Esempio n. 1
    def test_monitor2_images(self):
        Test the POST, GET and DELETE images APIs.
        # Upload image stack
        url = _MON_IMAGES_URL
        url = add_url_argument(url, STACK_TYPE, MONITOR2, True)
        url = add_url_argument(url, NAME, 'monitor1_images_name')
        url = add_url_argument(url, DESCRIPTION, 'monitor1 images description')

        response = upload_file(self, _TEST_DIR, url, _MON2_IMAGES, 200)
        image_stack_uuid = response[UUID]

        # Ensure duplicate image stacks cannot be uploaded
        upload_file(self, _TEST_DIR, url, _MON2_IMAGES, 403)

        # Ensure image stack exists in the database and can be retrieved
        response = get_data(self, _MON_IMAGES_URL, 200)
        record_found = False
        for record in response[MONITOR_IMAGES]:
            if record[UUID] == image_stack_uuid:
                record_found = True
        msg = "Monitor image stack %s doesn't exist in the database." % image_stack_uuid
        self.assertTrue(record_found, msg)

        # Delete image stack
        url = add_url_argument(_IMAGES_URL, UUID, image_stack_uuid, True)
        delete_data(self, url, 200)

        # Ensure image stack no longer exists in the database
        response = get_data(self, _MON_IMAGES_URL, 200)
        for record in response[MONITOR_IMAGES]:
            msg = "Monitor image stack %s still exists in the database." % record[UUID]
            self.assertNotEqual(image_stack_uuid, record[UUID], msg)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_tags_api(self):
        test TagsGetFunction, TagsDeleteFunction, and TagsPostFunction.
        report_uuid = str(uuid4())
            UUID: report_uuid,
            'name': 'dummy run report'

        # test TagsPostFunction, add tags to a run report
        post_url = _RUN_INFO_TAG_URL
        post_url = add_url_argument(post_url, UUID, report_uuid, True)
        post_url = add_url_argument(post_url, TAGS,
                                    ','.join(["BRAF e15", "FFPE"]))

        response = post_data(self, post_url, 200)

        # test TagsGetFunction, get tags from all run reports
        response = get_data(self, _RUN_INFO_TAG_URL, 200)
        self.assertIn("braf e15", response[TAGS])

        # test TagsDeleteFunction, delete a tag from a run report
        delete_url = _RUN_INFO_TAG_URL
        delete_url = add_url_argument(delete_url, UUID, report_uuid, True)
        delete_url = add_url_argument(delete_url, TAGS, "ffpe")

        delete_data(self, delete_url, 200)
        response = get_data(self, _RUN_INFO_TAG_URL, 200)
        self.assertIn("braf e15", response[TAGS])
        self.assertNotIn("ffpe", response[TAGS])

        _DB_CONNECTOR.remove(RUN_REPORT_COLLECTION, {UUID: report_uuid})
Esempio n. 3
    def test_images(self):
        Test the POST, GET and DELETE images APIs.
        # Upload image stack
        url = _IMAGES_URL
        url = add_url_argument(url, EXP_DEF, 'Beta_24b_p1_V6', True)
        url = add_url_argument(url, NAME, 'golden_run')
        url = add_url_argument(url, DESCRIPTION, 'Short description.')

        response = upload_file(self, _TEST_DIR, url, _PNG_IMAGES, 200)
        image_stack_uuid = response[UUID]

        # Ensure duplicate image stacks cannot be uploaded
        response = upload_file(self, _TEST_DIR, url, _PNG_IMAGES, 403)

        # Ensure image stack exists in the database and can be retrieved
        response = get_data(self, _IMAGES_URL, 200)
        record_found = False
        for record in response[IMAGES]:
            if record[UUID] == image_stack_uuid:
                record_found = True
        msg = "Image stack %s doesn't exist in the database." % image_stack_uuid
        self.assertTrue(record_found, msg)

        # Delete image stack
        url = add_url_argument(_IMAGES_URL, UUID, image_stack_uuid, True)
        delete_data(self, url, 200)

        # Ensure image stack no longer exists in the database
        response = get_data(self, _IMAGES_URL, 200)
        for record in response[IMAGES]:
            msg = "Image stack %s still exists in the database." % record[UUID]
            self.assertNotEqual(image_stack_uuid, record[UUID], msg)
Esempio n. 4
    def exercise_file_upload_api(self, url, filename):
        response_key = url.split("/")[-1]

        # Test successful file upload
        response = upload_file(self, _TEST_DIR, url, filename, 200)
        uuid = response[UUID]

        # Test error code 403: File already exists.
        upload_file(self, _TEST_DIR, url, filename, 403)

        # Test error code 415: File is not a valid FASTA file.
        upload_file(self, _TEST_DIR, url, _INVALID_FASTA_FILENAME, 415)

        # Test successful retrieval of uploaded file
        response = get_data(self, url, 200)
        retrieved_uuid = response[response_key][0][UUID]
        msg = "Expected uuid (%s) doesn't match observed uuid (%s) for %s" % \
              (uuid, retrieved_uuid, url)
        self.assertEqual(uuid, retrieved_uuid, msg)

        # Test successful deletion of uploaded file
        delete_data(self, url + "?uuid=%s" % uuid, 200)

        # Test unsuccessful deletion of non-existent file
        delete_data(self, url + "?uuid=%s" % str(uuid4()), 404)
    def test_hdf5_process(self):
        # Construct url
        url = self.construct_process_url(_HDF5_DATASET,

        # Submit process job
        response = post_data(self, url, 200)
        process_uuid = response[_PROCESS][0][UUID]

        # Test that submitting two jobs with the same name fails and returns
        # the appropriate error code.
        post_data(self, url, 403)

        running = True
        while running:
            response = get_data(self, _PROCESS_URL, 200)
            for job in response[_PROCESS]:
                if process_uuid == job[UUID]:
                    job_details = job
                    running = job_details[_STATUS] == 'running'

        # Copy result files to cwd for bamboo to ingest as artifacts
        self.assertTrue(_RESULT in job_details,
                        'Unable to locate primary analysis file')
        if _RESULT in job_details:
            analysis_txt_path = job_details[_RESULT]
            msg = 'Expected HDF5 to be converted to file %s, but this file was not found.' \
                  % analysis_txt_path
            self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(analysis_txt_path), msg)

        # Copy result files to cwd for bamboo to ingest as artifacts
        self.assertTrue(_CONFIG in job_details, 'Unable to locate config file')
        if _CONFIG in job_details:
            config_path = job_details[_CONFIG]
            msg = 'Expected HDF5 conversion to create config file %s, but this file was not found.' \
                  % config_path
            self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(config_path), msg)

        error = ""
        if 'error' in job_details:
            error = job_details['error']
        msg = "Expected pa process job status succeeded, but found %s. " \
              "Error: %s" % (job_details[_STATUS], error)
        self.assertEquals(job_details[_STATUS], "succeeded", msg)

        # Delete absorption job
        delete_data(self, _PROCESS_URL + "?uuid=%s" % process_uuid, 200)

        # Ensure job no longer exists in the database
        response = get_data(self, _PROCESS_URL, 200)
        for job in response['Process']:
            msg = "PA process job %s still exists in database." % process_uuid
            self.assertNotEqual(process_uuid, job[UUID], msg)
Esempio n. 6
    def test_bin_images(self):
        # Upload image stack
        url = _IMAGES_URL
        url = add_url_argument(url, EXP_DEF, 'Beta_24b_p1_V6', True)
        url = add_url_argument(url, NAME, 'bin_images')
        url = add_url_argument(url, DESCRIPTION, 'Binary image stack.')

        response = upload_file(self, _TEST_DIR, url, _BIN_IMAGES, 200)
        msg = "Expected number of images (%d) not equal to observed (%d)." % \
            (4, response[NUM_IMAGES])
        self.assertEqual(response[NUM_IMAGES], 4, msg)

        # Delete image stack
        url = add_url_argument(_IMAGES_URL, UUID, response[UUID], True)
        delete_data(self, url, 200)
Esempio n. 7
    def test_absorption(self):
        # Upload targets and probes files
        response = upload_file(self, _TEST_DIR, _PROBES_URL, _PROBES_FILENAME,
        probes_uuid = response[UUID]
        response = upload_file(self, _TEST_DIR, _TARGETS_URL,
                               _TARGETS_FILENAME, 200)
        targets_uuid = response[UUID]

        # Post absorption job
        url = _ABSORPTION_URL + "?probes=%s&targets=%s&job_name=%s&%s=%s" % \
             (probes_uuid, targets_uuid, _JOB_NAME, STRICT, _STRICT)
        response = post_data(self, url, 200)
        abs_job_uuid = response[UUID]

        running = True
        job_details = None
        while running:
            response = get_data(self, _ABSORPTION_URL, 200)
            for job in response[_ABSORPTION]:
                if abs_job_uuid == job[UUID]:
                    job_details = job
                    running = job_details[_STATUS] == 'running'

        # Copy result file to cwd for bamboo to ingest as an artifact
        absorption_path = None
        if _RESULT in job_details:
            absorption_path = job_details[_RESULT]
            if absorption_path and os.path.isfile(absorption_path):
                shutil.copy(absorption_path, "observed_absorption.txt")

        # Clean up by removing targets and probes files
        delete_data(self, _PROBES_URL + "?uuid=%s" % probes_uuid, 200)
        delete_data(self, _TARGETS_URL + "?uuid=%s" % targets_uuid, 200)

        msg = "Expected absorption job status succeeded, but found: %s" % \
        self.assertEquals(job_details[_STATUS], "succeeded", msg)

        exp_result_path = os.path.join(
        msg = "Observed result (%s) doesn't match expected result (%s)." % \
              (absorption_path, exp_result_path)
        self.assertTrue(filecmp.cmp(exp_result_path, absorption_path), msg)

        # Delete absorption job
        delete_data(self, _ABSORPTION_URL + "?uuid=%s" % abs_job_uuid, 200)

        # Ensure job no longer exists in the database
        response = get_data(self, _ABSORPTION_URL, 200)
        for job in response[_ABSORPTION]:
            msg = "Absorption job %s still exists in database." % abs_job_uuid
            self.assertNotEqual(abs_job_uuid, job[UUID], msg)
Esempio n. 8
    def test_replay(self):
        Test the POST, GET and DELETE images APIs.

        # Upload ham image stack
        ham_url = _IMAGES_URL
        ham_url = add_url_argument(ham_url, EXP_DEF, 'Beta_24b_p1_V6', True)
        ham_url = add_url_argument(ham_url, NAME, 'golden_run')
        ham_url = add_url_argument(ham_url, DESCRIPTION, 'Short description.')
        ham_response = upload_file(self, _TEST_DIR, ham_url, _HAM_IMAGES, 200)
        ham_uuid = ham_response[UUID]

        # Upload monitor 1 image stack
        mon1_url = _MON_IMAGES_URL
        mon1_url = add_url_argument(mon1_url, STACK_TYPE, MONITOR1, True)
        mon1_url = add_url_argument(mon1_url, NAME, 'monitor1_images_name')
        mon1_url = add_url_argument(mon1_url, DESCRIPTION, 'monitor1 images description')
        mon1_response = upload_file(self, _TEST_DIR, mon1_url, _MON1_IMAGES, 200)
        mon1_uuid = mon1_response[UUID]

        # Upload monitor 2 image stack
        mon2_url = _MON_IMAGES_URL
        mon2_url = add_url_argument(mon2_url, STACK_TYPE, MONITOR2, True)
        mon2_url = add_url_argument(mon2_url, NAME, 'monitor2_images_name')
        mon2_url = add_url_argument(mon2_url, DESCRIPTION, 'monitor2 images description')
        mon2_response = upload_file(self, _TEST_DIR, mon2_url, _MON2_IMAGES, 200)
        mon2_uuid = mon2_response[UUID]

        # create a replay image stack from existing stacks
        replay_url = _REPLAY_IMAGES_URL
        replay_url = add_url_argument(replay_url, NAME, 'replay_images_name', True)
        replay_url = add_url_argument(replay_url, HAM_NAME, 'golden_run')
        replay_url = add_url_argument(replay_url, MON1_NAME, 'monitor1_images_name')
        replay_url = add_url_argument(replay_url, MON2_NAME, 'monitor2_images_name')
        replay_url = add_url_argument(replay_url, DESCRIPTION, 'replay images description')
        replay_response = post_data(self, replay_url, 200)
        replay_uuid = replay_response[UUID]

        # try to add replay image stack with same name
        replay_url = _REPLAY_IMAGES_URL
        replay_url = add_url_argument(replay_url, NAME, 'replay_images_name', True)
        replay_url = add_url_argument(replay_url, HAM_NAME, 'golden_run')
        replay_url = add_url_argument(replay_url, MON1_NAME, 'monitor1_images_name')
        replay_url = add_url_argument(replay_url, MON2_NAME, 'monitor2_images_name')
        replay_url = add_url_argument(replay_url, DESCRIPTION, 'replay images description')
        post_data(self, replay_url, 403)

        # try to add replay image stack comprised of the same ham/mon image stacks
        replay_url = _REPLAY_IMAGES_URL
        replay_url = add_url_argument(replay_url, NAME, 'different_replay_images_name', True)
        replay_url = add_url_argument(replay_url, HAM_NAME, 'golden_run')
        replay_url = add_url_argument(replay_url, MON1_NAME, 'monitor1_images_name')
        replay_url = add_url_argument(replay_url, MON2_NAME, 'monitor2_images_name')
        replay_url = add_url_argument(replay_url, DESCRIPTION, 'replay images description')
        post_data(self, replay_url, 403)

        # Delete image stacks
        url = add_url_argument(_IMAGES_URL, UUID, ham_uuid, True)
        delete_data(self, url, 200)
        url = add_url_argument(_IMAGES_URL, UUID, mon1_uuid, True)
        delete_data(self, url, 200)
        url = add_url_argument(_IMAGES_URL, UUID, mon2_uuid, True)
        delete_data(self, url, 200)
        url = add_url_argument(_IMAGES_URL, UUID, replay_uuid, True)
        delete_data(self, url, 200)
Esempio n. 9
    def test_full_analysis_exploratory(self):
        Test the POST and DELETE full analysis API with exploratory experiment definition.
        # Construct url
        url = _FULL_ANALYSIS_URL
        url = add_url_argument(url, PA_DATA_SOURCE, _ARCHIVE_NAME, True)
        url = add_url_argument(url, JOB_NAME, _FA_EXPLORATORY_JOBNAME)
        url = add_url_argument(url, EXP_DEF, _EXP_DEF_EXPLORATORY_NAME)
        url = add_url_argument(url, OFFSETS, _OFFSETS)
        url = add_url_argument(url, UI_THRESHOLD, _UI_THRESHOLD)
        url = add_url_argument(url, MAX_UNINJECTED_RATIO, _MAX_UI_RATIO)
        url = add_url_argument(url, AC_TRAINING_FACTOR, _AC_TRAINING_FACTOR)
        url = add_url_argument(url, CTRL_THRESH, _CTRL_THRESH)
        url = add_url_argument(url, REQUIRED_DROPS, _REQUIRED_DROPS)

        # Submit full analysis job
        response = post_data(self, url, 200)
        fa_uuid = response[FULL_ANALYSIS][0][UUID]

        # Test that submitting two jobs with the same name fails and returns
        # the appropriate error code.
        post_data(self, url, 403)

        running = True
        while running:
            response = get_data(self, _FULL_ANALYSIS_URL, 200)
            for job in response[FULL_ANALYSIS]:
                if fa_uuid == job[UUID]:
                    job_details = job
                    running = job_details[STATUS] == 'running'

        msg = "%s doesn't exist in job_details." % PA_DOCUMENT
        self.assertTrue(PA_DOCUMENT in job_details, msg)
        if ERROR in job_details[PA_DOCUMENT]:
            self.assertTrue(False, job_details[PA_DOCUMENT][ERROR])

        msg = "%s doesn't exist in job_details." % ID_DOCUMENT
        self.assertTrue(ID_DOCUMENT in job_details, msg)
        if ERROR in job_details[ID_DOCUMENT]:
            self.assertTrue(False, job_details[ID_DOCUMENT][ERROR])

        msg = "%s doesn't exist in job_details." % AC_DOCUMENT
        self.assertTrue(AC_DOCUMENT in job_details, msg)
        if ERROR in job_details[AC_DOCUMENT]:
            self.assertTrue(False, job_details[AC_DOCUMENT][ERROR])

        msg = "%s doesn't exist in job_details." % EP_DOCUMENT
        self.assertTrue(EP_DOCUMENT in job_details, msg)
        if ERROR in job_details[EP_DOCUMENT]:
            self.assertTrue(False, job_details[EP_DOCUMENT][ERROR])

        msg = "%s doesn't exist in job_details." % UNIFIED_PDF
        self.assertTrue(UNIFIED_PDF in job_details, msg)

        msg = "%s doesn't exist in job_details." % UNIFIED_PDF_URL
        self.assertTrue(UNIFIED_PDF_URL in job_details, msg)

        if ERROR in job_details:
            self.assertTrue(False, job_details[ERROR])

        # Delete full analysis job
        delete_url = add_url_argument(_FULL_ANALYSIS_URL, UUID, fa_uuid, True)
        delete_data(self, delete_url, 200)

        # Ensure job no longer exists in the database
        response = get_data(self, _FULL_ANALYSIS_URL, 200)
        for job in response[FULL_ANALYSIS]:
            msg = "Full analysis job %s still exists in database." % fa_uuid
            self.assertNotEqual(fa_uuid, job[UUID], msg)
Esempio n. 10
    def test_full_analysis(self):
        Test the POST, GET and DELETE full analysis APIs
        # run these to ensure that the instance of mongo database used by
        # bamboo is updated with the latest image stacks and HDF5 archives
        get_data(self, _ARCHIVES_URL + '?refresh=true&format=json', 200)
        get_data(self, _HDF5S_URL + '?refresh=true&format=json', 200)

        # Construct url
        url = _FULL_ANALYSIS_URL
        url = add_url_argument(url, PA_DATA_SOURCE, _ARCHIVE_NAME, True)
        url = add_url_argument(url, JOB_NAME, _FA_HOTSPOT_JOBNAME)
        url = add_url_argument(url, EXP_DEF, _EXP_DEF_HOTSPOT_NAME)
        url = add_url_argument(url, OFFSETS, _OFFSETS)
        url = add_url_argument(url, UI_THRESHOLD, _UI_THRESHOLD)
        url = add_url_argument(url, MAX_UNINJECTED_RATIO, _MAX_UI_RATIO)
        url = add_url_argument(url, AC_TRAINING_FACTOR, _AC_TRAINING_FACTOR)
        url = add_url_argument(url, CTRL_THRESH, _CTRL_THRESH)
        url = add_url_argument(url, REQUIRED_DROPS, _REQUIRED_DROPS)

        # Submit full analysis job
        response = post_data(self, url, 200)
        fa_uuid = response[FULL_ANALYSIS][0][UUID]

        # Test that submitting two jobs with the same name fails and returns
        # the appropriate error code.
        post_data(self, url, 403)

        running = True
        while running:
            response = get_data(self, _FULL_ANALYSIS_URL, 200)
            for job in response[FULL_ANALYSIS]:
                if fa_uuid == job[UUID]:
                    job_details = job
                    running = job_details[STATUS] == 'running'

        msg = "%s doesn't exist in job_details." % PA_DOCUMENT
        self.assertTrue(PA_DOCUMENT in job_details, msg)
        if ERROR in job_details[PA_DOCUMENT]:
            self.assertTrue(False, job_details[PA_DOCUMENT][ERROR])

        msg = "%s doesn't exist in job_details." % ID_DOCUMENT
        self.assertTrue(ID_DOCUMENT in job_details, msg)
        if ERROR in job_details[ID_DOCUMENT]:
            self.assertTrue(False, job_details[ID_DOCUMENT][ERROR])

        msg = "%s doesn't exist in job_details." % AC_DOCUMENT
        self.assertTrue(AC_DOCUMENT in job_details, msg)
        if ERROR in job_details[AC_DOCUMENT]:
            self.assertTrue(False, job_details[AC_DOCUMENT][ERROR])

        msg = "%s doesn't exist in job_details." % GT_DOCUMENT
        self.assertTrue(GT_DOCUMENT in job_details, msg)
        if ERROR in job_details[GT_DOCUMENT]:
            self.assertTrue(False, job_details[GT_DOCUMENT][ERROR])

        msg = "%s doesn't exist in job_details." % UNIFIED_PDF
        self.assertTrue(UNIFIED_PDF in job_details, msg)

        msg = "%s doesn't exist in job_details." % UNIFIED_PDF_URL
        self.assertTrue(UNIFIED_PDF_URL in job_details, msg)

        if ERROR in job_details:
            self.assertTrue(False, job_details[ERROR])

        # Delete full analysis job
        delete_url = add_url_argument(_FULL_ANALYSIS_URL, UUID, fa_uuid, True)
        delete_data(self, delete_url, 200)

        # Ensure job no longer exists in the database
        response = get_data(self, _FULL_ANALYSIS_URL, 200)
        for job in response[FULL_ANALYSIS]:
            msg = "Full analysis job %s still exists in database." % fa_uuid
            self.assertNotEqual(fa_uuid, job[UUID], msg)
    def test_process(self):
        # Construct url
        url = self.construct_process_url(_ARCHIVE)

        # Submit process job
        response = post_data(self, url, 200)
        process_uuid = response[_PROCESS][0][UUID]

        # Test that submitting two jobs with the same name fails and returns
        # the appropriate error code.
        post_data(self, url, 403)

        running = True
        while running:
            response = get_data(self, _PROCESS_URL, 200)
            for job in response[_PROCESS]:
                if process_uuid == job[UUID]:
                    job_details = job
                    running = job_details[_STATUS] == 'running'

        # Copy result files to cwd for bamboo to ingest as artifacts
        analysis_txt_path = None
        if _RESULT in job_details:
            analysis_txt_path = job_details[_RESULT]
            if os.path.isfile(analysis_txt_path):
                shutil.copy(analysis_txt_path, "observed_analysis.txt")

        config_path = None
        if _CONFIG in job_details:
            config_path = job_details[_CONFIG]
            if os.path.isfile(config_path):
                shutil.copy(config_path, "observed.cfg")

        error = ""
        if 'error' in job_details:
            error = job_details['error']
        msg = "Expected pa process job status succeeded, but found %s. " \
              "Error: %s" % (job_details[_STATUS], error)
        self.assertEquals(job_details[_STATUS], "succeeded", msg)

        exp_analysis_path = os.path.join(
        msg = "Observed result (%s) doesn't match expected result (%s)." % \
              (analysis_txt_path, exp_analysis_path)
        self.assertTrue(filecmp.cmp(exp_analysis_path, analysis_txt_path), msg)

        exp_config_path = os.path.join(
        msg = "Observed result (%s) doesn't match expected result (%s)." % \
              (config_path, exp_config_path)
        self.assertTrue(filecmp.cmp(exp_config_path, config_path), msg)

        # Delete absorption job
        delete_data(self, _PROCESS_URL + "?uuid=%s" % process_uuid, 200)

        # Ensure job no longer exists in the database
        response = get_data(self, _PROCESS_URL, 200)
        for job in response['Process']:
            msg = "PA process job %s still exists in database." % process_uuid
            self.assertNotEqual(process_uuid, job[UUID], msg)