Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, host, port_name, **kwargs):
     super(WinPort, self).__init__(host, port_name, **kwargs)
     self._version = port_name[port_name.index('win-') + len('win-'):]
     assert self._version in self.SUPPORTED_VERSIONS, '%s is not in %s' % (self._version, self.SUPPORTED_VERSIONS)
     if self.get_option('disable_breakpad'):
         self._dump_reader = None
         self._dump_reader = DumpReaderWin(host, self._build_path())
    def test_check_is_functional_cdb_not_found(self):
        host = MockHost()
        host.executive = MockExecutive(should_throw=True)

        build_dir = "/mock-checkout/out/Debug"
        dump_reader = DumpReaderWin(host, build_dir)

Esempio n. 3
    def test_get_pid_from_dump(self):
        host = MockHost()

        dump_file = '/crash-dumps/dump.txt'
        expected_pid = '4711'
        host.filesystem.write_text_file(dump_file, 'channel:\npid:%s\nplat:Win32\nprod:content_shell\n' % expected_pid)
        build_dir = "/mock-checkout/out/Debug"
        dump_reader = DumpReaderWin(host, build_dir)

        self.assertEqual(expected_pid, dump_reader._get_pid_from_dump(dump_file))
Esempio n. 4
    def test_get_stack_from_dump(self):
        host = MockHost()

        dump_file = '/crash-dumps/dump.dmp'
        real_dump_file = '/crash-dumps/dump.dmp'
        host.filesystem.write_text_file(dump_file, 'product:content_shell\n')
        host.filesystem.write_binary_file(real_dump_file, 'MDMP')
        build_dir = "/mock-checkout/out/Debug"
        dump_reader = DumpReaderWin(host, build_dir)

        host.executive.full_calls = []
        self.assertEqual("MOCK output of child process", dump_reader._get_stack_from_dump(dump_file))
        self.assertEqual(1, len(host.executive.calls))
        cmd_line = " ".join(host.executive.calls[0])
        self.assertIn('cdb.exe', cmd_line)
        self.assertIn(real_dump_file, cmd_line)
Esempio n. 5
class WinPort(base.Port):
    port_name = 'win'

    SUPPORTED_VERSIONS = ('win7', 'win10')

    FALLBACK_PATHS = {'win10': ['win']}
    FALLBACK_PATHS['win7'] = ['win7'] + FALLBACK_PATHS['win10']


    def determine_full_port_name(cls, host, options, port_name):
        if port_name.endswith('win'):
            assert host.platform.is_win()
            # We don't maintain separate baselines for vista, so we pretend it is win7.
            if host.platform.os_version in ('vista', '7sp0', '7sp1'):
                version = 'win7'
            # Same for win8, we treat it as win10.
            elif host.platform.os_version in ('8', '8.1', '10', 'future'):
                version = 'win10'
                version = host.platform.os_version
            port_name = port_name + '-' + version
        return port_name

    def __init__(self, host, port_name, **kwargs):
        super(WinPort, self).__init__(host, port_name, **kwargs)
        self._version = port_name[port_name.index('win-') + len('win-'):]
        assert self._version in self.SUPPORTED_VERSIONS, '%s is not in %s' % (self._version, self.SUPPORTED_VERSIONS)
        if self.get_option('disable_breakpad'):
            self._dump_reader = None
            self._dump_reader = DumpReaderWin(host, self._build_path())

    def additional_driver_flags(self):
        flags = super(WinPort, self).additional_driver_flags()
        flags += ['--enable-direct-write']
        if not self.get_option('disable_breakpad'):
            flags += ['--enable-crash-reporter', '--crash-dumps-dir=%s' % self._dump_reader.crash_dumps_directory()]
        return flags

    def check_httpd(self):
        res = super(WinPort, self).check_httpd()
        if self.uses_apache():
            # In order to run CGI scripts on Win32 that use unix shebang lines, we need to
            # create entries in the registry that remap the extensions (.pl and .cgi) to the
            # appropriate Win32 paths. The command line arguments must match the command
            # line arguments in the shebang line exactly.
            if _winreg:
                res = self._check_reg(r'.cgi\Shell\ExecCGI\Command') and res
                res = self._check_reg(r'.pl\Shell\ExecCGI\Command') and res
                _log.warning('Could not check the registry; http may not work correctly.')

        return res

    def _check_reg(self, sub_key):
        # see comments in check_httpd(), above, for why this routine exists and what it's doing.
            # Note that we HKCR is a union of HKLM and HKCR (with the latter
            # overriding the former), so reading from HKCR ensures that we get
            # the value if it is set in either place. See als comments below.
            hkey = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, sub_key)
            args = _winreg.QueryValue(hkey, '').split()

            # In order to keep multiple checkouts from stepping on each other, we simply check that an
            # existing entry points to a valid path and has the right command line.
            if len(args) == 2 and self._filesystem.exists(args[0]) and args[0].endswith('perl.exe') and args[1] == '-wT':
                return True
        except WindowsError as error:  # WindowsError is not defined on non-Windows platforms - pylint: disable=undefined-variable
            if error.errno != errno.ENOENT:
            # The key simply probably doesn't exist.

        # Note that we write to HKCU so that we don't need privileged access
        # to the registry, and that will get reflected in HKCR when it is read, above.
        cmdline = self._path_from_chromium_base(
            'third_party', 'perl', 'perl', 'bin', 'perl.exe') + ' -wT'
        hkey = _winreg.CreateKeyEx(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'Software\\Classes\\' + sub_key, 0, _winreg.KEY_WRITE)
        _winreg.SetValue(hkey, '', _winreg.REG_SZ, cmdline)
        return True

    def setup_environ_for_server(self):
        # A few extra environment variables are required for Apache on Windows.
        if 'TEMP' not in
  ['TEMP'] = tempfile.gettempdir()
        # CGIs are run directory-relative so they need an absolute TEMP['TEMP'] = self._filesystem.abspath(['TEMP'])
        # Make TMP an alias for TEMP['TMP'] =['TEMP']
        env = super(WinPort, self).setup_environ_for_server()
        apache_envvars = ['SYSTEMDRIVE', 'SYSTEMROOT', 'TEMP', 'TMP']
        for key, value in
            if key not in env and key in apache_envvars:
                env[key] = value
        return env

    def check_build(self, needs_http, printer):
        result = super(WinPort, self).check_build(needs_http, printer)

        if result:
            _log.error('For complete Windows build requirements, please see:')
        return result

    def operating_system(self):
        return 'win'

    def relative_test_filename(self, filename):
        path = filename[len(self.layout_tests_dir()) + 1:]
        return path.replace('\\', '/')

    def uses_apache(self):
        val = self.get_option('use_apache')
        if val is None:
            return True
        return val

    def path_to_apache(self):
        return self._path_from_chromium_base(
            'third_party', 'apache-win32', 'bin', 'httpd.exe')

    def path_to_apache_config_file(self):
        return self._filesystem.join(self.apache_config_directory(), 'win-httpd.conf')


    def _path_to_driver(self, target=None):
        binary_name = '%s.exe' % self.driver_name()
        return self._build_path_with_target(target, binary_name)

    def _path_to_image_diff(self):
        binary_name = 'image_diff.exe'
        return self._build_path(binary_name)

    def look_for_new_crash_logs(self, crashed_processes, start_time):
        if self.get_option('disable_breakpad'):
            return None
        return self._dump_reader.look_for_new_crash_logs(crashed_processes, start_time)

    def clobber_old_port_specific_results(self):
        if not self.get_option('disable_breakpad'):