Esempio n. 1
def smi_latency():
    MSR_SMI_COUNT = 0x34

    print "Warning: touching the keyboard can affect the results of this test."

    tsc_per_sec = bits.tsc_per_sec()
    tsc_per_usec = tsc_per_sec / (1000 * 1000)
    bins = [long(tsc_per_usec * 10**i) for i in range(9)]
    bin_descs = [
        "0     < t <=   1us",
        "1us   < t <=  10us",
        "10us  < t <= 100us",
        "100us < t <=   1ms",
        "1ms   < t <=  10ms",
        "10ms  < t <= 100ms",
        "100ms < t <=   1s ",
        "1s    < t <=  10s ",
        "10s   < t <= 100s ",
        "100s  < t         ",

    print "Starting test. Wait here, I will be back in 15 seconds."
    (max_latency, smi_count_delta,
     bins) = bits.smi_latency(long(15 * tsc_per_sec), bins)
    BinType = namedtuple('BinType', ("max", "total", "count", "times"))
    bins = [BinType(*b) for b in bins]

    testsuite.test("SMI latency < 150us to minimize risk of OS timeouts",
                   max_latency / tsc_per_usec <= 150)
    if not testsuite.show_detail():

    for bin, desc in zip(bins, bin_descs):
        if bin.count == 0:
        testsuite.print_detail("{}; average = {}; count = {}".format(
            desc, bits.format_tsc( / bin.count), bin.count))
        deltas = (bits.format_tsc(t2 - t1)
                  for t1, t2 in zip(bin.times, bin.times[1:]))
            " Times between first few observations: {}".format(" ".join(
                "{:>6}".format(delta) for delta in deltas)))

    if smi_count_delta is not None:
            "{} SMI detected using MSR_SMI_COUNT (MSR {:#x})".format(
                smi_count_delta, MSR_SMI_COUNT))

        "Summary of impact: observed maximum latency = {}".format(
Esempio n. 2
def time_io_smi(port=0xb2, value=0, count=1000):
    count_for_estimate = 10
    start = time.time()
    average_io_smi(port, value, count_for_estimate)
    avg10 = time.time() - start
    estimate = avg10 * count / count_for_estimate
    if estimate > 1:
        print "Running test, estimated time: {}s".format(int(estimate))
    average = average_io_smi(port, value, count)
    print "Average of {} SMIs (via outb, port={:#x}, value={:#x}): {}".format(
        count, port, value, bits.format_tsc(average))
Esempio n. 3
def smi_latency():
    MSR_SMI_COUNT = 0x34

    print "Warning: touching the keyboard can affect the results of this test."

    tsc_per_sec = bits.tsc_per_sec()
    tsc_per_usec = tsc_per_sec / (1000 * 1000)
    bins = [long(tsc_per_usec * 10**i) for i in range(9)]
    bin_descs = [
        "0     < t <=   1us",
        "1us   < t <=  10us",
        "10us  < t <= 100us",
        "100us < t <=   1ms",
        "1ms   < t <=  10ms",
        "10ms  < t <= 100ms",
        "100ms < t <=   1s ",
        "1s    < t <=  10s ",
        "10s   < t <= 100s ",
        "100s  < t         ",

    print "Starting test. Wait here, I will be back in 15 seconds."
    (max_latency, smi_count_delta, bins) = bits.smi_latency(long(15 * tsc_per_sec), bins)
    BinType = namedtuple('BinType', ("max", "total", "count", "times"))
    bins = [BinType(*b) for b in bins]

    testsuite.test("SMI latency < 150us to minimize risk of OS timeouts", max_latency / tsc_per_usec <= 150)
    if not testsuite.show_detail():

    for bin, desc in zip(bins, bin_descs):
        if bin.count == 0:
        testsuite.print_detail("{}; average = {}; count = {}".format(desc, bits.format_tsc(, bin.count))
        deltas = (bits.format_tsc(t2 - t1) for t1,t2 in zip(bin.times, bin.times[1:]))
        testsuite.print_detail(" Times between first few observations: {}".format(" ".join("{:>6}".format(delta) for delta in deltas)))

    if smi_count_delta is not None:
        testsuite.print_detail("{} SMI detected using MSR_SMI_COUNT (MSR {:#x})".format(smi_count_delta, MSR_SMI_COUNT))

    testsuite.print_detail("Summary of impact: observed maximum latency = {}".format(bits.format_tsc(max_latency)))
Esempio n. 4
def time_io_smi(port=0xb2, value=0, count=1000):
    count_for_estimate = 10
    start = time.time()
    average_io_smi(port, value, count_for_estimate)
    avg10 = time.time() - start
    estimate = avg10 * count/count_for_estimate
    if estimate > 1:
        print "Running test, estimated time: {}s".format(int(estimate))
    average = average_io_smi(port, value, count)
    print "Average of {} SMIs (via outb, port={:#x}, value={:#x}): {}".format(count, port, value, bits.format_tsc(average))