Esempio n. 1
def get_url(ctx, *path, **query):
    path = [
                     safe=',/:').decode('utf-8') for fragment in path
        if fragment for sub_fragment in unicode(fragment).split(u'/')
        if sub_fragment
    query = dict((str(name), strings.deep_encode(value))
                 for name, value in sorted(query.iteritems())
                 if value not in (None, [], (), ''))
    return u'{0}/{1}{2}'.format(
        get_base_url(ctx), u'/'.join(path),
        ('?' + urllib.urlencode(query, doseq=True)) if query else '')
Esempio n. 2
def get_url(ctx, *path, **query):
    path = [
        urllib.quote(unicode(sub_fragment).encode('utf-8'), safe = ',/:').decode('utf-8')
        for fragment in path
        if fragment
        for sub_fragment in unicode(fragment).split(u'/')
        if sub_fragment
    query = dict(
        (str(name), strings.deep_encode(value))
        for name, value in sorted(query.iteritems())
        if value not in (None, [], (), '')
    return u'{0}/{1}{2}'.format(get_base_url(ctx), u'/'.join(path),
        ('?' + urllib.urlencode(query, doseq = True)) if query else '')
Esempio n. 3
def get_url(ctx, *path, **query):
    lang = query.pop('lang', None) or ctx.lang[0]
    path = [
        for fragment in itertools.chain(
                lang if lang != conf['languages'][0] else None,
        ) if fragment for sub_fragment in unicode(fragment).split(u'/')
        if sub_fragment
    query = dict((str(name), strings.deep_encode(value))
                 for name, value in sorted(query.iteritems())
                 if value not in (None, [], (), ''))
    return u'{0}/{1}{2}'.format(
        get_base_url(ctx), u'/'.join(path),
        ('?' + urllib.urlencode(query, doseq=True)) if query else '')
Esempio n. 4
def iter_full_urls(ctx, *path, **query):
    assert application_url is not None
    host_urls = conf['host_urls']
    if host_urls is None:
        yield get_full_url(ctx, *path, **query)
        path = [
                         safe=',/:').decode('utf-8') for fragment in
            urlparse.urlsplit(application_url).path.split('/') + path
            if fragment for sub_fragment in unicode(fragment).split(u'/')
            if sub_fragment
        query = dict((str(name), strings.deep_encode(value))
                     for name, value in sorted(query.iteritems())
                     if value not in (None, [], (), ''))
        for host_url in host_urls:
            yield u'{0}{1}{2}'.format(
                host_url, u'/'.join(path),
                ('?' + urllib.urlencode(query, doseq=True)) if query else '')
Esempio n. 5
def iter_full_urls(ctx, *path, **query):
    assert application_url is not None
    host_urls = conf['host_urls']
    if host_urls is None:
        yield get_full_url(ctx, *path, **query)
        path = [
            urllib.quote(unicode(sub_fragment).encode('utf-8'), safe = ',/:').decode('utf-8')
            for fragment in urlparse.urlsplit(application_url).path.split('/') + path
            if fragment
            for sub_fragment in unicode(fragment).split(u'/')
            if sub_fragment
        query = dict(
            (str(name), strings.deep_encode(value))
            for name, value in sorted(query.iteritems())
            if value not in (None, [], (), '')
        for host_url in host_urls:
            yield u'{0}{1}{2}'.format(host_url, u'/'.join(path),
                ('?' + urllib.urlencode(query, doseq = True)) if query else '')
Esempio n. 6
 def add_file_bytes(self, fieldname, filename, file_bytes, mimetype = None):
     """Add a file to be uploaded."""
     if mimetype is None:
         mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or 'application/octet-stream'
     self.files.append((str(fieldname), strings.deep_encode(filename), str(mimetype), file_bytes))
Esempio n. 7
 def add_field(self, name, value):
     """Add a simple field to the form data."""
     self.form_fields.append((str(name), strings.deep_encode(value)))