresent:")
     root = Node(1)
     self.assertEqual(-1, binaryLCA.findLCA(root, 6, 7), " The output should be -1 both nodes are missing")
 def test_EmptyTree(self):
     #print("Test2: Test Empty Tree:")
     root = None
     self.assertEqual(-1, binaryLCA.findLCA(root, 6, 7), " The output should be -1 since the tree is empty")
    def test_Single(self):
        # print("Test9: testSingle")
        root = Node(1)

        assert binaryLCA.findLCA(root, 1, 1) == 1, \
            "Should be 1 but got: " + str(binaryLCA.findLCA(root, 1, 1))