Esempio n. 1
 def __del__(self):
     if not sip.isdeleted(self):
         for obs in self.observed():
             # Notify of the subscribed Observables that they have a None
             # reference
             if obs is not None: obs._checkRefs()
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, react=None, hz=None, parent=None):
        """:class:`Observer` objects can be subscribed to many
        :class:`Observable` instances in order to listen to their
        notifications. The argument *react* can be set to the handler
        function (it must accept one argument) that will be called as
        consequence of an observable notification. If *react* is None,
        the member method :meth:`_react` will be called. *hz* defines
        the rate at which the observer will react to
        notifications. Available values are:

        * None    --- immediately;
        * 0       --- never;
        * <float> --- at the selected frequency (in hz).

        *parent* defines the observers parent.

        .. note:: The list of the subscribed observables is composed
           by weak references, so it is necessary to keep both
           observables and observers alive.

        if not sip.ispycreated(self):
            QtCore.QObject.__init__(self, parent)
        self._internal = self._InternalQObject()
        self.__observed = set()
        self.__queue = set()
        self.__timer = QtCore.QTimer(timeout=self._update)
        self.__hz = None if hz is None else float(hz)
        if self.__hz: self.__timer.start(1000/float(hz))
        self.__react = assertIsInstance(react, None, collections.Callable)
Esempio n. 3
 def __del__(self):
     if not sip.isdeleted(self):
         generator = ((ref(), record) for (ref, record) \
                          in self.__observers.items() if ref() is not None)
         for obs, record in generator:
             # Notify the subscribed observers they have a None reference.
         # To make sure that the children's '__del__' method is invoked.
         for child in tuple(self.children()):
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        """:class:`Observable` objects can be subscribed by a list of
        :class:`Observer` instances. An Observable can trigger all or only
        a subset of the subscribed observers by invoking the method
        :meth:`trigger`. The attribute *parent* defines the parent object
        of the observable.

        .. note:: The list of the subscribed observers is composed by weak
           references, so it is necessary to keep both observables and
           observers alive.

        QtCore.QObject.__init__(self, parent)
        self.__observers = dict()