def test_external_commitments(setup_podle): """Add this generated commitment to the external list {txid:N:{'P':pubkey, 'reveal':{1:{'P2':P2,'s':s,'e':e}, 2:{..},..}}} Note we do this *after* the sendpayment test so that the external commitments will not erroneously used (they are fake). """ ecs = {} tries = jm_single().config.getint("POLICY","taker_utxo_retries") for i in range(10): priv = os.urandom(32) dummy_utxo = btc.sha256(priv)+":2" ecs[dummy_utxo] = {} ecs[dummy_utxo]['reveal']={} for j in range(tries): P, P2, s, e, commit = generate_single_podle_sig(priv, j) if 'P' not in ecs[dummy_utxo]: ecs[dummy_utxo]['P']=P ecs[dummy_utxo]['reveal'][j] = {'P2':P2, 's':s, 'e':e} btc.add_external_commitments(ecs) used, external = btc.get_podle_commitments() for u in external: assert external[u]['P'] == ecs[u]['P'] for i in range(tries): for x in ['P2', 's', 'e']: assert external[u]['reveal'][str(i)][x] == ecs[u]['reveal'][i][x]
def test_external_commitments(setup_podle): """Add this generated commitment to the external list {txid:N:{'P':pubkey, 'reveal':{1:{'P2':P2,'s':s,'e':e}, 2:{..},..}}} Note we do this *after* the sendpayment test so that the external commitments will not erroneously used (they are fake). """ ecs = {} tries = jm_single().config.getint("POLICY", "taker_utxo_retries") for i in range(10): priv = os.urandom(32) dummy_utxo = btc.sha256(priv) + ":2" ecs[dummy_utxo] = {} ecs[dummy_utxo]['reveal'] = {} for j in range(tries): P, P2, s, e, commit = generate_single_podle_sig(priv, j) if 'P' not in ecs[dummy_utxo]: ecs[dummy_utxo]['P'] = P ecs[dummy_utxo]['reveal'][j] = {'P2': P2, 's': s, 'e': e} btc.add_external_commitments(ecs) used, external = btc.get_podle_commitments() for u in external: assert external[u]['P'] == ecs[u]['P'] for i in range(tries): for x in ['P2', 's', 'e']: assert external[u]['reveal'][str( i)][x] == ecs[u]['reveal'][i][x]
def main(): parser = OptionParser( usage= 'usage: %prog [options] [txid:n]', description="Adds one or more utxos to the list that can be used to make " "commitments for anti-snooping. Note that this utxo, and its " "PUBkey, will be revealed to makers, so consider the privacy " "implication. " "It may be useful to those who are having trouble making " "coinjoins due to several unsuccessful attempts (especially " "if your joinmarket wallet is new). " "'Utxo' means unspent transaction output, it must not " "already be spent. " "The options -w, -r and -R offer ways to load these utxos " "from a file or wallet. " "If you enter a single utxo without these options, you will be " "prompted to enter the private key here - it must be in " "WIF compressed format. " "BE CAREFUL about handling private keys! " "Don't do this in insecure environments. " "Also note this ONLY works for standard (p2pkh) utxos." ) parser.add_option( '-r', '--read-from-file', action='store', type='str', dest='in_file', help='name of plain text csv file containing utxos, one per line, format: ' 'txid:N, WIF-compressed-privkey' ) parser.add_option( '-R', '--read-from-json', action='store', type='str', dest='in_json', help='name of json formatted file containing utxos with private keys, as ' 'output from "python -u -p walletname showutxos"' ) parser.add_option( '-w', '--load-wallet', action='store', type='str', dest='loadwallet', help='name of wallet from which to load utxos and use as commitments.' ) parser.add_option( '-g', '--gap-limit', action='store', type='int', dest='gaplimit', default = 6, help='Only to be used with -w; gap limit for Joinmarket wallet, default 6.' ) parser.add_option( '-M', '--max-mixdepth', action='store', type='int', dest='maxmixdepth', default=5, help='Only to be used with -w; number of mixdepths for wallet, default 5.' ) parser.add_option( '-d', '--delete-external', action='store_true', dest='delete_ext', help='deletes the current list of external commitment utxos', default=False ) parser.add_option( '-v', '--validate-utxos', action='store_true', dest='validate', help='validate the utxos and pubkeys provided against the blockchain', default=False ) parser.add_option( '-o', '--validate-only', action='store_true', dest='vonly', help='only validate the provided utxos (file or command line), not add', default=False ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() load_program_config() utxo_data = [] if options.delete_ext: other = options.in_file or options.in_json or options.loadwallet if len(args) > 0 or other: if raw_input("You have chosen to delete commitments, other arguments " "will be ignored; continue? (y/n)") != 'y': print "Quitting" sys.exit(0) c, e = btc.get_podle_commitments() print pformat(e) if raw_input( "You will remove the above commitments; are you sure? (y/n): ") != 'y': print "Quitting" sys.exit(0) btc.update_commitments(external_to_remove=e) print "Commitments deleted." sys.exit(0) #Three options (-w, -r, -R) for loading utxo and privkey pairs from a wallet, #csv file or json file. if options.loadwallet: os.chdir('..') #yuck (see earlier comment about package) wallet = Wallet(options.loadwallet, options.maxmixdepth, options.gaplimit) os.chdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'cmttools')) jm_single().bc_interface.sync_wallet(wallet) unsp = {} for u, av in wallet.unspent.iteritems(): addr = av['address'] key = wallet.get_key_from_addr(addr) wifkey = btc.wif_compressed_privkey(key, vbyte=get_p2pk_vbyte()) unsp[u] = {'address': av['address'], 'value': av['value'], 'privkey': wifkey} for u, pva in unsp.iteritems(): utxo_data.append((u, pva['privkey'])) elif options.in_file: with open(options.in_file, "rb") as f: utxo_info = f.readlines() for ul in utxo_info: ul = ul.rstrip() if ul: u, priv = get_utxo_info(ul) if not u: quit(parser, "Failed to parse utxo info: " + str(ul)) utxo_data.append((u, priv)) elif options.in_json: if not os.path.isfile(options.in_json): print "File: " + options.in_json + " not found." sys.exit(0) with open(options.in_json, "rb") as f: try: utxo_json = json.loads( except: print "Failed to read json from " + options.in_json sys.exit(0) for u, pva in utxo_json.iteritems(): utxo_data.append((u, pva['privkey'])) elif len(args) == 1: u = args[0] priv = raw_input( 'input private key for ' + u + ', in WIF compressed format : ') u, priv = get_utxo_info(','.join([u, priv])) if not u: quit(parser, "Failed to parse utxo info: " + u) utxo_data.append((u, priv)) else: quit(parser, 'Invalid syntax') if options.validate or options.vonly: if not validate_utxo_data(utxo_data): quit(parser, "Utxos did not validate, quitting") if options.vonly: sys.exit(0) #We are adding utxos to the external list assert len(utxo_data) add_external_commitments(utxo_data)
def test_commitments_empty(setup_podle): """Ensure that empty commitments file results in {} """ assert btc.get_podle_commitments() == ([], {})
def make_commitment(self, wallet, input_utxos, cjamount): """The Taker default commitment function, which uses PoDLE. Alternative commitment types should use a different commit type byte. This will allow future upgrades to provide different style commitments by subclassing Taker and changing the commit_type_byte; existing makers will simply not accept this new type of commitment. In case of success, return the commitment and its opening. In case of failure returns (None, None) and constructs a detailed log for the user to read and discern the reason. """ def filter_by_coin_age_amt(utxos, age, amt): results = jm_single().bc_interface.query_utxo_set(utxos, includeconf=True) newresults = [] too_old = [] too_small = [] for i, r in enumerate(results): #results return "None" if txo is spent; drop this if not r: continue valid_age = r['confirms'] >= age valid_amt = r['value'] >= amt if not valid_age: too_old.append(utxos[i]) if not valid_amt: too_small.append(utxos[i]) if valid_age and valid_amt: newresults.append(utxos[i]) return newresults, too_old, too_small def priv_utxo_pairs_from_utxos(utxos, age, amt): #returns pairs list of (priv, utxo) for each valid utxo; #also returns lists "too_old" and "too_small" for any #utxos that did not satisfy the criteria for debugging. priv_utxo_pairs = [] new_utxos, too_old, too_small = filter_by_coin_age_amt( utxos.keys(), age, amt) new_utxos_dict = {k: v for k, v in utxos.items() if k in new_utxos} for k, v in new_utxos_dict.iteritems(): addr = v['address'] priv = wallet.get_key_from_addr(addr) if priv: #can be null from create-unsigned priv_utxo_pairs.append((priv, k)) return priv_utxo_pairs, too_old, too_small commit_type_byte = "P" podle_data = None tries = jm_single().config.getint("POLICY", "taker_utxo_retries") age = jm_single().config.getint("POLICY", "taker_utxo_age") #Minor rounding errors don't matter here amt = int( cjamount * jm_single().config.getint("POLICY", "taker_utxo_amtpercent") / 100.0) priv_utxo_pairs, to, ts = priv_utxo_pairs_from_utxos( input_utxos, age, amt) #Note that we ignore the "too old" and "too small" lists in the first #pass through, because the same utxos appear in the whole-wallet check. #For podle data format see: btc.podle.PoDLE.reveal() #In first round try, don't use external commitments podle_data = btc.generate_podle(priv_utxo_pairs, tries) if not podle_data: #We defer to a second round to try *all* utxos in wallet; #this is because it's much cleaner to use the utxos involved #in the transaction, about to be consumed, rather than use #random utxos that will persist after. At this step we also #allow use of external utxos in the json file. if wallet.unspent: priv_utxo_pairs, to, ts = priv_utxo_pairs_from_utxos( wallet.unspent, age, amt) #Pre-filter the set of external commitments that work for this #transaction according to its size and age. dummy, extdict = btc.get_podle_commitments() if len(extdict.keys()) > 0: ext_valid, ext_to, ext_ts = filter_by_coin_age_amt( extdict.keys(), age, amt) else: ext_valid = None podle_data = btc.generate_podle(priv_utxo_pairs, tries, ext_valid) if podle_data: log.debug("Generated PoDLE: " + pprint.pformat(podle_data)) revelation = btc.PoDLE(u=podle_data['utxo'], P=podle_data['P'], P2=podle_data['P2'], s=podle_data['sig'], e=podle_data['e']).serialize_revelation() return (commit_type_byte + podle_data["commit"], revelation) else: #we know that priv_utxo_pairs all passed age and size tests, so #they must have failed the retries test. Summarize this info #and publish to commitments_debug.txt with open("commitments_debug.txt", "wb") as f: f.write("THIS IS A TEMPORARY FILE FOR DEBUGGING; " "IT CAN BE SAFELY DELETED ANY TIME.\n") f.write("***\n") f.write("1: Utxos that passed age and size limits, but have " "been used too many times (see taker_utxo_retries " "in the config):\n") if len(priv_utxo_pairs) == 0: f.write("None\n") else: for p, u in priv_utxo_pairs: f.write(str(u) + "\n") f.write("2: Utxos that have less than " + jm_single().config.get("POLICY", "taker_utxo_age") + " confirmations:\n") if len(to) == 0: f.write("None\n") else: for t in to: f.write(str(t) + "\n") f.write("3: Utxos that were not at least " + \ jm_single().config.get( "POLICY", "taker_utxo_amtpercent") + "% of the " "size of the coinjoin amount " + str( self.proposed_cj_amount) + "\n") if len(ts) == 0: f.write("None\n") else: for t in ts: f.write(str(t) + "\n") f.write('***\n') f.write( "Utxos that appeared in item 1 cannot be used again.\n") f.write( "Utxos only in item 2 can be used by waiting for more " "confirmations, (set by the value of taker_utxo_age).\n") f.write("Utxos only in item 3 are not big enough for this " "coinjoin transaction, set by the value " "of taker_utxo_amtpercent.\n") f.write( "If you cannot source a utxo from your wallet according " "to these rules, use the tool to source a " "utxo external to your joinmarket wallet. Read the help " "with 'python --help'\n\n") f.write("You can also reset the rules in the joinmarket.cfg " "file, but this is generally inadvisable.\n") f.write( "***\nFor reference, here are the utxos in your wallet:\n") f.write("\n" + str(self.proposed_wallet.unspent)) return (None, None)
def make_commitment(self, wallet, input_utxos, cjamount): """The Taker default commitment function, which uses PoDLE. Alternative commitment types should use a different commit type byte. This will allow future upgrades to provide different style commitments by subclassing Taker and changing the commit_type_byte; existing makers will simply not accept this new type of commitment. In case of success, return the commitment and its opening. In case of failure returns (None, None) and constructs a detailed log for the user to read and discern the reason. """ def filter_by_coin_age_amt(utxos, age, amt): results = jm_single().bc_interface.query_utxo_set(utxos, includeconf=True) newresults = [] too_old = [] too_small = [] for i, r in enumerate(results): #results return "None" if txo is spent; drop this if not r: continue valid_age = r['confirms'] >= age valid_amt = r['value'] >= amt if not valid_age: too_old.append(utxos[i]) if not valid_amt: too_small.append(utxos[i]) if valid_age and valid_amt: newresults.append(utxos[i]) return newresults, too_old, too_small def priv_utxo_pairs_from_utxos(utxos, age, amt): #returns pairs list of (priv, utxo) for each valid utxo; #also returns lists "too_old" and "too_small" for any #utxos that did not satisfy the criteria for debugging. priv_utxo_pairs = [] new_utxos, too_old, too_small = filter_by_coin_age_amt( utxos.keys(), age, amt) new_utxos_dict = {k: v for k, v in utxos.items() if k in new_utxos} for k, v in new_utxos_dict.iteritems(): addr = v['address'] priv = wallet.get_key_from_addr(addr) if priv: #can be null from create-unsigned priv_utxo_pairs.append((priv, k)) return priv_utxo_pairs, too_old, too_small commit_type_byte = "P" podle_data = None tries = jm_single().config.getint("POLICY", "taker_utxo_retries") age = jm_single().config.getint("POLICY", "taker_utxo_age") #Minor rounding errors don't matter here amt = int(cjamount * jm_single().config.getint( "POLICY", "taker_utxo_amtpercent") / 100.0) priv_utxo_pairs, to, ts = priv_utxo_pairs_from_utxos(input_utxos, age, amt) #Note that we ignore the "too old" and "too small" lists in the first #pass through, because the same utxos appear in the whole-wallet check. #For podle data format see: btc.podle.PoDLE.reveal() #In first round try, don't use external commitments podle_data = btc.generate_podle(priv_utxo_pairs, tries) if not podle_data: #We defer to a second round to try *all* utxos in wallet; #this is because it's much cleaner to use the utxos involved #in the transaction, about to be consumed, rather than use #random utxos that will persist after. At this step we also #allow use of external utxos in the json file. if wallet.unspent: priv_utxo_pairs, to, ts = priv_utxo_pairs_from_utxos( wallet.unspent, age, amt) #Pre-filter the set of external commitments that work for this #transaction according to its size and age. dummy, extdict = btc.get_podle_commitments() if len(extdict.keys()) > 0: ext_valid, ext_to, ext_ts = filter_by_coin_age_amt(extdict.keys(), age, amt) else: ext_valid = None podle_data = btc.generate_podle(priv_utxo_pairs, tries, ext_valid) if podle_data: log.debug("Generated PoDLE: " + pprint.pformat(podle_data)) revelation = btc.PoDLE(u=podle_data['utxo'],P=podle_data['P'], P2=podle_data['P2'],s=podle_data['sig'], e=podle_data['e']).serialize_revelation() return (commit_type_byte + podle_data["commit"], revelation) else: #we know that priv_utxo_pairs all passed age and size tests, so #they must have failed the retries test. Summarize this info #and publish to commitments_debug.txt with open("commitments_debug.txt", "wb") as f: f.write("THIS IS A TEMPORARY FILE FOR DEBUGGING; " "IT CAN BE SAFELY DELETED ANY TIME.\n") f.write("***\n") f.write("1: Utxos that passed age and size limits, but have " "been used too many times (see taker_utxo_retries " "in the config):\n") if len(priv_utxo_pairs) == 0: f.write("None\n") else: for p, u in priv_utxo_pairs: f.write(str(u) + "\n") f.write("2: Utxos that have less than " + jm_single().config.get( "POLICY", "taker_utxo_age") + " confirmations:\n") if len(to) == 0: f.write("None\n") else: for t in to: f.write(str(t) + "\n") f.write("3: Utxos that were not at least " + \ jm_single().config.get( "POLICY", "taker_utxo_amtpercent") + "% of the " "size of the coinjoin amount " + str( self.proposed_cj_amount) + "\n") if len(ts) == 0: f.write("None\n") else: for t in ts: f.write(str(t) + "\n") f.write('***\n') f.write("Utxos that appeared in item 1 cannot be used again.\n") f.write("Utxos only in item 2 can be used by waiting for more " "confirmations, (set by the value of taker_utxo_age).\n") f.write("Utxos only in item 3 are not big enough for this " "coinjoin transaction, set by the value " "of taker_utxo_amtpercent.\n") f.write("If you cannot source a utxo from your wallet according " "to these rules, use the tool to source a " "utxo external to your joinmarket wallet. Read the help " "with 'python --help'\n\n") f.write("You can also reset the rules in the joinmarket.cfg " "file, but this is generally inadvisable.\n") f.write("***\nFor reference, here are the utxos in your wallet:\n") f.write("\n" + str(self.proposed_wallet.unspent)) return (None, None)