Esempio n. 1
def test_to_string():
    f = "tests/data/tabd.blast"
    for line in open(f):
        a = BlastLine(line)
        b = BlastLine(a.to_blast_line())

        # works better than string comparison because of floats.
        for attr in some_attrs:
            assert getattr(a, attr) == getattr(b, attr), (a, b, attr)
Esempio n. 2
def test_query_subject_props():
    f = "tests/data/tabd.blast"
    line = BlastLine(open(f).readline())
    line.query = "asdf"
    line.subject = "dddd"
    assert line.query == "asdf"
    assert line.subject == "dddd"
    assert "asdf" in line.to_blast_line()
    assert "dddd" in line.to_blast_line()
Esempio n. 3
def test_to_string():
    f = "tests/data/tabd.blast" 
    for line in open(f):
        a = BlastLine(line)
        b = BlastLine(a.to_blast_line())

        # works better than string comparison because of floats.
        for attr in some_attrs:
            assert getattr(a, attr) == getattr(b, attr), (a, b, attr)
Esempio n. 4
def test_query_subject_props():
    f = "tests/data/tabd.blast" 
    line = BlastLine(open(f).readline())
    line.query = "asdf"
    line.subject = "dddd"
    assert line.query == "asdf"
    assert line.subject == "dddd"
    assert "asdf" in line.to_blast_line()
    assert "dddd" in line.to_blast_line()
Esempio n. 5
QSEQ = '2'
SSEQ = '4'

print >>sys.stderr, ortho[(QSEQ, SSEQ)]

for line in open(fblast):
    b = BlastLine(line)
    q = gff[b.query]
    s = gff[b.subject]
    if not (q.seqid == QSEQ and s.seqid == SSEQ): continue

    b.qstart += q.start
    b.qstop += q.start
    b.sstart += s.start
    b.sstop += s.start
    print b.to_blast_line()


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle

f = plt.figure()
ax = f.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

for xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax in ortho[('2', '4')]:
    r = Rectangle((xmin, ymin), width=xmax-xmin, height=ymax-ymin, ec='r', fc='none')
Esempio n. 6
QSEQ = '2'
SSEQ = '4'

print >> sys.stderr, ortho[(QSEQ, SSEQ)]

for line in open(fblast):
    b = BlastLine(line)
    q = gff[b.query]
    s = gff[b.subject]
    if not (q.seqid == QSEQ and s.seqid == SSEQ): continue

    b.qstart += q.start
    b.qstop += q.start
    b.sstart += s.start
    b.sstop += s.start
    print b.to_blast_line()


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle

f = plt.figure()
ax = f.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

for xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax in ortho[('2', '4')]:
    r = Rectangle((xmin, ymin),
                  width=xmax - xmin,
                  height=ymax - ymin,