Esempio n. 1
def plots_from_samples(samples, x_attribute, ylabel="Number of txs", xlabel=None, log_axis=None, version=0.15,
                       comparative=False, save_fig=False, legend=None, legend_loc=1, font_size=20):
    Generates plots from utxo/tx samples extracted from utxo_dump.

    :param samples: Samples to be printed (from get_samples)
    :type: list
    :param x_attribute: Attribute to plot (must be a key in the dictionary of the dumped data).
    :type x_attribute: str or list
    :param ylabel: Label for the y axis of the chart
    :type ylabel: str or list
    :param xlabel: Label on the x axis
    :type xlabel: str
    :param log_axis: Determines which axis are plotted using (accepted values are False, "x", "y" or "xy").
    logarithmic scale
    :type log_axis: str or list
    :param version: Bitcoin core version, used to decide the folder in which to store the data.
    :type version: str or list
    :param comparative: Whether we are running a comparative analysis.
    :type comparative: bool
    :param save_fig: Figure's filename or False (to show the interactive plot)
    :type save_fig: str or list
    :param legend: List of strings with legend entries or None (if no legend is needed)
    :type legend: str list
    :param legend_loc: Indicates the location of the legend (if present)
    :type legend_loc: int
    :param font_size: Title, xlabel and ylabel font size
    :type font_size: int
    :return: None
    :rtype: None

    if not (isinstance(x_attribute, list) or isinstance(x_attribute, np.ndarray)):
        x_attribute = [x_attribute]

    # In comparative analysis samples are passed as list of lists of samples.
    if not comparative:
        samples = [samples]

    title = ""
    if not xlabel:
        xlabel = x_attribute

    xs, ys = [], []
    for i in range(len(x_attribute)):
        for s in samples:
            [xc, yc] = get_cdf(s, normalize=True)

    if isinstance(log_axis, list) and isinstance(save_fig, list):
        # If both the normal axis and the logx axis charts want to be displayed, we can take advantage of the same
        # parsing to speed up the process.
        for lx, sf in zip(log_axis, save_fig):
            sf = str(version) + '/' + sf
            plot_distribution(xs, ys, title, xlabel, ylabel, lx, sf, legend, legend_loc, font_size)
        # Otherwise we just print one chart.
        save_fig = str(version) + '/' + save_fig
        plot_distribution(xs, ys, title, xlabel, ylabel, log_axis, save_fig, legend, legend_loc, font_size)
Esempio n. 2
def plot_from_file(x_attribute, y="tx", xlabel=False, log_axis=False, save_fig=False, legend=None,
                   legend_loc=1, font_size=20):
    Generates plots from utxo/tx data extracted from utxo_dump.

    :param x_attribute: Attribute to plot (must be a key in the dictionary of the dumped data).
    :type x_attribute: str
    :param y: Either "tx" or "utxo"
    :type y: str
    :param xlabel: Label on the x axis
    :type xlabel: str
    :param log_axis: Determines which axis are plotted using (accepted values are False, "x", "y" or "xy").
    logarithmic scale
    :type log_axis: str
    :param save_fig: Figure's filename or False (to show the interactive plot)
    :type save_fig: str
    :param legend: List of strings with legend entries or None (if no legend is needed)
    :type legend: str list
    :param legend_loc: Indicates the location of the legend (if present)
    :type legend_loc: int
    :param font_size: Title, xlabel and ylabel font size
    :type font_size: int
    :return: None
    :rtype: None

    if y == "tx":
        fin = open(CFG.data_path + 'parsed_txs.txt', 'r')
        ylabel = "Number of tx."
    elif y == "utxo":
        fin = open(CFG.data_path + 'parsed_utxos.txt', 'r')
        ylabel = "Number of UTXOs"
        raise ValueError('Unrecognized y value')

    samples = []
    for line in fin:
        data = loads(line[:-1])


    [xs, ys] = get_cdf(samples, normalize=True)
    title = ""
    if not xlabel:
        xlabel = x_attribute

    plot_distribution(xs, ys, title, xlabel, ylabel, log_axis, save_fig, legend, legend_loc, font_size)
Esempio n. 3
def plot_dict_from_file(y="dust", disp_np=True, fin_name=None, percentage=False, xlabel=None, log_axis=None,
                        version=0.15, save_fig=False, legend=None, legend_loc=1, font_size=20):
    Loads data from a given file (stored in a dictionary) and plots it in a chart. dust.json is a perfect example of
    the loaded format.

    :param y: Either "tx" or "utxo"
    :type y: str
    disp_np: Whether to display non_profitable in the same chart as dust or not.
    :type disp_np: bool
    :param fin_name: Name of the file containing the data to be plotted.
    :type fin_name: str or list
    :param percentage: Whether the data is plot as percentage or not.
    :type percentage: bool
    :param xlabel: Label on the x axis
    :type xlabel: str
    :param log_axis: Determines which axis are plotted using (accepted values are False, "x", "y" or "xy").
    logarithmic scale
    :type log_axis: str
    :param version: Bitcoin core version, used to decide the folder in which to store the data.
    :type version: float
    :param save_fig: Figure's filename or False (to show the interactive plot)
    :type save_fig: str
    :param legend: List of strings with legend entries or None (if no legend is needed)
    :type legend: str list
    :param legend_loc: Indicates the location of the legend (if present)
    :type legend_loc: int
    :param font_size: Title, xlabel and ylabel font size
    :type font_size: int
    :return: None
    :rtype: None

    if not isinstance(fin_name, list):
        fin_name = [fin_name]

    data = []

    for f in fin_name:
        fin = open(CFG.data_path + f, 'r')

    # Decides the type of chart to be plot.
    if y == "dust":
        data_type = ["dust_utxos"]
        if disp_np:
        if not percentage:
            ylabel = "Number of UTXOs"
            ylabel = "Percentage of UTXOs"
            total = "total_utxos"
    elif y == "value":
        data_type = ["dust_value"]
        if disp_np:
        if not percentage:
            ylabel = "Value (Satoshi)"
            ylabel = "Percentage of total value"
            total = "total_value"
    elif y == "data_len":
        data_type = ["dust_data_len"]
        if disp_np:
        if not percentage:
            ylabel = "UTXOs' size (bytes)"
            ylabel = "Percentage of total UTXOs' size"
            total = "total_data_len"
        raise ValueError('Unrecognized y value')

    # Adds the folder in which the data will be stored
    save_fig = str(version) + '/' + save_fig

    xs = []
    ys = []
    # Sort the data
    for i in data_type:
        for d in data:
            xs.append(sorted(d[i].keys(), key=int))
            ys.append(sorted(d[i].values(), key=int))

    title = ""
    if not xlabel:
        xlabel = "fee_per_byte"

    # If percentage is set, a chart with y axis as a percentage (dividing every single y value by the
    # corresponding total value) is created.
    if percentage:
        # ToDo: Check this!!
        for i in range(len(ys)):
            d = data[i] if len(data) > 1 else data[0]
            if isinstance(ys[i], list):
                    ys[i] = [j / float(d[total]) * 100 for j in ys[i]]
            elif isinstance(ys[i], int):
                    ys[i] = ys[i] / float(data[i][total]) * 100

    # And finally plots the chart.
    plot_distribution(xs, ys, title, xlabel, ylabel, log_axis, save_fig, legend, legend_loc, font_size)
Esempio n. 4
def plot_from_file_dict(x_attribute,
    Generate plots from files in which the loaded data is a dictionary, such as dust.json.

    :param x_attribute: Attribute to plot (must be a key in the dictionary of the dumped data).
    :type x_attribute: str
    :param y: Either "tx" or "utxo"
    :type y: str
    :param fin_name: Name of the file containing the data to be plotted.
    :type fin_name: str
    :param percentage: Whether the data is plot as percentage or not.
    :type percentage: bool
    :param xlabel: Label on the x axis
    :type xlabel: str
    :param log_axis: Determines which axis are plotted using (accepted values are False, "x", "y" or "xy").
    logarithmic scale
    :type log_axis: str
    :param version: Bitcoin core version, used to decide the folder in which to store the data.
    :type version: float
    :param save_fig: Figure's filename or False (to show the interactive plot)
    :type save_fig: str
    :param legend: List of strings with legend entries or None (if no legend is needed)
    :type legend: str list
    :param legend_loc: Indicates the location of the legend (if present)
    :type legend_loc: int
    :param font_size: Title, xlabel and ylabel font size
    :type font_size: int
    :return: None
    :rtype: None

    fin = open(CFG.data_path + fin_name, 'r')
    data = loads(

    # Decides the type of chart to be plot.
    if y == "dust":
        data_type = ["dust_utxos", "lm_utxos"]
        if not percentage:
            ylabel = "Number of utxos"
            ylabel = "Percentage of utxos"
            total = "total_utxos"
    elif y == "value":
        data_type = ["dust_value", "lm_value"]
        if not percentage:
            ylabel = "Value (Satoshi)"
            ylabel = "Percentage of total value"
            total = "total_value"
    elif y == "data_len":
        data_type = ["dust_data_len", "lm_data_len"]
        if not percentage:
            ylabel = "Utxos' size (bytes)"
            ylabel = "Percentage of total utxos' size"
            total = "total_data_len"
        raise ValueError('Unrecognized y value')

    # Adds the folder in which the data will be stored
    save_fig = str(version) + '/' + save_fig

    xs = []
    ys = []
    # Sort the data
    for i in data_type:
        xs.append(sorted(data[i].keys(), key=int))
        ys.append(sorted(data[i].values(), key=int))

    title = ""
    if not xlabel:
        xlabel = x_attribute

    # If percentage is set, a chart with y axis as a percentage (dividing every single y value by the
    # corresponding total value) is created.
    if percentage:
        for i in range(len(ys)):
            if isinstance(ys[i], list):
                ys[i] = [j / float(data[total]) * 100 for j in ys[i]]
            elif isinstance(ys[i], int):
                ys[i] = ys[i] / float(data[total]) * 100

    # And finally plots the chart.
    plot_distribution(xs, ys, title, xlabel, ylabel, log_axis, save_fig,
                      legend, legend_loc, font_size)
Esempio n. 5
def plots_from_file(x_attribute,
                    filtr=[lambda x: True]):
    Generates plots from utxo/tx data extracted from utxo_dump.

    :param x_attribute: Attribute to plot (must be a key in the dictionary of the dumped data).
    :type x_attribute: str or list
    :param y: Either "tx" or "utxo"
    :type y: str or list
    :param xlabel: Label on the x axis
    :type xlabel: str
    :param log_axis: Determines which axis are plotted using (accepted values are False, "x", "y" or "xy").
    logarithmic scale
    :type log_axis: str
    :param version: Bitcoin core version, used to decide the folder in which to store the data.
    :type version: float or list
    :param save_fig: Figure's filename or False (to show the interactive plot)
    :type save_fig: str
    :param legend: List of strings with legend entries or None (if no legend is needed)
    :type legend: str list
    :param legend_loc: Indicates the location of the legend (if present)
    :type legend_loc: int
    :param font_size: Title, xlabel and ylabel font size
    :type font_size: int
    :param filtr: Function to filter samples (returns a boolean value for a given sample)
    :type filtr: function or list of functions
    :return: None
    :rtype: None

    if not (isinstance(x_attribute, list)
            or isinstance(x_attribute, np.ndarray)):
        x_attribute = [x_attribute]

    if not (isinstance(y, list) or isinstance(y, np.ndarray)):
        y = [y]

    if not (isinstance(version, list) or isinstance(version, np.ndarray)):
        version = [version]

    if not (isinstance(filtr, list) or isinstance(filtr, np.ndarray)):
        filtr = [filtr]

    assert len(x_attribute) == len(y) == len(version) == len(filtr), \
        "There is a mismatch on the list length of some of the parameters"

    if y[0] == "tx":
        ylabel = "Number of tx."
    elif y[0] == "utxo":
        ylabel = "Number of UTXOs"

    title = ""
    if not xlabel:
        xlabel = x_attribute

    xs, ys = [], []
    for i in range(len(x_attribute)):
        samples = get_samples(x_attribute[i],
        [xc, yc] = get_cdf(samples, normalize=True)

    # Adds the folder in which the data will be stored (if multiple versions are involved, store it
    # in the first one folder)
    save_fig = str(version[0]) + '/' + save_fig

    plot_distribution(xs, ys, title, xlabel, ylabel, log_axis, save_fig,
                      legend, legend_loc, font_size)