Esempio n. 1
def get_docs():
    # for now, just return a four-array for testing
    # TODO return array of actual tweets from tsv
    # TODO return using message objects
    #return ['Erik Holbrook is a cool guy','President Obama is also a cool guy.',
    #	'Peyton Manning won the Super Bowl last night.', 'He likes ice cream cold.']
    docs = []
    for message in streammanager("neel", "NEEL2016-training.tsv"):
    return docs
Esempio n. 2
def get_docs():
    # for now, just return a four-array for testing
    # TODO return array of actual tweets from tsv
    # TODO return using message objects
    # return ['Erik Holbrook is a cool guy','President Obama is also a cool guy.',
    # 	'Peyton Manning won the Super Bowl last night.', 'He likes ice cream cold.']
    docs = []
    for message in streammanager("neel", "NEEL2016-training.tsv"):
    return docs
Esempio n. 3
import sys


import bismol
from bismol import streaminterface
from bismol.streaminterface import streammanager
from bismol.streaminterface.streammanager import streammanager

for message in streammanager("neel", "NEEL2016-dev.tsv"):
    print message.source
    print message.url
    print message.text
Esempio n. 4
import sys


import bismol
from bismol import streaminterface
from bismol.streaminterface import streammanager
from bismol.streaminterface.streammanager import streammanager

for message in streammanager("neel", "NEEL2016-dev.tsv"):
	print message.source
	print message.url
	print message.text