Esempio n. 1
def fip_get_all_by_queries(queries):
    """Returns Floating IPs filtered by an array of queries.

    :param queries: array of queries "key op value" where op can be

    fips_query = model_query(models.FloatingIP, get_session())

    oper = {
        '<': ['lt', lambda a, b: a >= b],
        '>': ['gt', lambda a, b: a <= b],
        '<=': ['le', lambda a, b: a > b],
        '>=': ['ge', lambda a, b: a < b],
        '==': ['eq', lambda a, b: a != b],
        '!=': ['ne', lambda a, b: a == b],

    for query in queries:
            key, op, value = query.split(' ', 2)
        except ValueError:
            raise db_exc.BlazarDBInvalidFilter(query_filter=query)

        column = getattr(models.FloatingIP, key, None)
        if column is not None:
            if op == 'in':
                filt = column.in_(value.split(','))
                if op in oper:
                    op = oper[op][0]
                    attr = [
                        e for e in ['%s', '%s_', '__%s__']
                        if hasattr(column, e % op)
                    ][0] % op
                except IndexError:
                    raise db_exc.BlazarDBInvalidFilterOperator(

                if value == 'null':
                    value = None

                filt = getattr(column, attr)(value)

            fips_query = fips_query.filter(filt)
            raise db_exc.BlazarDBInvalidFilter(query_filter=query)

    return fips_query.all()
Esempio n. 2
def host_get_all_by_queries(queries):
    """Returns hosts filtered by an array of queries.

    :param queries: array of queries "key op value" where op can be

    hosts_query = model_query(models.ComputeHost, get_session())

    oper = {
        '<': ['lt', lambda a, b: a >= b],
        '>': ['gt', lambda a, b: a <= b],
        '<=': ['le', lambda a, b: a > b],
        '>=': ['ge', lambda a, b: a < b],
        '==': ['eq', lambda a, b: a != b],
        '!=': ['ne', lambda a, b: a == b],

    hosts = []
    for query in queries:
            key, op, value = query.split(' ', 2)
        except ValueError:
            raise db_exc.BlazarDBInvalidFilter(query_filter=query)

        column = getattr(models.ComputeHost, key, None)
        if column is not None:
            if op == 'in':
                filt = column.in_(value.split(','))
                if op in oper:
                    op = oper[op][0]
                    attr = [
                        e for e in ['%s', '%s_', '__%s__']
                        if hasattr(column, e % op)
                    ][0] % op
                except IndexError:
                    raise db_exc.BlazarDBInvalidFilterOperator(

                if value == 'null':
                    value = None

                filt = getattr(column, attr)(value)

            hosts_query = hosts_query.filter(filt)
            # looking for extra capabilities matches
            extra_filter = model_query(
                models.ComputeHostExtraCapability, get_session()).filter(
                    models.ComputeHostExtraCapability.capability_name ==
            if not extra_filter:
                raise db_exc.BlazarDBNotFound(
                    id=key, model='ComputeHostExtraCapability')

            for host in extra_filter:
                if op in oper and oper[op][1](host.capability_value, value):
                elif op not in oper:
                    msg = 'Operator %s for extra capabilities not implemented'
                    raise NotImplementedError(msg % op)

            # We must also avoid selecting any host which doesn't have the
            # extra capability present.
            all_hosts = [ for h in hosts_query.all()]
            extra_filter_hosts = [h.computehost_id for h in extra_filter]
            hosts += [h for h in all_hosts if h not in extra_filter_hosts]

    return hosts_query.filter(