Esempio n. 1
 def verify_nick(self, nick, sig, message):
     if not btc.ecdsa_verify(message + str(self.hostid), sig[1], sig[0]):
         log.debug("nick signature verification failed, ignoring.")
         return False
     #check that nick matches hash of pubkey
     nick_pkh_raw = hashlib.sha256(sig[0]).digest()[:NICK_HASH_LENGTH]
     nick_stripped = nick[2:2+NICK_MAX_ENCODED]
     #strip right padding
     nick_unpadded = ''.join([x for x in nick_stripped if x != 'O'])
     if not nick_unpadded == btc.changebase(nick_pkh_raw, 256, 58):
         log.debug("Nick hash check failed, expected: " + str(
             nick_unpadded) + ", got: " + str(
                 btc.changebase(nick_pkh_raw, 256, 58)))
         return False
     return True
Esempio n. 2
 def base_encoder_tests(self):
     self.assertEqual(b.encode(1029, 256), '\x04\x05')
     self.assertEqual(b.decode('DEADBEEF', 16), 3735928559)
     r = random.randrange(2**256)
     self.assertEqual(b.decode(b.changebase(b.encode(r, 16), 16, 58), 58),
     self.assertEqual(b.base58export(b.base58check(r, 101, 34)), r)
Esempio n. 3
def segwit_txhash(tx):
    if isinstance(tx, str) and re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', tx):
        tx = changebase(tx, 16, 256)
    tx_hash = txhash(tx)
    tx = strip_witness_data(tx)
    tx_id = txhash(tx)
    return {'hash': tx_hash, 'txid': tx_id}
Esempio n. 4
def serialize_extended_key(version_bytes, depth, parent_key_fingerprint, child_number, extended_key):
    depth = depth.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')
    index = child_number.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
    serialized = version_bytes + depth + parent_key_fingerprint + index + extended_key
    checksum = bitcoin.bin_dbl_sha256(serialized)[0:4]
    serialized += checksum
    return bitcoin.changebase(serialized, 256, 58)
Esempio n. 5
def segwit_txhash(tx):
    if isinstance(tx, str) and re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', tx):
        tx = changebase(tx, 16, 256)
    tx_hash = txhash(tx)
    tx = strip_witness_data(tx)
    tx_id = txhash(tx)
    return {'hash': tx_hash, 'txid': tx_id}
Esempio n. 6
def deserialize_extended_key(extended_key):
    binary_key = bytearray(bitcoin.changebase(extended_key, 58, 256))
    binary_verify_checksum(binary_key, 4)
    (version_bytes, depth, parent_key_fingerprint, child_number, chain_code, key, checksum) = struct.unpack(
        '@4sc4s4s32s33s4s', binary_key)
    if version_bytes != extended_public_key_version_bytes:
        exit_with_error("Invalid version bytes on extended key")
    return version_bytes, depth, parent_key_fingerprint, child_number, chain_code, key
Esempio n. 7
def generate_wif_from_key(childKey, network,compressed=True):
    prefix = public_wif_prefix if network == Network.MAINNET else testnet_wif_prefix
    wif_binary = prefix.to_bytes(1,'big') + childKey
    if compressed:
        wif_binary += 0x01.to_bytes(1,'big')
    checksum = bitcoin.bin_dbl_sha256(wif_binary)[0:4]
    wif = bitcoin.changebase(wif_binary + checksum, 256, 58)
    return wif
Esempio n. 8
    def bin_to_b58check(self, inp, magicbyte=0, magicbyte_length=1):
        inp_fmtd = int(magicbyte).to_bytes(magicbyte_length, 'big') + inp
        checksum = bitcoin.bin_dbl_sha256(inp_fmtd)[:4]

        leadingzbytes = 0
        for x in inp_fmtd:
            if x != 0:
            leadingzbytes += 1

        return '1' * leadingzbytes + bitcoin.changebase(inp_fmtd + checksum, 256, 58)
Esempio n. 9
def bip38_decrypt(encrypted_privkey, passphrase, wif=False):
    BIP0038 non-ec-multiply decryption. Returns hex privkey.
    passphrase = normalize('NFC', unicode(passphrase))
    if is_py2:
        passphrase = passphrase.encode('utf8')

    d = unhexlify(changebase(encrypted_privkey, 58, 16, 86))

    d = d[2:]
    flagbyte = d[0:1]
    d = d[1:]
    # respect flagbyte, return correct pair

    if flagbyte == b'\xc0':
        compressed = False
    if flagbyte == b'\xe0':
        compressed = True

    addresshash = d[0:4]
    d = d[4:-4]
    key = scrypt.hash(passphrase,addresshash, 16384, 8, 8)
    derivedhalf1 = key[0:32]
    derivedhalf2 = key[32:64]
    encryptedhalf1 = d[0:16]
    encryptedhalf2 = d[16:32]
    aes =
    decryptedhalf2 = aes.decrypt(encryptedhalf2)
    decryptedhalf1 = aes.decrypt(encryptedhalf1)
    priv = decryptedhalf1 + decryptedhalf2
    priv = unhexlify('%064x' % (long(hexlify(priv), 16) ^ long(hexlify(derivedhalf1), 16)))
    pub = privtopub(priv)
    if compressed:
        pub = encode_pubkey(pub,'hex_compressed')
    addr = pubtoaddr(pub)

    if is_py2:
        ascii_key = addr
        ascii_key = bytes(addr,'ascii')

    if sha256(sha256(ascii_key).digest()).digest()[0:4] != addresshash:
        raise Exception('Bip38 password decrypt failed: Wrong password?')
        formatt = 'wif' if wif else 'hex'
        if compressed:
            return encode_privkey(priv, formatt + '_compressed')
            return encode_privkey(priv, formatt)
Esempio n. 10
 def __init__(self, configdata, nick):
     super(DummyMC, self).__init__(configdata)
     #hacked in here to allow auth without mc-collection
     nick_priv = hashlib.sha256(os.urandom(16)).hexdigest() + '01'
     nick_pubkey = btc.privtopub(nick_priv)
     nick_pkh_raw = hashlib.sha256(nick_pubkey).digest()[:NICK_HASH_LENGTH]
     nick_pkh = btc.changebase(nick_pkh_raw, 256, 58)
     #right pad to maximum possible; b58 is not fixed length.
     #Use 'O' as one of the 4 not included chars in base58.
     nick_pkh += 'O' * (NICK_MAX_ENCODED - len(nick_pkh))
     #The constructed length will be 1 + 1 + NICK_MAX_ENCODED
     nick = JOINMARKET_NICK_HEADER + str(jm_single().JM_VERSION) + nick_pkh
     jm_single().nickname = nick
     self.set_nick(nick, nick_priv, nick_pubkey)
Esempio n. 11
def bip38_encrypt(privkey, passphrase):
    BIP0038 non-ec-multiply encryption. Returns BIP0038 encrypted privkey.
    privformat = get_privkey_format(privkey)
    if privformat in ['wif_compressed','hex_compressed']:
        compressed = True
        flagbyte = b'\xe0'
        if privformat == 'wif_compressed':
            privkey = encode_privkey(privkey,'hex_compressed')
            privformat = get_privkey_format(privkey)
    if privformat in ['wif', 'hex']:
        compressed = False
        flagbyte = b'\xc0'
    if privformat == 'wif':
        privkey = encode_privkey(privkey,'hex')
        privformat = get_privkey_format(privkey)

    pubkey = privtopub(privkey)
    addr = pubtoaddr(pubkey)

    passphrase = normalize('NFC', unicode(passphrase))
    if is_py2:
        ascii_key = addr
        passphrase = passphrase.encode('utf8')
        ascii_key = bytes(addr,'ascii')

    salt = sha256(sha256(ascii_key).digest()).digest()[0:4]
    key = scrypt.hash(passphrase, salt, 16384, 8, 8)
    derivedhalf1, derivedhalf2 = key[:32], key[32:]

    aes =
    encryptedhalf1 = aes.encrypt(unhexlify('%0.32x' % (long(privkey[0:32], 16) ^ long(hexlify(derivedhalf1[0:16]), 16))))
    encryptedhalf2 = aes.encrypt(unhexlify('%0.32x' % (long(privkey[32:64], 16) ^ long(hexlify(derivedhalf1[16:32]), 16))))

    payload = b'\x01' + b'\x42' + flagbyte + salt + encryptedhalf1 + encryptedhalf2
    checksum   = sha256(sha256(payload).digest()).digest()[:4] # b58check for encrypted privkey
    privatkey  = hexlify(payload + checksum).decode('ascii')
    return changebase(privatkey, 16, 58)
Esempio n. 12
 def __init__(self, mchannels):
     self.mchannels = mchannels
     #To keep track of chosen channels
     #for private messaging counterparties.
     self.active_channels = {}
     #To keep track of message channel status;
     #0: not started 1: started 2: failed/broken/inactive
     self.mc_status = dict([(x, 0) for x in self.mchannels])
     #To keep track of counterparties having at least once
     #made their presence known on a channel
     self.nicks_seen = {}
     for mc in self.mchannels:
         self.nicks_seen[mc] = set()
         #callback to mark nicks as seen when they privmsg
         mc.on_privmsg_trigger = self.on_privmsg
     #keep track of whether we want to deliberately
     #shut down the connections
     self.give_up = False
     #only allow on_welcome() to fire once.
     self.welcomed = False
     #control access
     self.mc_lock = threading.Lock()
     #Create an ephemeral keypair for the duration
     #of this run, same across all message channels,
     #and set the nickname for all message channels using it.
     self.nick_priv = hashlib.sha256(os.urandom(16)).hexdigest() + '01'
     self.nick_pubkey = btc.privtopub(self.nick_priv)
     self.nick_pkh_raw = hashlib.sha256(self.nick_pubkey).digest()[
     self.nick_pkh = btc.changebase(self.nick_pkh_raw, 256, 58)
     #right pad to maximum possible; b58 is not fixed length.
     #Use 'O' as one of the 4 not included chars in base58.
     self.nick_pkh += 'O' * (NICK_MAX_ENCODED - len(self.nick_pkh))
     #The constructed length will be 1 + 1 + NICK_MAX_ENCODED
     self.nick = JOINMARKET_NICK_HEADER + str(
         jm_single().JM_VERSION) + self.nick_pkh
     jm_single().nickname = self.nick
     for mc in self.mchannels:
         mc.set_nick(self.nick, self.nick_priv, self.nick_pubkey)
Esempio n. 13
 def base_encoder_tests(self):
   r = random.randrange(2**256)
Esempio n. 14
def is_segwit(tx, hashcode=None):
    if isinstance(tx, str) and re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', tx):
        tx = changebase(tx, 16, 256)
    return tx[4:6] == b'\x00\x01'
Esempio n. 15
def test_changebase(st, frm, to, minlen, res):
    assert btc.changebase(st, frm, to, minlen) == res
Esempio n. 16
def is_segwit(tx, hashcode=None):
    if isinstance(tx, str) and re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', tx):
        tx = changebase(tx, 16, 256)
    return tx[4:6] == b'\x00\x01'