def search_organism(organism): k = KEGG() return k.lookfor_organism(organism)
class NewGenome(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, info_path): super(NewGenome, self).__init__() uic.loadUi('NewGenome.ui', self) self.setWindowTitle('New Genome') self.k = KEGG() self.info_path = info_path #---Button Modifications---# self.setWindowIcon(Qt.QIcon("cas9image.png")) self.whatsthisButton.clicked.connect(self.whatsthisclicked) self.KeggSearchButton.clicked.connect(self.updatekegglist) self.resetButton.clicked.connect(self.reset) self.submitButton.clicked.connect(self.submit) self.browseForFile.clicked.connect(self.selectFasta) self.NCBI_File_Search.clicked.connect(self.prep_ncbi_search) self.JobsQueueBox.setReadOnly(True) self.output_browser.setText("Waiting for program initiation...") self.CompletedJobs.setText(" ") self.contButton.clicked.connect(self.continue_to_main) self.comboBoxEndo.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.endo_settings) self.runButton.clicked.connect(self.run_jobs) self.clearButton.clicked.connect(self.clear_job_queue) self.viewStatButton.setEnabled(False) self.JobsQueue = [] # holds Job classes. self.Endos = dict() self.file = "" self.process = QtCore.QProcess() self.process.setProcessChannelMode(QtCore.QProcess.MergedChannels) self.process.finished.connect(self.upon_process_finishing) self.seqTrans = SeqTranslate() self.first = False #show functionalities on window self.fillEndo() self.num_chromo_next = False ####---FUNCTIONS TO RUN EACH BUTTON---#### def selectFasta(self): filed = QtWidgets.QFileDialog() myFile = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(filed, "Choose a File") if (myFile[0] != ""): if not myFile[0].endswith(".fa") and not myFile[0].endswith( ".fna") and not myFile[0].endswith( ".gbff") and not myFile[0].endswith(".fasta"): QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question( self, "File Selection Error", "You have selected an incorrect type of file. " "Please choose a genbank, fasta, gbff, or a fna file.", QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) return else: self.nameFile.setText(myFile[0]) self.file = myFile[0] """cdir = self.lineEdit.text() os.chdir(mydir) self.gdirectory = mydir print(mydir) print(cdir)""" # this function figures out which type of file the user is searching for, and then shows the # ncbi_search_dialog window # connected to the button: self.NCBI_File_Search def prep_ncbi_search(self): GlobalSettings.mainWindow.ncbi_search_dialog.searchProgressBar.setValue( 0) GlobalSettings.mainWindow.ncbi_search_dialog.organismLineEdit.setText( self.lineEdit_1.displayText()) def submit(self): warning = "" if len(self.lineEdit_1.text()) == 0: warning = warning + "\nYou need to include the organism's name." if len(self.file) == 0: warning = warning + "\nYou need to select a file." if len(warning) != 0: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, "Required Information", warning, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) return if len(self.lineEdit_2.text()) == 0: warning = warning + "\nIt is recommended to include the organism's subspecies/strain." if len(self.lineEdit_3.text()) == 0: warning = warning + "\nYou must include an organism code (KEGG code recommended)." if len(warning) != 0: hold = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question( self, "Missing Information", warning + "\n\nDo you wish to continue without including this information?", QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) if hold == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No: return myjob = CasperJob( self.lineEdit_1.text() + " " + self.lineEdit_2.text(), self.lineEdit_2.text(), self.Endos[self.comboBoxEndo.currentText()], self.lineEdit_3.text(), self.file, self.tot_len_box.text(), self.seed_len_box.text(), self.pamBox.isChecked()) self.JobsQueue.append(myjob) nxtLine = "" if len(self.JobsQueueBox.toPlainText()) != 0: nxtLine = "\n" self.JobsQueueBox.setPlainText(self.JobsQueueBox.toPlainText() + nxtLine + def fillEndo(self): if GlobalSettings.OPERATING_SYSTEM_ID == "Windows": f = open(self.info_path + "\\CASPERinfo") else: f = open(self.info_path + "/CASPERinfo") while True: line = f.readline() if line.startswith('ENDONUCLEASES'): while True: line = f.readline() if (line[0] == "-"): break line_tokened = line.split(";") endo = line_tokened[0] # Checking to see if there is more than one pam sequence in the list if line_tokened[1].find(",") != -1: p_pam = line_tokened[1].split(",")[0] else: p_pam = line_tokened[1] default_seed_length = line_tokened[2] default_tot_length = line_tokened[3] self.Endos[endo + "PAM: " + p_pam] = (endo, p_pam, default_seed_length, default_tot_length) break f.close() self.comboBoxEndo.addItems(self.Endos.keys()) def endo_settings(self): # check the if it's 3' or 5', and check the box accordingly if int(self.seqTrans.endo_info[self.Endos[ self.comboBoxEndo.currentText()][0]][3]) == 3: self.pamBox.setChecked(0) elif int(self.seqTrans.endo_info[self.Endos[ self.comboBoxEndo.currentText()][0]][3]) == 5: self.pamBox.setChecked(1) self.tot_len_box.setText( self.Endos[self.comboBoxEndo.currentText()][3]) self.seed_len_box.setText( self.Endos[self.comboBoxEndo.currentText()][2]) def findFasta(self): choice = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question( self, "Extract!", "Are you sure you want to Quit?", QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No) if choice == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: sys.exit() else: pass def testcheckandradio(self, state): if state == QtCore.Qt.Checked: pass def whatsthisclicked(self): QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information( self, "Organism Code", "The organism code is the manner in which CASPER will" " label its data files and references for the organism" " you are importing here. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that" " you use the 3-4 letter code used by KEGG as this will" " aid in automatic accession of annotations from the" " database.", QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) def updatekegglist(self): if len(self.lineEdit_1.text()) == 0: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question( self, "Error!", "Please enter an organism into the Organism Name!", QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) return self.keggSuggested.clear() kegg_orglist = self.k.lookfor_organism(self.lineEdit_1.text()) holder = 0 self.keggSuggested.setColumnCount(2) for item in kegg_orglist: second_space = item[item.find(" ") + 1:].find(" ") + item.find(" ") code = item[item.find(" ") + 1:second_space + 1] item = item[second_space + 2:] semi = item.find(";") index = 1 while True: if item[semi - index] == " ": break index = index + 1 organism = item[:semi - index] self.keggSuggested.setRowCount(holder + 1) table_code = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(code) table_organism = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(organism) self.keggSuggested.setItem(holder, 0, table_organism) self.keggSuggested.setItem(holder, 1, table_code) # self.keggsearchresults.insertPlainText(item) holder += 1 self.keggSuggested.resizeColumnsToContents() def run_jobs(self): self.progressBar.setValue(0) def output_stdout(p): line = str(p.readAll()) line = line[2:] line = line[:len(line) - 1] for lines in filter(None, line.split(r'\r\n')): if (lines == 'Finished reading in the genome file.'): self.num_chromo_next = True elif (self.num_chromo_next == True): self.num_chromo_next = False self.num_chromo = int(lines) elif (lines.find('Chromosome') != -1 and lines.find('complete.') != -1): temp = lines temp = temp.replace('Chromosome ', '') temp = temp.replace(' complete.', '') if (int(temp) == self.num_chromo): self.progressBar.setValue(99) else: self.progressBar.setValue( int(temp) / self.num_chromo * 100) elif (lines == 'Finished Creating File.'): self.progressBar.setValue(100) self.output_browser.append(lines) # Top layer for loop to go through all of the jobs in the queue: job = self.JobsQueue[0] program = '"' + GlobalSettings.appdir + '\\Casper_Seq_Finder_Windows" ' self.JobInProgress.setText( self.process.readyReadStandardOutput.connect( partial(output_stdout, self.process)) self.process.start(program, job.get_arguments()) self.JobsQueueBox.clear() for jobs in self.JobsQueue: if ( != self.JobsQueueBox.append( def upon_process_finishing(self): self.CompletedJobs.append(self.JobsQueue[0].name) self.JobsQueue.pop(0) self.process.close() self.num_chromo = 0 if len(self.JobsQueue) != 0: self.progressBar.setValue(0) self.run_jobs() else: self.JobInProgress.clear() self.JobsQueue = [] self.JobsQueueBox.clear() self.output_browser.clear() def clear_job_queue(self): self.process.kill() self.JobsQueue = [] self.JobsQueueBox.clear() self.lineEdit_1.clear() self.lineEdit_2.clear() self.lineEdit_3.clear() self.keggSuggested.setRowCount(0) self.output_browser.clear() self.JobInProgress.clear() self.CompletedJobs.clear() self.nameFile.setText("Name Of File") self.progressBar.setValue(0) self.first = False def reset(self): self.lineEdit_1.clear() self.lineEdit_2.clear() self.lineEdit_3.clear() self.keggSuggested.clear() self.first = False self.nameFile.setText("Name Of File") def closeEvent(self, event): # make sure that there are cspr files in the DB file_names = os.listdir(GlobalSettings.CSPR_DB) noCSPRFiles = True for file in file_names: if 'cspr' in file: noCSPRFiles = False break if noCSPRFiles == True: error = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question( self, "No CSPR File generated", "No CSPR file has been generate, thus the main program cannot run. Please create a CSPR file." "Alternatively, you could quit the program. Would you like to quit?", QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) if (error == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No): event.ignore() return else: self.close() else: self.process.kill() self.JobsQueue = [] self.JobsQueueBox.clear() self.lineEdit_1.clear() self.lineEdit_2.clear() self.lineEdit_3.clear() self.keggSuggested.setRowCount(0) self.output_browser.clear() self.JobInProgress.clear() self.CompletedJobs.clear() self.nameFile.setText("Name Of File") self.progressBar.setValue(0) self.first = False GlobalSettings.CASPER_FOLDER_LOCATION = self.info_path GlobalSettings.mainWindow.getData() GlobalSettings.MTWin.launch(GlobalSettings.CSPR_DB) GlobalSettings.pop_Analysis.launch(GlobalSettings.CSPR_DB) event.accept() def continue_to_main(self): # make sure that there are cspr files in the DB file_names = os.listdir(GlobalSettings.CSPR_DB) noCSPRFiles = True for file in file_names: if 'cspr' in file: noCSPRFiles = False break if noCSPRFiles == True: error = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question( self, "No CSPR File generated", "No CSPR file has been generate, thus the main program cannot run. Please create a CSPR file." "Alternatively, you could quit the program. Would you like to quit?", QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) if (error == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No): return else: self.close() else: self.process.kill() self.JobsQueue = [] self.JobsQueueBox.clear() self.lineEdit_1.clear() self.lineEdit_2.clear() self.lineEdit_3.clear() self.keggSuggested.setRowCount(0) self.output_browser.clear() self.JobInProgress.clear() self.CompletedJobs.clear() self.nameFile.setText("Name Of File") self.progressBar.setValue(0) self.first = False GlobalSettings.CASPER_FOLDER_LOCATION = self.info_path GlobalSettings.mainWindow.getData() GlobalSettings.MTWin.launch(GlobalSettings.CSPR_DB) GlobalSettings.pop_Analysis.launch(GlobalSettings.CSPR_DB) self.close()