Esempio n. 1
def rigCluster(handle, uvs, rotOrder, n, names):
    """Control creation method for surface clusters"""
    ctrl, ctrlGrp = makeWeightedCtrl(uvs, n, rotOrder, names)

    # (initial) ctrlGrp.mat * ctrl.m * parGrp.m * (initial) ctrlGrp.invMat
    # is how we get ctrl rots into surface (and presumably handle) space
    cgm = mu.rotMat(ctrlGrp.matrix)
    handleXform = mu.xformFromSpaces(
        [cgm.inverse(), ctrl.m, ctrl.getParent().m, cgm],
        n.format(type="xforms"), rotOrder)
    handleXform.outputTranslate >> handle.t
    handleXform.outputRotate >> handle.r
    handleXform.outputScale >> handle.s

    # invert double translations for ctrl and parGrp
    for xfm in (ctrl.getParent(), ctrl):
        xn =
        grp =, p=xfm.getParent(), n=xn + "_DBL_XFM_GRP")
        invTrans = pmc.nt.MultiplyDivide(n=xn + "_INV_XFM")
        xfm.t >> invTrans.input1
        invTrans.input2.set(-1, -1, -1)
        invTrans.output >> grp.t

    return ctrl
Esempio n. 2
def makeBulgeCtrl(handle, ctrCtrl, n, names, rotOrder):
    """Make inner control for softmod. Diamond for the softMod handle itself"""
    ctrlGrpRotMat = mu.rotMat(ctrCtrl.controlGroup.get().matrix)
    hCtrl = jc.makeCtrlShape(n.format(type=names["control"]),
    for sh in hCtrl.getShapes():
        ctrCtrl.create.inputs()[0].radius >> sh.create.inputs()[0].radius
        pmc.scale(, .8, .8, .8)

    # handle xforms must be ctrl in ctrCtrlGrp AND ctrCtrl space but without
    # any of their actual xforms
    parGrp = ctrCtrl.getParent()
    handleXform = mu.xformFromSpaces([
        ctrlGrpRotMat.inverse(), ctrCtrl.inverseMatrix, parGrp.inverseMatrix,
        hCtrl.m, parGrp.matrix, ctrCtrl.matrix, ctrlGrpRotMat
    ], n.format(type="xforms"), rotOrder)

    handleXform.outputTranslate >> handle.t
    handleXform.outputRotate >> handle.r
    handleXform.outputScale >> handle.s

    return hCtrl
Esempio n. 3
def makeJntDynamic(surf, jnt, ctrl, rotOrder, n):
    """Given surface, joint and ctrl hierarchy, make the ctrl affect the
    joint via a new "follicle" and (dynamic offset) orient constraint."""

    # allow UV limiting to be turned off via jnt attr
    # which blends between unclamped and clamped: U >> R, V >> G
    limitSwitch = pmc.nt.BlendColors(n=n.format(type="limitSwitch"))
    jnt.SurfaceUV_LimitsOnJoint >> limitSwitch.blender
    # if limit is OFF use un-clamped U (cpos.u >> color2)
    jnt.clampedU >> limitSwitch.color1R
    jnt.clampedV >> limitSwitch.color1G
    jnt.preclampedU >> limitSwitch.color2R
    jnt.preclampedV >> limitSwitch.color2G

    # make follicle, connect (optionally) limited params to it
    dynPosi = pmc.nt.PointOnSurfaceInfo(n=n.format(type="dynposi"))
    surf.local >> dynPosi.inputSurface
    limitSwitch.outputR >> dynPosi.u
    limitSwitch.outputG >> dynPosi.v
    # all axes
    dynMat = su.makeFakeFollMatrix(dynPosi, n.format(type="dynMat"), "xyz",

    # create fakeFoll matrix nodes for all three axes at static params,
    # for autoRot and ctrl rotations
    ctrlGrp = ctrl.controlGroup.get()
    statPosi = ctrlGrp.translate.inputs()[0]
    statTripMat = su.makeFakeFollMatrix(statPosi, n.format(type="statTripMat"),
                                        "xyz", rotOrder)
    jnt.jointOrient.set(0, 0, 0)

    # wtAdd switches between autorotate along surf movements
    autoSwitch = pmc.nt.WtAddMatrix(n=n.format(type="autoSwitch"))
    dynMat.output >> autoSwitch.wtMatrix[0].matrixIn
    ctrl.autoRotate >> autoSwitch.wtMatrix[0].weightIn
    statTripMat.output >> autoSwitch.wtMatrix[1].matrixIn
    flip = pmc.nt.Reverse(n=n.format(type="autoRotFlip"))
    ctrl.autoRotate >> flip.inputX
    flip.outputX >> autoSwitch.wtMatrix[1].weightIn

    # getting all xforms caused variably by normals/tangents
    # and ctrl rotations into ONE matrix decompose it
    # autoSwitch[0] * cg.inv[1] * c.m[2] * parConG.m[3] * cg.m[4]
    parGrp = ctrl.getParent()
    jntRot = mu.xformFromSpaces(
        [autoSwitch.matrixSum,, ctrl.m, parGrp.m, ctrlGrp.m],
        n.format(type="xforms"), rotOrder)
    dynPosi.position >> jnt.translate
    jntRot.outputRotate >> jnt.rotate
Esempio n. 4
def parentCtrlTo(ctrl, parCtrl, n, rotOrder):
    """Forge the connections between a parent control and the ctrl
    it will be affecting."""

    # affect the parent's sticky location before parent relationship
    setParentStickyGrp(ctrl, parCtrl, n, rotOrder)

    parGrp = parCtrl.controlGroup.get()
    ctrlGrp = ctrl.controlGroup.get()
    # parent controls can have parents affecting them too!
    parPar = parCtrl.getParent()
    # parCtrl xforms UNDONE by its own grp (as always),
    # but re-spaced into target ctrl grp
    matList = [ctrlGrp.m,, parCtrl.m, parPar.m, parGrp.m,]

    constGrp = ctrl.getParent()
    if ctrl.listConnections(type="cluster"):
        if parGrp.r.isConnected():
                "While possible, parenting both joint and cluster controllers "
                "together can have odd results. Recommended use is joints only."
        # have to tiptoe around deformer controls to avoid creating a cycle
        constGrp = constGrp.getParent()
        # solidify the space transforming "bookend" matrices
        # ie not actual controlling ones
        for i, m in enumerate(matList):
            if m not in (parCtrl.m, parPar.m):
                matList[i] = m.get()

    constXform = mu.xformFromSpaces(matList, n.format(type="xforms"), rotOrder)

    connectParentXforms(parCtrl, constGrp, constXform, n)
    connectParentVis(parCtrl, constGrp, n)

    parCtrl.childControls.connect(ctrl.parentControls, nextAvailable=True)

    print("Control {0} successfully parented to {1}.".format(,