Esempio n. 1
    def is_valid(self):
        """ Check whether block is fully valid according to block rules.

        Includes checking for no double spend, that all transactions are valid, that all header fields are correctly
        computed, etc.

            bool, str: True if block is valid, False otherwise plus an error or success message.

        chain = blockchain.chain  # This object of type Blockchain may be useful

        # (checks that apply to all blocks)

        #Check if the current block's merkle root is the same as the calculated mr
        if self.merkle != self.calculate_merkle_root():
            return False, "Merkle root failed to match"

        #Check if the current block's hash is the same as the calculated hash of the block
        if self.hash != self.calculate_hash():
            return False, "Hash failed to match"

        #Check to see if the current block meets the transaction limit
        if len(self.transactions) > 900:
            return False, "Too many transactions"

        # (checks that apply to genesis block)

        #Chek if the current block is genesis or not
        if self.is_genesis is True:

            #Make sure that this is a valid genesis block
            #Check that it is at height 0 and that the parent hash is genesis
            if self.height != 0 or self.parent_hash != "genesis":
                return False, "Invalid genesis"

        # (checks that apply only to non-genesis blocks)
        # Check that parent exists (you may find chain.blocks helpful) [test_nonexistent_parent]
        # On failure: return False, "Nonexistent parent"

        # (checks that apply only to non-genesis blocks)
        if self.is_genesis is False:

            #Check that the parent block is in the current chain
            if self.parent_hash not in chain.blocks:
                return False, "Nonexistent parent"

            #Check if the space between the current block and parent block is 1
            if (self.height - chain.blocks[self.parent_hash].height) != 1:
                return False, "Invalid height"

            #Check that the timestamp on the block and parent block are the same
            if self.timestamp != chain.blocks[self.parent_hash].timestamp:
                return False, "Invalid timestamp"

            #Check that the seal is valid
            if not self.seal_is_valid():
                return False, "Invalid seal"

            #get each transaction in the block
            for i in self.transactions:
                #Check if the transaction is valid
                if not i.is_valid():
                    return False, "Malformed transaction included"

            #initiate lists for later checks
            l = []
            output = []

            # Check that for every transaction
            for tx in self.transactions:
                #create a list of transactions

                #check that the transaction hash is not already presenet in the chain
                if tx.hash in chain.blocks_containing_tx:
                    return False, "Double transaction inclusion"

                #Check that the transaction doesnt appear twice in the same block
                if self.transactions.count(tx) != 1:
                    return False, "Double transaction inclusion"

                #for money creation test
                in_total = 0

                # get the input ref for each tx
                for input_ref in tx.input_refs:

                    # Split the input ref into the hash and transaction position
                    h, pos = input_ref.split(':')
                    #convert position to int for later use
                    pos = int(pos)

                    #Create a list of transaction hashes in the block
                    tx_h = [tx.hash for tx in self.transactions]

                    #Check if the input ref hash is in the chain
                    if h not in chain.all_transactions:
                        #If input ref hash is not in the chan, check if its in the block
                        if h not in tx_h:
                            return False, "Required output not found"

                    #Check if the input ref hash is in the chain
                    if h in chain.all_transactions:
                        #create variable with list of transaction from input ref hash
                        input_tx = chain.all_transactions[h]

                    #Check if the input ref hash is not in the chain
                        #Get each transaction in the block
                        for input_trans in self.transactions:
                            #if the input ref hash is equal to the hash of a transaction in the block
                            if h == input_trans.hash:
                                #if true, set the input tx var to the transaction from the block and exit
                                input_tx = input_trans

                    #Get the number of outputs in the transaction
                    output_num = len(input_tx.outputs)

                    #check if the
                    if pos >= output_num:
                        return False, "Required output not found"

                    # Get user who received transaction input
                    rec = input_tx.outputs[pos].receiver

                    # list of users the sent transaction
                    send = [user.sender for user in tx.outputs]

                    # Get user in send list
                    for user in send:
                        #check if user is the reciever
                        if user != rec:
                            return False, "User inconsistencies"

                    #Check if trans input ref has been spent elsewhere in the chain
                    if input_ref in chain.blocks_spending_input:

                        #get a list of blocks to check
                        blks = chain.get_chain_ending_with(self.parent_hash)

                        #get a list of blocks where the input ref was spent
                        spend = chain.blocks_spending_input[input_ref]

                        #check if the block the input ref was spent on was spent elsewhere on the chain
                        if nonempty_intersection(blks, spend):
                            return False, "Double-spent input"

                    #compile tx inputs on block
                    b_inputs = []
                    for trans in self.transactions:
                        #for each tx in block
                        for tx_input_ref in trans.input_refs:
                            #for each inport ref in the tx, add to list

                    # check if the input was already spent on the block
                    if b_inputs.count(input_ref) != 1:
                        return False, "Double-spent input"

                    #check if the transaction is on the current blockchain

                    if h in chain.blocks_containing_tx:
                        #create list of blocks in question and blocks that contain the input transaction
                        blks = chain.get_chain_ending_with(self.parent_hash)
                        b_w_h = chain.blocks_containing_tx[h]

                        #check if the input trans is in both lists
                        if not nonempty_intersection(blks, b_w_h):
                            #check if the input transaction is not in the transactions on block
                            if h not in tx_h:
                                return False, "Input transaction not found"
#if the input ref hash is not on the chain, check if its in the current block

                    elif h in tx_h:
                        return False, "Input transaction not found"

                    #for money creation test
                    in_total += input_tx.outputs[pos].amount

                #create a list of senders of transaxctions
                send = []
                for user in tx.outputs:

                #check if there is only one sender
                if len(set(send)) > 1:
                    return False, "User inconsistencies"

                #create a list of transactions to calculate amount
                out_total = []
                for output in tx.outputs:

                #get the total output amount
                out_total = sum(out_total)

                #check if the output value is greater than the input value
                if in_total < out_total:
                    return False, "Creating money"

        return True, "All checks passed"
Esempio n. 2
    def is_valid(self):
        """ Check whether block is fully valid according to block rules.

        Includes checking for no double spend, that all transactions are valid, that all header fields are correctly
        computed, etc.

            bool, str: True if block is valid, False otherwise plus an error or success message.

        chain = blockchain.chain  # This object of type Blockchain may be useful

        # Placeholder for (1a)

        # (checks that apply to all blocks)
        # Check that Merkle root calculation is consistent with transactions in block (use the calculate_merkle_root function) [test_rejects_invalid_merkle]
        # On failure: return False, "Merkle root failed to match"
        if not self.merkle == self.calculate_merkle_root():
            return False, "Merkle root failed to match"

        # Check that block.hash is correctly calculated [test_rejects_invalid_hash]
        # On failure: return False, "Hash failed to match"
        if not self.hash == self.calculate_hash():
            return False, "Hash failed to match"

        # Check that there are at most 900 transactions in the block [test_rejects_too_many_txs]
        # On failure: return False, "Too many transactions"
        if len(self.transactions) > 900:
            return False, "Too many transactions"

        # (checks that apply to genesis block)
        # Check that height is 0 and parent_hash is "genesis" [test_invalid_genesis]
        # On failure: return False, "Invalid genesis"
        if self.is_genesis:
            if self.height != 0 or self.parent_hash != 'genesis' or self.hash != self.calculate_hash(
                return False, "Invalid genesis"

        # (checks that apply only to non-genesis blocks)
            # Check that parent exists (you may find chain.blocks helpful) [test_nonexistent_parent]
            # On failure: return False, "Nonexistent parent"
            if self.parent_hash not in chain.blocks.keys():
                return False, "Nonexistent parent"

            # Check that height is correct w.r.t. parent height [test_bad_height]
            # On failure: return False, "Invalid height"
            parent_block = chain.blocks[self.parent_hash]
            if self.height != (parent_block.height + 1):
                return False, "Invalid height"

            # Check that timestamp is non-decreasing [test_bad_timestamp]
            # On failure: return False, "Invalid timestamp"
            if self.timestamp < parent_block.timestamp:
                return False, "Invalid timestamp"

            # Check that seal is correctly computed and satisfies "target" requirements; use the provided seal_is_valid method [test_bad_seal]
            # On failure: return False, "Invalid seal"
            if not self.seal_is_valid():
                return False, "Invalid seal"

            # Check that all transactions within are valid (use tx.is_valid) [test_malformed_txs]
            # On failure: return False, "Malformed transaction included"
            for tx in self.transactions:
                if not tx.is_valid():
                    return False, "Malformed transaction included"

            # Check that for every transaction
            for tx in self.transactions:
                # the transaction has not already been included on a block on the same blockchain as this block [test_double_tx_inclusion_same_chain]
                # (or twice in this block; you will have to check this manually) [test_double_tx_inclusion_same_block]
                # (you may find chain.get_chain_ending_with and chain.blocks_containing_tx and util.nonempty_intersection useful)
                # On failure: return False, "Double transaction inclusion"

                # [test_double_tx_inclusion_same_block]
                tx_hashes = [t.hash for t in self.transactions]
                if len(set(tx_hashes)) != len(tx_hashes):
                    return False, "Double transaction inclusion"

                # [test_double_tx_inclusion_same_chain]
                block = self
                while block.parent_hash != "genesis":
                    block = chain.blocks[block.parent_hash]
                    if tx.hash in [t.hash for t in block.transactions]:
                        return False, "Double transaction inclusion"

                # for every input ref in the tx
                for input_ref in tx.input_refs:
                    # (you may find the string split method for parsing the input into its components)
                    tx_id = input_ref.split(":")[0]
                    output_idx = int(input_ref.split(":")[1])
                    # each input_ref is valid (aka corresponding transaction can be looked up in its holding transaction) [test_failed_input_lookup]
                    # (you may find chain.all_transactions useful here)
                    # On failure: return False, "Required output not found"
                    tx_in_same_block = tx_id in tx_hashes

                    if (not tx_in_same_block
                            and tx_id not in chain.all_transactions):
                        return False, "Required output not found"
                        find target transaction.
                        - from previous block: `chain.all_transactions[tx_id]`
                        - from the same block: `[t for t in self.transactions if t.hash == tx_id][0]`
                        if tx_id not in chain.all_transactions.keys():
                            target_transaction = [
                                t for t in self.transactions if t.hash == tx_id
                            target_transaction = chain.all_transactions[tx_id]
                        # output_idx overflow:
                        output_idx_overflow = (output_idx + 1) > len(
                        if output_idx_overflow:
                            return False, "Required output not found"
                    # every input was sent to the same user (would normally carry a signature from this user; we leave this out for simplicity) [test_user_consistency]
                    # On failure: return False, "User inconsistencies"
                    previous_output_transaction = target_transaction.outputs[
                    this_input_name = previous_output_transaction.receiver
                    this_outputs_names = set([t.sender for t in tx.outputs])
                    if this_input_name not in this_outputs_names or len(
                            this_outputs_names) > 1:
                        return False, "User inconsistencies"
                    this_inputs_names = set([
                        target_transaction.outputs[out_id].receiver for out_id
                        in map(lambda x: int(x.split(":")[1]), tx.input_refs)
                    if len(this_inputs_names) > 1:
                        return False, "User inconsistencies"

                    # no input_ref has been spent in a previous block on this chain [test_doublespent_input_same_chain]
                    # (or in this block; you will have to check this manually) [test_doublespent_input_same_block]
                    # (you may find nonempty_intersection and chain.blocks_spending_input helpful here)
                    # On failure: return False, "Double-spent input"
                    if input_ref in chain.blocks_spending_input:
                        double spend on same chain.
                        having_this_tx_blocks = list(
                            map(lambda x: chain.blocks[x],
                        max_height = max(
                            map(lambda x: x.height, having_this_tx_blocks))
                        if self.height > max_height:
                            return False, "Double-spent input"
                        double spend on same block.
                        init_input_ref = []
                        for i in self.transactions:
                            if nonempty_intersection(init_input_ref,
                                return False, "Double-spent input"

                    # each input_ref points to a transaction on the same blockchain as this block [test_input_txs_on_chain]
                    # (or in this block; you will have to check this manually) [test_input_txs_in_block]
                    # (you may find chain.blocks_containing_tx.get and nonempty_intersection as above helpful)
                    # On failure: return False, "Input transaction not found"
                    if tx_id in list(map(lambda x: x.hash, self.transactions)):
                    elif tx_id in chain.all_transactions.keys():
                        contain_this_tx_blocks = list(
                            map(lambda x: chain.blocks[x],
                        max_height = max(
                            map(lambda x: x.height, contain_this_tx_blocks))
                        if self.height <= max_height:
                            return False, "Input transaction not found"

                # for every output in the tx
                # every output was sent from the same user (would normally carry a signature from this user; we leave this out for simplicity)
                # (this MUST be the same user as the outputs are locked to above) [test_user_consistency]
                # On failure: return False, "User inconsistencies"
                # the sum of the input values is at least the sum of the output values (no money created out of thin air) [test_no_money_creation]
                # On failure: return False, "Creating money"
                for input_ref in tx.input_refs:
                    tx_id = input_ref.split(":")[0]
                    output_idx = int(input_ref.split(":")[1])
                    if tx_id not in chain.all_transactions.keys():
                        target_transaction = [
                            t for t in self.transactions if t.hash == tx_id
                        target_transaction = chain.all_transactions[tx_id]
                    previous_output_transaction = target_transaction.outputs[
                    sender_name = previous_output_transaction.receiver
                    money_upper_bound = previous_output_transaction.amount
                    current_transaction_outputs = tx.outputs
                    if sum(
                                lambda x: x.amount
                                if x.sender == sender_name else 0,
                    ) > money_upper_bound:
                        return False, "Creating money"

        return True, "All checks passed"
Esempio n. 3
    def is_valid(self):
        """ Check whether block is fully valid according to block rules.

        Includes checking for no double spend, that all transactions are valid, that all header fields are correctly
        computed, etc.

            bool, str: True if block is valid, False otherwise plus an error or success message.

        chain = blockchain.chain  # This object of type Blockchain may be useful

        all_blocks = chain.get_chain_ending_with(self.hash)
        # print(all_blocks)
        # Placeholder for (1a)

        # (checks that apply to all blocks)
        # Check that Merkle root calculation is consistent with transactions in block (use the calculate_merkle_root function) [test_rejects_invalid_merkle]
        # On failure: return False, "Merkle root failed to match"

        if self.merkle != self.calculate_merkle_root():
            return False, "Merkle root failed to match"

        # Check that block.hash is correctly calculated [test_rejects_invalid_hash]
        # On failure: return False, "Hash failed to match"

        if self.hash != self.calculate_hash():
            return False, "Hash failed to match"

        # Check that there are at most 900 transactions in the block [test_rejects_too_many_txs]
        # On failure: return False, "Too many transactions"

        if len(self.transactions) > 900:
            return False, "Too many transactions"

        # (checks that apply to genesis block)
        # Check that height is 0 and parent_hash is "genesis" [test_invalid_genesis]
        # On failure: return False, "Invalid genesis"

        if self.is_genesis:
            if (self.height != 0 or self.parent_hash != "genesis"):
                return False, "Invalid genesis"

            # (checks that apply only to non-genesis blocks)

            # Check that parent exists (you may find chain.blocks helpful) [test_nonexistent_parent]
            # On failure: return False, "Nonexistent parent"
            if self.parent_hash not in chain.blocks:
                return False, "Nonexistent parent"
                parent = chain.blocks[self.parent_hash]

                # Check that height is correct w.r.t. parent height [test_bad_height]
                # On failure: return False, "Invalid height"
                if self.height != parent.height + 1:
                    return False, "Invalid height"

                # Check that timestamp is non-decreasing [test_bad_timestamp]
                # On failure: return False, "Invalid timestamp"
                if self.timestamp < parent.timestamp:
                    return False, "Invalid timestamp"

            # Check that seal is correctly computed and satisfies "target" requirements; use the provided seal_is_valid method [test_bad_seal]
            # On failure: return False, "Invalid seal"
            if not self.seal_is_valid():
                return False, "Invalid seal"

            # Check that all transactions within are valid (use tx.is_valid) [test_malformed_txs]
            # On failure: return False, "Malformed transaction included"
            transactions = {}
            parent_chain = chain.get_chain_ending_with(self.parent_hash)
            for i, tx in enumerate(self.transactions):
                h = tx.hash
                transactions[h] = i

            for tx in self.transactions:
                if not tx.is_valid():
                    return False, "Malformed transaction included"

            # Check that for every transaction
            # the transaction has not already been included on a block on the same blockchain as this block [test_double_tx_inclusion_same_chain]
            # (or twice in this block; you will have to check this manually) [test_double_tx_inclusion_same_block]
            # (you may find chain.get_chain_ending_with and chain.blocks_containing_tx and util.nonempty_intersection useful)
            # On failure: return False, "Double transaction inclusion"

            if len(transactions) != len(self.transactions):
                return False, "Double transaction inclusion"

            for tx in self.transactions:
                copy_list = chain.blocks_containing_tx.get(tx.hash, [])
                if nonempty_intersection(parent_chain, copy_list):
                    return False, "Double transaction inclusion"

                # for every input ref in the tx
                # (you may find the string split method for parsing the input into its components)

                # each input_ref is valid (aka corresponding transaction can be looked up in its holding transaction) [test_failed_input_lookup]
                # (you may find chain.all_transactions useful here)
                # On failure: return False, "Required output not found"
            block_inputs = []
            for tx in self.transactions:
                total_input = 0
                for r in tx.input_refs:
                    split = r.split(':')
                    h = split[0]
                    i = int(split[1])

                    if h not in chain.all_transactions and h not in transactions:
                        return False, "Required output not found"

                    if h in chain.all_transactions:
                        input_txs = chain.all_transactions[h]
                        input_txs = self.transactions[transactions[h]]

                    if len(input_txs.outputs) - 1 < i:
                        return False, "Required output not found"

                    # every input was sent to the same user (would normally carry a signature from this user; we leave this out for simplicity) [test_user_consistency]
                    # On failure: return False, "User inconsistencies"
                    receiver = input_txs.outputs[i].receiver
                    senders = []

                    for user in tx.outputs:

                    for sender in senders:
                        if sender != receiver:
                            return False, "User inconsistencies"

                    # no input_ref has been spent in a previous block on this chain [test_doublespent_input_same_chain]
                    # (or in this block; you will have to check this manually) [test_doublespent_input_same_block]
                    # (you may find nonempty_intersection and chain.blocks_spending_input helpful here)
                    # On failure: return False, "Double-spent input"

                    spend = chain.blocks_spending_input.get(r, [])
                    parent_chain = chain.get_chain_ending_with(
                    if len(spend) >= 1 and nonempty_intersection(
                            parent_chain, spend):
                        return False, "Double-spent input"
                    if r in block_inputs:
                        return False, "Double-spent input"

                    # each input_ref points to a transaction on the same blockchain as this block [test_input_txs_on_chain]
                    # (or in this block; you will have to check this manually) [test_input_txs_in_block]
                    # (you may find chain.blocks_containing_tx.get and nonempty_intersection as above helpful)
                    # On failure: return False, "Input transaction not found"

                    blocks_with_transaction = chain.blocks_containing_tx.get(
                        h, [])
                    if h not in transactions and not (nonempty_intersection(
                            blocks_with_transaction, parent_chain)):
                        return False, "Input transaction not found"

                # for every output in the tx
                # every output was sent from the same user (would normally carry a signature from this user; we leave this out for simplicity)
                # (this MUST be the same user as the outputs are locked to above) [test_user_consistency]
                # On failure: return False, "User inconsistencies"
                # the sum of the input values is at least the sum of the output values (no money created out of thin air) [test_no_money_creation]
                # On failure: return False, "Creating money"
            for tx in self.transactions:
                total_input = 0
                total_output = 0
                for output in tx.outputs:
                    total_output += output.amount

                for input_ref in tx.input_refs:
                    split = input_ref.split(':')
                    h = split[0]
                    i = int(split[1])
                    input_transaction = chain.all_transactions[
                        h] if h in chain.all_transactions else self.transactions[
                total_input += input_transaction.outputs[i].amount
                if total_input < total_output:
                    return False, "Creating money"
        return True, "All checks passed"
Esempio n. 4
    def is_valid(self):
        """ Check whether block is fully valid according to block rules.

        Includes checking for no double spend, that all transactions are valid, that all header fields are correctly
        computed, etc.

            bool, str: True if block is valid, False otherwise plus an error or success message.

        chain = blockchain.chain  # This object of type Blockchain may be useful

        # Placeholder for (1a)

        # (checks that apply to all blocks)
        # Check that Merkle root calculation is consistent with transactions in block (use the calculate_merkle_root function) [test_rejects_invalid_merkle]
        # On failure: return False, "Merkle root failed to match"
        if not self.merkle == self.calculate_merkle_root():
            return False, "Merkle root failed to match"

        # Check that block.hash is correctly calculated [test_rejects_invalid_hash]
        # On failure: return False, "Hash failed to match"
        if not self.hash == self.calculate_hash():
            return False, "Hash failed to match"

        # Check that there are at most 900 transactions in the block [test_rejects_too_many_txs]
        # On failure: return False, "Too many transactions"
        if len(self.transactions) > 900:
            return False, "Too many transactions"

        # (checks that apply to genesis block)
        if self.is_genesis:
            # Check that height is 0 and parent_hash is "genesis" [test_invalid_genesis]
            # On failure: return False, "Invalid genesis"
            if not (self.parent_hash == "genesis" and self.height == 0):
                return False, "Invalid genesis"

        # (checks that apply only to non-genesis blocks)
            # Check that parent exists (you may find chain.blocks helpful) [test_nonexistent_parent]
            # On failure: return False, "Nonexistent parent"
            if not self.parent_hash in chain.blocks:
                return False, "Nonexistent parent"

            # Check that height is correct w.r.t. parent height [test_bad_height]
            # On failure: return False, "Invalid height"
            if not self.height == (chain.blocks[self.parent_hash].height + 1):
                return False, "Invalid height"

            # Check that timestamp is non-decreasing [test_bad_timestamp]
            # On failure: return False, "Invalid timestamp"
            if not self.timestamp >= chain.blocks[self.parent_hash].timestamp:
                return False, "Invalid timestamp"

            # Check that seal is correctly computed and satisfies "target" requirements; use the provided is_valid_seal method [test_bad_seal]
            # On failure: return False, "Invalid seal"
            if not self.seal_is_valid():
                return False, "Invalid seal"

            # Check that all transactions within are valid (use tx.is_valid) [test_malformed_txs]
            # On failure: return False, "Malformed transaction included"
            for tx in self.transactions:
                if not tx.is_valid():
                    return False, "Malformed transaction included"

            # Check that for every transaction
            if not len(list(set(self.transactions))) == len(self.transactions):
                return False, "Double transaction inclusion"

            d_ir = {}
            t_hash = [t.hash for t in self.transactions]
            for tx in self.transactions:

                # the transaction has not already been included on a block on the same blockchain as this block [test_double_tx_inclusion_same_chain]
                # (or twice in this block; you will have to check this manually) [test_double_tx_inclusion_same_block]
                # (you may find chain.get_chain_ending_with and chain.blocks_containing_tx and util.nonempty_intersection useful)
                if tx.hash in chain.blocks_containing_tx:
                    for hash in chain.blocks_containing_tx[tx.hash]:
                        if hash in chain.get_chain_ending_with(
                                self.parent_hash) and not hash == self.hash:
                            return False, "Double transaction inclusion"

                # for every input ref in the tx
                sum_in = 0
                sum_out = 0
                op_sender = None
                for ir in tx.input_refs:

                    # (you may find the string split method for parsing the input into its components)
                    tx_hash, value = ir.split(":")
                    value = int(value)

                    # each input_ref is valid (aka corresponding transaction can be looked up in its holding transaction) [test_failed_input_lookup]
                    # (you may find chain.all_transactions useful here)
                    # On failure: return False, "Required output not found"
                    if not tx_hash in chain.all_transactions or value + 1 > len(
                        return False, "Required output not found"

                    # every input was sent to the same user (would normally carry a signature from this user; we leave this out for simplicity) [test_user_consistency]
                    # On failure: return False, "User inconsistencies"
                    if not op_sender:
                        op_sender = chain.all_transactions[tx_hash].outputs[
                    elif not op_sender == chain.all_transactions[
                        return False, "User inconsistencies"

                    # no input_ref has been spent in a previous block on this chain [test_doublespent_input_same_chain]
                    # (or in this block; you will have to check this manually) [test_doublespent_input_same_block]
                    # (you may find nonempty_intersection and chain.blocks_spending_input helpful here)
                    # On failure: return False, "Double-spent input"
                    if ir in chain.blocks_spending_input and nonempty_intersection(
                                self.parent_hash)) or ir in d_ir:
                        return False, "Double-spent input"
                    d_ir[ir] = True

                    # each input_ref points to a transaction on the same blockchain as this block [test_input_txs_on_chain]
                    # (or in this block; you will have to check this manually) [test_input_txs_in_block]
                    # (you may find chain.blocks_containing_tx.get and nonempty_intersection as above helpful)
                    # On failure: return False, "Input transaction not found"
                    if not (tx_hash in t_hash or nonempty_intersection(
                        return False, "Input transaction not found"

                    sum_in += chain.all_transactions[tx_hash].outputs[

                # for every output in the tx
                for op in tx.outputs:

                    # every output was sent from the same user (would normally carry a signature from this user; we leave this out for simplicity)
                    # (this MUST be the same user as the outputs are locked to above) [test_user_consistency]
                    # On failure: return False, "User inconsistencies"
                    if not op.sender == op_sender:
                        return False, "User inconsistencies"

                    sum_out += op.amount

                # the sum of the input values is at least the sum of the output values (no money created out of thin air) [test_no_money_creation]
                # On failure: return False, "Creating money"
                if sum_in < sum_out:
                    return False, "Creating money"

        return True, "All checks passed"
Esempio n. 5
    def is_valid(self):
        """ Check whether block is fully valid according to block rules.

        Includes checking for no double spend, that all transactions are valid, that all header fields are correctly
        computed, etc.

            bool, str: True if block is valid, False otherwise plus an error or success message.

        chain = blockchain.chain  # This object of type Blockchain may be useful

        # Placeholder for (1a)

        # (checks that apply to all blocks)
        # Check that Merkle root calculation is consistent with transactions in block (use the calculate_merkle_root function) [test_rejects_invalid_merkle]
        # On failure: return False, "Merkle root failed to match"
        if not self.merkle == self.calculate_merkle_root():
            return (False, "Merkle root failed to match")

        # Check that block.hash is correctly calculated [test_rejects_invalid_hash]
        # On failure: return False, "Hash failed to match"
        if not self.hash == self.calculate_hash():
            return (False, "Hash failed to match")

        # Check that there are at most 900 transactions in the block [test_rejects_too_many_txs]
        # On failure: return False, "Too many transactions"
        if len(self.transactions) > 900:
            return (False, "Too many transactions")

        # (checks that apply to genesis block)
        if self.is_genesis:
            # Check that height is 0 and parent_hash is "genesis" [test_invalid_genesis]
            # On failure: return False, "Invalid genesis"
            if self.height != 0 or self.parent_hash != "genesis":
                return (False, "Invalid genesis")

        # (checks that apply only to non-genesis blocks)
        if not self.is_genesis:
            # Check that parent exists (you may find chain.blocks helpful) [test_nonexistent_parent]
            # On failure: return False, "Nonexistent parent"
            if not (self.parent_hash in chain.blocks):
                return (False, "Nonexistent parent")

            # Check that height is correct w.r.t. parent height [test_bad_height]
            # On failure: return False, "Invalid height"
            parent = chain.blocks.get(self.parent_hash)
            if self.height != parent.height + 1:
                return (False, "Invalid height")

            # Check that timestamp is non-decreasing [test_bad_timestamp]
            # On failure: return False, "Invalid timestamp"
            if self.timestamp < parent.timestamp:
                return (False, "Invalid timestamp")

            # Check that seal is correctly computed and satisfies "target" requirements; use the provided is_valid_seal method [test_bad_seal]
            # On failure: return False, "Invalid seal"
            if not self.seal_is_valid():
                return (False, "Invalid seal")

            # Check that all transactions within are valid (use tx.is_valid) [test_malformed_txs]
            # On failure: return False, "Malformed transaction included"
            total_input_amount = 0
            for tx in self.transactions:
                if not tx.is_valid():
                    return (False, "Malformed transaction included")

            # Check that for every transaction
            # the transaction has not already been included on a block on the same blockchain as this block [test_double_tx_inclusion_same_chain]
            # (or twice in this block; you will have to check this manually) [test_double_tx_inclusion_same_block]
            # (you may find chain.get_chain_ending_with and chain.blocks_containing_tx and util.nonempty_intersection useful)
                if self.transactions.count(tx) > 1:
                    return (False, "Double transaction inclusion")
                for block2 in chain.get_chain_ending_with(self.parent_hash):
                    if nonempty_intersection(
                        return (False, "Double transaction inclusion")

                # for every input ref in the tx
                receiver = None
                for index, input_ref in enumerate(tx.input_refs):
                    # (you may find the string split method for parsing the input into its components)
                    (tx_id, input_loc) = input_ref.split(":")

                    # each input_ref is valid (aka corresponding transaction can be looked up in its holding transaction) [test_failed_input_lookup]
                    # (you may find chain.all_transactions useful here)
                    # On failure: return False, "Required output not found"
                    input_loc = int(input_loc)
                    found = False
                    input_tx = None
                    for tx2 in self.transactions:
                        if tx_id == tx2.hash:
                            found = True
                            input_tx = tx2.outputs[input_loc]
                    if len(chain.all_transactions) < input_loc and not found:
                        return (False, "Required output not found")
                    if tx_id not in chain.all_transactions and not found:
                        return (False, "Required output not found")

                    # every input was sent to the same user (would normally carry a signature from this user; we leave this out for simplicity) [test_user_consistency]
                    # On failure: return False, "User inconsistencies"
                    if not input_tx:
                        input_tx = chain.all_transactions.get(
                    if receiver == None:
                        receiver = input_tx.receiver
                    elif receiver != input_tx.receiver:
                        return (False, "User inconsistencies")

                    # Check that there is no wrong users
                    for tx2 in tx.outputs:
                        if tx2.sender != receiver:
                            return (False, "User inconsistencies")

                    total_input_amount += input_tx.amount
                    # no input_ref has been spent in a previous block on this chain [test_doublespent_input_same_chain]
                    # (or in this block; you will have to check this manually) [test_doublespent_input_same_block]
                    # (you may find nonempty_intersection and chain.blocks_spending_input helpful here)
                    # On failure: return False, "Double-spent input"
                    block_aux = chain.blocks.get(self.parent_hash)
                    while not block_aux.is_genesis:
                        for tx2 in block_aux.transactions:
                            if input_ref in tx2.input_refs:
                                return (False, "Double-spent input")
                        block_aux = chain.blocks.get(block_aux.parent_hash)

                    count = 0
                    for tx2 in self.transactions:
                        for ir in tx2.input_refs:
                            if input_ref == ir:
                                count += 1
                            if count > 1:
                                return (False, "Double-spent input")

                    # each input_ref points to a transaction on the same blockchain as this block [test_input_txs_on_chain]
                    # (or in this block; you will have to check this manually) [test_input_txs_in_block]
                    # (you may find chain.blocks_containing_tx.get and nonempty_intersection as above helpful)
                    # On failure: return False, "Input transaction not found"
                    block_aux = chain.blocks.get(self.parent_hash)
                    input_found = False
                    while True:
                        for tx2 in block_aux.transactions:
                            if tx_id == tx2.hash:
                                input_found = True
                        if block_aux.is_genesis:
                        block_aux = chain.blocks.get(block_aux.parent_hash)

                    for tx2 in self.transactions:
                        if tx_id == tx2.hash:
                            input_found = True

                    if not input_found:
                        return (False, "Input transaction not found")

                # for every output in the tx
                sender = tx.outputs[0].sender
                total_output_amount = 0
                for output in tx.outputs:
                    # every output was sent from the same user (would normally carry a signature from this user; we leave this out for simplicity)
                    # (this MUST be the same user as the outputs are locked to above) [test_user_consistency]
                    # On failure: return False, "User inconsistencies"
                    total_output_amount += output.amount
                    if output.sender != sender:
                        return (False, "User inconsistencies")
                # the sum of the input values is at least the sum of the output values (no money created out of thin air) [test_no_money_creation]
                # On failure: return False, "Creating money"
                if total_output_amount > total_input_amount:
                    return (False, "Creating money")

        return True, "All checks passed"
Esempio n. 6
    def is_valid(self):
        """ Check whether block is fully valid according to block rules.

        Includes checking for no double spend, that all transactions are valid, that all header fields are correctly
        computed, etc.

            bool, str: True if block is valid, False otherwise plus an error or success message.

        chain = blockchain.chain  # This object of type Blockchain may be useful

        # Placeholder for (1a)

        # (checks that apply to all blocks)
        # Check that Merkle root calculation is consistent with transactions in block (use the calculate_merkle_root function) [test_rejects_invalid_merkle]
        # On failure: return False, "Merkle root failed to match"
        if self.calculate_merkle_root() != self.merkle:
            return False, "Merkle root failed to match"
        # Check that block.hash is correctly calculated [test_rejects_invalid_hash]
        # On failure: return False, "Hash failed to match"
        if self.calculate_hash() != self.hash:
            return False, "Hash failed to match"
        # Check that there are at most 900 transactions in the block [test_rejects_too_many_txs]
        # On failure: return False, "Too many transactions"
        if len(self.transactions) > 900:
            return False, "Too many transactions"
        # (checks that apply to genesis block)
        # Check that height is 0 and parent_hash is "genesis" [test_invalid_genesis]
        # On failure: return False, "Invalid genesis"
        if self.is_genesis:
            if self.height != 0 or self.parent_hash != 'genesis' or self.hash != self.calculate_hash(
                return False, "Invalid genesis"
        # (checks that apply only to non-genesis blocks)
        if not self.is_genesis:
            # Check that parent exists (you may find chain.blocks helpful) [test_nonexistent_parent]
            # On failure: return False, "Nonexistent parent"
            if not self.parent_hash in chain.blocks.keys():
                return False, "Nonexistent parent"
            # Check that height is correct w.r.t. parent height [test_bad_height]
            # On failure: return False, "Invalid height"
            if self.height != chain.blocks[self.parent_hash].height + 1:
                return False, "Invalid height"
            # Check that timestamp is non-decreasing [test_bad_timestamp]
            # On failure: return False, "Invalid timestamp"
            if self.timestamp < chain.blocks[self.parent_hash].timestamp:
                return False, "Invalid timestamp"
            # Check that seal is correctly computed and satisfies "target" requirements; use the provided seal_is_valid method [test_bad_seal]
            # On failure: return False, "Invalid seal"
            if not self.seal_is_valid():
                return False, "Invalid seal"
            # Check that all transactions within are valid (use tx.is_valid) [test_malformed_txs]
            # On failure: return False, "Malformed transaction included"
            for transaction in self.transactions:
                if not transaction.is_valid():
                    return False, "Malformed transaction included"
            # Check that for every transaction
            txs = {}
            inputs_spent = []
            for transaction in self.transactions:
                txid = None
                # the transaction has not already been included on a block on the same blockchain as this block [test_double_tx_inclusion_same_chain]
                # (or twice in this block; you will have to check this manually) [test_double_tx_inclusion_same_block]
                # (you may find chain.get_chain_ending_with and chain.blocks_containing_tx and util.nonempty_intersection useful)
                # On failure: return False, "Double transaction inclusion"

                if transaction.hash in txs or nonempty_intersection(
                        chain.blocks_containing_tx.get(transaction.hash, [])):
                    return False, "Double transaction inclusion"

                # for every input ref in the tx
                for input_ref in transaction.input_refs:
                    input_tx, output_tx = input_ref.split(":")
                    output_tx = int(output_tx)
                    # (you may find the string split method for parsing the input into its components)

                    # each input_ref is valid (aka corresponding transaction can be looked up in its holding transaction) [test_failed_input_lookup]
                    # (you may find chain.all_transactions useful here)
                    # On failure: return False, "Required output not found"
                    if input_tx in txs:
                        target = txs[input_tx]
                    elif input_tx in chain.all_transactions:
                        target = chain.all_transactions[input_tx]
                        return False, "Required output not found"

                    if output_tx + 1 > len(target.outputs):
                        return False, "Required output not found"

                    # every input was sent to the same user (would normally carry a signature from this user; we leave this out for simplicity) [test_user_consistency]
                    # On failure: return False, "User inconsistencies"
                    outputs = target.outputs[output_tx]
                    total_in = 0
                    total_in += outputs.amount
                    if txid == None:
                        txid = outputs.receiver
                        if outputs.receiver != txid:
                            return False, "User inconsistencies"
                    # no input_ref has been spent in a previous block on this chain [test_doublespent_input_same_chain]
                    # (or in this block; you will have to check this manually) [test_doublespent_input_same_block]
                    # (you may find nonempty_intersection and chain.blocks_spending_input helpful here)
                    # On failure: return False, "Double-spent input"
                    if input_ref in inputs_spent or nonempty_intersection(
                            chain.blocks_spending_input.get(input_ref, [])):
                        return False, "Double-spent input"

                    # each input_ref points to a transaction on the same blockchain as this block [test_input_txs_on_chain]
                    # (or in this block; you will have to check this manually) [test_input_txs]
                    # (you may find chain.blocks_containing_tx.get and nonempty_intersection as above helpful)
                    # On failure: return False, "Input transaction not found"
                    if input_tx in txs or nonempty_intersection(
                            chain.blocks_containing_tx.get(input_tx, [])):
                        return False, "Input transaction not found"
                # for every output in the tx
                total_out = 0
                for output in transaction.outputs:
                    # every output was sent from the same user (would normally carry a signature from this user; we leave this out for simplicity)
                    # (this MUST be the same user as the outputs are locked to above) [test_user_consistency]
                    # On failure: return False, "User inconsistencies"
                    if (output.sender != txid):
                        return False, "User inconsistencies"
                    total_out += output.amount
                # the sum of the input values is at least the sum of the output values (no money created out of thin air) [test_no_money_creation]
                # On failure: return False, "Creating money"
                if total_out > total_in:
                    return False, "Creating money"
                txs[transaction.hash] = transaction

        return True, "All checks passed"
Esempio n. 7
    def is_valid(self):
        """ Check whether block is fully valid according to block rules.

        Includes checking for no double spend, that all transactions are valid, that all header fields are correctly
        computed, etc.

            bool, str: True if block is valid, False otherwise plus an error or success message.

        chain = blockchain.chaindb.chain  # This object of type Blockchain may be useful

        # Solution for (1a)

        # (checks that apply to all blocks)
        # Check that Merkle root calculation is consistent with transactions in block (use the calculate_merkle_root function) [test_rejects_invalid_merkle]
        if not (self.merkle == self.calculate_merkle_root()):
            return False, "Merkle root failed to match"
        # Check that block.hash is correctly calculated [test_rejects_invalid_hash]
        if not (self.hash == self.calculate_hash()):
            return False, "Hash failed to match"
        # Check that there are at most 900 transactions in the block [test_rejects_too_many_txs]
        if len(self.transactions) > 900:
            return False, "Too many transactions"

        # (checks that apply to genesis block)
        if self.is_genesis:
            # Check that height is 0 and parent_hash is "genesis" [test_invalid_genesis]
            if not (self.height == 0):
                return False, "Invalid genesis"
            if not (self.parent_hash == "genesis"):
                return False, "Invalid genesis"

        # (checks that apply only to non-genesis blocks)
        if not self.is_genesis:
            # Check that parent exists [test_nonexistent_parent]
            if not self.parent_hash in chain.blocks:
                return False, "Nonexistent parent"
            parent_block = chain.blocks[self.parent_hash]
            # Check that height is correct w.r.t. parent height [test_bad_height]
            if not (self.height == parent_block.height + 1):
                return False, "Invalid height"
            # Check that timestamp is non-decreasing [test_bad_timestamp]
            if self.timestamp < parent_block.timestamp:
                return False, "Invalid timestamp"
            # Check that seal is correctly computed and satisfies "target" requirements [test_bad_seal]
            if not self.seal_is_valid():
                return False, "Invalid seal"
            # Check that all transactions within are valid (use tx.is_valid) [test_malformed_txs]
            for tx in self.transactions:
                if not tx.is_valid():
                    return False, "Malformed transaction included"

            # Check that for every transaction
            txs_in_block = {}
            inputs_spent_in_block = []
            blocks_in_chain = chain.get_chain_ending_with(self.parent_hash)
            for tx in self.transactions:
                user_transacting = None
                # the transaction has not already been included on a block on the same blockchain as this block [test_double_tx_inclusion_same_chain]
                if nonempty_intersection(
                        chain.blocks_containing_tx.get(tx.hash, [])):
                    return False, "Double transaction inclusion"
                # (or twice in this block; you will have to check this manually) [test_double_tx_inclusion_same_block]
                if tx.hash in txs_in_block:
                    return False, "Double transaction inclusion"
                # for every input ref in the tx
                total_amount_input = 0
                for input_ref in tx.input_refs:
                    input_tx_hash = input_ref.split(":")[0]
                    input_index = int(input_ref.split(":")[1])

                    # each input_ref is valid (aka can be looked up in its holding transaction) [test_failed_input_lookup]
                    if input_tx_hash in txs_in_block:
                        candidate_tx = txs_in_block[input_tx_hash]
                    elif input_tx_hash in chain.all_transactions:
                        candidate_tx = chain.all_transactions[input_tx_hash]
                        return False, "Required output not found"
                    if not input_index < len(candidate_tx.outputs):
                        return False, "Required output not found"
                    output_for_input = candidate_tx.outputs[input_index]
                    total_amount_input += output_for_input.amount

                    # every input was sent to the same user (would normally carry a signature from this user; we leave this out for simplicity) [test_user_consistency]
                    if user_transacting == None:
                        user_transacting = output_for_input.receiver
                        if not output_for_input.receiver == user_transacting:
                            return False, "User inconsistencies"

                    # no input_ref has been spent in a previous block on this chain [test_doublespent_input_same_chain]
                    if nonempty_intersection(
                            chain.blocks_spending_input.get(input_ref, [])):
                        return False, "Double-spent input"
                    # (or in this block; you will have to check this manually) [test_doublespent_input_same_block]
                    if input_ref in inputs_spent_in_block:
                        return False, "Double-spent input"
                    # each input_ref points to a transaction on the same blockchain as this block [test_input_txs_on_chain]
                    if nonempty_intersection(
                            chain.blocks_containing_tx.get(input_tx_hash, [])):
                    # (or in this block; you will have to check this manually) [test_input_txs_in_block]
                    if input_tx_hash in txs_in_block:
                    return False, "Input transaction not found"

                total_amount_output = 0
                for output in tx.outputs:
                    # every output was sent from the same user (would normally carry a signature from this user; we leave this out for simplicity)
                    # (this MUST be the same user as the outputs are locked to above) [test_user_consistency]
                    if (output.sender != user_transacting):
                        return False, "User inconsistencies"
                    total_amount_output += output.amount
                # the sum of the input values is at least the sum of the output values (no money created out of thin air) [test_no_money_creation]
                if total_amount_output > total_amount_input:
                    return False, "Creating money"
                txs_in_block[tx.hash] = tx
        return True, "All checks passed"

        # Placeholder for (1a)
        return True, "All checks passed"
Esempio n. 8
    def is_valid(self):
        """ Check whether block is fully valid according to block rules.

        Includes checking for no double spend, that all transactions are valid, that all header fields are correctly
        computed, etc.

            bool, str: True if block is valid, False otherwise plus an error or success message.

        chain = blockchain.chain  # This object of type Blockchain may be useful

        # Placeholder for (1a)

        # (checks that apply to all blocks)
        # Check that Merkle root calculation is consistent with transactions in block (use the calculate_merkle_root function) [test_rejects_invalid_merkle]
        # On failure: return False, "Merkle root failed to match"
        if self.calculate_merkle_root() != self.merkle:
            return False, "Merkle root failed to match"

        # Check that block.hash is correctly calculated [test_rejects_invalid_hash]
        # On failure: return False, "Hash failed to match"
        if self.hash != self.calculate_hash():
            return False, "Hash failed to match"

        # Check that there are at most 900 transactions in the block [test_rejects_too_many_txs]
        # On failure: return False, "Too many transactions"

        if len(self.transactions) > 900:
            return False, "Too many transactions"

        # (checks that apply to genesis block)
        # Check that height is 0 and parent_hash is "genesis" [test_invalid_genesis]
        # On failure: return False, "Invalid genesis"
        if self.is_genesis:
            if self.height != 0 or self.parent_hash != "genesis":
                return False, "Invalid genesis"

        # (checks that apply only to non-genesis blocks)
            # Check that parent exists (you may find chain.blocks helpful) [test_nonexistent_parent]
            # On failure: return False, "Nonexistent parent"
            if self.parent_hash not in chain.blocks:
                return False, "Nonexistent parent"

            # Check that height is correct w.r.t. parent height [test_bad_height]
            # On failure: return False, "Invalid height"

            if self.height != chain.blocks[self.parent_hash].height + 1:
                return False, "Invalid height"

            # Check that timestamp is non-decreasing [test_bad_timestamp]
            # On failure: return False, "Invalid timestamp"
            if self.timestamp < chain.blocks[self.parent_hash].timestamp:
                return False, "Invalid timestamp"

            # Check that seal is correctly computed and satisfies "target" requirements; use the provided seal_is_valid method [test_bad_seal]
            # On failure: return False, "Invalid seal"
            if not self.seal_is_valid():
                return False, "Invalid seal"

            # Check that all transactions within are valid (use tx.is_valid) [test_malformed_txs]
            # On failure: return False, "Malformed transaction included"
            for each_trans in self.transactions:
                if not each_trans.is_valid():
                    return False, "Malformed transaction included"

            # Check that for every transaction
            # the transaction has not already been included on a block on the same blockchain as this block [test_double_tx_inclusion_same_chain]
            # (or twice in this block; you will have to check this manually) [test_double_tx_inclusion_same_block]
            # (you may find chain.get_chain_ending_with and chain.blocks_containing_tx and util.nonempty_intersection useful)
            # On failure: return False, "Double transaction inclusion"
            trans_hash_list = []
            ref_list = []
            for each_trans in self.transactions:
                if each_trans.hash in chain.blocks_containing_tx:
                    if nonempty_intersection(
                        return False, "Double transaction inclusion"

                if each_trans.hash in trans_hash_list:
                    return False, "Double transaction inclusion"

            # for every input ref in the tx
            # (you may find the string split method for parsing the input into its components)
            all_hash = []
            for each in self.transactions:

            for each_trans in self.transactions:

                flag = 0
                same_user = None
                inMoney = 0
                outMoney = 0
                for each_ref in each_trans.input_refs:
                    # each input_ref is valid (aka corresponding transaction can be looked up in its holding transaction) [test_failed_input_lookup]
                    # (you may find chain.all_transactions useful here)
                    # On failure: return False, "Required output not found"
                    ref_hash, ref_ind = each_ref.split(":")
                    temp_hash = None

                    for ele in self.transactions:
                        if ele.hash == ref_hash:
                            temp_hash = ele

                    if ref_hash not in all_hash:
                        if ref_hash not in chain.all_transactions:
                            return False, "Required output not found"
                        temp_hash = chain.all_transactions[ref_hash]

                        flag = temp_hash.outputs[int(ref_ind)]
                        return False, "Required output not found"

                    # every input was sent to the same user (would normally carry a signature from this user; we leave this out for simplicity) [test_user_consistency]
                    # On failure: return False, "User inconsistencies"

                    if same_user == None:
                        same_user = temp_hash.outputs[int(ref_ind)].receiver
                    elif same_user != temp_hash.outputs[int(ref_ind)].receiver:
                        return False, "User inconsistencies"

                    # no input_ref has been spent in a previous block on this chain [test_doublespent_input_same_chain]
                    # (or in this block; you will have to check this manually) [test_doublespent_input_same_block]
                    # (you may find nonempty_intersection and chain.blocks_spending_input helpful here)
                    # On failure: return False, "Double-spent input"
                    if ref_hash not in ref_list:
                        return False, "Double-spent input"

                    if each_ref in chain.blocks_spending_input:
                        if nonempty_intersection(
                            return False, "Double-spent input"

                    # each input_ref points to a transaction on the same blockchain as this block [test_input_txs_on_chain]
                    # (or in this block; you will have to check this manually) [test_input_txs_in_block]
                    # (you may find chain.blocks_containing_tx.get and nonempty_intersection as above helpful)
                    # On failure: return False, "Input transaction not found"
                    if ref_hash in chain.blocks_containing_tx:
                        if ref_hash not in all_hash and not nonempty_intersection(
                            return False, "Input transaction not found"

                    # every output was sent from the same user (would normally carry a signature from this user; we leave this out for simplicity)
                    # (this MUST be the same user as the outputs are locked to above) [test_user_consistency]
                    # On failure: return False, "User inconsistencies"
                    for each_output in each_trans.outputs:
                        if same_user != each_output.sender:
                            return False, "User inconsistencies"
                        outMoney = outMoney + each_output.amount

                    # the sum of the input values is at least the sum of the output values (no money created out of thin air) [test_no_money_creation]
                    # On failure: return False, "Creating money"
                    inMoney = inMoney + temp_hash.outputs[int(ref_ind)].amount
                    if outMoney > inMoney:
                        return False, "Creating money"

        return True, "All checks passed"