# quaternion to be used for disturbing the orientation of each body
  quaternion_shift = Quaternion(np.array([1,0,0,0]))

  # for each step in the Markov chain, disturb each body's location and orientation and obtain the new list of r_vectors
  # of each blob. Calculate the potential of the new state, and accept or reject it according to the Markov chain rules:
  # 1. if Ej < Ei, always accept the state  2. if Ej < Ei, accept the state according to the probability determined by
  # exp(-(Ej-Ei)/kT). Then record data.
  # Important: record data also when staying in the same state (i.e. when a sample state is rejected)
  for step in range(read.initial_step, read.n_steps):
    blob_index = 0
    for i, body in enumerate(bodies): # distrub bodies
      body.location_new = body.location + np.random.uniform(-max_translation, max_translation, 3) # make small change to location
      quaternion_shift = Quaternion.from_rotation(np.random.normal(0,1,3) * max_angle_shift)
      body.orientation_new = quaternion_shift * body.orientation
      sample_r_vectors[blob_index : blob_index + bodies[i].Nblobs] = body.get_r_vectors(body.location_new, body.orientation_new)
      blob_index += body.Nblobs

    # calculate potential of proposed new state
    sample_state_energy = many_body_potential_pycuda.compute_total_energy(bodies,
                                                                          periodic_length = periodic_length,
                                                                          debye_length_wall = read.debye_length_wall,
                                                                          repulsion_strength_wall = read.repulsion_strength_wall,
                                                                          debye_length = read.debye_length,
                                                                          repulsion_strength = read.repulsion_strength,
                                                                          weight = weight,
                                                                          blob_radius = blob_radius)

    # accept or reject the sample state and collect data accordingly
    if np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) < np.exp(-(sample_state_energy - current_state_energy) / kT):
    # for each step in the Markov chain, disturb each body's location and orientation and obtain the new list of r_vectors
    # of each blob. Calculate the potential of the new state, and accept or reject it according to the Markov chain rules:
    # 1. if Ej < Ei, always accept the state  2. if Ej < Ei, accept the state according to the probability determined by
    # exp(-(Ej-Ei)/kT). Then record data.
    # Important: record data also when staying in the same state (i.e. when a sample state is rejected)
    for step in range(read.initial_step, read.n_steps):
        blob_index = 0
        for i, body in enumerate(bodies):  # distrub bodies
            body.location_new = body.location + np.random.uniform(
                -max_translation, max_translation,
                3)  # make small change to location
            quaternion_shift = Quaternion.from_rotation(
                np.random.normal(0, 1, 3) * max_angle_shift)
            body.orientation_new = quaternion_shift * body.orientation
            sample_r_vectors[blob_index:blob_index +
                             bodies[i].Nblobs] = body.get_r_vectors(
                                 body.location_new, body.orientation_new)
            blob_index += body.Nblobs

        # calculate potential of proposed new state
        sample_state_energy = many_body_potential_pycuda.compute_total_energy(

        # accept or reject the sample state and collect data accordingly
Esempio n. 3
def slip_extensile_rod(body):
  Creates slip for a extensile rod. The slip is along the
  axis pointing to the closest end. We assume the blobs
  are equispaced.
  In this version the slip is constant. 

    # Slip speed
    speed = -20.0

    # Identify blobs at the extremities depending on the resolution
    if body.Nblobs == 14:
        Nblobs_covering_ends = 0
        Nlobs_perimeter = 0
    elif body.Nblobs == 86:
        Nblobs_covering_ends = 1
        Nlobs_perimeter = 6
    elif body.Nblobs == 324:
        Nblobs_covering_ends = 6
        Nlobs_perimeter = 12

    slip = np.empty((body.Nblobs, 3))

    # Get rod orientation
    r_vectors = body.get_r_vectors()

    # Compute end-to-end vector
    if body.Nblobs > 14:
        axis = r_vectors[body.Nblobs - 2 * Nblobs_covering_ends -
                         2] - r_vectors[Nlobs_perimeter - 2]
        axis = r_vectors[body.Nblobs - 1] - r_vectors[0]

    length_rod = np.linalg.norm(axis) + 2.0 * body.blob_radius

    # axis = orientation vector
    axis = axis / np.sqrt(np.dot(axis, axis))

    # Choose the portion of the surface covered with a tangential slip
    length_covered = 0.8
    lower_bound = length_rod / 2.0 - length_covered
    upper_bound = length_rod / 2.0

    # Create slip
    slip_blob = []
    for i in range(body.Nblobs):
        # Blobs at the extremities are passive
        if (Nblobs_covering_ends >
                0) and (i >= body.Nblobs - 2 * Nblobs_covering_ends):
            slip_blob = [0., 0., 0.]
            dist_COM_along_axis = np.dot(r_vectors[i] - body.location, axis)
            if (dist_COM_along_axis > lower_bound) and (dist_COM_along_axis <=
                slip_blob = -speed * axis
            elif (dist_COM_along_axis < -lower_bound) and (dist_COM_along_axis
                                                           >= -upper_bound):
                slip_blob = speed * axis
                slip_blob = [0., 0., 0.]

        slip[i] = slip_blob

    return slip