def bmiCalculator():
    args = request.args.to_dict()

    if ("feet" not in args):
        return "Expected parameter 'feet'.", status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST

    feet = args["feet"]

    if not args["feet"].isnumeric():
        return "Parameter 'feet' must be an integer.", status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST

    if ("inches" not in args):
        return "Expected parameter 'inches'.", status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST

    inches = args["inches"]

    if not args["inches"].isnumeric():
        return "Parameter 'inches' must be an integer.", status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST

    if ("weight" not in args):
        return "Expected parameter 'weight'.", status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST

    weight = args["weight"]

    if not (args["weight"].replace(".", "", 1)).isnumeric():
        return "Parameter 'weight' must be a float.", status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST

    feet = int(feet)
    inches = int(inches)
    weight = float(weight)

    return jsonify({'bmi': bmi.calcBmi(feet, inches, weight)})
 def test_firstSecondAndThirdInputDictionaryDup(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi({
         "A": 1,
         "B": 2
     }, {
         "A": 1,
         "B": 2
     }, {
         "A": 1,
         "B": 2
     self.assertEqual(result, "ERROR: Invalid Input")
Esempio n. 3
def bmiCalculator():
    """Calculate a body mass index given height and weight"""
    feet = input("Enter Height (whole feet value only): ")
    inches = input("Enter Inches Above Highest Foot: ")
    weight = input("Enter Weight (lbs): ")
        feet = int(feet)
        inches = int(inches)
        weight = float(weight)
        print(bmi.calcBmi(feet, inches, weight))
    except ValueError:
        print("ERROR: Invalid Input")
 def test_worksWithProperInputFloatRoundsToTenthsNormalDup(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi(6, 2, 185.0)
     self.assertEqual(result, "23.8 Normal")
 def test_firstSecondAndThirdInputTupleDup(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi((1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3))
     self.assertEqual(result, "ERROR: Invalid Input")
 def test_worksWithProperInputFloatRoundsToTenthOverweight(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi(6, 2, 215.0)
     self.assertEqual(result, "27.6 Overweight")
 def test_heavierThanTwiceTheHeaviestPersonEverDup(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi(5, 10, 2000)
     self.assertEqual(result, "ERROR: Invalid Input")
 def test_worksWithProperInputFloatRoundsToTenthsUnderweight(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi(5, 10, 120.0)
     self.assertEqual(result, "17.2 Underweight")
 def test_tallerThanTwiceTheTallestPersonEver(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi(18, 0, 165)
     self.assertEqual(result, "ERROR: Invalid Input")
 def test_firstSecondAndThirdInputBooleanDup(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi(False, False, False)
     self.assertEqual(result, "ERROR: Invalid Input")
 def test_secondInputDictionary(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi(5, {1: 2, 3: 4}, 165)
     self.assertEqual(result, "ERROR: Invalid Input")
 def test_thirdAndFirstInputBooleanDup(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi(False, 10, False)
     self.assertEqual(result, "ERROR: Invalid Input")
 def test_thirdAndSecondInputBoolean(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi(5, True, True)
     self.assertEqual(result, "ERROR: Invalid Input")
 def test_thirdAndFirstInputBoolean(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi(True, 10, True)
     self.assertEqual(result, "ERROR: Invalid Input")
 def test_secondInputBooleanDup(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi(5, False, 165)
     self.assertEqual(result, "ERROR: Invalid Input")
 def test_firstInputBoolean(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi(True, 10, 165)
     self.assertEqual(result, "ERROR: Invalid Input")
 def test_worksWithProperInputFloatRoundsToTenthsObese(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi(6, 2, 240.0)
     self.assertEqual(result, "30.8 Obese")
 def test_secondInputDictionaryDup(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi(5, {"A": 1, "B": 2}, 165)
     self.assertEqual(result, "ERROR: Invalid Input")
 def test_worksWithProperInputFloatRoundsToTenthsObeseDup(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi(5, 3, 180.0)
     self.assertEqual(result, "31.9 Obese")
 def test_thirdAndFirstInputDictionary(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi({1: 2, 3: 4}, 10, {1: 2, 3: 4})
     self.assertEqual(result, "ERROR: Invalid Input")
 def test_worksWithProperInputFloatRoundsToTenthsUnderweightDup(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi(5, 2, 70.0)
     self.assertEqual(result, "12.8 Underweight")
 def test_thirdAndFirstInputDictionaryDup(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi({"A": 1, "B": 2}, 10, {"A": 1, "B": 2})
     self.assertEqual(result, "ERROR: Invalid Input")
 def test_tallerThanTwiceTheTallestPersonEverDup(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi(20, 2, 400)
     self.assertEqual(result, "ERROR: Invalid Input")
 def test_firstSecondAndThirdInputDictionary(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi({1: 2, 3: 4}, {1: 2, 3: 4}, {1: 2, 3: 4})
     self.assertEqual(result, "ERROR: Invalid Input")
 def test_shorterThanHalfTheShortestPersonEverDup(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi(0, 8, 290)
     self.assertEqual(result, "ERROR: Invalid Input")
 def test_thirdAndFirstInputTupleDup(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi((1, 2, 3), 10, (1, 2, 3))
     self.assertEqual(result, "ERROR: Invalid Input")
 def test_lighterThanHalfTheLightestPersonEver(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi(5, 10, 0.03125)
     self.assertEqual(result, "ERROR: Invalid Input")
 def test_worksWithProperInputFloatRoundsToTenthsNormal(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi(5, 10, 165.0)
     self.assertEqual(result, "23.7 Normal")
 def test_secondAndFirstInputTuple(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi((1, 2), (1, 2), 165)
     self.assertEqual(result, "ERROR: Invalid Input")
 def test_thirdAndSecondInputTuple(self):
     result = bmi.calcBmi(5, (1, 2), (1, 2))
     self.assertEqual(result, "ERROR: Invalid Input")