def test_run_on_linux(self): host = MockHost(os_name='linux') host.filesystem.maybe_make_directory( '/mock-checkout/third_party/depot_tools') luci_auth = LuciAuth(host) luci_auth.get_access_token() self.assertListEqual( host.executive.calls, [['/mock-checkout/third_party/depot_tools/luci-auth', 'token']])
def _check_luci_auth(self): try: LuciAuth(self._host).get_access_token() except Exception as ex: _log.exception('Caught an exception when checking luci ' 'authentication. Please run `luci-auth login` ' 'before trying again.') raise ex
def _get_monorail_api(self, service_account_key_json): if service_account_key_json: return self._monorail_api( service_account_key_json=service_account_key_json) token = LuciAuth( return self._monorail_api(access_token=token)
def fetch_raw_try_job_results(self, issue_number, patchset=None): """Gets try job results for the specified CL from buildbucket. This uses the SearchBuilds rpc format specified in The response is a list of dicts of the following form: { "builds": [ { "status": <status> "builder": { "builder": <builder_name> }, "number": <build_number>, "tags": [ { "key": <tag key> "value": <tag value> }, ... more tags ] }, ... more builds } This method returns the JSON representation of the above response. """ if not patchset: patchset = self._get_latest_patchset() luci_token = LuciAuth(self._host).get_access_token() hed = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + luci_token, 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } data = { 'predicate': { 'gerritChanges': [{ 'host': '', 'project': 'chromium/src', 'change': issue_number, 'patchset': patchset }] }, 'fields': 'builds.*.builder.builder,builds.*.status,builds.*.tags,builds.*.number' } url = '' req_body = json.dumps(data) _log.debug("Sending SearchBuilds request. Url: %s with Body: %s" % (url, req_body)) response = self._host.web.request('POST', url, data=req_body, headers=hed) if response.getcode() == 200: response_body = if response_body.startswith(SEARCHBUILDS_RESPONSE_PREFIX): response_body = response_body[len(SEARCHBUILDS_RESPONSE_PREFIX ):] return json.loads(response_body) _log.error( "Failed to fetch tryjob results from buildbucket (status=%s)" % response.status) _log.debug("Full SearchBuilds response: %s" % str(response)) return None