Esempio n. 1
    def setUp(self):
        Choice = Variable('Choice')
        Variable1 = Variable('Variable1')
        Variable2 = Variable('Variable2')
        beta1 = Beta('beta1', 0, None, None, 0)
        beta2 = Beta('beta2', 0, None, None, 0)
        V1 = beta1 * Variable1
        V2 = beta2 * Variable2
        V3 = 0
        V = {1: V1, 2: V2, 3: V3}

        likelihood = models.loglogit(V, av=None, i=Choice)
        self.myBiogeme = bio.BIOGEME(myData1, likelihood)
        self.myBiogeme.modelName = 'simpleExample'
        self.theFunction = rosenbrock()
Esempio n. 2
    def setUp(self):

        Variable1 = Variable('Variable1')
        Variable2 = Variable('Variable2')
        beta1 = Beta('beta1', -1.0, -3, 3, 0)
        beta2 = Beta('beta2', 2.0, -3, 10, 0)
        likelihood = -beta1**2 * Variable1 - exp(
            beta2 * beta1) * Variable2 - beta2**4
        simul = beta1 / Variable1 + beta2 / Variable2
        dictOfExpressions = {
            'loglike': likelihood,
            'beta1': beta1,
            'simul': simul

        self.myBiogeme = bio.BIOGEME(myData1, dictOfExpressions)
        self.myBiogeme.modelName = 'simpleExample'
Esempio n. 3
    def testEstimation(self):
        AutoTime = Variable('AutoTime')
        TransitTime = Variable('TransitTime')
        Choice = Variable('Choice')

        ASC_CAR = Beta('ASC_CAR', 0, None, None, 0)
        B_TIME = Beta('B_TIME', 0, None, None, 0)

        V = {0: ASC_CAR + B_TIME * AutoTime, 1: B_TIME * TransitTime}

        av = {0: 1, 1: 1}

        logprob = models.loglogit(V, av, Choice)

        biogeme = bio.BIOGEME(self.database, logprob)
        biogeme.modelName = 'test'
        biogeme.generateHtml = False
        results = biogeme.estimate()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(, -6.166042, 2)
Esempio n. 4
def run_simulation(data_file_directory_for_simulation, data_file_name_for_simulation, output_directory_for_simulation,
                   betas, household_income_limit):
        :author: Antonin Danalet, based on the example '' by Michel Bierlaire, EPFL, on

        Simulation with a binary logit model. Two alternatives: work from home at least some times, or not."""

    # Read the data
    df_persons = pd.read_csv(data_file_directory_for_simulation / data_file_name_for_simulation, ';')
    database = db.Database('persons', df_persons)

    # The following statement allows you to use the names of the variable as Python variable.

    # Parameters to be estimated
    alternative_specific_constant = Beta('alternative_specific_constant', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_no_post_school_education = Beta('b_no_post_school_education', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_secondary_education = Beta('b_secondary_education', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_tertiary_education = Beta('b_tertiary_education', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_university = Beta('b_university', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_male = Beta('b_male', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_public_transport_connection_quality_na_home = Beta('b_public_transport_connection_quality_na_home',
                                                         0, None, None, 0)
    b_public_transport_connection_quality_a_work = Beta('b_public_transport_connection_quality_are_a_work',
                                                        0, None, None, 1)
    b_rural_work = Beta('b_rural_work', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_home_work_distance = Beta('b_home_work_distance', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_business_sector_agriculture = Beta('b_business_sector_agriculture', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_business_sector_production = Beta('b_business_sector_production', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_business_sector_wholesale = Beta('b_business_sector_wholesale', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_business_sector_retail = Beta('b_business_sector_retail', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_business_sector_gastronomy = Beta('b_business_sector_gastronomy', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_business_sector_finance = Beta('b_business_sector_finance', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_business_sector_services_fc = Beta('b_business_sector_services_fc', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_business_sector_other_services = Beta('b_business_sector_other_services', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_business_sector_others = Beta('b_business_sector_others', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_business_sector_non_movers = Beta('b_business_sector_non_movers', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_executives = Beta('b_executives', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_german = Beta('b_german', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_hh_income_8000_or_less = Beta('b_hh_income_8000_or_less', 0, None, None, 0)

    # Definition of new variables
    no_post_school_educ = education == 1
    secondary_education = education == 2
    tertiary_education = education == 3
    university = education == 4

    male = (sex == 1)

    public_transport_quality_NA_home = (public_transport_connection_quality_ARE_home == 5)
    public_transport_quality_A_work = (public_transport_connection_quality_ARE_work == 1)

    home_work_distance = (home_work_crow_fly_distance * (home_work_crow_fly_distance >= 0.0) / 100000.0)

    business_sector_agriculture = type_1 == 1
    business_sector_retail = type_1 == 4
    business_sector_gastronomy = type_1 == 5
    business_sector_finance = type_1 == 6
    business_sector_production = type_1 == 2
    business_sector_wholesale = type_1 == 3
    business_sector_services_fC = type_1 == 7
    business_sector_other_services = type_1 == 8
    business_sector_others = type_1 == 9
    business_sector_non_movers = type_1 == 10
    german = language == 1
    nationality_switzerland = nation == 0
    nationality_germany_austria = nation == 1
    nationality_italy_vatican = nation == 2
    nationality_france_monaco_s_marino = nation == 3
    nationality_northwestern_europe = nation == 4
    nationality_eastern_europe = nation == 7
    hh_income_8000_or_less = hh_income < household_income_limit
    executives = (0 < position_in_bus) * (position_in_bus < 19)
    rural_work = urban_rural_typology_work == 3

    #  Utility
    utility_function_telecommuting = alternative_specific_constant + \
                                     b_executives * executives + \
                                     b_no_post_school_education * no_post_school_educ + \
                                     b_secondary_education * secondary_education + \
                                     b_tertiary_education * tertiary_education + \
                                     b_university * university + \
                                     b_male * male + \
                                     b_public_transport_connection_quality_na_home * public_transport_quality_NA_home + \
                                     b_public_transport_connection_quality_a_work * public_transport_quality_A_work + \
                                     b_rural_work * rural_work + \
                                     b_home_work_distance * home_work_distance + \
                                     models.piecewiseFormula(age, [0, 20, 35, 75, 200]) + \
                                     b_business_sector_agriculture * business_sector_agriculture + \
                                     b_business_sector_retail * business_sector_retail + \
                                     b_business_sector_gastronomy * business_sector_gastronomy + \
                                     b_business_sector_finance * business_sector_finance + \
                                     b_business_sector_production * business_sector_production + \
                                     b_business_sector_wholesale * business_sector_wholesale + \
                                     b_business_sector_services_fc * business_sector_services_fC + \
                                     b_business_sector_other_services * business_sector_other_services + \
                                     b_business_sector_others * business_sector_others + \
                                     b_business_sector_non_movers * business_sector_non_movers + \
                                     b_german * german + \
                                     b_nationality_ch_germany_france_italy_nw_e * nationality_switzerland + \
                                     b_nationality_ch_germany_france_italy_nw_e * nationality_germany_austria + \
                                     b_nationality_ch_germany_france_italy_nw_e * nationality_italy_vatican + \
                                     b_nationality_ch_germany_france_italy_nw_e * nationality_france_monaco_s_marino + \
                                     b_nationality_ch_germany_france_italy_nw_e * nationality_northwestern_europe + \
                                     b_nationality_ch_germany_france_italy_nw_e * nationality_eastern_europe + \
                                     models.piecewiseFormula(work_percentage, [0, 90, 101]) + \
                                     b_hh_income_8000_or_less * hh_income_8000_or_less
    utility_function_no_telecommuting = 0

    # Associate utility functions with the numbering of alternatives
    utility_functions_with_numbering_of_alternatives = {1: utility_function_telecommuting,  # Yes or sometimes
                                                        3: utility_function_no_telecommuting}  # No

    availability_conditions = {1: 1,  # Always available
                               3: 1}  # Always available

    # The choice model is a logit, with availability conditions
    prob_telecommuting = models.logit(utility_functions_with_numbering_of_alternatives, availability_conditions, 1)
    prob_no_telecommuting = models.logit(utility_functions_with_numbering_of_alternatives, availability_conditions, 3)

    simulate = {'Prob. telecommuting': prob_telecommuting,
                'Prob. no telecommuting': prob_no_telecommuting}

    # Create the Biogeme object
    biogeme = bio.BIOGEME(database, simulate)
    biogeme.modelName = 'logit_telecommuting_simul'

    # Define level of verbosity
    logger = msg.bioMessage()
    # logger.setSilent()
    # logger.setGeneral()
    # logger.setDetailed()

    # Get the betas from the estimation (without corrections)
    # path_to_estimation_folder = Path('../data/output/models/estimation/')
    # if os.path.isfile(path_to_estimation_folder / 'logit_telecommuting~00.pickle'):
    #     raise Exception('There are several model outputs! Careful.')
    # results = res.bioResults(pickleFile=path_to_estimation_folder / 'logit_telecommuting.pickle')
    # betas_without_correction = results.getBetaValues()

    # Change the working directory, so that biogeme writes in the correct folder, i.e., where this file is
    standard_directory = os.getcwd()

    results = biogeme.simulate(theBetaValues=betas)
    # print(results.describe())
    df_persons = pd.concat([df_persons, results], axis=1)

    # Go back to the normal working directory

    # For unemployed people, fix probability of doing some home office to 0 (and probability of not doing to 1).
    df_persons.loc[df_persons.employed == 0, 'Prob. telecommuting'] = 0.0  # Unemployed people
    df_persons.loc[df_persons.employed == 0, 'Prob. no telecommuting'] = 1.0  # Unemployed people
    df_persons.loc[df_persons.employed == -99, 'Prob. telecommuting'] = 0.0  # Other people
    df_persons.loc[df_persons.employed == -99, 'Prob. no telecommuting'] = 1.0  # Other people
    # By definition, apprentices don't work from home (because they were not asked in the MTMC)
    df_persons.loc[df_persons.position_in_bus == 3, 'Prob. telecommuting'] = 0.0
    df_persons.loc[df_persons.position_in_bus == 3, 'Prob. no telecommuting'] = 1.0

    # Add a realisation of the probability
    df_persons['random 0/1'] = np.random.rand(len(df_persons))
    df_persons['telecommuting_model'] = np.where(df_persons['random 0/1'] < df_persons['Prob. telecommuting'], 1, 0)
    del df_persons['random 0/1']

    ''' Save the file '''
    data_file_name = 'persons_from_SynPop_with_probability_telecommuting.csv'
    df_persons.to_csv(output_directory_for_simulation / data_file_name, sep=',', index=False)
Esempio n. 5
# The following statement allows you to use the names of the variable
# as Python variable.

# Removing some observations can be done directly using pandas.
#remove = ((( != 1) &
#           ( != 3)) |
#          ( == 0))[remove].index,inplace=True)

# Here we use the "biogeme" way for backward compatibility
exclude = ((PURPOSE != 1) * (PURPOSE != 3) + (CHOICE == 0)) > 0

# Parameters to be estimated
ASC_CAR = Beta('ASC_CAR', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_TRAIN = Beta('ASC_TRAIN', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_SM = Beta('ASC_SM', 0, None, None, 1)
B_TIME = Beta('B_TIME', 0, None, None, 0)
B_COST = Beta('B_COST', 0, None, None, 0)

# If the lower bound is set to zero, the model cannot be evaluated.
# Therefore, we set the lower bound to a small number, strictly larger than zero.
MU = Beta('MU', 0.5, 0.000001, 1.0, 0)

# Definition of new variables
SM_COST = SM_CO * (GA == 0)

# Definition of new variables: adding columns to the database
CAR_AV_SP = DefineVariable('CAR_AV_SP', CAR_AV * (SP != 0), database)
Esempio n. 6
# The Pandas data structure is available as Use all the
# Pandas functions to invesigate the database


# Removing some observations can be done directly using pandas.
#remove = ((( != 1) & ( != 3)) | ( == 0))[remove].index,inplace=True)

# Here we use the "biogeme" way for backward compatibility
exclude = ((PURPOSE != 1) * (PURPOSE != 3) + (CHOICE == 0)) > 0

ASC_CAR = Beta('ASC_CAR', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_TRAIN = Beta('ASC_TRAIN', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_SM = Beta('ASC_SM', 0, None, None, 1)
B_TIME = Beta('B_TIME', 0, None, None, 0)
B_COST = Beta('B_COST', 0, None, None, 0)

B_TIME_S = Beta('B_TIME_S', 0, None, None, 0)

# Define a random parameter, normally distirbuted, designed to be used
# for Monte-Carlo simulation

SM_COST = SM_CO * (GA == 0)

Esempio n. 7
age_65_more = DefineVariable('age_65_more', age >= Numeric(65), database)
moreThanOneCar = DefineVariable('moreThanOneCar', NbCar > 1, database)
moreThanOneBike = DefineVariable('moreThanOneBike', NbBicy > 1, database)
individualHouse = DefineVariable('individualHouse',\
                                 HouseType == 1,database)
male = DefineVariable('male', Gender == 1, database)
haveChildren = DefineVariable('haveChildren',\
                              ((FamilSitu == 3)+(FamilSitu == 4)) > 0,database)
haveGA = DefineVariable('haveGA', GenAbST == 1, database)
highEducation = DefineVariable('highEducation', Education >= 6, database)

### Coefficients
# Read the estimates from the structural equation estimation, and use
# them as starting values

coef_age_65_more = Beta('coef_age_65_more', 0.03623576587917444, None, None, 0)
coef_haveChildren = Beta('coef_haveChildren', -0.027979246306050195, None,
                         None, 0)
coef_haveGA = Beta('coef_haveGA', -0.749193972835575, None, None, 0)
coef_highEducation = Beta('coef_highEducation', -0.25961437893330336, None,
                          None, 0)
coef_individualHouse = Beta('coef_individualHouse', -0.1162986643952338, None,
                            None, 0)
coef_intercept = Beta('coef_intercept', 0.3534782074218524, None, None, 0)
coef_male = Beta('coef_male', 0.07950619870640736, None, None, 0)
coef_moreThanOneBike = Beta('coef_moreThanOneBike', -0.36347727873174407, None,
                            None, 0)
coef_moreThanOneCar = Beta('coef_moreThanOneCar', 0.714788103177542, None,
                           None, 0)

### Latent variable: structural equation
Esempio n. 8
coef_highEducation = -0.24726576867313482
coef_individualHouse = -0.08887159771570047
coef_intercept = 0.40149819890908217
coef_male = 0.0661412838697794
coef_moreThanOneBike = -0.2776091744681671
coef_moreThanOneCar = 0.5335541575826122

### Latent variable: structural equation

# Note that the expression must be on a single line. In order to
# write it across several lines, each line must terminate with
# the \ symbol

omega = RandomVariable('omega')
density = dist.normalpdf(omega)
sigma_s = Beta('sigma_s', 0.8625193422179722, None, None, 0)

coef_intercept +\
coef_age_65_more * age_65_more +\
coef_moreThanOneCar * moreThanOneCar +\
coef_moreThanOneBike * moreThanOneBike +\
coef_individualHouse * individualHouse +\
coef_male * male +\
coef_haveChildren * haveChildren +\
coef_haveGA * haveGA +\
coef_highEducation * highEducation +\
sigma_s * omega
from biogeme.expressions import Beta, DefineVariable, bioLinearUtility
from statistics import *

# Read the data
df = pd.read_csv('../data/optima.dat', sep='\t')
database = db.Database('optima', df)

# The following statement allows you to use the names of the variable
# as Python variable.

# Exclude observations such that the chosen alternative is -1
database.remove(Choice == -1.0)

# List of parameters to be estimated
ASC_CAR = Beta('ASC_CAR', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_PT = Beta('ASC_PT', 0, None, None, 1)
ASC_SM = Beta('ASC_SM', 0, None, None, 0)
BETA_TIME_OTHER = Beta('BETA_TIME_OTHER', 0, None, None, 0)
BETA_DIST_MALE = Beta('BETA_DIST_MALE', 0, None, None, 0)
BETA_COST = Beta('BETA_COST', 0, None, None, 0)

# Definition of variables:
# For numerical reasons, it is good practice to scale the data to
# that the values of the parameters are around 1.0.
##Method 1 from python
TimePT_scaled = TimePT / 200
Esempio n. 10
formulaIncome = models.piecewiseFormula(ScaledIncome, thresholds,
                                        [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

# Definition of other variables
age_65_more = DefineVariable('age_65_more', age >= 65, database)
moreThanOneCar = DefineVariable('moreThanOneCar', NbCar > 1, database)
moreThanOneBike = DefineVariable('moreThanOneBike', NbBicy > 1, database)
individualHouse = DefineVariable('individualHouse', HouseType == 1, database)
male = DefineVariable('male', Gender == 1, database)
haveChildren = DefineVariable('haveChildren', \
                              ((FamilSitu == 3) + (FamilSitu == 4)) > 0, database)
haveGA = DefineVariable('haveGA', GenAbST == 1, database)
highEducation = DefineVariable('highEducation', Education >= 6, database)

# Parameters to be estimated
coef_intercept = Beta('coef_intercept', 0.0, None, None, 1)
coef_age_65_more = Beta('coef_age_65_more', 0.0, None, None, 0)
coef_age_unknown = Beta('coef_age_unknown', 0.0, None, None, 0)
coef_haveGA = Beta('coef_haveGA', 0.0, None, None, 0)
coef_moreThanOneCar = Beta('coef_moreThanOneCar', 0.0, None, None, 0)
coef_moreThanOneBike = Beta('coef_moreThanOneBike', 0.0, None, None, 0)
coef_individualHouse = Beta('coef_individualHouse', 0.0, None, None, 0)
coef_male = Beta('coef_male', 0.0, None, None, 0)
coef_haveChildren = Beta('coef_haveChildren', 0.0, None, None, 0)
coef_highEducation = Beta('coef_highEducation', 0.0, None, None, 0)

### Latent variable: structural equation

# Note that the expression must be on a single line. In order to
# write it across several lines, each line must terminate with
# the \ symbol
Esempio n. 11
                                        [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

# Definition of other variables
age_65_more = DefineVariable('age_65_more', age >= 65, database)
moreThanOneCar = DefineVariable('moreThanOneCar', NbCar > 1, database)
moreThanOneBike = DefineVariable('moreThanOneBike', NbBicy > 1, database)
individualHouse = DefineVariable('individualHouse', HouseType == 1, database)
male = DefineVariable('male', Gender == 1, database)
haveChildren = DefineVariable('haveChildren', \
                              ((FamilSitu == 3) + (FamilSitu == 4)) > 0, database)
haveGA = DefineVariable('haveGA', GenAbST == 1, database)
highEducation = DefineVariable('highEducation', Education >= 6, database)

# Parameters to be estimated
coef_intercept = Beta('coef_intercept', 0.0, None, None, 0)
coef_age_65_more = Beta('coef_age_65_more', 0.0, None, None, 0)
coef_age_unknown = Beta('coef_age_unknown', 0.0, None, None, 0)
coef_haveGA = Beta('coef_haveGA', 0.0, None, None, 0)
coef_moreThanOneCar = Beta('coef_moreThanOneCar', 0.0, None, None, 0)
coef_moreThanOneBike = Beta('coef_moreThanOneBike', 0.0, None, None, 0)
coef_individualHouse = Beta('coef_individualHouse', 0.0, None, None, 0)
coef_male = Beta('coef_male', 0.0, None, None, 0)
coef_haveChildren = Beta('coef_haveChildren', 0.0, None, None, 0)
coef_highEducation = Beta('coef_highEducation', 0.0, None, None, 0)

### Latent variable: structural equation

# Note that the expression must be on a single line. In order to
# write it across several lines, each line must terminate with
# the \ symbol
Esempio n. 12
# The following statement allows you to use the names of the variable
# as Python variable.

# Removing some observations can be done directly using pandas.
#remove = ((( != 1) &
#           ( != 3)) |
#          ( == 0))[remove].index,inplace=True)

# Here we use the "biogeme" way for backward compatibility
exclude = ((PURPOSE != 1) * (PURPOSE != 3) + (CHOICE == 0)) > 0

# Parameters to be estimated
ASC_CAR = Beta('ASC_CAR', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_TRAIN = Beta('ASC_TRAIN', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_SM = Beta('ASC_SM', 0, None, None, 1)
B_TIME = Beta('B_TIME', 0, None, None, 0)
B_COST = Beta('B_COST', 0, None, None, 0)
Scale_group3 = Beta('Scale_group3', 1, 0.001, None, 0)

# Definition of new variables
SM_COST = SM_CO * (GA == 0)

# Definition of new variables: adding columns to the database
CAR_AV_SP = DefineVariable('CAR_AV_SP', CAR_AV * (SP != 0), database)
TRAIN_AV_SP = DefineVariable('TRAIN_AV_SP', TRAIN_AV * (SP != 0), database)
TRAIN_TT_SCALED = DefineVariable('TRAIN_TT_SCALED', TRAIN_TT / 100.0, database)
# Definition of other variables
age_65_more = DefineVariable('age_65_more', age >= Numeric(65), database)
moreThanOneCar = DefineVariable('moreThanOneCar', NbCar > 1, database)
moreThanOneBike = DefineVariable('moreThanOneBike', NbBicy > 1, database)
individualHouse = DefineVariable('individualHouse',\
                                 HouseType == 1,database)
male = DefineVariable('male', Gender == 1, database)
haveChildren = DefineVariable('haveChildren',\
                              ((FamilSitu == 3)+(FamilSitu == 4)) > 0,database)
haveGA = DefineVariable('haveGA', GenAbST == 1, database)
highEducation = DefineVariable('highEducation', Education >= 6, database)

### Coefficients

coef_intercept = Beta('coef_intercept', 0, None, None, 0)
coef_age_65_more = Beta('coef_age_65_more', 0, None, None, 0)
coef_haveGA = Beta('coef_haveGA', 0, None, None, 0)
coef_ContIncome_0_4000 = Beta('coef_ContIncome_0_4000', 0, None, None, 0)
coef_ContIncome_4000_6000 = Beta('coef_ContIncome_4000_6000', 0, None, None, 0)
coef_ContIncome_6000_8000 = Beta('coef_ContIncome_6000_8000', 0, None, None, 0)
coef_ContIncome_8000_10000 = Beta('coef_ContIncome_8000_10000', 0, None, None,
coef_ContIncome_10000_more = Beta('coef_ContIncome_10000_more', 0, None, None,
coef_moreThanOneCar = Beta('coef_moreThanOneCar', 0, None, None, 0)
coef_moreThanOneBike = Beta('coef_moreThanOneBike', 0, None, None, 0)
coef_individualHouse = Beta('coef_individualHouse', 0, None, None, 0)
coef_male = Beta('coef_male', 0, None, None, 0)
coef_haveChildren = Beta('coef_haveChildren', 0, None, None, 0)
coef_highEducation = Beta('coef_highEducation', 0, None, None, 0)
Esempio n. 14
# The Pandas data structure is available as Use all the
# Pandas functions to invesigate the database


# Removing some observations can be done directly using pandas.
#remove = ((( != 1) & ( != 3)) | ( == 0))[remove].index,inplace=True)

# Here we use the "biogeme" way for backward compatibility
exclude = ((PURPOSE != 1) * (PURPOSE != 3) + (CHOICE == 0)) > 0

ASC_CAR = Beta('ASC_CAR', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_TRAIN = Beta('ASC_TRAIN', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_SM = Beta('ASC_SM', 0, None, None, 1)
B_TIME = Beta('B_TIME', 0, None, None, 0)
B_COST = Beta('B_COST', 0, None, None, 0)

MU = Beta('MU', 1, 0, 1, 0)
MU_EXISTING = Beta('MU_EXISTING', 1, 1, None, 1)
MU_PUBLIC = Beta('MU_PUBLIC', 1, 1, None, 0)

SM_COST = SM_CO * (GA == 0)

Esempio n. 15
import biogeme.models as models
import biogeme.messaging as msg
from biogeme.expressions import Beta, DefineVariable, bioDraws, \
    PanelLikelihoodTrajectory, MonteCarlo, log

# Read the data
df = pd.read_csv('comboall.dat', '\t')
database = db.Database('comboall', df)

# They are organized as panel data. The variable ID identifies each individual.

# Parameters to be estimated. One version for each latent class.
numberOfClasses = 2
ASC_1 = [Beta(f'ASC_1{i}', 0.1, None, None, 0) for i in range(numberOfClasses)]
ASC_11 = [
    Beta(f'ASC_11{i}', 0.1, None, None, 0) for i in range(numberOfClasses)
ASC_2 = [Beta(f'ASC_2{i}', 0.1, None, None, 0) for i in range(numberOfClasses)]
ASC_21 = [
    Beta(f'ASC_21{i}', 0.1, None, None, 0) for i in range(numberOfClasses)
ASC_3 = [Beta(f'ASC_3{i}', 0.1, None, None, 0) for i in range(numberOfClasses)]
ASC_4 = [Beta(f'ASC_4{i}', 0.1, None, None, 1) for i in range(numberOfClasses)]

beta_shcosttaxi1 = [
    Beta(f'beta_shcosttaxi1{i}', 0.1, None, None, 0)
    for i in range(numberOfClasses)
beta_shcostsharedcar = [
Esempio n. 16

# Removing some observations can be done directly using pandas.
#remove = ((( != 1) &
#           ( != 3)) |
#          ( == 0))[remove].index,inplace=True)

# Here we use the "biogeme" way for backward compatibility
exclude = ((PURPOSE != 1) * (PURPOSE != 3) + (CHOICE == 0)) > 0

# Parameters to be estimated. One version for each latent class.
numberOfClasses = 2
B_COST = [
    Beta(f'B_COST_class{i}', 0, None, None, 0) for i in range(numberOfClasses)

# Define a random parameter, normally distributed across individuals,
# designed to be used for Monte-Carlo simulation
B_TIME = [
    Beta(f'B_TIME_class{i}', 0, None, None, 0) for i in range(numberOfClasses)

# It is advised not to use 0 as starting value for the following parameter.
B_TIME_S = [
    Beta(f'B_TIME_S_class{i}', 1, None, None, 0)
    for i in range(numberOfClasses)
    B_TIME[i] + B_TIME_S[i] * bioDraws(f'B_TIME_RND_class{i}', 'NORMAL_ANTI')
Esempio n. 17
coef_moreThanOneCar = structBetas['coef_moreThanOneCar']
coef_moreThanOneBike = structBetas['coef_moreThanOneBike']
coef_individualHouse = structBetas['coef_individualHouse']
coef_male = structBetas['coef_male']
coef_haveChildren = structBetas['coef_haveChildren']
coef_highEducation = structBetas['coef_highEducation']

### Latent variable: structural equation

# Note that the expression must be on a single line. In order to
# write it across several lines, each line must terminate with
# the \ symbol

# Define a random parameter, normally distributed, designed to be used
# for numerical integration
sigma_s = Beta('sigma_s', 1, None, None, 0)

CARLOVERS = coef_intercept + \
            coef_age_65_more * age_65_more + \
            formulaIncome + \
            coef_moreThanOneCar * moreThanOneCar + \
            coef_moreThanOneBike * moreThanOneBike + \
            coef_individualHouse * individualHouse + \
            coef_male * male + \
            coef_haveChildren * haveChildren + \
            coef_haveGA * haveGA + \
            coef_highEducation * highEducation + \
            sigma_s * bioDraws('EC', 'NORMAL_MLHS')

# Choice model
ASC_CAR = Beta('ASC_CAR', 0, None, None, 0)
import biogeme.models as models
import biogeme.messaging as msg
from biogeme.expressions import Beta, DefineVariable, bioDraws, \
    PanelLikelihoodTrajectory, MonteCarlo, log

# Read the data
df = pd.read_csv('outside.dat', '\t')
database = db.Database('outside', df)

# They are organized as panel data. The variable ID identifies each individual.

# Parameters to be estimated. One version for each latent class.
numberOfClasses = 2
ASC_1 = [Beta(f'ASC_1{i}', 0.1, None, None, 1) for i in range(numberOfClasses)]
ASC_2 = [Beta(f'ASC_2{i}', 0.1, None, None, 0) for i in range(numberOfClasses)]
ASC_3 = [Beta(f'ASC_3{i}', 0.1, None, None, 0) for i in range(numberOfClasses)]

beta_shcostperdist1 = [Beta(f'beta_shcostperdist1{i}', 0.1, None, None, 0) for i in range(numberOfClasses)]
beta_shtime = [Beta(f'beta_shtime{i}', 0.1, None, None, 0) for i in range(numberOfClasses)]
beta_sharedist = [Beta(f'beta_sharedist{i}', 0.1, None, None, 0) for i in range(numberOfClasses)]

beta_maascostperdist2 = [Beta(f'beta_maascostperdist2{i}', 0.1, None, None, 0) for i in range(numberOfClasses)]
beta_maastime1 = [Beta(f'beta_maastime1{i}', 0.1, None, None, 0) for i in range(numberOfClasses)]
beta_maastime2 = [Beta(f'beta_maastime2{i}', 0.1, None, None, 0) for i in range(numberOfClasses)]
beta_extra = [Beta(f'beta_extra{i}', 0.1, None, None, 0) for i in range(numberOfClasses)]
beta_maasdist = [Beta(f'beta_maasdist{i}', 0.1, None, None, 0) for i in range(numberOfClasses)]
beta_maasdisbike = [Beta(f'beta_maasdisbike{i}', 0.1, None, None, 0) for i in range(numberOfClasses)]

beta_totcostperdist = [Beta(f'beta_totcostperdist{i}', 0.1, None, None, 0) for i in range(numberOfClasses)]
def run_estimation_2015_2020():
    :author: Antonin Danalet, based on the example '' by Michel Bierlaire, EPFL, on

    A binary logit model on the possibility to work from home at least some times."""

    # Read the data
    data_file_directory = Path('../data/output/data/estimation/2015_2020/')
    df = pd.read_csv(data_file_directory / 'persons.csv', ';')
    database = db.Database('persons', df)

    # The following statement allows you to use the names of the variable as Python variable.

    # Parameters to be estimated
    alternative_specific_constant = Beta('alternative_specific_constant', 0,
                                         None, None, 0)

    b_no_post_school_education = Beta('b_no_post_school_education', 0, None,
                                      None, 0)
    b_secondary_education = Beta('b_secondary_education', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_tertiary_education = Beta('b_tertiary_education', 0, None, None, 0)

    b_male_2020 = Beta('b_male_2020', 0, None, None, 1)

    b_single_household_2020 = Beta('b_single_household_2020', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_couple_without_children_2015 = Beta('b_couple_without_children_2015', 0,
                                          None, None, 0)
    b_couple_without_children_2020 = Beta('b_couple_without_children_2020', 0,
                                          None, None, 0)
    b_couple_with_children_2020 = Beta('b_couple_with_children_2020', 0, None,
                                       None, 1)
    b_single_parent_with_children_2020 = Beta(
        'b_single_parent_with_children_2020', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_not_family_household_2020 = Beta('b_not_family_household_2020', 0, None,
                                       None, 1)

    b_public_transport_connection_quality_abc_home_2020 = Beta(
        'b_public_transport_connection_quality_abc_home_2020', 0, None, None,
    b_public_transport_connection_quality_na_home_2015 = Beta(
        'b_public_transport_connection_quality_na_home_2015', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_public_transport_connection_quality_na_home_2020 = Beta(
        'b_public_transport_connection_quality_na_home_2020', 0, None, None, 1)

    b_public_transport_connection_quality_abcd_work_2020 = Beta(
        'b_public_transport_connection_quality_abcd_work_2020', 0, None, None,

    b_urban_home_2020 = Beta('b_urban_home_2020', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_rural_home_2020 = Beta('b_rural_home_2020', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_intermediate_home_2020 = Beta('b_intermediate_home_2020', 0, None, None,
    b_urban_work_2020 = Beta('b_urban_work_2020', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_rural_work_2020 = Beta('b_rural_work_2020', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_intermediate_work_2020 = Beta('b_intermediate_work_2020', 0, None, None,

    b_home_work_distance = Beta('b_home_work_distance', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_home_work_distance_zero = Beta('b_home_work_distance_zero', 0, None,
                                     None, 0)
    b_home_work_distance_na = Beta('b_home_work_distance_na', 0, None, None, 0)

    b_business_sector_agriculture_2020 = Beta(
        'b_business_sector_agriculture_2020', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_business_sector_production = Beta('b_business_sector_production', 0,
                                        None, None, 0)
    b_business_sector_wholesale = Beta('b_business_sector_wholesale', 0, None,
                                       None, 0)
    b_business_sector_retail = Beta('b_business_sector_retail', 0, None, None,
    b_business_sector_gastronomy = Beta('b_business_sector_gastronomy', 0,
                                        None, None, 0)
    b_business_sector_finance = Beta('b_business_sector_finance', 0, None,
                                     None, 0)
    b_business_sector_services_fc_2020 = Beta(
        'b_business_sector_services_fc_2020', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_business_sector_other_services = Beta('b_business_sector_other_services',
                                            0, None, None, 0)
    b_business_sector_others = Beta('b_business_sector_others', 0, None, None,
    b_business_sector_non_movers = Beta('b_business_sector_non_movers', 0,
                                        None, None, 0)
    b_executives = Beta('b_executives', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_german = Beta('b_german', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_hh_income_na = Beta('b_hh_income_na', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_hh_income_8000_or_less = Beta('b_hh_income_8000_or_less', 0, None, None,

    b_owning_a_general_abo = Beta('b_owning_a_general_abo', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_regional_abo_2020 = Beta('b_regional_abo_2020', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_regional_abo_na_2020 = Beta('b_regional_abo_na_2020', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_half_fare_abo_2020 = Beta('b_half_fare_abo_2020', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_half_fare_abo_na_2020 = Beta('b_half_fare_abo_na_2020', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_car_avail_2020 = Beta('b_car_avail_2020', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_car_avail_na_2020 = Beta('b_car_avail_na_2020', 0, None, None, 1)

    b_mobility_resource_na = Beta('b_mobility_resource_na', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_mobility_resource_car_general_abo_2020 = Beta(
        'b_mobility_resource_car_general_abo_2020', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_mobility_resource_car_half_fare_abo = Beta(
        'b_mobility_resource_car_half_fare_abo', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_mobility_resource_car_2020 = Beta('b_mobility_resource_car_2020', 0,
                                        None, None, 1)
    b_mobility_resource_general_abo_no_car_2020 = Beta(
        'b_mobility_resource_general_no_car_abo_2020', 0, None, None, 0)
    b_mobility_resource_half_fare_abo_2020 = Beta(
        'b_mobility_resource_half_fare_abo_2020', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_mobility_resource_none_2020 = Beta('b_mobility_resource_none_2020', 0,
                                         None, None, 1)
    b_mobility_resource_car_half_fare_regional_abo_2020 = Beta(
        'b_mobility_resource_car_half_fare_regional_abo_2020', 0, None, None,
    b_mobility_resource_car_regional_abo_2020 = Beta(
        'b_mobility_resource_car_regional_abo_2020', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_mobility_resource_half_fare_regional_abo_2020 = Beta(
        'b_mobility_resource_half_fare_regional_abo_2020', 0, None, None, 1)
    b_mobility_resource_regional_abo_2020 = Beta(
        'b_mobility_resource_regional_abo_2020', 0, None, None, 1)

    scale_2020 = Beta('scale_2020', 1, 0.001, None, 0)
    ''' Definition of new variables '''
    male_2020 = DefineVariable('male', (sex == 1) * (year == 2020), database)

    single_household_2020 = DefineVariable('single_household_2020',
                                           (hh_type == 10) * (year == 2020),
    couple_without_children_2015 = DefineVariable(
        'couple_without_children_2015', (hh_type == 210) * (year == 2015),
    couple_without_children_2020 = DefineVariable(
        'couple_without_children_2020', (hh_type == 210) * (year == 2020),
    couple_with_children_2020 = DefineVariable(
        'couple_with_children_2020', (hh_type == 220) * (year == 2020),
    single_parent_with_children_2020 = DefineVariable(
        'single_parent_with_children_2020', (hh_type == 230) * (year == 2020),
    not_family_household_2020 = DefineVariable(
        'not_family_household_2020', (hh_type == 30) * (year == 2020),

    public_transport_connection_quality_abc_home_2020 = \
                       ((public_transport_connection_quality_ARE_home == 1) +
                        (public_transport_connection_quality_ARE_home == 2) +
                        (public_transport_connection_quality_ARE_home == 3)) * (year == 2020), database)
    public_transport_connection_quality_na_home_2015 = \
                       (public_transport_connection_quality_ARE_home == 5) * (year == 2015), database)
    public_transport_connection_quality_na_home_2020 = \
                       (public_transport_connection_quality_ARE_home == 5) * (year == 2020), database)

    public_transport_connection_quality_abcd_work_2020 = \
                       ((public_transport_connection_quality_ARE_work == 1) +
                        (public_transport_connection_quality_ARE_work == 2) +
                        (public_transport_connection_quality_ARE_work == 3) +
                        (public_transport_connection_quality_ARE_work == 4)) * (year == 2020), database)

    urban_home_2020 = DefineVariable(
        'urban_home_2020', (urban_typology_home == 1) * (year == 2020),
    rural_home_2020 = DefineVariable(
        'rural_home_2020', (urban_typology_home == 3) * (year == 2020),
    intermediate_home_2020 = DefineVariable(
        'intermediate_home_2020', (urban_typology_home == 2) * (year == 2020),
    urban_work_2020 = DefineVariable(
        'urban_work_2020', (urban_typology_work == 1) * (year == 2020),
    rural_work_2020 = DefineVariable(
        'rural_work_2020', (urban_typology_work == 3) * (year == 2020),
    intermediate_work_2020 = DefineVariable(
        'intermediate_work_2020', (urban_typology_work == 2) * (year == 2020),

    home_work_distance = DefineVariable(
        home_work_crow_fly_distance * (home_work_crow_fly_distance >= 0.0) /
        100000.0, database)
    home_work_distance_zero = DefineVariable(
        'home_work_distance_zero', home_work_crow_fly_distance == 0.0,
    home_work_distance_na = DefineVariable('home_work_distance_na',
                                           home_work_crow_fly_distance == -999,

    executives = DefineVariable('executives', work_position == 1, database)

    german = DefineVariable('german', language == 1, database)

    hh_income_na = DefineVariable('hh_income_na', hh_income < 0, database)
    hh_income_8000_or_less = DefineVariable(
        'hh_income_8000_or_less', (hh_income == 1) + (hh_income == 2) +
        (hh_income == 3) + (hh_income == 4), database)

    owning_a_general_abo = DefineVariable('owning_a_general_abo',
                                          GA_ticket == 1, database)
    regional_abo_2020 = DefineVariable('regional_abo_2020',
                                       (Verbund_Abo == 1) * (year == 2020),
    half_fare_abo_2020 = DefineVariable('half_fare_abo_2020',
                                        (halbtax_ticket == 1) * (year == 2020),
    car_avail_always_or_on_demand_2020 = DefineVariable(
        ((car_avail == 1) + (car_avail == 2)) * (year == 2020), database)
    regional_abo_na_2020 = DefineVariable('regional_abo_na_2020',
                                          (Verbund_Abo < 0) * (year == 2020),
    half_fare_abo_na_2020 = DefineVariable(
        'half_fare_abo_na_2020', (halbtax_ticket < 0) * (year == 2020),
    car_avail_na_2020 = DefineVariable('car_avail_na_2020',
                                       (car_avail < 0) * (year == 2020),

    mobility_resource_na = DefineVariable('mobility_resource_na',
                                          mobility_resources == -98, database)
    mobility_resource_car_general_abo_2020 = DefineVariable(
        (mobility_resources == 1) * (year == 2020), database)
    mobility_resource_car_half_fare_abo = DefineVariable(
        'mobility_resource_car_half_fare_abo', mobility_resources == 2,
    mobility_resource_car_2020 = DefineVariable('mobility_resource_car_2020',
                                                (mobility_resources == 3) *
                                                (year == 2020), database)
    mobility_resource_general_abo_no_car_2020 = DefineVariable(
        (mobility_resources == 4) * (year == 2020), database)
    mobility_resource_half_fare_abo_2020 = DefineVariable(
        (mobility_resources == 5) * (year == 2020), database)
    mobility_resource_none_2020 = DefineVariable('mobility_resource_none_2020',
                                                 (mobility_resources == 6) *
                                                 (year == 2020), database)
    mobility_resource_car_half_fare_regional_abo_2020 = \
                       (mobility_resources == 20) * (year == 2020), database)
    mobility_resource_car_regional_abo_2020 = DefineVariable(
        (mobility_resources == 30) * (year == 2020), database)
    mobility_resource_half_fare_regional_abo_2020 = DefineVariable(
        (mobility_resources == 50) * (year == 2020), database)
    mobility_resource_regional_abo_2020 = DefineVariable(
        (mobility_resources == 60) * (year == 2020), database)

    business_sector_agriculture_2020 = DefineVariable(
        business_sector_agriculture * (year == 2020), database)
    business_sector_services_fc_2020 = DefineVariable(
        business_sector_services_fc * (year == 2020), database)

    #  Utility
    U = alternative_specific_constant + \
        b_executives * executives + \
        b_no_post_school_education * no_post_school_educ + \
        b_secondary_education * secondary_education + \
        b_tertiary_education * tertiary_education + \
        b_couple_without_children_2015 * couple_without_children_2015 + \
        b_couple_without_children_2020 * couple_without_children_2020 + \
        b_public_transport_connection_quality_na_home_2015 * public_transport_connection_quality_na_home_2015 + \
        b_public_transport_connection_quality_na_home_2020 * public_transport_connection_quality_na_home_2020 + \
        b_home_work_distance * home_work_distance + \
        b_home_work_distance_zero * home_work_distance_zero + \
        b_home_work_distance_na * home_work_distance_na + \
        models.piecewiseFormula(age, [15, 19, 31, 79, 85]) + \
        b_business_sector_retail * business_sector_retail + \
        b_business_sector_gastronomy * business_sector_gastronomy + \
        b_business_sector_finance * business_sector_finance + \
        b_business_sector_production * business_sector_production + \
        b_business_sector_wholesale * business_sector_wholesale + \
        b_business_sector_other_services * business_sector_other_services + \
        b_business_sector_others * business_sector_others + \
        b_business_sector_non_movers * business_sector_non_movers + \
        b_german * german + \
        models.piecewiseFormula(work_percentage, [0, 90, 101]) + \
        b_hh_income_na * hh_income_na + \
        b_hh_income_8000_or_less * hh_income_8000_or_less + \
        b_owning_a_general_abo * owning_a_general_abo + \
        b_mobility_resource_na * mobility_resource_na + \
        b_mobility_resource_car_half_fare_abo * mobility_resource_car_half_fare_abo + \
        b_male_2020 * male_2020 + \
        b_single_household_2020 * single_household_2020 + \
        b_couple_with_children_2020 * couple_with_children_2020 + \
        b_single_parent_with_children_2020 * single_parent_with_children_2020 + \
        b_not_family_household_2020 * not_family_household_2020 + \
        b_public_transport_connection_quality_abc_home_2020 * public_transport_connection_quality_abc_home_2020 + \
        b_public_transport_connection_quality_abcd_work_2020 * public_transport_connection_quality_abcd_work_2020 + \
        b_urban_home_2020 * urban_home_2020 + \
        b_rural_home_2020 * rural_home_2020 + \
        b_intermediate_home_2020 * intermediate_home_2020 + \
        b_urban_work_2020 * urban_work_2020 + \
        b_rural_work_2020 * rural_work_2020 + \
        b_intermediate_work_2020 * intermediate_work_2020 + \
        b_business_sector_agriculture_2020 * business_sector_agriculture_2020 + \
        b_business_sector_services_fc_2020 * business_sector_services_fc_2020 + \
        b_regional_abo_2020 * regional_abo_2020 + \
        b_regional_abo_na_2020 * regional_abo_na_2020 + \
        b_half_fare_abo_2020 * half_fare_abo_2020 + \
        b_half_fare_abo_na_2020 * half_fare_abo_na_2020 + \
        b_car_avail_2020 * car_avail_always_or_on_demand_2020 + \
        b_car_avail_na_2020 * car_avail_na_2020 + \
        b_mobility_resource_car_general_abo_2020 * mobility_resource_car_general_abo_2020 + \
        b_mobility_resource_car_2020 * mobility_resource_car_2020 + \
        b_mobility_resource_general_abo_no_car_2020 * mobility_resource_general_abo_no_car_2020 + \
        b_mobility_resource_half_fare_abo_2020 * mobility_resource_half_fare_abo_2020 + \
        b_mobility_resource_none_2020 * mobility_resource_none_2020 + \
        b_mobility_resource_car_half_fare_regional_abo_2020 * mobility_resource_car_half_fare_regional_abo_2020 + \
        b_mobility_resource_car_regional_abo_2020 * mobility_resource_car_regional_abo_2020 + \
        b_mobility_resource_half_fare_regional_abo_2020 * mobility_resource_half_fare_regional_abo_2020 + \
        b_mobility_resource_regional_abo_2020 * mobility_resource_regional_abo_2020
    U_no_telecommuting = 0

    # Scale associated with 2020 is estimated
    scale = (year == 2015) + (year == 2020) * scale_2020

    # Associate utility functions with the numbering of alternatives
    V = {
        1: scale * U,  # Yes or sometimes
        0: U_no_telecommuting
    }  # No

    av = {1: 1, 0: 1}

    # Definition of the model. This is the contribution of each
    # observation to the log likelihood function.
    logprob = models.loglogit(
        av,  # All alternatives are supposed to be always available
        telecommuting)  # Choice variable

    # Change the working directory, so that biogeme writes in the correct folder
    standard_directory = os.getcwd()
    output_directory = '../data/output/models/estimation/2015_2020/'

    # Create the Biogeme object
    biogeme = bio.BIOGEME(database, logprob)
    output_file_name = 'logit_telecommuting_2015_2020'
    biogeme.modelName = output_file_name

    # Estimate the parameters
    results = biogeme.estimate()

    # Get the results in LaTeX

    # Go back to the normal working directory
Esempio n. 20
import biogeme.database as db
import biogeme.biogeme as bio
import biogeme.models as models
import biogeme.messaging as msg
from biogeme.expressions import Beta, DefineVariable, bioDraws, \
    PanelLikelihoodTrajectory, MonteCarlo, log

# Read the data
df = pd.read_csv('outside.dat', '\t')
database = db.Database('outside', df)
# They are organized as panel data. The variable ID identifies each individual.

# Parameters to be estimated
ASC_1 = Beta('ASC_1', 0, None, None, 1)
ASC_11 = Beta('ASC_11', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_2 = Beta('ASC_2', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_21 = Beta('ASC_21', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_3 = Beta('ASC_3', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_31 = Beta('ASC_31', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_4 = Beta('ASC_4', 0, None, None, 0)
# Shared error parameters, fix the mean-parameter to 0
SIGMA_SH_MAAS_M = Beta('SIGMA_SH_MAAS_M', 0, None, None, 1)
SIGMA_SH_MAAS_STD = Beta('SIGMA_SH_MAAS_STD', 0, None, None, 0)

beta_fam_package = Beta('beta_fam_package', 0, None, None, 0)
beta_fam_private = Beta('beta_fam_private', 0, None, None, 0)
beta_age_package = Beta('beta_age_package', 0, None, None, 0)
Esempio n. 21
numberOfRows =[0]
normalizedWeight = Weight * numberOfRows / sumWeight

# Calculate the number of accurences of a value in the database
numberOfMales = database.count('Gender', 1)
print(f'Number of males:   {numberOfMales}')
numberOfFemales = database.count('Gender', 2)
print(f'Number of females: {numberOfFemales}')

# For more complex conditions, we use Pandas
unreportedGender =[(['Gender'] != 1) & \
                                 (['Gender'] != 2)].count()['Gender']
print(f'Unreported gender: {unreportedGender}')

# List of parameters. Their value will be set later.
ASC_CAR = Beta('ASC_CAR', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_PT = Beta('ASC_PT', 0, None, None, 1)
ASC_SM = Beta('ASC_SM', 0, None, None, 0)
BETA_TIME_OTHER = Beta('BETA_TIME_OTHER', 0, None, None, 0)
BETA_DIST_MALE = Beta('BETA_DIST_MALE', 0, None, None, 0)
BETA_COST = Beta('BETA_COST', 0, None, None, 0)

# Define new variables. Must be consistent with estimation results.
TimePT_scaled = TimePT / 200
TimeCar_scaled = TimeCar / 200
MarginalCostPT_scaled = MarginalCostPT / 10
CostCarCHF_scaled = CostCarCHF / 10
distance_km_scaled = distance_km / 5
Esempio n. 22
# The Pandas data structure is available as Use all the
# Pandas functions to invesigate the database


# Removing some observations can be done directly using pandas.
#remove = ((( != 1) & ( != 3)) | ( == 0))[remove].index,inplace=True)

# Here we use the "biogeme" way for backward compatibility
exclude = ((PURPOSE != 1) * (PURPOSE != 3) + (CHOICE == 0)) > 0

ASC_CAR = Beta('ASC_CAR', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_TRAIN = Beta('ASC_TRAIN', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_SM = Beta('ASC_SM', 0, None, None, 1)
B_TIME = Beta('B_TIME', 0, None, None, 0)
B_COST = Beta('B_COST', 0, None, None, 0)

SIGMA_CAR = Beta('SIGMA_CAR', 0, None, None, 0)
SIGMA_SM = Beta('SIGMA_SM', 0, None, None, 1)
SIGMA_TRAIN = Beta('SIGMA_TRAIN', 0, None, None, 0)

# Define a random parameter, normally distirbuted, designed to be used
# for Monte-Carlo simulation
EC_SM = SIGMA_SM * bioDraws('EC_SM', 'NORMAL')
Esempio n. 23
def scenario(scale):
    """Simulate a scenarios modifying the price of public transportation

    :param scale: price multiplier.
    :type scale: float

    :return: simulated revenues
    :rtype: float
    # This is the only variable that depends on scale
    MarginalCostScenario = MarginalCostPT * scale
    MarginalCostPT_scaled = MarginalCostScenario / 10

    # The rest of the model is the same for all scenarios
    ASC_CAR = Beta('ASC_CAR', 0, None, None, 0)
    ASC_PT = Beta('ASC_PT', 0, None, None, 1)
    ASC_SM = Beta('ASC_SM', 0, None, None, 0)
    BETA_TIME_OTHER = Beta('BETA_TIME_OTHER', 0, None, None, 0)
    BETA_DIST_MALE = Beta('BETA_DIST_MALE', 0, None, None, 0)
    BETA_DIST_FEMALE = Beta('BETA_DIST_FEMALE', 0, None, None, 0)
    BETA_COST = Beta('BETA_COST', 0, None, None, 0)
    # Utility functions
    V_PT = ASC_PT + BETA_TIME_FULLTIME * TimePT_scaled * fulltime + \
        BETA_TIME_OTHER * TimePT_scaled * notfulltime + \
        BETA_COST * MarginalCostPT_scaled
    V_CAR = ASC_CAR + \
        BETA_TIME_FULLTIME * TimeCar_scaled * fulltime + \
        BETA_TIME_OTHER * TimeCar_scaled * notfulltime + \
        BETA_COST * CostCarCHF_scaled
    V_SM = ASC_SM + \
        BETA_DIST_MALE * distance_km_scaled * male + \
        BETA_DIST_FEMALE * distance_km_scaled * female + \
        BETA_DIST_UNREPORTED * distance_km_scaled * unreportedGender
    V = {0: V_PT, 1: V_CAR, 2: V_SM}
    MU_NOCAR = Beta('MU_NOCAR', 1.0, 1.0, None, 0)
    CAR_NEST = 1.0, [1]
    NO_CAR_NEST = MU_NOCAR, [0, 2]
    nests = CAR_NEST, NO_CAR_NEST
    prob_pt = models.nested(V, None, nests, 0)
    simulate = {
        'weight': normalizedWeight,
        'Revenue public transportation': prob_pt * MarginalCostScenario

    biogeme = bio.BIOGEME(database, simulate)
    biogeme.modelName = '02nestedPlot'

    # Read the estimation results from the file
        results = res.bioResults(pickleFile='01nestedEstimation.pickle')
    except FileNotFoundError:
            'Run first the script in order to generate '
            'the file 01nestedEstimation.pickle.')
    # Simulation
    simulatedValues = biogeme.simulate(results.getBetaValues())

    # We calculate the sum for all individuals of the generated revenues.
    revenues_pt = (simulatedValues['Revenue public transportation'] *
    return revenues_pt
Esempio n. 24
        -0.33669944071374086, 0.2177481824894475, -0.6224104823788724,
        1.1592372281254595, -0.35530173883216076

age_65_more = DefineVariable('age_65_more', age >= Numeric(65), database)
moreThanOneCar = DefineVariable('moreThanOneCar', NbCar > 1, database)
moreThanOneBike = DefineVariable('moreThanOneBike', NbBicy > 1, database)
individualHouse = DefineVariable('individualHouse',\
                                 HouseType == 1,database)
male = DefineVariable('male', Gender == 1, database)
haveChildren = DefineVariable('haveChildren',\
                              ((FamilSitu == 3)+(FamilSitu == 4)) > 0,database)
haveGA = DefineVariable('haveGA', GenAbST == 1, database)
highEducation = DefineVariable('highEducation', Education >= 6, database)

ASC_CAR = Beta('ASC_CAR', 0.4118057751313065, None, None, 0)
ASC_SM = Beta('ASC_SM', 1.0134144912346523, None, None, 0)
BETA_COST_HWH = Beta('BETA_COST_HWH', -1.7754249429871691, None, None, 0)
BETA_COST_OTHER = Beta('BETA_COST_OTHER', -1.5427606901901116, None, None, 0)
BETA_DIST = Beta('BETA_DIST', -4.952750818319787, None, None, 0)
BETA_TIME_CAR_CL = Beta('BETA_TIME_CAR_CL', -0.1412781305192878, None, None, 0)
BETA_TIME_CAR_REF = Beta('BETA_TIME_CAR_REF', -26.647254885078237, None, None,
BETA_TIME_PT_CL = Beta('BETA_TIME_PT_CL', -0.5048865862522101, None, None, 0)
BETA_TIME_PT_REF = Beta('BETA_TIME_PT_REF', -4.883762313381118, None, None, 0)
BETA_WAITING_TIME = Beta('BETA_WAITING_TIME', -0.052434936015492456, None,
                         None, 0)
coef_age_65_more = Beta('coef_age_65_more', 1.1187240773542817, None, None, 0)
coef_haveChildren = Beta('coef_haveChildren', 0.18090193116052988, None, None,
coef_haveGA = Beta('coef_haveGA', 4.657846388649241, None, None, 0)
# Exclude
exclude = (ArrivalTimeHours_1 == -1)

# Choice
chosenAlternative = (BestAlternative_1 * 1) + (BestAlternative_2 *
                                               2) + (BestAlternative_3 * 3)

# Parameters to be estimated
# Arguments:
#   1  Name for report. Typically, the same as the variable
#   2  Starting value
#   3  Lower bound
#   4  Upper bound
#   5  0: estimate the parameter, 1: keep it fixed
Constant1 = Beta('Constant1', 0, None, None, 1)
Constant2 = Beta('Constant2', 0, None, None, 0)
Constant3 = Beta('Constant3', 0, None, None, 0)
LogFare = Beta('LogFare', 0, None, None, 0)
Legroom = Beta('Legroom', 0, None, None, 0)
SchedDE = Beta('SchedDE', 0, None, None, 0)
SchedDL = Beta('SchedDL', 0, None, None, 0)
Total_TT1 = Beta('Total_TT1', 0, None, None, 0)
Total_TT2 = Beta('Total_TT2', 0, None, None, 0)
Total_TT3 = Beta('Total_TT3', 0, None, None, 0)

# Define here arithmetic expressions for variables that are not directly available from the data
DepTimeSensitive = DefineVariable('DepTimeSensitive',
                                  q11_DepartureOrArrivalIsImportant == 1,
ArrTimeSensitive = DefineVariable('ArrTimeSensitive',
Esempio n. 26
# The Pandas data structure is available as Use all the
# Pandas functions to invesigate the database

# The following statement allows you to use the names of the variable
# as Python variable.

# Removing some observations can be done directly using pandas.
#remove = ((( != 1) &
#           ( != 3)) |
#          ( == 0))[remove].index,inplace=True)

# Parameters to be estimated
ASC_1 = Beta('ASC_1', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_11 = Beta('ASC_11', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_2 = Beta('ASC_2', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_21 = Beta('ASC_21', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_3 = Beta('ASC_3', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_31 = Beta('ASC_31', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_4 = Beta('ASC_4', 0, None, None, 1)
ASC_41 = Beta('ASC_41', 0, None, None, 1)

beta_shcosttaxi1 = Beta('beta_shcosttaxi1', 0, None, None, 0)
beta_shcosttaxi2 = Beta('beta_shcosttaxi2', 0, None, None, 0)
beta_shcostsharedcar = Beta('beta_shcostsharedcar', 0, None, None, 0)
beta_shcostsharedcar2 = Beta('beta_shcostsharedcar2', 0, None, None, 0)
beta_shtime_taxi = Beta('beta_shtimetaxi', 0, None, None, 0)
beta_shtime_taxi1 = Beta('beta_shtimetaxi1', 0, None, None, 0)
beta_shtime_share = Beta('beta_shtimeshare', 0, None, None, 0)
Esempio n. 27

# Definition of other variables
age_65_more = DefineVariable('age_65_more', age >= 65, database)
moreThanOneCar = DefineVariable('moreThanOneCar', NbCar > 1, database)
moreThanOneBike = DefineVariable('moreThanOneBike', NbBicy > 1, database)
individualHouse = DefineVariable('individualHouse', HouseType == 1, database)
male = DefineVariable('male', Gender == 1, database)
haveChildren = DefineVariable('haveChildren', \
((FamilSitu == 3) + (FamilSitu == 4)) > 0, database)
haveGA = DefineVariable('haveGA', GenAbST == 1, database)
highEducation = DefineVariable('highEducation', Education >= 6, database)

### Coefficients

coef_intercept = Beta('coef_intercept', betas['coef_intercept'], None, None, 0)
coef_age_65_more = Beta('coef_age_65_more', betas['coef_age_65_more'], None,
                        None, 0)
coef_haveGA = Beta('coef_haveGA', betas['coef_haveGA'], None, None, 0)

coef_moreThanOneCar = Beta('coef_moreThanOneCar', betas['coef_moreThanOneCar'],
                           None, None, 0)
coef_moreThanOneBike = Beta('coef_moreThanOneBike',
                            betas['coef_moreThanOneBike'], None, None, 0)
coef_individualHouse = Beta('coef_individualHouse',
                            betas['coef_individualHouse'], None, None, 0)
coef_male = Beta('coef_male', betas['coef_male'], None, None, 0)
coef_haveChildren = Beta('coef_haveChildren', betas['coef_haveChildren'], None,
                         None, 0)
coef_highEducation = Beta('coef_highEducation', betas['coef_highEducation'],
                          None, None, 0)
Esempio n. 28
# The following statement allows you to use the names of the variable
# as Python variable.

# Removing some observations can be done directly using pandas.
#remove = ((( != 1) &
#           ( != 3)) |
#          ( == 0))[remove].index,inplace=True)

# Here we use the "biogeme" way for backward compatibility
exclude = ((PURPOSE != 1) * (PURPOSE != 3) + (CHOICE == 0)) > 0

# Parameters to be estimated
B_TIME = Beta('B_TIME', 0, None, None, 0)
B_COST = Beta('B_COST', 0, None, None, 0)

# Parameters for the ordered logit.
# tau1 <= 0
tau1 = Beta('tau1', -1, None, 0, 0)
# delta2 >= 0
delta2 = Beta('delta2', 2, 0, None, 0)
tau2 = tau1 + delta2

# Definition of new variables
TRAIN_TT_SCALED = DefineVariable('TRAIN_TT_SCALED', TRAIN_TT / 100.0, database)
Esempio n. 29
# The following statement allows you to use the names of the variable
# as Python variable.

# Removing some observations can be done directly using pandas.
#remove = ((( != 1) &
#           ( != 3)) |
#          ( == 0))[remove].index,inplace=True)

# Here we use the "biogeme" way for backward compatibility
exclude = ((PURPOSE != 1) * (PURPOSE != 3) + (CHOICE == 0)) > 0

# Parameters to be estimated
ASC_CAR = Beta('ASC_CAR', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_TRAIN = Beta('ASC_TRAIN', 0, None, None, 0)
ASC_SM = Beta('ASC_SM', 0, None, None, 1)
B_TIME = Beta('B_TIME', 0, None, None, 0)
B_COST = Beta('B_COST', 0, None, None, 0)
LAMBDA = Beta('LAMBDA', 1.5, 0.0001, 5, 0)

# Definition of new variables
SM_COST = SM_CO * (GA == 0)

# Definition of new variables: adding columns to the database
CAR_AV_SP = DefineVariable('CAR_AV_SP', CAR_AV * (SP != 0), database)
TRAIN_AV_SP = DefineVariable('TRAIN_AV_SP', TRAIN_AV * (SP != 0), database)
TRAIN_TT_SCALED = DefineVariable('TRAIN_TT_SCALED', TRAIN_TT / 100.0, database)
Esempio n. 30

# Removing some observations can be done directly using pandas.
#remove = ((( != 1) &
#           ( != 3)) |
#          ( == 0))[remove].index,inplace=True)

# Here we use the "biogeme" way for backward compatibility
exclude = ((PURPOSE != 1) * (PURPOSE != 3) + (CHOICE == 0)) > 0

# Parameters to be estimated. One version for each latent class.
numberOfClasses = 2
B_COST = [
    Beta(f'B_COST_class{i}', 0, None, None, 0) for i in range(numberOfClasses)

# Define a random parameter, normally distributed across individuals,
# designed to be used for Monte-Carlo simulation
B_TIME = [
    Beta(f'B_TIME_class{i}', 0, None, None, 0) for i in range(numberOfClasses)

# It is advised not to use 0 as starting value for the following parameter.
B_TIME_S = [
    Beta(f'B_TIME_S_class{i}', 1, None, None, 0)
    for i in range(numberOfClasses)
    B_TIME[i] + B_TIME_S[i] * bioDraws(f'B_TIME_RND_class{i}', 'NORMAL_ANTI')