def plt_barchart_grupped(data, param_dict, mode='object', output_path=None): ''' data: rows = list of dicts(): keywords with neat naming straight to put in charts param_dict: dictionary with settings as follows: {'x':'name of column to put on x axis', 'y':'name of column to put in y axis', 'agg':'name of aggregate function: 'sum'/'count' /etc', 'color':'name of name of column to create siloses by/to apply aggr funct', 'tooltips':['list() of strings with column names to put in tooltip cloud']} mode: 'object'/'save'/'show'/'embed' - either returns plot object / saves to path + returns True / saves to path and shows plot output_path: string with html ext to save chart to. If None then emmbed is returned returns: True(saved to file) or emmbed data code ''' # tooltips=[ # ("Date", "$x"), # ("version", "@HVAC_version")] # p = Bar(data, label='Date', values='HVAC_version', agg='count', group='HVAC_version', # title="Median MPG by YR, grouped by ORIGIN", legend='bottom_right', bar_width=3.0, # plot_width=1000, plot_height=400, tooltips = tooltips) # p.legend.background_fill_alpha = 0.8 # output_file("bar.html") # show(p) #to_date(data,'%Y-%m-01') tooltips = create_tooltips(param_dict) title = "{} of {} by {}, grouped by {}".format(param_dict['agg'], param_dict['y'].upper(), param_dict['x'].upper(), param_dict['color'].upper()) p = Bar(data=data, label=param_dict['x'], values=param_dict['y'], agg=param_dict['agg'], group=param_dict['color'], title=title, legend='bottom_right', bar_width=3.0, plot_width=1000, plot_height=600, tooltips=tooltips) #legend_sort_field = param_dict['group']) p.legend.background_fill_alpha = 0.8 if type(data[0][param_dict['x']]) == str: x_rng = sort_axis(data, param_dict['x'], False, True) p.x_range = x_rng if type(data[0][param_dict['y']]) == str: y_rng = sort_axis(data, param_dict['y'], False, True) p.y_range = y_rng return do_output(p, mode, output_path)
def leagues(): grouped = df_squads.groupby('year') club_country = df_squads.club_country.unique() club_country.sort() df_clb_ctry = pd.DataFrame({"club_country":club_country}) for year in df_squads.year.unique(): country_to_club = grouped.club_country.value_counts()[year] /[year] df_clb_ctry = df_clb_ctry.join(country_to_club.to_frame(year)) df_clb_ctry = df_clb_ctry.fillna(0) # If NaN, country league not represented at the world cup df_clb_ctry = df_clb_ctry.T plot_nat_leagues = figure(tools=TOOLS, x_axis_label='World Cup Year', toolbar_location=None ) # take the top 11 countries and plot for num, country in enumerate(df_clb_ctry.sum().sort_values(ascending=False).head(11).index): plot_nat_leagues.scatter(df_clb_ctry.index, df_clb_ctry[country],legend=country,color=RdBu11[num],size=8, alpha=0.5) plot_nat_leagues.legend.location = "top_left" df_expats = df_league_data[df_league_data.nation!=df_league_data.nationality] seasons = df_expats.season.unique() min = int(seasons[0].split('-')[0]) max = int(seasons[-1].split('-')[0]) wc_year_slider = Slider(start=min, end=max, value=max, step=1, title="Soccer Season") for season in seasons: nationality_expats = df_expats.groupby('season').nationality.value_counts()[season].head(5) nation_expats = df_expats.groupby('season').nation.value_counts()[season] plot_expats = Bar(nationality_expats, toolbar_location=None) plot_expats.x_range = FactorRange(factors=nationality_expats.index.tolist()) plot_dict = {"nations":plot_nat_leagues, "expats":plot_expats} script, div = components(plot_dict) return render_template('league.html', js_resources=js_resources, script=script, div=div)
def bar_plot_table(table, **kwargs): """Plot a tabular DataFrame with an index and multiple columns representing categories using a Bokeh bar chart. In addition to the keyword parameters accepted by bokeh.charts.Bar, this function accepts the following additional keyword arguments: number_of_categories: integer The number of categories ranked by total value to use. xaxis_formatter: TickFormatter The formatter to use for x axis values. yaxis_formatter: TickFormatter The formatter to use for y axis values. x_range: Range1d A range to use for the X-axis. y_range: Range1d A range to use for the Y-axis. """ if kwargs.has_key('number_of_categories'): revenue_table = analysis.select_top_n_columns( table, kwargs['number_of_categories']) else: revenue_table = table revenue_stacked = revenue_table.stack().reset_index() revenue_stacked.columns = ['year', 'commodity_desc', 'value'] revenue_plot = Bar( revenue_stacked, label='year', stack='commodity_desc', values='value', **_remove_custom_keys(kwargs) ) if kwargs.has_key('x_range'): revenue_plot.x_range = kwargs['x_range'] if kwargs.has_key('y_range'): revenue_plot.y_range = kwargs['y_range'] else: revenue_plot.y_range = Range1d(0, revenue_table.max().sum()) if kwargs.has_key('xaxis_formatter'): revenue_plot._xaxis.formatter = kwargs['xaxis_formatter'] if kwargs.has_key('yaxis_formatter'): revenue_plot._yaxis.formatter = kwargs['yaxis_formatter'] return revenue_plot
def generate_chart(year): data = get_data(year) plot_data = { 'country': data.index.tolist(), 'count': [float(i) for i in data.values.tolist()] } barchart = Bar(plot_data, label='country', values='count', color="red", xgrid=False, ygrid=False, plot_width=800, plot_height=500, tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,resize") barchart.title = "Formula SAE Michigan " + year + " Countries" barchart.x_range = FactorRange(factors=data.index.tolist()) barchart._xaxis.axis_label = "Country" barchart._xaxis.axis_line_color = None barchart._xaxis.major_tick_line_color = None barchart._xaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None barchart._yaxis.axis_label = "Number of Teams" barchart._yaxis.axis_line_color = None barchart._yaxis.major_tick_line_color = None barchart._yaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None barchart.outline_line_color = None barchart.toolbar_location = 'right' barchart.logo = None hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[("Country", '@x'), ("# Teams", '@height')]) barchart.add_tools(hover) return barchart
def bar_plot_table(table, **kwargs): """Plot a tabular DataFrame with an index and multiple columns representing categories using a Bokeh bar chart. In addition to the keyword parameters accepted by bokeh.charts.Bar, this function accepts the following additional keyword arguments: number_of_categories: integer The number of categories ranked by total value to use. xaxis_formatter: TickFormatter The formatter to use for x axis values. yaxis_formatter: TickFormatter The formatter to use for y axis values. x_range: Range1d A range to use for the X-axis. y_range: Range1d A range to use for the Y-axis. """ if kwargs.has_key('number_of_categories'): revenue_table = analysis.select_top_n_columns( table, kwargs['number_of_categories']) else: revenue_table = table revenue_stacked = revenue_table.stack().reset_index() revenue_stacked.columns = ['year', 'commodity_desc', 'value'] revenue_plot = Bar(revenue_stacked, label='year', stack='commodity_desc', values='value', **_remove_custom_keys(kwargs)) if kwargs.has_key('x_range'): revenue_plot.x_range = kwargs['x_range'] if kwargs.has_key('y_range'): revenue_plot.y_range = kwargs['y_range'] else: revenue_plot.y_range = Range1d(0, revenue_table.max().sum()) if kwargs.has_key('xaxis_formatter'): revenue_plot._xaxis.formatter = kwargs['xaxis_formatter'] if kwargs.has_key('yaxis_formatter'): revenue_plot._yaxis.formatter = kwargs['yaxis_formatter'] return revenue_plot
def generate_chart(year): data = get_data(year) plot_data = {'country': data.index.tolist(), 'count': [float(i) for i in data.values.tolist()]} barchart = Bar(plot_data, label='country', values='count', color="red", xgrid=False, ygrid=False, plot_width=800, plot_height=500, tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,resize") barchart.title = "Formula SAE Michigan " + year + " Countries" barchart.x_range = FactorRange(factors=data.index.tolist()) barchart._xaxis.axis_label = "Country" barchart._xaxis.axis_line_color = None barchart._xaxis.major_tick_line_color = None barchart._xaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None barchart._yaxis.axis_label = "Number of Teams" barchart._yaxis.axis_line_color = None barchart._yaxis.major_tick_line_color = None barchart._yaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None barchart.outline_line_color = None barchart.toolbar_location = 'right' barchart.logo = None hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[("Country", '@x'), ("# Teams", '@height')]) barchart.add_tools(hover) return barchart
def fun(): plot_transfer_fee = figure(tools=TOOLS, title='World Record Soccer Transfer Fee', x_axis_label='Year', y_axis_label=u"Fee (\u00A3)", toolbar_location=None ) plot_transfer_fee.line(df_tranfer['year'], df_tranfer['fee_pounds'],color=RdBu11[0],line_width=4) month_map = {k: v for k,v in enumerate(calendar.month_abbr)} df_mth = df_squads.birth_month.value_counts().sort_index() df_mth.index = x: month_map[x]) plot_mth_of_birth = Bar(df_mth, toolbar_location=None) plot_mth_of_birth.x_range = FactorRange(factors=df_mth.index.tolist()) plots = {"plt_trans_fee": plot_transfer_fee, "plt_mth_birth": plot_mth_of_birth} script, div = components(plots) return render_template('interesting.html', js_resources=js_resources, script=script, div=div)
# Display just the given columns in the tooltips hover.tooltips = [(c, '@' + c) for c in cols] hover.tooltips.append(('index', '$index')) # Finally add/enable the tool fig.add_tools(hover) return fig p2 = scatter_with_hover(test2, 'abs_third_less_adv_simple', 'abs_third_less_adv', marker='circle', fig_width=800, fig_height=800, cols=['bea_code', 'date', 'abs_third_less_adv_simple', 'abs_third_less_adv'], size=20) p2.title ="Offsetting revisions" p2.xaxis.axis_label="Absolute (third less adv)" p2.yaxis.axis_label="Aggregate absolute (third less adv)" p2.x_range= Range1d(0,test2['abs_third_less_adv_simple'].max()*1.1) p2.y_range= Range1d(0,test2['abs_third_less_adv'].max()*1.1) sum_rev = test2['abs_third_less_adv'] simple = test2['abs_third_less_adv_simple'] regression = np.polyfit(simple, sum_rev, 1) r_x, r_y = zip(*((i, i*regression[0] + regression[1]) for i in range(len(test2['abs_third_less_adv'])))) p2.line(r_x, r_y, color="red", line_width=6) output_file("regression.html") show(p2)
second = elem[1] list_of_words.append(first) list_of_num.append(second) return list_of_words, list_of_num a = [(u'colada', 1.06465), (u'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm', 0.85172), (u'brunched', 0.85172), (u'combinacion', 0.85172), (u'altar', 0.85172), (u'heckled', 0.70977), (u'guitarist', 0.70977), (u'benched', 0.60837), (u'suprisingly', 0.60837), (u'jombot', 0.60837), (u'cpt', 0.53232), (u'pubgrub', 0.53232), (u'prepaired', 0.53232), (u'bestpapersonaltrainercom', 0.53232), (u'touristic', 0.47318), (u'delucas', 0.47318), (u'stickler', 0.47318), (u'parfaits', 0.47318), (u'mochas', 0.45543), (u'bearclaw', 0.42586), (u'isntead', 0.42586), (u'portapottys', 0.42586), (u'centerpieces', 0.42586), (u'newcastle', 0.42586), (u'anf', 0.42586), (u'hollywoodlanes', 0.42586), (u'hideaway', 0.38715), (u'haiku', 0.38715), (u'muffaletta', 0.38715), (u'anazing', 0.38715),(u'balboa', 0.06347), (u'novak', 0.06342), (u'aamco', 0.06337), (u'faded', 0.06317), (u'jojo', 0.06312), (u'unos', 0.06309), (u'proves', 0.06309), (u'refurbish', 0.06309), (u'fleet', 0.06309), (u'koh', 0.06309)] list_of_words, list_of_num = parse_elements(a) model = {'TF-IDF': list_of_num, 'Words': list_of_words} df1 = df(data = model, columns = ['TF-IDF','Words']) graph1 = Bar(df1, 'Words', values = 'TF-IDF', title = "TF-IDF of top positive words", ylabel = 'TF-IDF scores', width = 800, height = 400, color = 'blue') graph1.left[0].formatter.use_scientific= False graph1.x_range = FactorRange(factors=df1['Words'].tolist()) c = [(u'hoofah', 4.2586), (u'ewwww', 4.2586), (u'disconnected', 0.70977), (u'precooked', 0.70977), (u'crimes', 0.60837), (u'greasiest', 0.60837), (u'redevelopment', 0.60837), (u'sloooooow', 0.53232), (u'yucky', 0.53232), (u'horrifying', 0.53232), (u'rancho', 0.47318), (u'crisco', 0.47318), (u'grabn', 0.42586), (u'gnocci', 0.42586), (u'strictest', 0.38715), (u'clout', 0.38715), (u'unenjoyable', 0.38715), (u't3', 0.36502), (u'terriable', 0.32758), (u'foe', 0.32758), (u'pararell', 0.32758), (u'thrifters', 0.32758), (u'society', 0.30419), (u'cremation', 0.28391), (u'fabricated', 0.28391), (u'yiengling', 0.28391), (u'delish', 0.27475), (u'uncover', 0.26616), (u'm8n', 0.26616), (u'pepparoni', 0.26616),(u'drops', 0.03097), (u'scheduling', 0.03097), (u'towed', 0.03089), (u'stark', 0.03086), (u'bjork', 0.03086), (u'arrogance', 0.03086), (u'maitre', 0.03086), (u'electronica', 0.03086), (u'basing', 0.03086), (u'caters', 0.03086)] list_of_words2, list_of_num2 = parse_elements(c) model2 = {'TF-IDF': list_of_num2, 'Words': list_of_words2} df2 = df(data = model2, columns = ['TF-IDF','Words']) graph2 = Bar(df2, 'Words', values = 'TF-IDF', title = "TF-IDF of top negative words", ylabel = 'TF-IDF scores', width = 800, height = 400, color = 'red') graph2.left[0].formatter.use_scientific= False graph2.x_range = FactorRange(factors=df2['Words'].tolist()) output_file("swag1.html") total = vplot(graph1, graph2) show(total)
def templateCoefRegression(c='c00001'): data = pd.read_csv(DATA + 'LogisticRegressionCoef_' + c + '_true.csv', header=0) data_month = data.ix[12:23, ] data_month = data_month.reindex([16, 15, 19, 12, 20, 18, 17, 13, 23, 22, 21, 14]) data_empl = data.ix[0:11, ] data_empl = data_empl.reindex([10, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 11]) data_state = data.ix[24:74, ] data_other = data.ix[75:76, ] pMonth = Bar(data_month, 'coef', values='val', legend=False, tools='hover') pMonth.x_range = FactorRange(factors=data_month['coef'].tolist()) pMonth.xaxis.axis_label = 'Coefficients' pMonth.yaxis.axis_label = 'Value' hover = pMonth.select_one(HoverTool) hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" hover.tooltips = [ ("Coef: ", "@coef"), ("Value: ", "@height") ] # show(pMonth) pEmpl = Bar(data_empl, 'coef', values='val', legend=False, tools='hover') pEmpl.x_range = FactorRange(factors=data_empl['coef'].tolist()) pEmpl.xaxis.axis_label = 'Coefficients' pEmpl.yaxis.axis_label = 'Value' hover = pEmpl.select_one(HoverTool) hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" hover.tooltips = [ ("Coef: ", "@coef"), ("Value: ", "@height") ] # show(pEmpl) pState = Bar(data_state, 'coef', values='val', legend=False, tools='hover', width=1200) # # pState.x_range = FactorRange(factors=dm['coef'].tolist()) pState.xaxis.axis_label = 'Coefficients' pState.yaxis.axis_label = 'Value' hover = pState.select_one(HoverTool) hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" hover.tooltips = [ ("Coef: ", "@coef"), ("Value: ", "@height") ] # show(pState) pOther = Bar(data_other, 'coef', values='val', legend=False, tools='hover') pOther.xaxis.axis_label = 'Coefficients' pOther.yaxis.axis_label = 'Value' # pOther.x_range = FactorRange(factors=data_other['coef'].tolist()) hover = pOther.select_one(HoverTool) hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" hover.tooltips = [ ("Coef: ", "@coef"), ("Value: ", "@height") ] # show(pOther) scriptM, divM = components(pMonth) scriptE, divE = components(pEmpl) scriptS, divS = components(pState) scriptO, divO = components(pOther) dic_r = {'month': [scriptM, divM], 'empl': [scriptE, divE], 'state': [scriptS, divS], 'other': [scriptO, divO]} return dic_r
from bokeh.charts import Bar, output_file, show, vplot from numpy.random import rand from pandas import DataFrame N = 10 data = DataFrame({'A': rand(N), 'B': rand(N), 'C': rand(N)}) # Stack columns A,B,C and convert the multiindices to columns sdata = data.stack().reset_index() sdata.columns = ['labels', 'stack', 'values'] bar = Bar(sdata, values='values', label='labels', stack='stack', legend='top_right') bar2 = Bar(sdata, values='values', label='labels', stack='stack', legend='top_right') bar2.x_range = bar.x_range # Link the x axes output_file("stacked_bar.html") show(vplot(bar, bar2))
def predict(): def weighted_choice(choices): total = sum(w for c, w in choices) r = random.uniform(0, total) upto = 0 for c, w in choices: if upto + w >= r: return c upto += w assert False, "Shouldn't get here" df_fifa_latest_rank z = np.polyfit(df_prob_win_fifa_rank.rank_diff, df_prob_win_fifa_rank.prob, 4) p_win = np.poly1d(z) # p_win(_some_rank) z = np.polyfit(df_prob_draw_fifa_rank.rank_diff.values, df_prob_draw_fifa_rank.prob.values, 3) p_draw = np.poly1d(z) country_codes = { "Albania": "ALB", "Austria": "AUT", "Belgium": "BEL", "Croatia": "CRO", "Czech Republic": "CZE", "England": "ENG", "France": "FRA", "Germany": "GER", "Hungary": "HUN", "Iceland": "ISL", "Italy": "ITA", "Northern Ireland": "NIR", "Poland": "POL", "Portugal": "POR", "Republic of Ireland": "IRL", "Romania": "ROU", "Russia": "RUS", "Slovakia": "SVK", "Spain": "ESP", "Sweden": "SWE", "Switzerland": "SUI", "Turkey": "TUR", "Ukraine": "UKR", "Wales": "WAL", } country_from_codes = { "ALB": "Albania", "AUT": "Austria", "BEL": "Belgium", "CRO": "Croatia", "CZE": "Czech Republic", "ENG": "England", "FRA": "France", "GER": "Germany", "HUN": "Hungary", "ISL": "Iceland", "ITA": "Italy", "NIR": "Northern Ireland", "POL": "Poland", "POR": "Portugal", "IRL": "Republic of Ireland", "ROU": "Romania", "RUS": "Russia", "SVK": "Slovakia", "ESP": "Spain", "SWE": "Sweden", "SUI": "Switzerland", "TUR": "Turkey", "UKR": "Ukraine", "WAL": "Wales", } grp_A_matches = [ ['2016-06-10', 'France', 'Romania'], ['2016-06-11', 'Albania', 'Switzerland'], ['2016-06-15', 'Romania', 'Switzerland'], ['2016-06-15', 'France', 'Albania'], ['2016-06-19', 'Switzerland', 'France'], ['2016-06-19', 'Romania', 'Albania'], ] grp_B_matches = [ ['2016-06-11', 'Wales', 'Slovakia'], ['2016-06-11', 'England', 'Russia'], ['2016-06-15', 'Russia', 'Slovakia'], ['2016-06-16', 'England', 'Wales'], ['2016-06-20', 'Slovakia', 'England'], ['2016-06-20', 'Russia', 'Wales'], ] grp_C_matches = [ ['2016-06-12', 'Poland', 'Northern Ireland'], ['2016-06-12', 'Germany', 'Ukraine'], ['2016-06-16', 'Ukraine', 'Northern Ireland'], ['2016-06-16', 'Germany', 'Poland'], ['2016-06-21', 'Northern Ireland', 'Germany'], ['2016-06-21', 'Ukraine', 'Poland'], ] grp_D_matches = [ ['2016-06-12', 'Turkey', 'Croatia'], ['2016-06-13', 'Spain', 'Czech Republic'], ['2016-06-17', 'Czech Republic', 'Croatia'], ['2016-06-17', 'Spain', 'Turkey'], ['2016-06-21', 'Croatia', 'Spain'], ['2016-06-21', 'Czech Republic', 'Turkey'], ] grp_E_matches = [ ['2016-06-13', 'Republic of Ireland', 'Sweden'], ['2016-06-13', 'Belgium', 'Italy'], ['2016-06-17', 'Italy', 'Sweden'], ['2016-06-18', 'Belgium', 'Republic of Ireland'], ['2016-06-22', 'Sweden', 'Belgium'], ['2016-06-22', 'Italy', 'Republic of Ireland'], ] grp_F_matches = [ ['2016-06-14', 'Austria', 'Hungary'], ['2016-06-14', 'Portugal', 'Iceland'], ['2016-06-18', 'Iceland', 'Hungary'], ['2016-06-18', 'Portugal', 'Austria'], ['2016-06-22', 'Iceland', 'Austria'], ['2016-06-22', 'Hungary', 'Portugal'], ] grp_matchs = grp_A_matches + grp_B_matches + grp_C_matches + grp_D_matches + grp_E_matches + grp_F_matches df_ctry_codes = df_fifa_latest_rank.country_code probailities = [] plot_dict = {} prediction_dict = {} results = {} for k, match in enumerate(grp_matchs,1): rank_diff = df_fifa_latest_rank[df_ctry_codes==country_codes[match[1]]].ranking.values - df_fifa_latest_rank[df_ctry_codes==country_codes[match[2]]].ranking.values probs = [p_win(rank_diff*-1)[0], p_draw(abs(rank_diff))[0], p_win(rank_diff)[0]] probs = [float(i)/sum(probs) for i in probs] probailities = [country_codes[match[1]], 'DRAW', country_codes[match[2]]] + probs choices = [(country_codes[match[1]], probs[0]), ('DRAW', probs[1]), (country_codes[match[2]], probs[2])] prediction = weighted_choice(choices) if prediction=='DRAW': prediction_dict["match_{0}".format(k)] = prediction else: prediction_dict["match_{0}".format(k)] = country_from_codes[prediction] df = pd.DataFrame(probailities[3:], probailities[:3]) df.columns = ['probability'] plot_probs = Bar(df, toolbar_location=None, plot_width=200, plot_height=200, agg='mean') plot_probs.x_range = FactorRange(factors=probailities[:3]) plot_dict["match_{0}".format(k)] = plot_probs gp_A = dict.fromkeys(["France","Romania","Albania","Switzerland"], 0) gp_B = dict.fromkeys(["England","Russia","Wales","Slovakia"], 0) gp_C = dict.fromkeys(["Germany","Ukraine","Poland","Northern Ireland"], 0) gp_D = dict.fromkeys(["Spain","Czech Republic","Turkey","Croatia"], 0) gp_E = dict.fromkeys(["Belgium","Italy","Republic of Ireland","Sweden"], 0) gp_F = dict.fromkeys(["Portugal","Iceland","Austria","Hungary"], 0) for k, match in enumerate(grp_A_matches,1): result = prediction_dict["match_{0}".format(k)] if result == 'DRAW': gp_A[match[1]] += 1 gp_A[match[2]] += 1 else: gp_A[result] += 3 for k, match in enumerate(grp_B_matches,7): result = prediction_dict["match_{0}".format(k)] if result == 'DRAW': gp_B[match[1]] += 1 gp_B[match[2]] += 1 else: gp_B[result] += 3 for k, match in enumerate(grp_C_matches,13): result = prediction_dict["match_{0}".format(k)] if result == 'DRAW': gp_C[match[1]] += 1 gp_C[match[2]] += 1 else: gp_C[result] += 3 for k, match in enumerate(grp_D_matches,19): result = prediction_dict["match_{0}".format(k)] if result == 'DRAW': gp_D[match[1]] += 1 gp_D[match[2]] += 1 else: gp_D[result] += 3 for k, match in enumerate(grp_E_matches,25): result = prediction_dict["match_{0}".format(k)] if result == 'DRAW': gp_E[match[1]] += 1 gp_E[match[2]] += 1 else: gp_E[result] += 3 for k, match in enumerate(grp_F_matches,31): result = prediction_dict["match_{0}".format(k)] if result == 'DRAW': gp_F[match[1]] += 1 gp_F[match[2]] += 1 else: gp_F[result] += 3 all_groups = [gp_A,gp_B,gp_C,gp_D,gp_E,gp_F] gp_labels = {1:"A",2:"B",3:"C",4:"D",5:"E",6:"F"} table_html = {} for k, group in enumerate(all_groups,1): table_string = [' <table style="width:100%">'] group_standings = {'team':[], 'points':[]} for j in xrange(1,len(group)+1): table_string.append(' <tr>') top = max(group, key=group.get) points = group.get(top) group_standings['team'].append(top) group_standings['points'].append(points) group.pop(top) table_string.append(' <td>{0}</td>'.format(j)) table_string.append(' <td>{0}</td>'.format(top)) table_string.append(' <td>{0}</td>'.format(points)) table_string.append(' </tr>') table_string.append(' </table>') table_html["gp_{0}".format(gp_labels[k])] = '\n'.join(table_string) script, div = components(plot_dict) return render_template('euro.html', js_resources=js_resources, script=script, div=div, pred=prediction_dict, table=table_html)