Esempio n. 1
    def shred_paths(self, paths, shred_settings=False, quit_when_done=False):
        """Shred file or folders

        When shredding_settings=True:
        If user confirms to delete, then returns True.  If user aborts, returns

        When quit_when_done=True:
        Always returns False to remove function from the idle queue.
        # create a temporary cleaner object
        backends['_gui'] = Cleaner.create_simple_cleaner(paths)

        # preview and confirm
        operations = {'_gui': ['files']}
        self.preview_or_run_operations(False, operations)

        if GuiBasic.delete_confirmation_dialog(self,
            # delete
            self.preview_or_run_operations(True, operations)
            if shred_settings:
                return True

        if quit_when_done:
            GLib.idle_add(self.close, priority=GObject.PRIORITY_LOW)

        # user aborted
        return False
Esempio n. 2
    def shred_paths(self, paths, shred_settings=False):
        """Shred file or folders

        When shredding_settings=True:
        If user confirms to delete, then returns True.  If user aborts, returns
        # create a temporary cleaner object
        backends['_gui'] = Cleaner.create_simple_cleaner(paths)

        # preview and confirm
        operations = {'_gui': ['files']}
        self.preview_or_run_operations(False, operations)

        if self._confirm_delete(False, shred_settings):
            # delete
            self.preview_or_run_operations(True, operations)
            if shred_settings:
                return True

        if self._auto_exit:

        # user aborted
        return False
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, pathname, xlate_cb=None):
        """Create cleaner from XML in pathname.

        If xlate_cb is set, use it as a callback for each
        translate-able string.

        self.action = None
        self.cleaner = Cleaner.Cleaner()
        self.option_id = None
        self.option_name = None
        self.option_description = None
        self.option_warning = None
        self.vars = {}
        self.xlate_cb = xlate_cb
        # action,cleaner,option_id,option_name,option_description,option_warning,vars,xlate_cb 메서드 값 초기화
        if self.xlate_cb is None:
            self.xlate_mode = False
            self.xlate_cb = lambda x, y=None: None  # do nothing
            #만약 xlate_cb 메서드 값이 None이면 xlate_mode는 false가 되고, xlate_cb는 x,y값이 None이면 None값을 돌려주는 함수가 된다.
            self.xlate_mode = True
            #xlate_cb가 None이 아니면 xlate_mode는 True가 된다.
        dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(pathname)
        #xml형식으로된 pathname을 xml파싱이 가능한 형식으로 변형해서 dom에 저장
Esempio n. 4
 def add_section(self, cleaner_id, name):
     """Add a section (cleaners)"""
     self.cleaners[cleaner_id] = Cleaner.Cleaner()
     self.cleaners[cleaner_id].id = cleaner_id
     self.cleaners[cleaner_id].name = name
     self.cleaners[cleaner_id].description = _('Imported from winapp2.ini')
Esempio n. 5
def actions_to_cleaner(action_strs):
    """Given multiple action XML fragments, return one cleaner"""

    cleaner = Cleaner()
    count = 1
    for action_str in action_strs:
        dom = parseString(action_str)
        action_node = dom.childNodes[0]
        command = action_node.getAttribute('command')
        provider = None
        for actionplugin in ActionProvider.plugins:
            if actionplugin.action_key == command:
                provider = actionplugin(action_node)
        cleaner.add_action('option%d' % count, provider)
        cleaner.add_option('option%d' % count, 'name%d' % count, 'description%d' % count)
        count = count + 1
    return cleaner
Esempio n. 6
 def add_section(self, cleaner_id, name):
     """Add a section (cleaners)"""
     self.cleaners[cleaner_id] = Cleaner.Cleaner()
     self.cleaners[cleaner_id].id = cleaner_id
     self.cleaners[cleaner_id].name = name
     self.cleaners[cleaner_id].description = _('Imported from winapp2.ini')
     # The detect() function in this module effectively does what
     # auto_hide() does, so this avoids redundant, slow processing.
     self.cleaners[cleaner_id].auto_hide = lambda: False
Esempio n. 7
    def cb_wipe_free_space(self, action, param):
        """callback to wipe free space in arbitrary folder"""
        path = GuiBasic.browse_folder(self._window,
                                      _("Choose a folder"),
                                      multiple=False, stock_button=_('_OK'))
        if not path:
            # user cancelled

        backends['_gui'] = Cleaner.create_wipe_cleaner(path)

        # execute
        operations = {'_gui': ['free_disk_space']}
        self._window.preview_or_run_operations(True, operations)
Esempio n. 8
    def cb_wipe_free_space(self, action):
        """callback to wipe free space in arbitrary folder"""
        path = GuiBasic.browse_folder(self.window,
                                      _("Choose a folder"),
                                      multiple=False, stock_button=gtk.STOCK_OK)
        if not path:
            # user cancelled

        backends['_gui'] = Cleaner.create_wipe_cleaner(path)

        # execute
        operations = {'_gui': ['free_disk_space']}
        self.preview_or_run_operations(True, operations)
Esempio n. 9
    def shred_paths(self, paths):
        """Shred file or folders

        If user confirms and files are deleted, returns True.  If
        user aborts, returns False.
        # create a temporary cleaner object
        backends['_gui'] = Cleaner.create_simple_cleaner(paths)

        # preview and confirm
        operations = {'_gui': ['files']}
        self.preview_or_run_operations(False, operations)

        if GuiBasic.delete_confirmation_dialog(self.window, mention_preview=False):
            # delete
            self.preview_or_run_operations(True, operations)
            return True

        # user aborted
        return False
Esempio n. 10
    def shred_paths(self, paths):
        """Shred file or folders

        If user confirms and files are deleted, returns True.  If
        user aborts, returns False.
        # create a temporary cleaner object
        backends['_gui'] = Cleaner.create_simple_cleaner(paths)

        # preview and confirm
        operations = {'_gui': ['files']}
        self.preview_or_run_operations(False, operations)

        if GuiBasic.delete_confirmation_dialog(self, mention_preview=False):
            # delete
            self.preview_or_run_operations(True, operations)
            return True

        # user aborted
        return False
Esempio n. 11
def actions_to_cleaner(action_strs):
    """Given multiple action XML fragments, return one cleaner"""

    cleaner = Cleaner()
    for count, action_str in enumerate(action_strs, start=1):
        dom = parseString(action_str)
        action_node = dom.childNodes[0]
        command = action_node.getAttribute('command')
        provider = None
        for actionplugin in ActionProvider.plugins:
            if actionplugin.action_key == command:
                provider = actionplugin(action_node)
        cleaner.add_action('option%d' % count, provider)
        cleaner.add_option('option%d' % count, 'name%d' %
                           count, 'description%d' % count)
    return cleaner
Esempio n. 12
    def __init__(self, pathname, xlate_cb=None):
        """Create cleaner from XML in pathname.

        If xlate_cb is set, use it as a callback for each
        translate-able string.

        self.action = None
        self.cleaner = Cleaner.Cleaner()
        self.option_id = None
        self.option_name = None
        self.option_description = None
        self.option_warning = None
        self.xlate_cb = xlate_cb
        if self.xlate_cb is None:
            self.xlate_mode = False
            self.xlate_cb = lambda x, y=None: None  # do nothing
            self.xlate_mode = True

        dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(pathname)

Esempio n. 13
    def shred_paths(self, paths, shred_settings=False):
        """Shred file or folders

        When shredding_settings=True:
        If user confirms to delete, then returns True.  If user aborts, returns

        When quit_when_done=True:
        Always returns False to remove function from the idle queue.
        # create a temporary cleaner object
        backends['_gui'] = Cleaner.create_simple_cleaner(paths)

        # preview and confirm
        operations = {'_gui': ['files']}
        self.preview_or_run_operations(False, operations)

        if self._confirm_delete(False, shred_settings):
            # delete
            self.preview_or_run_operations(True, operations)
            return True

        # user aborted
        return False