Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, options, build_dir, gcc_version, python_inc, cuda_inc,
                 build_environment, svn_roots):
        """Init method. """
        self.rules_buf = []
        self.options = options
        self.build_dir = build_dir
        self.gcc_version = gcc_version
        self.python_inc = python_inc
        self.cuda_inc = cuda_inc
        self.build_environment = build_environment
        self.ccflags_manager = CcFlagsManager(options)
        self.env_list = ['env_with_error', 'env_no_warning']

        self.svn_roots = svn_roots
        self.svn_info_map = {}

        self.version_cpp_compile_template = string.Template("""
env_version = Environment(ENV = os.environ)
env_version.Append(SHCXXCOMSTR = '%s$updateinfo%s' % (colors('cyan'), colors('end')))
env_version.Append(CPPFLAGS = '-m$m')
version_obj = env_version.SharedObject('$filename')
        self.blade_config = configparse.blade_config
        self.distcc_enabled = self.blade_config.get_config(
            'distcc_config').get('enabled', False)
        self.dccc_enabled = self.blade_config.get_config('link_config').get(
            'enable_dccc', False)
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, options, build_dir, gcc_version, python_inc,
     """Init method. """
     self.rules_buf = []
     self.options = options
     self.build_dir = build_dir
     self.gcc_version = gcc_version
     self.python_inc = python_inc
     self.build_environment = build_environment
     self.ccflags_manager = CcFlagsManager(options)
     self.env_list = ['env_with_error', 'env_no_warning']
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, options, build_dir, gcc_version, python_inc, cuda_inc,
                 build_environment, svn_roots):
        self.rules_buf = []
        self.options = options
        self.build_dir = build_dir
        self.gcc_version = gcc_version
        self.python_inc = python_inc
        self.cuda_inc = cuda_inc
        self.build_environment = build_environment
        self.ccflags_manager = CcFlagsManager(options, build_dir, gcc_version)
        self.svn_roots = svn_roots

        self.distcc_enabled = config.get_item('distcc_config', 'enabled')
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, options, build_dir, gcc_version, python_inc, cuda_inc,
                 build_environment, svn_roots):
        self.rules_buf = []
        self.options = options
        self.build_dir = build_dir
        self.gcc_version = gcc_version
        self.python_inc = python_inc
        self.cuda_inc = cuda_inc
        self.build_environment = build_environment
        self.ccflags_manager = CcFlagsManager(options, build_dir, gcc_version)
        self.svn_roots = svn_roots

        self.blade_config = configparse.blade_config
        self.distcc_enabled = self.blade_config.get_config(
            'distcc_config').get('enabled', False)
        self.dccc_enabled = self.blade_config.get_config('link_config').get(
            'enable_dccc', False)
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, command_targets, blade_path, working_dir, build_path,
                 current_source_path, blade_options, **kwargs):
        """init method.

        Mainly to hold the global data.
        The directory which changes during the runtime of blade, and
        contains BUILD file under current focus.
        current_source_dir = "."

        Given some targets specified in the command line, Blade will load
        BUILD files containing these command line targets; global target
        functions, i.e., cc_libarary, cc_binary and etc, in these BUILD
        files will register targets into target_database, which then becomes
        the input to dependency analyzer and SCons rules generator.  It is
        notable that not all targets in target_database are dependencies of
        command line targets.
        target_database = {}

        related targets after loading the build files and exec BUILD files
        as python script
        related_targets = {}

        The map used by build rules to ensure that a source file occurres in
        exactly one rule/target(only library target).
        target_srcs_map = {}

        The scons cache manager class string, which should be output to
        scons script if ccache is not installed
        scache_manager_class_str = ''

        The targets keys list after sorting by topological sorting method.
        sorted_targets_keys = []

        Inidcating that whether the deps list is expanded by expander or not
        False - not expanded
        True - expanded

        All targets after expanding their dependency
        all_targets = {}

        The scons target objects registered into blade manager
        scons_targets_map = {}

        The vars which are depended by python binary
        {key : 'python_files'}
        self.python_binary_dep_source_cmd = {}

        The files which are depended by python binary
        {key : 'python_files'}
        python_binary_dep_source_map = {}

        The files which are depended by java jar file
        {key : 'java_files'}
        java_jar_dep_source_map = {}

        The files which should be packed into java jar
        {key : 'packing_files'}
        java_jar_files_packing_map = {}

        The jar files map
        {key : 'jar_files_generated'}
        java_jars_map = {}

        The java compiling classpath parameter map
        java_classpath_map = {}
        {key : 'target_path'}

        The java_jar dep var map, which should be added to dependency chain
        java_jar_dep_vars = {}

        The cc objects pool, a map to hold all the objects name.
        cc_objects_pool = {}

        The gen rule files map, which is used to generate the explict dependency
        relationtion ship between gen_rule target and other targets
        gen_rule_files_map = {}

        The direct targets that are used for analyzing
        direct_targets = []

        All command targets, make sure that all targets specified with ...
        are all in the list now
        all_command_targets = []

        The class to get platform info

        The class to manage the cc flags

        The sources files that are needed to perform explict dependency
        sources_explict_dependency_map = {}

        The prebuilt cc_library file map which is needed to establish
        symbolic links while testing
        prebuilt_cc_library_file_map = {}

        self.command_targets = command_targets
        self.direct_targets = []
        self.all_command_targets = []
        self.blade_path = blade_path
        self.working_dir = working_dir
        self.build_path = build_path
        self.current_source_path = current_source_path
        self.target_database = {}
        self.related_targets = {}
        self.target_srcs_map = {}
        self.scache_manager_class_str = ''
        self.options = blade_options
        self.sorted_targets_keys = []
        self.target_deps_expanded = False
        self.all_targets_expanded = {}
        self.scons_targets_map = {}
        self.java_jar_dep_source_map = {}
        self.java_jar_files_packing_map = {}
        self.java_jars_map = {}
        self.java_classpath_map = {}
        self.java_jar_dep_vars = {}
        self.python_binary_dep_source_cmd = {}
        self.python_binary_dep_source_map = {}
        self.cc_objects_pool = {}

        self.deps_expander = None
        self.build_rules_generator = None

        self.gen_rule_files_map = {}

        self.scons_platform = SconsPlatform()
        self.ccflags_manager = CcFlagsManager(self.options)
        self.sources_explict_dependency_map = {}
        self.prebuilt_cc_library_file_map = {}

        self.distcc_enabled = configparse.blade_config.get_config(

        self.build_environment = BuildEnvironment(self.current_source_path)

        self.svn_root_dirs = []

        self.kwargs = kwargs