def run(self, environ, start_response): try: path_info = urllib.unquote_plus(environ["PATH_INFO"]) except KeyError: path_info = "" if not self.meltscriptname: try: path_info = "%s%s" % (environ["SCRIPT_NAME"], path_info) except KeyError: raise WSGIKeyNotPresentError("SCRIPT_NAME", source="") xenviron = Struct() xenviron.path = Struct() xenviron.path.endswithslash = path_info.endswith("/") path = [p for p in path_info.split("/") if p] or [""] params = dict([(x[0], x[1] or True) for x in parse_qsl(environ["QUERY_STRING"], keep_blank_values=True)]) # a dirty little trick to deny FieldStorage to use QUERY_STRING environ["QUERY_STRING"] = "" xenviron.path.args = path xenviron.path.scriptname = environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] xenviron.path.kwargs = params # use Python's ``cgi`` module to parse contents of POST try: xenviron.fields = BizFieldStorage(environ=environ, fp=environ["wsgi.input"]) except KeyError: raise WSGIKeyNotPresentError("wsgi.input") xenviron.cookies = CookieJar(environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE", "")) xenviron.env = environ # TODO: Find a way to check whether the client browser can use cookies try: sessionman_lock.acquire() try: xenviron.cookies, xenviron.session = self.sessionman.get_session(xenviron.cookies) except SessionError: xenviron.session = self.sessionman.new_session() finally: sessionman_lock.release() appname = path[0] # if no application name given in the URL (i.e., it is ``/``), # ... call the index/default index application if not appname: if not self._index: return self._default_index(start_response) appname = self._index try: app = self._applist[appname](xenviron) except KeyError, e: xenviron.error_code = 404 if self.debug: xenviron.error_message = unicode(e) else: xenviron.error_message = _(u"Method not found") return self._default_error(start_response, xenviron.error_code, xenviron.error_message)
def run(self, environ, start_response): def tuplize(x): l = x.split("=")[:2] if len(l) == 1: l.append(True) return tuple(l) self.environ = environ self.start_response = start_response try: path_info = urllib.unquote_plus(environ["PATH_INFO"]) except KeyError: raise WSGIKeyNotPresentError("PATH_INFO") path = [p for p in path_info.split("/") if p] or [""] if "QUERY_STRING" in environ: query_string = urllib.unquote_plus(environ["QUERY_STRING"]) params = dict([tuplize(x) for x in query_string.split("&") if x]) else: params = {} # a dirty little trick to deny FieldStorage to use QUERY_STRING self.environ["QUERY_STRING"] = "" xenviron = Struct() xenviron.args = path xenviron.kwargs = params try: xenviron.fields = FieldStorage(environ=self.environ, fp=self.environ["wsgi.input"]) except KeyError: raise WSGIKeyNotPresentError("wsgi.input") xenviron.cookies = SimpleCookie(environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE", "")) try: xenviron.cookies, xenviron.session = self.sessionman.get_session(xenviron.cookies) except SessionError: xenviron.session = self.sessionman.new_session() if not path[0]: if not self._index: return self._default_index() app = self._index(xenviron) else: try: name = path[0] app = self._applist[name](xenviron) except KeyError: xenviron.error_code = 404 xenviron.error_message = _(u"Method not found") if self._error: app = self._error(xenviron) else: return self._default_error(xenviron.error_code, xenviron.error_message) app.body.refresh(xenviron) app_xenviron, response = app.body.get() # further process the app_xenviron self.sessionman.update(app_xenviron.session) # return preparations cookies = SimpleCookie() cookies.update(app_xenviron.cookies) cookies.update(app_xenviron.session.sidcookie) cookies = str(cookies).split()[1] response.heads.set_cookie = cookies return self._prepare_response(response)
def run(self, environ, start_response): def tuplize(x): l = x.split("=")[:2] if len(l) == 1: l.append(True) return tuple(l) try: path_info = urllib.unquote_plus(environ["PATH_INFO"]) except KeyError: path_info = "" if not self.meltscriptname: try: path_info = "%s%s" % (environ["SCRIPT_NAME"], path_info) except KeyError: raise WSGIKeyNotPresentError("SCRIPT_NAME", source="") xenviron = Struct() xenviron.path = Struct() xenviron.path.endswithslash = path_info.endswith("/") path = [p for p in path_info.split("/") if p] or [""] if "QUERY_STRING" in environ: query_string = urllib.unquote_plus(environ["QUERY_STRING"]) params = dict([tuplize(x) for x in query_string.split("&") if x]) else: params = {} # a dirty little trick to deny FieldStorage to use QUERY_STRING environ["QUERY_STRING"] = "" if self.meltscriptname: try: xenviron.path.args = path xenviron.path.scriptname = environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] except KeyError: raise WSGIKeyNotPresentError("SCRIPT_NAME") else: xenviron.path.args = path xenviron.path.scriptname = "" xenviron.path.kwargs = params try: xenviron.fields = FieldStorage(environ=environ, fp=environ["wsgi.input"]) except KeyError: raise WSGIKeyNotPresentError("wsgi.input") xenviron.cookies = SimpleCookie(environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE", "")) try: sessionman_lock.acquire() try: xenviron.cookies, xenviron.session = self.sessionman.get_session(xenviron.cookies) except SessionError: xenviron.session = self.sessionman.new_session() finally: sessionman_lock.release() appname = path[0] if not appname: if not self._index: return self._default_index(start_response) app = self._index(xenviron) else: try: name = appname app = self._applist[name](xenviron) except KeyError: xenviron.error_code = 404 xenviron.error_message = _(u"Method not found") if self._error: app = self._error(xenviron) else: return self._default_error(start_response, xenviron.error_code, xenviron.error_message) response = app.body(xenviron) try: sessionman_lock.acquire() # further process the app_xenviron self.sessionman.update(response.session) finally: sessionman_lock.release() return self._prepare_response(start_response, Response(response))