Esempio n. 1
def testing():
    dummy_streamer = ble2lsl.Dummy(muse2016)  #

    streams = resolve_byprop(
        "type", "EEG", timeout=5
    )  #type: EEG, minimum return streams = 1, timeout after 5 seconds

    streamIn = StreamInlet(
        streams[0], max_chunklen=12, recover=True
    )  #Grab first stream from streams, MUSE chunk 12, drop lost stream
    )  #This actually isn't required: pull_sample() and pull_chunk() implicitly open the stream.
    #But it's good to be explicit because it makes the code clearer
    print("Pull Sample")
          )  #Returns a tuple with the actual values we want.
    #The first element is the list of channel values, the second element is a timestamp. This is a snapshot of our stream
    #at a certain point in time.
    print("Pull Chunk")
    ts = time.time()
    while (1):
        x = streamIn.pull_chunk()
        if all(x):
            #if not np.shape(x) == (2, 0):
            t = [t - ts for t in x[1]]
            print(t[-1] - t[0])

        # for y in x:
        #     for z in y:
        #         print(z)

    # data first then time stamps, sick

    pprint(  #what
    timeC = streamIn.time_correction()

    #Clean up time

    streamIn.close_stream()  #calls lsl_close_stream
    streamIn.__del__()  #Not throwing errors
Esempio n. 2
def dummy_streamers(request):
    """Instantiate a dummy streamer for each supported device."""
    dummies = []
    for device_name in request.param:
        dummy = b2l.Dummy(globals()[device_name])
        device = dummy._device
        subscriptions = {
            for name in device.DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTIONS
            if device.PARAMS['streams']['nominal_srate'][name] > 0
        source_id = "{}-{}".format(device.NAME, 'DUMMY')
        dummies.append((dummy, device, source_id, subscriptions))

    def teardown():
        for dummy, _, _, _ in dummies:
            del (dummy)


    return dummies
# %matplotlib inline
import ble2lsl
from ble2lsl.devices import muse2016
from wizardhat import acquire, transform

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#if we had a device with us, we would use:
#streamer = ble2lsl.Streamer(muse2016)
#but if you're debugging or learning, use the dummy streamer with the command below:
streamer = ble2lsl.Dummy(muse2016)

#After writing streamer. you can use the tab key to see a list of properties and methods that streamer has,
#for example, streamer.subscriptions shows all the subscribed data streams that the streamer object has picked up
#from the device.
receiver = acquire.Receiver()
#the default window for seeing data is 10 seconds. You can change that when you call acquire.Receiver(window=15) etc
#this version of the data has no labels and is just a pure numpy matrix
our_first_recording = receiver.record(5)
#wait 5 seconds after running this command
#notice it only goes up to 5 seconds
channel_to_view = 'TP9'
Esempio n. 4
"""Plot time series data streamed through a dummy LSL outlet.

import ble2lsl
from ble2lsl.devices import muse2016
from wizardhat import acquire, plot

device = muse2016
plot_stream = "EEG"

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dummy_outlet = ble2lsl.Dummy(device)
    receiver = acquire.Receiver()
Esempio n. 5
import ble2lsl
from ble2lsl.devices import muse2016
from wizardhat import acquire, plot, transform

import pylsl as lsl

device = muse2016
plot_stream = 'EEG'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    streamer = ble2lsl.Dummy(device)
    receiver = acquire.Receiver()
    psd_transformer = transform.PSD(receiver.buffers['EEG'], n_samples=256)
    psd_averaged = transform.MovingAverage(psd_transformer.buffer_out, n_avg=5)
    plotter = plot.Spectra(psd_averaged.buffer_out)
Esempio n. 6
import ble2lsl
from ble2lsl.devices import muse2016
import pylsl

#Note that this is not at all what the final product will look like: it's just a simple script and a demonstration of how pylsl works

dummy_streamer = ble2lsl.Dummy(
    muse2016)  #Using a dummy for now. We need some Muses
    "Dummy streamer: " + str(dummy_streamer)
)  #Prints the address of the streamer to see if it was initialized correctly

pylslResolvedStreams = pylsl.resolve_streams(wait_time=2.0)
#wait time is how long pylsl spends searching for streams. Make it higher if your streamer isn't working.
#if you need to go higher than 5 then that means the problem is likely elsewhere
#note that resolve_byprop is preferred over resolve_streams

streams = [[stream.source_id(), stream.type(), stream]
           for stream in pylslResolvedStreams]
#Makes a list of lists. Each list has three elements: the ID of the device the stream is coming from,
#the type of stream, and the StreamInfo object.

for stream in streams:
#resolve_streams returned a list of stream objects. We then expanded those stream objects
#into lists to easily see more detail. The above for loop prints this expanded list for each stream.

for stream in streams:
    if stream[1] == 'EEG':
        EEGStreamInfo = stream[
            2]  #finds the StreamInfo object of the EEG stream
Esempio n. 7
import ble2lsl
from ble2lsl.devices import muse2016 # Why do I have to import this seperately? This is dumb
import pylsl
import time
import numpy as np
import time
from functions import plotTimeDomain, plotFreqDomain, fft

## Create a stream
dummy_streamer = ble2lsl.Dummy(muse2016) #Using a dummy for now. We need some f****n Muses. Why does most of the DEV TEAM not have any muses???

## Find (Resolve) Stream
streams = pylsl.resolve_byprop("type", "EEG", timeout=5) #type: EEG, minimum return streams = 1, timeout after 5 seconds
stream = streams[0]
#stream_info = getStream_info(dummy_streamer)
#sam trying his new code with your thing

#plotTimeDomain(stream, 12, title='EEG Data')
