Esempio n. 1
 def test_doesnt_validate_doc_due_to_env_var(self, check_integrity,
                                             test_plot) -> None:
     monkeypatch.setenv("BOKEH_VALIDATE_DOC", "false")
     with beu.OutputDocumentFor([test_plot]):
     assert not check_integrity.called
Esempio n. 2
 def test_single_model_with_no_document(self):
     p = SomeModel()
     assert p.document is None
     with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p], apply_theme=Theme(json={})):
         assert p.document is not None
         new_theme = p.document.theme
     assert p.document is not None
     assert p.document.theme is not new_theme
Esempio n. 3
 def test_error_on_mixed_list(self):
     p = SomeModel()
     d = Document()
     orig_theme = d.theme
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
         with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p, d]):
     assert str(e.value).endswith(_ODFERR)
     assert d.theme is orig_theme
Esempio n. 4
 def test_single_model_with_no_document(self):
     p = SomeModel()
     assert p.document is None
     with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p], apply_theme=beu.FromCurdoc):
         assert p.document is not None
         assert p.document.theme is curdoc().theme
         new_doc = p.document
     assert p.document is new_doc
     assert p.document.theme is not curdoc().theme
Esempio n. 5
 def test_single_model_with_document(self):
     # should use existing doc in with-block
     p = SomeModel()
     d = Document()
     orig_theme = d.theme
     with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p], apply_theme=beu.FromCurdoc):
         assert p.document is d
         assert d.theme is curdoc().theme
     assert p.document is d
     assert d.theme is orig_theme
Esempio n. 6
 def test_single_model_with_document(self) -> None:
     # should use existing doc in with-block
     p = SomeModel()
     d = Document()
     orig_theme = d.theme
     with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p]):
         assert p.document is d
         assert d.theme is orig_theme
     assert p.document is d
     assert d.theme is orig_theme
Esempio n. 7
 def test_single_model_with_document(self):
     # should use existing doc in with-block
     p = Model()
     d = Document()
     orig_theme = d.theme
     with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p], apply_theme=Theme(json={})):
         assert p.document is d
         assert d.theme is not orig_theme
     assert p.document is d
     assert d.theme is orig_theme
Esempio n. 8
 def test_with_doc_in_child_raises_error(self):
     doc = Document()
     p1 = SomeModel()
     p2 = OtherModel(child=SomeModel())
     assert p1.document is None
     assert p2.document is None
     assert p2.child.document is doc
     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e:
         with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p1, p2]):
         assert "already in a doc" in str(e.value)
Esempio n. 9
 def test_list_of_model_with_no_documents(self):
     # should create new (permanent) doc for inputs
     p1 = SomeModel()
     p2 = SomeModel()
     assert p1.document is None
     assert p2.document is None
     with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p1, p2]):
         assert p1.document is not None
         assert p2.document is not None
         assert p1.document is p2.document
         new_doc = p1.document
         new_theme = p1.document.theme
     assert p1.document is new_doc
     assert p1.document is p2.document
     assert p1.document.theme is new_theme
Esempio n. 10
 def test_list_of_model_same_as_roots(self):
     # should use existing doc in with-block
     p1 = SomeModel()
     p2 = SomeModel()
     d = Document()
     orig_theme = d.theme
     with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p1, p2], apply_theme=beu.FromCurdoc):
         assert p1.document is d
         assert p2.document is d
         assert d.theme is curdoc().theme
     assert p1.document is d
     assert p2.document is d
     assert d.theme is orig_theme
Esempio n. 11
 def test_list_of_model_same_as_roots(self):
     # should use existing doc in with-block
     p1 = Model()
     p2 = Model()
     d = Document()
     orig_theme = d.theme
     with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p1, p2], apply_theme=Theme(json={})):
         assert p1.document is d
         assert p2.document is d
         assert d.theme is not orig_theme
     assert p1.document is d
     assert p2.document is d
     assert d.theme is orig_theme
Esempio n. 12
 def test_list_of_model_same_as_roots_with_always_new(self):
     # should use new temp doc for everything inside with-block
     p1 = SomeModel()
     p2 = SomeModel()
     d = Document()
     orig_theme = d.theme
     with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p1, p2], always_new=True):
         assert p1.document is not d
         assert p2.document is not d
         assert p1.document is p2.document
         assert p2.document.theme is orig_theme
     assert p1.document is d
     assert p2.document is d
     assert d.theme is orig_theme
Esempio n. 13
 def test_list_of_model_subset_roots(self):
     # should use new temp doc for subset inside with-block
     p1 = SomeModel()
     p2 = SomeModel()
     d = Document()
     orig_theme = d.theme
     with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p1], apply_theme=beu.FromCurdoc):
         assert p1.document is not d
         assert p2.document is d
         assert p1.document.theme is curdoc().theme
         assert p2.document.theme is orig_theme
     assert p1.document is d
     assert p2.document is d
     assert d.theme is orig_theme
Esempio n. 14
 def test_list_of_model_with_no_documents(self):
     # should create new (permanent) doc for inputs
     p1 = SomeModel()
     p2 = SomeModel()
     assert p1.document is None
     assert p2.document is None
     with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p1, p2], apply_theme=beu.FromCurdoc):
         assert p1.document is not None
         assert p2.document is not None
         assert p1.document is p2.document
         new_doc = p1.document
         assert p1.document.theme is curdoc().theme
     assert p1.document is new_doc
     assert p2.document is new_doc
     assert p1.document is p2.document
     # should restore to default theme after with-block
     assert p1.document.theme is not curdoc().theme
Esempio n. 15
 def test_list_of_model_with_no_documents(self):
     # should create new (permanent) doc for inputs
     p1 = Model()
     p2 = Model()
     assert p1.document is None
     assert p2.document is None
     with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p1, p2], apply_theme=Theme(json={})):
         assert p1.document is not None
         assert p2.document is not None
         assert p1.document is p2.document
         new_doc = p1.document
         new_theme = p1.document.theme
     assert p1.document is new_doc
     assert p2.document is new_doc
     assert p1.document is p2.document
     # should restore to default theme after with-block
     assert p1.document.theme is not new_theme
Esempio n. 16
 def test_list_of_models_different_docs(self):
     # should use new temp doc for eveything inside with-block
     d = Document()
     orig_theme = d.theme
     p1 = SomeModel()
     p2 = SomeModel()
     assert p1.document is None
     assert p2.document is not None
     with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p1, p2], apply_theme=beu.FromCurdoc):
         assert p1.document is not None
         assert p2.document is not None
         assert p1.document is not d
         assert p2.document is not d
         assert p1.document == p2.document
         assert p1.document.theme is curdoc().theme
     assert p1.document is None
     assert p2.document is not None
     assert p2.document.theme is orig_theme
Esempio n. 17
 def test_single_model_with_no_document(self):
     p = SomeModel()
     assert p.document is None
     with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p]):
         assert p.document is not None
     assert p.document is not None
Esempio n. 18
 def test_error_on_wrong_types(self, v):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
         with beu.OutputDocumentFor(v):
     assert str(e.value).endswith(_ODFERR)
Esempio n. 19
 def test_error_on_empty_list(self):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
         with beu.OutputDocumentFor([]):
     assert str(e.value).endswith(_ODFERR)
Esempio n. 20
 def test_validates_document_by_default(self, check_integrity, test_plot):
     with beu.OutputDocumentFor([test_plot]):
     assert check_integrity.called