Esempio n. 1
class DiffIssueOccurrence(BaseDocument):

    #calculated as hash(diff.hash,issue_occurrence.hash,key)
    hash = CharField(indexed = True,length = 64)
    configuration = CharField(indexed = True,length = 64)
    diff = ForeignKeyField('Diff',backref = 'issue_occurrences')
    issue_occurrence = ForeignKeyField('IssueOccurrence',backref = 'diff_issue_occurrences')
    key = EnumField(enums = ('added','fixed'))
Esempio n. 2
class DiffFileRevision(BaseDocument):

    #calculated as hash(diff.hash,file_revision.hash,key)
    hash = CharField(indexed=True, length=64)
    configuration = CharField(indexed=True, length=64)
    diff = ForeignKeyField('Diff', backref='file_revisions')
    file_revision = ForeignKeyField('FileRevision', backref='diffs')
    key = EnumField(enums=('added', 'deleted', 'modified'))
Esempio n. 3
class Actor(Document):

    name = CharField(indexed=True)
    gross_income_m = FloatField(indexed=True)
    salary_amount = FloatField(indexed=True, key="salary.amount")
    salary_currency = CharField(indexed=True, key="salary.currency")
    appearances = IntegerField(indexed=True)
    birth_year = IntegerField(indexed=True)
    favorite_food = ManyToManyField("Food")
    is_funny = BooleanField(indexed=True)
    movies = ManyToManyField("Movie", backref="actors")
Esempio n. 4
class Actor(Document):

    name = CharField(indexed=True)
    gross_income_m = FloatField(indexed=True)
    salary_amount = FloatField(indexed=True, key='salary.amount')
    salary_currency = CharField(indexed=True, key='salary.currency')
    appearances = IntegerField(indexed=True)
    birth_year = IntegerField(indexed=True)
    favorite_food = ManyToManyField('Food')
    is_funny = BooleanField(indexed=True)
    movies = ManyToManyField('Movie', backref='actors')
Esempio n. 5
class GitBranch(BaseDocument):

    project = ForeignKeyField('Project', backref='git_branches')
    name = CharField(indexed=True, length=100)
    hash = CharField(indexed=True, length=64)
    remote = CharField(indexed=True, length=100)
    last_analyzed_snapshot = ForeignKeyField('GitSnapshot')
    head_snapshot = ForeignKeyField('GitSnapshot')

    class Meta(BaseDocument.Meta):

        unique_together = [('project', 'name')]
Esempio n. 6
class Task(BaseDocument):
    This class is used to store backend tasks that need to be performed, e.g. analyzing a project.
    class Type:
        analysis = "analysis"
        delete = "delete"
        reset = "reset"

    project = ForeignKeyField('Project')
    type = CharField(indexed=True, length=50)
    status = CharField(indexed=True, length=50)
    last_ping = DateTimeField(indexed=True)
Esempio n. 7
class Movie(Document):
    class Meta(Document.Meta):
        autoregister = False

    director = ForeignKeyField('Director', backref='movies')
    actors = ManyToManyField('Actor', backref='movies')
    name = CharField(indexed=True)
Esempio n. 8
class DirectorAward(Document):
    class Meta(Document.Meta):
        autoregister = False

    name = CharField(indexed=True)

    director = ForeignKeyField('Director', backref='awards')
Esempio n. 9
class Movie(Document):
    class Meta(Document.Meta):
        autoregister = False

    director = ForeignKeyField("Director", backref="movies")
    actors = ManyToManyField("Actor", backref="movies")
    name = CharField(indexed=True)
Esempio n. 10
    class Meta:

        PkType = CharField(length=32,
        primary_key = "pk"
        indexes = {}
Esempio n. 11
class GitSnapshot(BaseDocument):

    project = ForeignKeyField('Project', unique=False, backref='git_snapshots')
    snapshot = ForeignKeyField('Snapshot', unique=True, backref='git_snapshot')
    sha = CharField(indexed=True, length=40)
    hash = CharField(indexed=True, length=64)
    committer_date = DateTimeField(indexed=True)
    author_date = DateTimeField(indexed=True)
    author_name = CharField(length=100)
    committer_date_ts = IntegerField(indexed=True)
    author_date_ts = IntegerField(indexed=True)
    tree_sha = CharField(indexed=True, length=40)
    log = TextField(indexed=False)

    class Meta(BaseDocument.Meta):

        unique_together = [('project', 'sha')]
Esempio n. 12
class FileRevision(BaseDocument):

    #calculated as hash(path,sha)
    hash = CharField(indexed = True,length = 64)
    configuration = CharField(indexed = True, length = 64)
    project = ForeignKeyField('Project')
    path = CharField(indexed = True,length = 2000)
    language = CharField(indexed = True,length = 50)
    sha = CharField(indexed = True,length = 64)
    dependencies = ManyToManyField('FileRevision',backref = 'dependent_file_revisions')

    class Meta(Document.Meta):
        collection = "filerevision"

    def get_file_content(self):
        if hasattr(self,'_file_content'):
            if callable(self._file_content):
                return self._file_content()
            return self._file_content
        raise NotImplementedError
Esempio n. 13
class Movie(Document):

    title = CharField(nullable = True,indexed = True)
    director = ForeignKeyField(related = 'Director',nullable = True,backref = 'movies')
    cast = ManyToManyField(related = 'Actor')
    year = IntegerField(indexed = True)
    best_actor = ForeignKeyField('Actor',backref = 'best_movies')

    class Meta(Document.Meta):

        dbref_includes = ['title','year']
Esempio n. 14
class Issue(BaseDocument):

    An `Issue` object represents an issue or problem with the code.
    It can be associated with one or multiple file revisions, code objects etc.

    An issue fingerprint should be a unique identifier for a given issue, hence if
    two issues have the same fingerprint they should be judged "identical".

    #calculated as hash(analyzer,code,fingerprint)
    hash = CharField(indexed = True,length = 64)
    configuration = CharField(indexed = True, length = 64)
    project = ForeignKeyField('Project',backref = 'issues',nullable = False)
    analyzer = CharField(indexed = True,length = 100,nullable = False)
    code = CharField(indexed = True,length = 100,nullable = False)
    fingerprint = CharField(indexed = True,length = 255,nullable = False)

    class Meta(Document.Meta):
        unique_together = [('project','fingerprint','analyzer','code')]
        dbref_includes = ['code','analyzer']
Esempio n. 15
class Director(Document):

    Warning: There is a circular foreign key relationship between
    Director and Movie, hence trying to save a pair of those objects
    that point to each other will yield an exception for e.g.
    the Postgres backend.

    name = CharField(indexed = True)
    favorite_actor = ForeignKeyField('Actor')
    best_movie = ForeignKeyField('Movie',unique=True,backref = 'best_of_director')
Esempio n. 16
class User(BaseDocument):

    name = CharField(indexed=True, unique=True, length=50)
    email = CharField(indexed=True, unique=True, length=255)
    new_email = CharField(indexed=True, unique=False, length=255)
    email_change_requested_at = DateTimeField()
    email_validated = BooleanField(indexed=True, default=False)
    email_validation_code = CharField(indexed=True, length=64)
    password = CharField(indexed=False, length=128)
    password_reset_code = CharField(indexed=True, length=64)
    password_reset_requested_at = DateTimeField()
    terms_accepted = BooleanField(default=False)
    terms_accepted_at = DateTimeField()
    superuser = BooleanField(default=False)
    delete = BooleanField(default=False, indexed=True)

    def set_password(self, password):
        self.password = pbkdf2_sha256.hash(password)
        self.password_set = True

    def check_password(self, password):
        return pbkdf2_sha256.verify(password, self.password)

    def get_access_token(self):
        access_token = AccessToken({'user': self, 'token': uuid.uuid4().hex})
        return access_token

    def is_superuser(self):
        return True if 'superuser' in self and self.superuser else False
Esempio n. 17
class Issue(BaseDocument):
    An `Issue` object represents an issue or problem with the code.
    It can be associated with one or multiple file revisions, code objects etc.

    An issue fingerprint should be a unique identifier for a given issue, hence if
    two issues have the same fingerprint they should be judged "identical".
    class IgnoreReason:
        not_specified = 0
        not_relevant = 1
        false_positive = 2

    #calculated as hash(analyzer,code,fingerprint)
    hash = CharField(indexed=True, length=64)
    configuration = CharField(indexed=True, length=64)
    project = ForeignKeyField('Project', backref='issues', nullable=False)
    analyzer = CharField(indexed=True, length=100, nullable=False)
    code = CharField(indexed=True, length=100, nullable=False)
    fingerprint = CharField(indexed=True, length=255, nullable=False)

    #determines if this issue should be ignored
    ignore = BooleanField(indexed=True,
    #gives a reason for the issue to be ignored (e.g. false_positive, )
    ignore_reason = IntegerField(indexed=True, nullable=True)
    #an optional comment for the ignore reason
    ignore_comment = CharField(indexed=False, length=255, nullable=True)

    class Meta(Document.Meta):
        unique_together = [('project', 'fingerprint', 'analyzer', 'code')]
        dbref_includes = ['code', 'analyzer']
Esempio n. 18
class IssueOccurrence(BaseDocument):

    #can be uniquely identified by its, and from_row,to_row,from_column,to_column,sequence

    #calculated as hash(file_revision.hash,issue.hash,from_row,to_row,from_column,to_column,sequence)
    hash = CharField(indexed = True,length = 64)
    file_revision = ForeignKeyField('FileRevision',backref = 'issue_occurrences')
    issue = ForeignKeyField('Issue',backref = 'issue_occurrences')
    from_row = IntegerField()
    to_row = IntegerField()
    from_column = IntegerField()
    to_column = IntegerField()
    sequence = IntegerField(default = 0)
Esempio n. 19
class Movie(Document):

    title = CharField(nullable=True, indexed=True)
    director = ForeignKeyField(related="Director",
    cast = ManyToManyField(related="Actor")
    year = IntegerField(indexed=True)
    best_actor = ForeignKeyField("Actor", backref="best_movies")

    class Meta(Document.Meta):

        dbref_includes = ["title", "year"]
class GitRepository(BaseGitRepository):

    public_key = TextField()
    private_key = TextField()
    url = CharField(indexed=True)

    def path(self):
        #we import this here to avoid cyclic dependency problems (shouldn't be the case though)
        from quantifiedcode.settings import settings
        if not
            raise AttributeError('You must define a primary key for the project in order to get the repository path!')
        path = os.path.join(settings.get('project_path'), settings.get('backend.paths.git_repositories'),
        return path
Esempio n. 21
class IssueClass(BaseDocument):

    hash = CharField(indexed = True,length = 64)
    title = CharField(indexed = True,length = 100)
    analyzer = CharField(indexed = True,length = 50)
    language = CharField(indexed = True,length = 50)
    code = CharField(indexed = True,length = 50)
    description = TextField(indexed = False)
    occurrence_description = CharField(indexed = True,length = 2000)
    severity = IntegerField(indexed = True)
    categories = ManyToManyField('IssueCategory')

    class Meta(BaseDocument.Meta):
        unique_together = (('code','analyzer'),)
Esempio n. 22
class IssueClass(BaseDocument):
    class Severity:
        critical = 1
        potential_bug = 2
        minor = 3
        recommendation = 4

    hash = CharField(indexed=True, length=64)
    title = CharField(indexed=True, length=100)
    analyzer = CharField(indexed=True, length=50)
    language = CharField(indexed=True, length=50)
    code = CharField(indexed=True, length=50)
    description = TextField(indexed=False)

    occurrence_description = CharField(indexed=True, length=2000)

    severity = IntegerField(indexed=True)
    categories = ManyToManyField('IssueCategory')

    class Meta(BaseDocument.Meta):
        unique_together = (('code', 'analyzer'), )
Esempio n. 23
class Director(Document):
    class Meta(Document.Meta):
        autoregister = False

    name = CharField(indexed=True)
Esempio n. 24
class Role(Document):

    role = CharField(indexed=True)
    actor = ForeignKeyField("Actor", nullable=False)
    movie = ForeignKeyField("Movie", nullable=False)
Esempio n. 25
class Food(Document):

    name = CharField(indexed=True)
Esempio n. 26
class Snapshot(BaseDocument):

    #calculated as by the creating object
    hash = CharField(indexed=True, length=64)
    configuration = CharField(indexed=True, length=64)
    project = ForeignKeyField('Project')
    file_revisions = ManyToManyField('FileRevision', backref='snapshots')
    analyzed = BooleanField(indexed=True)

    class Meta(Document.Meta):

    def load(self, data):
        Imports a snapshot from a data structure

    def export(self):
        Exports a snapshot to a data structure

    def summarize_issues(self, include_filename=False, ignore=False):
        if isinstance(self.backend, SqlBackend):
            return self._summarize_issues_sql(
                include_filename=include_filename, ignore=ignore)
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _summarize_issues_sql(self, include_filename=False, ignore=False):

        snapshot_file_revisions_table = self.backend.get_table(
        fr_table = self.backend.get_table(FileRevision)
        issue_table = self.backend.get_table(Issue)
        issue_occurrence_table = self.backend.get_table(IssueOccurrence)
        project_issue_class_table = self.backend.get_table(ProjectIssueClass)
        issue_class_table = self.backend.get_table(self.project.IssueClass)

        project_pk_type = self.backend.get_field_type(
        snapshot_pk_type = self.backend.get_field_type(self.fields['pk'])

        #we group by file revision path, issue code and analyzer
        group_columns = [
            fr_table.c.language, fr_table.c.path, issue_table.c.code,

        #we perform a JOIN of the file revision table to the issue tables
        table = fr_table\
        .join(issue_occurrence_table, == issue_occurrence_table.c.file_revision)\
        .join(issue_table, and_( == issue_occurrence_table.c.issue, issue_table.c.ignore == ignore))

        #here we make sure that the given issue class is enabled for the project
        subselect = select([])\
                issue_table.c.analyzer == issue_class_table.c.analyzer,
                issue_table.c.code == issue_class_table.c.code,
                issue_table.c.ignore == ignore,
                project_issue_class_table.c.project == expression.cast(,project_pk_type),
                project_issue_class_table.c.enabled == True))\

        file_revisions_select = select([snapshot_file_revisions_table.c.filerevision])\
                                .where(snapshot_file_revisions_table.c.snapshot == expression.cast(,snapshot_pk_type))

        #we select the aggregated issues for all file revisions in this snapshot
        s = select(group_columns+[func.count().label('count')])\

        #we fetch the result
        with self.backend.transaction():
            result = self.backend.connection.execute(s).fetchall()

        #we aggregate the issues by path fragments
        aggregator = lambda f: directory_splitter(
            f['path'], include_filename=include_filename)

        #we perform a map/reduce on the result
        #the resulting items will contain the number of files and the number of issues in the file
        map_reducer = IssuesMapReducer(aggregators=[aggregator])
        return map_reducer.mapreduce(result)
Esempio n. 27
class Project(BaseDocument):

    IssueClass = IssueClass

    # contains a hash of the project configuration that will be used to mark
    # snapshots, diffs, file revisions etc.
    configuration = CharField(indexed=True, length=64)

    class Meta(Document.Meta):
        collection = "project"

    def settings(self):
        return self.get('settings', {})

    def get_issue_classes(self,
        Retrieves the issue classes for a given backend

        :param backend: A backend to use. If None, the default backend will be used
        :param enabled: Whether to retrieve enabled or disabled issue classes.
                        Passing `None` will retrieve all issue classes.
        if backend is None:
            backend = self.backend

        query = {'project_issue_classes.project': self}
        if enabled is not None:
            query['project_issue_classes.enabled'] = enabled

        issue_classes = backend.filter(self.IssueClass, query, **kwargs)

        if sort is not None:
            issue_classes = issue_classes.sort(sort)

        return issue_classes

    def get_issues_data(self, backend=None, extra_fields=None):

        if backend is None:
            backend = self.backend

        if extra_fields is None:
            extra_fields = []

        issue_classes = self.get_issue_classes(include = (('categories','name'),),
                                               sort = [('',1)],
                                               only = extra_fields + \
                                               raw = True)
        grouped_issue_data = {}

        for issue_class in issue_classes:
            language_data = grouped_issue_data
            if not issue_class['language'] or not issue_class[
                    'analyzer'] or not issue_class['code']:
            if not issue_class['language'] in language_data:
                language_data[issue_class['language']] = {
                    'title': issue_class['language'],
                    'analyzers': {}
            analyzer_data = language_data[issue_class['language']]['analyzers']
            if not issue_class['analyzer'] in analyzer_data:
                analyzer_data[issue_class['analyzer']] = {
                    'title': issue_class['analyzer'],
                    'codes': {}
            code_data = analyzer_data[issue_class['analyzer']]['codes']
            code_data[issue_class['code']] = {
                [category['name'] for category in issue_class['categories']],
            for field_name in extra_fields:
                    issue_class['code']][field_name] = issue_class[field_name]

        return grouped_issue_data
Esempio n. 28
class IssueCategory(BaseDocument):

    name = CharField(indexed=True, unique=True, length=50)
class Tag(BaseDocument):

    name = CharField(indexed=True, unique=True, length=50)
Esempio n. 30
class GitRepository(BaseDocument):

    path_ = CharField(indexed=True)
    project = ForeignKeyField('Project', backref='git', unique=True)
    default_branch = CharField(indexed=True)

    def path(self):
        return self.path_

    def path(self, path):
        self.path_ = path

    def get_settings(self):
        default_branch = self.get_default_branch()
        if default_branch is None:
        branches = self.repository.get_branches()
        if default_branch in branches:
            latest_commit = self.repository.get_commits(default_branch,
                checkmate_file_content = self.repository\
                    checkmate_settings = yaml.load(checkmate_file_content)
                    return checkmate_settings
                    raise ValueError("Cannot parse checkmate YML file!")
                logger.warning("No .checkmate.yml file found!")

    def repository(self):
        if not hasattr(self, '_repository'):
            self._repository = Repository(self.path)
        return self._repository

    def get_snapshots(self, **kwargs):
        Returns a list of snapshots in a given repository.
        commits = self.repository.get_commits(**kwargs)
        snapshots = []
        for commit in commits:
            for key in ('committer_date', 'author_date'):
                commit[key] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(commit[key +
            snapshot = GitSnapshot(commit)
            hasher = Hasher()
            snapshot.hash = hasher.digest.hexdigest()
            snapshot.project = self.project
   = uuid.uuid4().hex
        return snapshots

    def get_file_revisions(self, commit_sha, filters=None):

        files = self.repository.get_files_in_commit(commit_sha)

        if filters:
            for filter_func in filters:
                files = [
                    f for f in files
                    if f['path'] in filter_func([ff['path'] for ff in files])

        file_revisions = []
        for file_obj in files:

            hasher = Hasher()
            file_revision = FileRevision(file_obj)


            file_revision.project = self.project
            file_revision.hash = hasher.digest.hexdigest()
   = uuid.uuid4().hex
            file_revision._file_content = lambda commit_sha=commit_sha, file_revision=file_revision: self.repository.get_file_content(
                commit_sha, file_revision.path)
        return file_revisions

    def get_default_branch(self):
        branches = self.repository.get_branches()
        if self.default_branch in branches:
            return self.default_branch
        elif 'origin/master' in branches:
            return 'origin/master'
        elif branches:
            return branches[0]