Esempio n. 1
 def update(self, keys):
     game_over = self.game_over_font.render("Game Over", 1, GREEN)
     w = game_over.get_width()
     h = game_over.get_height()
     x = (WIDTH - w) / 2
     y = (HEIGHT - h) / 2
     DISPLAYSURF.blit(game_over, (x, y))
     message = "Press space bar to play again, Q to Quit"
     begin = self.normal_font.render(message, 1, GREEN)
     DISPLAYSURF.blit(begin, ((WIDTH - begin.get_width()) / 2, 400))
     if keys[K_SPACE]:
         self.done = True
     if keys[K_q]:
         self.quit = True
Esempio n. 2
 def update(self, keys):
     if self.font_size <= 200:
         welcome = pygame.font.SysFont("monospace", self.font_size)
         pong = welcome.render("PONG!", 1, GREEN)
         w = pong.get_width()
         h = pong.get_height()
         x = (WIDTH - w) / 2
         y = (HEIGHT - h) / 2
         DISPLAYSURF.fill(BLACK, (x, y, w, h))
         DISPLAYSURF.blit(pong, (x,y))
         self.font_size += 1
     elif not self.ready:
         begin = self.normal_font.render("Press space bar to start", 1, GREEN)
         DISPLAYSURF.blit(begin, ((WIDTH - begin.get_width()) / 2, 400))
         self.ready = True
     if keys[K_SPACE]:
         self.done = True
Esempio n. 3
 def cleanup(self):
     self.done = False