def listAnimations(self, discRoot, modelId): """List the animation IDs used by given model.""" modelId = int(modelId, 0) modAnimTab = BinaryFile(discRoot+'/MODANIM.TAB', 'rb') modAnimOffs = modAnimTab.readu16(modelId << 1) nextOffs = modAnimTab.readu16((modelId+1) << 1) nAnims = (nextOffs - modAnimOffs) >> 1 modAnimBin = BinaryFile(discRoot+'/MODANIM.BIN', 'rb') animIds = modAnimBin.readBytes(nAnims*2, modAnimOffs) animIds = struct.unpack('>%dh' % nAnims, animIds) printf("%4d animations; MODANIM.BIN 0x%06X - 0x%06X, min 0x%04X max 0x%04X\n", nAnims, modAnimOffs, modAnimOffs+(nAnims*2), max(0, min(animIds)), max(animIds)) for i in range(0, nAnims, 8): printf('%04X: %s\n', i, ' '.join(map(lambda v: '%04X' % (v&0xFFFF), animIds[i:i+8])))
def mapstoFakeLZO(self, path, tabPath, outBinPath, outTabPath): """Convert MAPS.BIN file's contents to "fake LZO" format. path: input file to convert. tabPath: table for input file. outBinPath: output path for .bin file. outTabPath: output path for .tab file. """ inFile = BinaryFile(path, 'rb') tabFile = BinaryFile(tabPath, 'rb') outBin = BinaryFile(outBinPath, 'wb') outTab = BinaryFile(outTabPath, 'wb') inZlb = Zlb(inFile) offs = tabFile.readu32() while offs != 0xFFFFFFFF: nextOffs = tabFile.readu32() inLen = nextOffs - offs tabVal = outBin.tell() outTab.writeu32(tabVal) while offs < nextOffs: data = if len(data) == 0: break elif data == b'\xFA\xCE\xFE\xED': rawLen, zlbOffs, compLen = inFile.readStruct('3I') dOut = data + struct.pack('>3I', rawLen+0x28, zlbOffs, rawLen+4) printf("Write FACEFEED at %08X: %s\r\n", outBin.tell(), dOut.hex()) outBin.write(dOut) for i in range(zlbOffs): outBin.writeu16(inFile.readu16()) offs += len(data) elif data == b'ZLB\0': data = inZlb.decompress() dl = len(data) + 4 outBin.write(b'LZO\0' + struct.pack('3I', 0, 0, dl) + b'Rena' + data) else: outBin.write(data) offs = inFile.tell() offs = nextOffs tabVal = outBin.tell() outTab.writeu32(tabVal) outTab.writeu32(0xFFFFFFFF) for i in range(3): outTab.writeu32(0)