Esempio n. 1
def filter_export_landmarks(idx_row, path_output, path_dataset,
    """ filter all relevant landmarks which were used and copy them to experiment

    The case is that in certain challenge stage users had provided just a subset
     of all image landmarks which could be laos shuffled. The idea is to filter identify
     all user used (provided in dataset) landmarks and filter them from temporary
     reference dataset.

    :param tuple(idx,dict|Series) idx_row: experiment DataFrame
    :param str path_output: path to output folder
    :param str path_dataset: path to provided landmarks
    :param str path_reference: path to the complete landmark collection
    :return tuple(idx,float): record index and match ratio
    idx, row = idx_row

    ratio_matches, lnds_filter_ref, lnds_filter_move = \
        filter_paired_landmarks(row, path_dataset, path_reference,

    # moving and reference landmarks
    for col, lnds_flt in [(ImRegBenchmark.COL_POINTS_REF, lnds_filter_ref),
                          (ImRegBenchmark.COL_POINTS_MOVE, lnds_filter_move)]:
        path_out = update_path(row[col], pre_path=path_output)
        create_folder(os.path.dirname(path_out), ok_existing=True)
        if os.path.isfile(path_out):
            assert np.array_equal(load_landmarks(path_out), lnds_flt), \
                'overwrite different set of landmarks'
        save_landmarks(path_out, lnds_flt)

    return idx, ratio_matches
Esempio n. 2
    def _perform_registration(self, df_row):
        """ run single registration experiment with all sub-stages

        :param (int, dict) df_row: tow from iterated table
        idx, row = df_row
        logging.debug('-> perform single registration #%d...', idx)
        # create folder for this particular experiment
        row['ID'] = idx
        row[COL_REG_DIR] = str(idx)
        path_dir_reg = self._get_path_reg_dir(row)
        # check whether the particular experiment already exists and have result
        if self.__check_exist_regist(idx, path_dir_reg):
            return None

        row = self._prepare_img_registration(row)

        # measure execution time
        time_start = time.time()
        row = self._execute_img_registration(row)
        # if the experiment failed, return back None
        if not row:
            return None
        # compute the registration time in minutes
        row[COL_TIME] = (time.time() - time_start) / 60.

        row = self._parse_regist_results(row)
        row = self._clear_after_registration(row)
        return row
Esempio n. 3
def scale_image(img_path, scale, image_ext=IMAGE_EXTENSION, overwrite=False):
    """ scaling images by given scale factor

    :param img_path: input image path
    :param int scale: selected scaling in percents
    :param str image_ext: image extension used on output
    :param bool overwrite: whether overwrite existing image on output
    base = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(img_path))
    name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img_path))[0]
    base_scale = parse_path_scale(os.path.dirname(img_path))

    path_dir = os.path.join(base, FOLDER_TEMPLATE % scale)

    path_img_scale = os.path.join(path_dir, name + image_ext)
    if os.path.isfile(path_img_scale) and not overwrite:
        logging.debug('existing "%s"', path_img_scale)

    img = load_large_image(img_path)
    sc = scale / float(base_scale)
    # for down-scaling use just linear
    if sc == 1.:
        img_sc = img
        interp = cv.INTER_CUBIC if sc > 1 else cv.INTER_LINEAR
        img_sc = cv.resize(img, None, fx=sc, fy=sc, interpolation=interp)
        del img

    logging.debug('creating >> %s', path_img_scale)
    save_large_image(path_img_scale, img_sc)
Esempio n. 4
def scale_image(img_path, scale, image_ext=IMAGE_EXTENSION, overwrite=False):
    base = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(img_path))
    name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img_path))[0]
    base_scale = parse_path_scale(os.path.dirname(img_path))

    path_dir = os.path.join(base, FOLDER_TEMPLATE % scale)

    path_img_scale = os.path.join(path_dir, name + image_ext)
    if os.path.isfile(path_img_scale) and not overwrite:
        logging.debug('existing "%s"', path_img_scale)

    img = load_large_image(img_path)
    sc = scale / float(base_scale)
    # for down-scaling use just linear
    if sc == 1.:
        img_sc = img
        interp = cv.INTER_CUBIC if sc > 1 else cv.INTER_LINEAR
        img_sc = cv.resize(img, None, fx=sc, fy=sc, interpolation=interp)
        del img

    logging.debug('creating >> %s', path_img_scale)
    save_large_image(path_img_scale, img_sc)
Esempio n. 5
def create_experiment_folder(path_out, dir_name, name='', stamp_unique=True):
    """ create the experiment folder and iterate while there is no available

    :param str path_out: path to the base experiment directory
    :param str name: special experiment name
    :param str dir_name: special folder name
    :param bool stamp_unique: whether add at the end of new folder unique tag

    >>> p_dir = create_experiment_folder('.', 'my_test', stamp_unique=False)
    >>> os.rmdir(p_dir)
    >>> p_dir = create_experiment_folder('.', 'my_test', stamp_unique=True)
    >>> os.rmdir(p_dir)
    assert os.path.exists(path_out), 'missing base folder "%s"' % path_out
    date = time.gmtime()
    if isinstance(name, str) and name:
        dir_name = '{}_{}'.format(dir_name, name)
    path_exp = os.path.join(path_out, dir_name)
    if stamp_unique:
        path_exp += '_' + time.strftime(FORMAT_DATE_TIME, date)
        path_created = None
        while not path_created:
            logging.warning('particular out folder already exists')
            if path_created is not None:
                path_exp += '-' + str(np.random.randint(0, 100))
            path_created = create_folder(path_exp, ok_existing=False)
        path_created = create_folder(path_exp, ok_existing=False)'created experiment folder "%r"', path_created)
    return path_exp
Esempio n. 6
def filter_landmarks(idx_row, path_output, path_dataset, path_reference):
    """ filter all relevant landmarks which were used and copy them to experiment

    :param (idx, {}|Series) idx_row: experiment DataFrame
    :param str path_output: path to output folder
    :param str path_dataset: path to provided landmarks
    :param str path_reference: path to the complete landmark collection
    :return (idx, float): record index and match ratio
    idx, row = idx_row
    path_ref = update_path_(row[COL_POINTS_MOVE], path_reference)
    path_load = update_path_(row[COL_POINTS_MOVE], path_dataset)
    pairs = common_landmarks(load_landmarks(path_ref),
    pairs = sorted(pairs.tolist(), key=lambda p: p[1])
    ind_ref = np.asarray(pairs)[:, 0]

    # moving and reference landmarks
        path_in = update_path_(row[col], path_reference)
        path_out = update_path_(row[col], path_output)
        create_folder(os.path.dirname(path_out), ok_existing=True)
        save_landmarks(path_out, load_landmarks(path_in)[ind_ref])

    # save ratio of found landmarks
    len_lnds_ref = len(
        load_landmarks(update_path_(row[COL_POINTS_REF], path_reference)))
    ratio_matches = len(pairs) / float(len_lnds_ref)
    return idx, ratio_matches
Esempio n. 7
    def _perform_registration(self, df_row):
        """ run single registration experiment with all sub-stages

        :param tuple(int,dict) df_row: row from iterated table
        idx, row = df_row
        logging.debug('-> perform single registration #%d...', idx)
        # create folder for this particular experiment
        row['ID'] = idx
        row[self.COL_REG_DIR] = str(idx)
        path_dir_reg = self._get_path_reg_dir(row)
        # check whether the particular experiment already exists and have result
        if self.__check_exist_regist(idx, path_dir_reg):

        time_start = time.time()
        # do some requested pre-processing if required
        row = self.__images_preprocessing(row)
        row[self.COL_TIME_PREPROC] = (time.time() - time_start) / 60.
        row = self._prepare_img_registration(row)
        # if the pre-processing failed, return back None
        if not row:

        # measure execution time
        time_start = time.time()
        row = self._execute_img_registration(row)
        # if the experiment failed, return back None
        if not row:
        # compute the registration time in minutes
        row[self.COL_TIME] = (time.time() - time_start) / 60.
        # remove some temporary images
        row = self.__remove_pproc_images(row)

        row = self._parse_regist_results(row)
        # if the post-processing failed, return back None
        if not row:
        row = self._clear_after_registration(row)

        if self.params.get('visual', False):
            logging.debug('-> visualise results of experiment: %r', idx)
                (idx, row),

        return row
Esempio n. 8
def extend_landmarks(path_set, path_dataset, nb_selected=None, nb_total=None):
    """ select and extend the original set of landmarks

    :param str path_set: path to the particular set if images/landmarks
    :param str path_dataset: root path to generated dataset
    :param float|int|None nb_selected: portion of selected points,
        if None use all original landmarks
    :param int|None nb_total: add extra points up to total number,
        if None, no adding extra points
    logging.debug('> processing: %s', path_set)

    # search form mas scale in set and load all related landmarks
    names_lnds = load_largest_scale(path_set)
    if not names_lnds:
        logging.warning('no landmarks was loaded for "%s"', path_set)

    # select subset of selected landmarks
    names_lnds_new = {}
    if nb_selected is not None:
        assert nb_selected >= 0, 'number of selected has to be positive'
        lens = list(map(len, names_lnds.values()))
        # transform the relative count to absolute number
        if nb_selected < 1:
            nb_selected = np.ceil(nb_selected * max(lens)).astype(int)
        # perform the selection
        indexes = list(range(min(lens)))
        # just a required subset
        indexes = indexes[:nb_selected]
        for name in names_lnds:
            names_lnds_new[name] = names_lnds[name][indexes]
        names_lnds_new = names_lnds

    if nb_total is not None:
        names_lnds_new = expand_random_warped_landmarks(
            names_lnds, names_lnds_new, nb_total)

    # export the landmarks
    path_set_scale = os.path.join(path_dataset, os.path.basename(path_set),
                                  FOLDER_TEMPLATE % 100)
    for name in names_lnds_new:
        save_landmarks_csv(os.path.join(path_set_scale, name),
Esempio n. 9
def scale_set_landmarks(path_set, scales=DEFAULT_SCALES):
    """ scale the updated (generated) landmarks

    the scales are created within the same path set

    :param str path_set: path to the image/landmark set
    :param list(int) scales: created scales
    :return dict:
    logging.debug('> processing: %s', path_set)
    path_scale100 = os.path.join(path_set, FOLDER_TEMPLATE % 100)
    if not os.path.isdir(path_scale100):
        logging.error('missing base scale 100pc in "%s"', path_scale100)
    list_csv = glob.glob(os.path.join(path_scale100, '*.csv'))
    logging.debug('>> found landmarks: %i', len(list_csv))
    dict_lnds = {
        os.path.basename(p): pd.read_csv(p, index_col=0)
        for p in list_csv
    set_scales = {}
    for sc in (sc for sc in scales if sc not in [100]):  # drop the base scale
        folder_name = FOLDER_TEMPLATE % sc
        path_scale = create_folder(os.path.join(path_set, folder_name))
        for name in dict_lnds:
            df_scale = dict_lnds[name] * (sc / 100.)
            df_scale.to_csv(os.path.join(path_scale, name))
        set_scales[sc] = len(dict_lnds)
    dict_lens = {os.path.basename(path_set): set_scales}
    return dict_lens
Esempio n. 10
def create_experiment_folder(path_out, dir_name, name='', stamp_unique=True):
    """ create the experiment folder and iterate while there is no available

    :param str path_out: path to the base experiment directory
    :param str name: special experiment name
    :param str dir_name: special folder name
    :param bool stamp_unique: whether add at the end of new folder unique tag

    >>> p_dir = create_experiment_folder('.', 'my_test', stamp_unique=False)
    >>> os.rmdir(p_dir)
    >>> p_dir = create_experiment_folder('.', 'my_test', stamp_unique=True)
    >>> p_dir  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    >>> os.rmdir(p_dir)
    if not os.path.isdir(path_out):
        raise FileNotFoundError('missing base folder "%s"' % path_out)
    date = time.gmtime()
    if isinstance(name, str) and name:
        dir_name = '%s_%s' % (dir_name, name)
    # if you require time stamp
    if stamp_unique:
        path_stamp = time.strftime(FORMAT_DATE_TIME, date)
        # prepare experiment path with initial timestamp - now
        path_exp = os.path.join(path_out, '%s_%s' % (dir_name, path_stamp))
        if os.path.isdir(path_exp):
            logging.warning('particular out folder already exists')
            path_exp += '-' + str(uuid.uuid4().hex)
        path_exp = os.path.join(path_out, dir_name)
    path_created = create_folder(path_exp, ok_existing=False)'created experiment folder "%r"', path_created)
    return path_exp