Esempio n. 1
def pubkeys_to_basic_stealth_address(scan_pubkey, spend_pubkey, magic_byte=42):
    # magic_byte = 42 for mainnet, 43 for testnet.
    hex_scankey = main.encode_pubkey(scan_pubkey, 'hex_compressed')
    hex_spendkey = main.encode_pubkey(spend_pubkey, 'hex_compressed')
    hex_data = '00{0:066x}01{1:066x}0100'.format(int(hex_scankey, 16), int(hex_spendkey, 16))
    addr = main.hex_to_b58check(hex_data, magic_byte)
    return addr
Esempio n. 2
def pubkeys_to_basic_stealth_address(scan_pubkey, spend_pubkey, magic_byte=42):
    # magic_byte = 42 for mainnet, 43 for testnet.
    hex_scankey = main.encode_pubkey(scan_pubkey, 'hex_compressed')
    hex_spendkey = main.encode_pubkey(spend_pubkey, 'hex_compressed')
    hex_data = '00{0:066x}01{1:066x}0100'.format(int(hex_scankey, 16), int(hex_spendkey, 16))
    addr = main.hex_to_b58check(hex_data, magic_byte)
    return addr
    privKey = btc.random_key()  # 256 bit Random number를 생성한다
    dPrivKey = btc.decode_privkey(privKey, 'hex')  # 16진수 문자열을 10진수 숫자로 변환한다
    if dPrivKey < btc.N:  # secp256k1 의 N 보다 작으면 OK

# 개인키로 공개키를 생성한다.
pubKey = btc.privkey_to_pubkey(privKey)

# 공개키로 지갑 주소를 생성한다. (mainnet 용)
address1 = btc.pubkey_to_address(pubKey, 0)

# 공개키로 160-bit public key hash를 생성한다
pubHash160 = btc.hash160(btc.encode_pubkey(pubKey, 'bin'))

# 160-bit public key hash로 지갑 주소를 생성한다. (위의 address와 동일하다)
address2 = btc.hex_to_b58check(pubHash160, 0)

# 지갑 주소를 160-bit public key hash로 변환한다. (위의 pubHash160과 동일하다)
pubHash1601 = btc.b58check_to_hex(address2)

# 공개키로 testnet용 지갑 주소를 생성한다
address3 = btc.pubkey_to_address(pubKey, 0x6f)

# 결과 확인
print("\n\n개인키 : ", privKey)
print("개인키 --> 공개키 : ", pubKey)
print("\n공개키 --> 지갑주소 (1. mainet 용) : ", address1)
print("공개키 --> 공개키 해시 : ", pubHash160)
print("\n공개키 해시 --> 지갑주소 (2. mainet 용) : ", address2)
print("지갑주소 --> 공개키 해시 : ", pubHash1601)
print("지갑주소 (Testnet 용) :", address3)
Esempio n. 4
def history(*args):
    # Valid input formats: history([addr1, addr2,addr3], "btc")
    #                      history(addr1, addr2, addr3, "testnet")
    if len(args) == 0 or (len(args)==1 and args[0] in ('testnet','btc')):
        return []
    addrs, network = parse_addr_args(*args)

    if network == "btc":
        txs = []
        for addr in addrs:
            offset = 0
            while 1:
                gathered = False
                while not gathered:
                        data = make_request('' % (addr, offset))
                        gathered = True
                    except Exception as e:
                        gathered = False
                    jsonobj = json.loads(data)
                    raise Exception("Failed to decode data: "+data)
                if len(jsonobj["txs"]) < 50:
                offset += 50
                sys.stderr.write("Fetching more transactions... "+str(offset)+'\n')
        outs = {}
        for tx in txs:
            for o in tx["out"]:
                if o.get('addr', None) in addrs:
                    key = str(tx["tx_index"])+':'+str(o["n"])
                    outs[key] = {
                        "address": o["addr"],
                        "value": o["value"],
                        "output": tx["hash"]+':'+str(o["n"]),
                        "block_height": tx.get("block_height", None)
        for tx in txs:      # if output is spent adds "spend": "spending_TxID:i"
            for i, inp in enumerate(tx["inputs"]):
                if "prev_out" in inp:
                    if inp["prev_out"].get("addr", None) in addrs:
                        key = str(inp["prev_out"]["tx_index"]) + \
                        if outs.get(key):
                            outs[key]["spend"] = tx["hash"] + ':' + str(i)
        return [outs[k] for k in outs]
    elif network == "testnet":
        txs = []         # using
        for addr in addrs:    # or 
            offset = 0
            while 1:
                gathered = False
                while not gathered:
                        data = make_request("%s/txs/?address=%s" % (BET_URL, addr))
                        gathered = True
                    except Exception as e:
                        try:    sys.stderr.write(
                        except: sys.stderr.write(str(e))
                        gathered = False
                    jsonobj = json.loads(data)
                    raise Exception("Failed to decode data: " + data)
                #assert addr == jsonobj.get("addrStr"), "Tx data doesn't match address %s" % addr
                #if len(jsonobj['data']['address']['inout_count_total']) >= 300: # because records=300
                #    break
                #offset += 100
                #sys.stderr.write("Fetching more transactions... " + str(offset) + '\n')
        outs = {}
        from bitcoin.main import hex_to_b58check, btc_to_satoshi
        for tx in txs:
            for o in tx.get("vout"):
                if o.get('scriptPubKey', None) and hex_to_b58check(o.get("scriptPubKey"])["hex"], 111) == addr:
                    key = str(tx["time"]) + ':' + str(o["n"])
                    outs[key] = {
                        "address":    addr,
                        "value":      btc_to_satoshi(o["value"]),
                        "output":     "{0}:{1}".format(tx["txid"], str(o["n"])),
                    blkhash = tx.get("blockhash")
                        bheight = get_block_height(blkhash, 'testnet')
                        outs[key].update({"block_height": int(bheight)})
                        sys.stderr.write("Couldn't get blockheight for %s.\nUsing blocktime instead" % blkhash)
                        outs[key].update({"block_time": tx.get("time")})
privKey = btc.b58check_to_hex(privKeyWIF)

# 개인키로 공개키를 생성한다.
pubKey = btc.privkey_to_pubkey(privKey)

# 공개키로 160-bit public key hash를 생성한다
pubHash160 = btc.hash160(binascii.unhexlify(pubKey))

# P2SH용 스크립트를 생성한다. script = OP_0 + length + public key hash
script = '00' + '14' + pubHash160

# 160 비트 스크립트 해시를 계산한다
scriptHash = btc.hash160(binascii.unhexlify(script))

# 스크립트 해시로 지갑 주소를 생성한다.
addr = btc.hex_to_b58check(scriptHash, 0x05)

# BIP-173 주소를 생성한다.
# 참조:
witprog = btc.bin_hash160(binascii.unhexlify(pubKey))
bech32Addr = bech32.encode('bc', 0, witprog)

# 결과를 확인한다
print("Decode WIF = ", wifDecode)
print("Private Key = ", privKey)
print("Public Key = ", pubKey)
print("Public Key Hash = ", pubHash160)
print("Script = ", script)
print("ScriptHash = ", scriptHash)
print("Address = ", addr)
print("Bech32 Address = ", bech32Addr)