Esempio n. 1
def test_changing_library_initializes_function_searh():

    library = FunctionLibrary(modules=['os'])

    b = Application()
    b.function_library = library
    assert_equal(b.function_search.all_functions, library.functions)
Esempio n. 2
def test_changing_library_functions_initializes_function_searh():

    library = FunctionLibrary(modules=['os'])

    b = Application()
    b.function_library = library
    assert_equal(b.function_search.all_functions, library.functions)

    # This forces the library to recalculate its functions.
    library.modules = ['os', 'telnetlib']
    assert_equal(b.function_search.all_functions, library.functions)
Esempio n. 3
def test_appending_library_functions_initializes_function_searh():

    library = FunctionLibrary(modules=['os'])

    b = Application()
    b.function_library = library
    assert_equal(b.function_search.all_functions, library.functions)

    # This is sorta cheating, but add an item to the function list
    # and ensure that we are updating.
    assert_equal(b.function_search.all_functions, library.functions)
Esempio n. 4
def test_initializing_with_library_initializes_function_searh():

    library = FunctionLibrary(modules=['os'])

    b = Application(function_library=library)

    raise nose.SkipTest
    # FIXME:
    #   The assertion below is failing because in
    #   enthought/block_canvas/app/ line 541
    #   post_init is set to True, which means that function_library
    #   is not updated upon initialization.  The post_init change
    #   was made in a number of locations in this file at changeset 19002.
    assert_equal(b.function_search.all_functions, library.functions)
Esempio n. 5
    def trait_view(self, view):
        This implementation should go away immediately when groups are managed
        "graphically". A possible way to create a new "world" where the 
        execution is still serial is to create a new instance of LoopApp 
        that shares with the "main" one all the basic data 
        (contexts, class_library, func_library, func_search) but not the 
        same experiment. 

        # To avoid circular imports
        from import Application

        code = None
        app_exist = False

        if hasattr(scripting, 'app'):

            app_exist = True

            # If the methods is called by another app that wants to add a group,
            # retrieve it from the scripting module recursively.
            app =

            # Save the current reference in the scripting module
            if not hasattr(scripting, 'app_tree'):
                scripting.app_tree = []


            class_library = app.class_library
            func_library = app.function_library
            func_search = app.function_search

            # It is more or less a test if the method works well so the module
            # is chosen by hand.
            # It should never happen that this method is called outside an
            # instance of the BlockCanvas app.
            modules = ['os']
            class_library = ClassLibrary(modules=modules)
            func_library = FunctionLibrary(modules=modules)
            func_search = FunctionSearch(all_functions=func_library.functions)

        # TODO: This new object overwrite the reference so there
        # should be a way to call a "fix_scripting_app" method when this view
        # is closed. FIXED: Now this step is done by update_from_UI
        self.function_view_instance = Application(

        if app_exist:
            # Share the context with the Parent app if it exist
            self.function_view_instance.project.active_experiment.context.subcontext = \

            # During the editing of the group fired events due to change in the context
            # are deferred now and completely cleaned after the group creation to
            # avoid useless execution.
            # Those parameters must be fixed after the group is Created/Updated.
            # This step is done by "update_from_UI" method
            self._prev_defer_execution = app.project.active_experiment.context.defer_execution
            app.project.active_experiment.context.defer_execution = True

            # To save some time is also nice to stop the execution in the calling app due to
            # events fired every time a statement is added to the execution model.
            # It must be noticed that allow_execute must be saved instead of just put it to
            # False, to properly manage nested groups/loops.
            self._prev_allow_execute = app.project.active_experiment.exec_model.allow_execute
            app.project.active_experiment.exec_model.allow_execute = False

        # No execution in the sub_app during the editing of the group
        self.function_view_instance.project.active_experiment.exec_model.allow_execute = False

        # Add current element/s to the view
        if self.gfunc is not None:
            for curr_elem in self.gfunc.curr_elemts:
                    curr_elem, x=None, y=None)

        # When reopening an existing group add its statements
        for stmt in self.group_statements:

        return create_view(model=self.function_view_instance)