Esempio n. 1
def restore_symbols(view: binaryninja.binaryview.BinaryView,
                    gopclntab: binaryninja.binaryview.Section) -> None:
    ptr_size = view.address_size
    the .gopclntab table (starting at .gopclntab + 8) consists of
        N pc0 func0 pc1 func1 pc2 func2 ... pc(N-1) func(N-1) pcN
        N := no of elemements in table
        pcX := pointer to the function
        funcX := pointer to struct Func
        struct Func {
                uintptr entry;   // start pc
                int32 name;      // name (offset to C string)
                int32 args;      // size of arguments passed to function
                int32 frame;     // size of function frame, including saved caller PC
                int32 pcsp;      // pcsp table (offset to pcvalue table)
                int32 pcfile;    // pcfile table (offset to pcvalue table)
                int32 pcln;      // pcln table (offset to pcvalue table)
                int32 nfuncdata; // number of entries in funcdata list
                int32 npcdata;   // number of entries in pcdata list
    # validate magic bytes
    magic_bytes_found =, 4)
    magic_bytes_expected = b'\xfb\xff\xff\xff'
    if magic_bytes_expected != magic_bytes_found:
        log_error("Invalid .gopclntab section. Aborting!")

    # get number of elements and calculate last address
    size_addr = gopclntab.start + 8  # skip first 8 bytes
    size = get_pointer_LE(view, size_addr)
    start_addr = size_addr + ptr_size
    end_addr = gopclntab.start + 8 + ptr_size + (size * ptr_size * 2)

    # iterate over the table and restore function names
    for current_addr in range(start_addr, end_addr, 2 * ptr_size):
        function_addr = get_pointer_LE(view, current_addr)
        struct_func_offset = get_pointer_LE(view, current_addr + ptr_size)
        name_str_offset = get_dword_LE(
            view, gopclntab.start + struct_func_offset + ptr_size)
        name_addr = gopclntab.start + name_str_offset
        function_name = view.get_ascii_string_at(name_addr)
        if not function_name:
            f'found name "{function_name}" for function starting at 0x{function_addr:x}'
        function = view.get_function_at(function_addr)
        if not function:
            function = view.get_function_at(function_addr)

        new_func_comment = function_name.value
        if function.comment:
            new_func_comment += "\n\n{}".format(function.comment)
        function.comment = new_func_comment = sanitize_func_name(function_name.value)
Esempio n. 2
def is_valid(bv: bn.binaryview.BinaryView):
    sym = bv.get_symbol_by_raw_name("__elf_interp")
    if sym is None:
        return False
        var = bv.get_data_var_at(sym.address)
        return b"test_debug_info_parsing" ==,
                                                     var.type.width - 1)
Esempio n. 3
def find_wevt_template(bv: binaryninja.binaryview.BinaryView, start: int,
                       end: int) -> Stream:
    This function try to retrieve the WEVT_TEMPLETE resource
    This resource start with the magic CRIM

    :ivar start: start address
    :ivar end: end address
    :ret: Stream use to parse Manifest based provider or raise an exception
    :raise: ETWBreakerWevtTemplateNotFound
    resource =, end - start)
    result = resource.find(b"CRIM")
    if result == -1:
        raise ETWBreakerWevtTemplateNotFound()

    return Stream(resource[result:])
def is_gopclntab_section(view: binaryninja.binaryview.BinaryView,
                         section: binaryninja.binaryview.Section) -> bool:
    if == ".gopclntab":
        return True
    # validate magic bytes
    magic_bytes_found =, 4)
    magic_bytes_expected = b'\xfb\xff\xff\xff'
    if magic_bytes_expected != magic_bytes_found:
        return False
    ptr_size = view.address_size
    first_entry = section.start + 8 + ptr_size
    first_fun_addr = get_pointer_LE(view, first_entry)
    first_entry_struct_func_offset = get_pointer_LE(view, first_entry + 8)
    fun_addr_struct_func = get_pointer_LE(
        view, section.start + first_entry_struct_func_offset)
    if first_fun_addr != fun_addr_struct_func:
        return False
    return True
def get_dword_LE(view: binaryninja.binaryview.BinaryView, addr: int) -> bytes:
    return struct.unpack("<I",, 4))[0]
def get_pointer_LE(view: binaryninja.binaryview.BinaryView,
                   addr: int) -> bytes:
    addr_size = view.address_size
    return struct.unpack("<L" if addr_size == 4 else "<Q",
               , addr_size))[0]