Esempio n. 1
def GenerateValidDominos(Start = 0, End = 4095):
    logging.debug("Checking Domino Values from {} to {}" . format(Start, End))

    bPass = 1
    Row1 = 0
    Row2 = 0
    ValidValues = []

    for x in range(Start,(End+1),1):
        bPass = True
        DPips = BitArray('0x000')
        DPips.uint = x
        Row1 = DPips[:6]
        Row2 = DPips[-6:]
        logging.debug("Index Value:{} Binary Value:{}" .format(x,DPips.bin))
        #Row 1 and 2 Pip Count
        R1_PC = len(list(Row1.findall([1])))
        R2_PC = len(list(Row2.findall([1])))

        #Total pips between rows must be 6.
        if (R1_PC + R2_PC) != 6: bPass = False

        logging.debug("Row 1 Value:{} Binary Value:{} Pip Count:{}" .format(Row1.uint, Row1.bin, R1_PC))
        logging.debug("Row 2 Value:{} Binary Value:{} Pip Count:{}" .format(Row2.uint, Row2.bin, R2_PC))
        logging.debug("Pip count validity: {}" . format(bPass))

        #Generate the reverse of the bit stream.
        DFlip = BitArray('0x000')
        DFlip.uint = x
        ReversedValue = DFlip.uint

        logging.debug("Flipped Row Value:{} Binary Value:{}" .format(ReversedValue, DFlip.bin))        

        #The domino is a mirror iamge of itself and is invalid.
        if (ReversedValue == x):
            logging.debug("Fail: Mirror Domino")
            bPass = False
        #The rotated domino exists as a prior value.
        if (ReversedValue in ValidValues):
            logging.debug("Fail: Exists previously (rotated)")
            bPass = False

        #The specified domino passed all rules and is valid.
        if (bPass == True):
            logging.debug("Passed: Added Value {}({}) to list." . format(x, DPips.bin))


    return ValidValues
 def testCreationFromUint(self):
     s = BitArray(uint=15, length=6)
     self.assertEqual(s.bin, "001111")
     s = BitArray(uint=0, length=1)
     self.assertEqual(s.bin, "0")
     s.uint = 1
     self.assertEqual(s.uint, 1)
     s = BitArray(length=8)
     s.uint = 0
     self.assertEqual(s.uint, 0)
     s.uint = 255
     self.assertEqual(s.uint, 255)
     self.assertEqual(s.len, 8)
     self.assertRaises(bitstring.CreationError, s._setuint, 256)
Esempio n. 3
 def testCreationFromUint(self):
     s = BitArray(uint=15, length=6)
     self.assertEqual(s.bin, '0b001111')
     s = BitArray(uint=0, length=1)
     self.assertEqual(s.bin, '0b0')
     s.uint = 1
     self.assertEqual(s.uint, 1)
     s = BitArray(length=8)
     s.uint = 0
     self.assertEqual(s.uint, 0)
     s.uint = 255
     self.assertEqual(s.uint, 255)
     self.assertEqual(s.len, 8)
     self.assertRaises(bitstring.CreationError, s._setuint, 256)
def joshua_saxby_scrambler():
    My own implementation of the CD sector scrambler, based partly on commentary
    and analysis from Kris Kaspersky's aforementioned book, and also based on
    my interpretation of the ECMA-130 Annex B scrambler description
    # start value has least significant bit set to 1
    register = BitArray(uint=0b0000000000000001, length=16)
    # NOTE: BitArray library addresses bits in big-endian order
    # Bit clock = XOR least two significant bits
    register[0] = register[14] ^ register[15]
    yield register.uint
    while True:
        # XOR the register with a copy of itself shifted one right
        copy = register.uint >> 1
        register.uint = register.uint ^ copy
        # shift the result to the right again
        register.uint >>= 1
        # Bit clock = XOR least two significant bits
        register[0] = register[14] ^ register[15]
        # Kris Kaspersky claims that if the first bit (LSB) is set to 1, we
        # should toggle the second MSB (bit right of MSB)
        # The following if block does this, and it DOES cause the output of
        # this implementation to produce sequences identical to other third
        # party produced sequences, but it is not clear yet how this relates
        # to the reference material, ECMA-130 Annex B
        if register[15]:
            register[1] = not register[1]
        yield register.uint
Esempio n. 5
    def __place_domino(self, x, y, value, canvas):
        #Paints Domino, X,Y @ Left Corner of Domino

        #PYX Library
        if (self.RadiusCorners == True):
            w = self.Domino_Width
            h = self.Domino_Height
            r = self.CornerRadius

            pyx_circle = + r, y + r, r)
            canvas.fill(pyx_circle, [])

            pyx_circle = + w) - r, y + r, r)
            canvas.fill(pyx_circle, [])

            pyx_circle = + r, (y + h) - r, r)
            canvas.fill(pyx_circle, [])

            pyx_circle = + w) - r, (y + h) - r, r)
            canvas.fill(pyx_circle, [])

            pyx_rec = pyx.path.rect(x, y + r, w, h - (2 * r))
            canvas.fill(pyx_rec, [])

            pyx_rec = pyx.path.rect(x + r, y, w - (2 * r), h)
            canvas.fill(pyx_rec, [])

            pyx_rec = pyx.path.rect(x, y, self.Domino_Width,
            canvas.fill(pyx_rec, [])

        px = 0
        py = 0

        DPips = BitArray('0x000')
        DPips.uint = int(value)

        #BitArrays are big endian by default
        BitRow = [BitArray(6), BitArray(6)]

        BitRow[0] = DPips[:6]  # First Row
        BitRow[1] = DPips[-6:]  # Second Row

        for py in range(2):
            for px in range(8):
                #First and list pip are always placed
                #Pip 1-6 based on bitrow
                if (px == 0) or (px == 7) or (BitRow[py][px - 1] is True):
                    YCord = y + (self.Pip_Padding + (self.Pip_Radius) +
                                 ((py * 2) * (self.Pip_Diameter)))
                    XCord = x + (self.Pip_Padding + (self.Pip_Radius) +
                                 ((px * 2) * (self.Pip_Diameter)))

                    pyx_circle =, YCord, self.Pip_Radius)
                    canvas.fill(pyx_circle, [pyx.color.rgb.white])

        return ()
Esempio n. 6
def encode(word):
	# we build a dictionnary with all possible symbols and associate each of them with a number
	symbols ={}
	for letter in string.printable:
		bits = BitArray(BITS_USED)
		bits.uint = len(symbols)
		symbols[letter] = bits

	# the code we'll  return
	code = BitStream()
	# a sequence of characters
	sequence = ""
	# for each character in the word we are encoding
	for c in word:
		# we add it to the sequence we are currently considering
		temp = sequence + c
		# if we know the result we just keep it and parse the next character
		if temp in symbols:
			sequence = temp
		# otherwise
			# we add the previously known sequence to the code
			# and add the new sequence to our dictionnary of known sequences
			if len(symbols) < 1<<BITS_USED:
				bits = BitArray(BITS_USED)
				bits.uint = len(symbols)
				symbols[temp] = bits
			# the sequence is reset to only the new character
			sequence = c
	# there is usually a last unincoded sequence to be added
	return code