Esempio n. 1
 def unpack(self, unPackList):
     sep = os.path.sep
     dmutil = BMUtil()
     for file in unPackList:
         tmpstr = file[file.rfind(sep) + 1:]
         print "* unpacking ", tmpstr
         dmutil.untargz(file, self._dmplugin.getDepManPath())
Esempio n. 2
    def create(self):
        #user questions
        if self._dependency == None:
            self._dependency = DepManDependency(self._dmplugin)
            self._is_Interactive = True

            upload_response = raw_input("Upload to server? (y/n): ")
            if upload_response == "y" or upload_response == "yes":
                self._upload = True

        if not self._dmplugin.validateDependency(self._dependency):
            return False

    #artifact and md5 generation
        file_name = self._dependency.getDepManFileName()
        file_path = self._dependency.getDepManFilePath()

        tarname = file_name + ".tar.gz"
        md5name = tarname + ".md5"
        dmfile = file_name + ".xml"

        dmutil = BMUtil()

        tmpdir = self._dmplugin.getMavenPath(
        ) + os.path.sep + "repository" + os.path.sep + file_path
        print tmpdir + os.path.sep + tarname, self._path
        dmutil.targz(os.path.join(tmpdir, tarname), self._path)
        #print "targz ",tmpdir+os.path.sep+tarname
        dmutil.createMD5(tmpdir + os.path.sep + tarname,
                         tmpdir + os.path.sep + md5name)

        if not self._is_Interactive:
                            tmpdir + os.path.sep + dmfile)

        print "Artifact " + tarname + " created in:\n" + tmpdir
Esempio n. 3
    def execute(self):
        print self._dmplugin.getMavenPath() + os.path.sep + self._xmlConfigFile
        self.loadXMLFile(self._dmplugin.getMavenPath() + os.path.sep +

        file_name = self._dependency.getDepManFileName()
        file_path = self._dependency.getDepManUrlPath()

        tarname = file_name + ".tar.gz"
        md5name = tarname + ".md5"
        dmfile = file_name + ".xml"

        dmutil = BMUtil()
        surl = self._server._repository_proto + "://" + self._server._repository_url + "/" + self._server._repository_path
        url = self._server._repository_url
        destdir = self._server._repository_path
        login = self._server._repository_login
        pwd = self._server._repository_passwd

        if self._is_Interactive:
            tmstr = "URL [*]:"
            surl = raw_input(string.replace(tmstr, "*", url))
            if len(surl) == 0:
                surl = self._server._repository_url
            repoURL = urlparse(surl)
            self._server._repository_url = repo.netloc
            self._server._repository_path = repoUrl.path
            self._server._repository_proto = repoUrl.scheme
            url = self._server._repository_url

            tmstr = "Login [*]:"
            login = raw_input(string.replace(tmstr, "*", login))
            if len(login) == 0:
                login = self._server._repository_login
            import getpass
            pwd = getpass.getpass()
            for s in self._servers:
                if s._repository_id == self._server._repository_id:
                    login = self._server._repository_login = s._repository_login
                    pwd = self._server._repository_passwd = s._repository_passwd

        #tmpdir = self._dmplugin.getDepManPath() + os.path.sep + ".cache" + os.path.sep + file_path
                tmpdir = self._dmplugin.getMavenPath(
                ) + os.path.sep + "repository" + os.path.sep + file_path

        if self._server._repository_proto == "ssh":
                ".dmn_tmp")  # Prevent for uploading bad previous compilations!
            sshtmpdir = ".dmn_tmp" + os.path.sep + file_path
            shutil.copyfile(tmpdir + os.path.sep + tarname,
                            sshtmpdir + os.path.sep + tarname)
            shutil.copyfile(tmpdir + os.path.sep + md5name,
                            sshtmpdir + os.path.sep + md5name)
            if self._xmlfile != "":
                shutil.copyfile(tmpdir + os.path.sep + dmfile,
                                sshtmpdir + os.path.sep + dmfile)

            base_ssh = destdir
            url_ssh = url
            scpcommand = "scp"
            pscppath = ""
            if sys.platform == "win32":
                scpcommand = self._dmplugin.getDepManDataPath(
                ) + os.path.sep + "win32" + os.path.sep + "pscp.exe"
                scpcommand = '"' + os.path.normpath(scpcommand) + '"'
            cmdstr = scpcommand + " -r " + ".dmn_tmp" + os.path.sep + "*" + " " + login + "@" + url_ssh + ":" + base_ssh

            print cmdstr

        elif self._server._repository_proto == "ftp":
            print "* Uploading ", tarname
            self.uploadFTPFile(url, login, pwd, destdir,
                               os.path.sep + file_path,
                               tmpdir + os.path.sep + tarname, tarname)
            print "* Uploading ", md5name
            self.uploadFTPFile(url, login, pwd, destdir,
                               os.path.sep + file_path,
                               tmpdir + os.path.sep + md5name, md5name)
            if not self._is_Interactive:
                print "* Uploading ", dmfile
                self.uploadFTPFile(url, login, pwd, destdir,
                                   os.path.sep + file_path,
                                   tmpdir + os.path.sep + dmfile, dmfile)

        return True
Esempio n. 4
    def get(self, unPackList=None):

        print "[", self._dependency.artifact, "]"
        file_name = self._dependency.getDepManFileName()
        tarname = file_name + ".tar.gz"
        md5name = tarname + ".md5"
        download_path = self._dependency.getDepManFilePath()
        download_dir = self._dependency.getDepManUrlPath()
        cache_path = self._default_repository + os.path.sep + ".cache" + os.path.sep + download_path

        is_snapshot = self._dependency.isSnapshot()

        dmutil = BMUtil()

        is_tar = True
        is_md5 = True
        if not dmutil.checkUrl(self._dependency.url + "/" + download_dir +
                               "/" + md5name):
            #print "Error: File ",baseurl+"/"+download_dir+"/"+md5name, " not found in the repository"
            is_md5 = False

        if not dmutil.checkUrl(self._dependency.url + "/" + download_dir +
                               "/" + tarname):
            #print "Error: File ",baseurl+"/"+download_dir+"/"+tarname, " not found in the repository"
            is_tar = False


        if not os.path.isfile(cache_path + os.path.sep + md5name):
            is_cache = False
            is_cache = True

        #Once all variables have been collected, lets decide what to do with the artifact
        must_download = False

        if (not is_md5 or not is_tar) and not is_cache:
            print "Error: Artifact ", tarname, " not found"
            return False

        if not is_md5 and not is_tar and is_cache:
            print "* file not found in repository, using cache..."
            must_download = False

        if is_md5 and is_tar and not is_cache:
            print "* file is not in cache, downloading..."
            must_download = True

        if is_md5 and is_tar and is_cache:
            if is_snapshot:
                if self._isInteractive:
                    repo = raw_input(
                        "What snapshot do you want to use? (cache/remote): ")
                    if self._forceCache:
                        repo = "cache"
                        repo = "remote"

                must_download = False

                #in case of misspeling, using cache by default
                if repo != "cache" and repo != "remote":
                    repo = "cache"
                repo = "remote"

            if repo == "remote":
                print "* file cached, checking md5..."
       + "/" + download_dir + "/" + md5name,
                                cache_path + os.path.sep + md5name + ".new")

                if dmutil.diff(cache_path + os.path.sep + md5name,
                               cache_path + os.path.sep + md5name + ".new"):
                    print "* no md5 matching, re-downloading..."
                    must_download = True
                    print "* md5 matching succesful"
                    must_download = False
                os.remove(cache_path + os.path.sep + md5name + ".new")

        if must_download == True:
            print "URL :", self._dependency.url
                self._dependency.url + "/" + download_dir + "/" + md5name,
                cache_path + os.path.sep + md5name)
            #print "* downloaded [",md5name,"]"
                self._dependency.url + "/" + download_dir + "/" + tarname,
                cache_path + os.path.sep + tarname)
            #print "* downloaded[",tarname,"]"
        if unPackList != None:
            if (cache_path + os.path.sep + tarname) not in unPackList:
                unPackList.append(cache_path + os.path.sep + tarname)

        return True