Esempio n. 1
xdrop.on_change('value', update_xdrop)

# create the Panel and Tabs objects for setting up the investment parameters
panels = []
for param in r0.keys():
    panels.append(create_panel(param, r0[param]))
tabs = Tabs(tabs=panels, width=1000)

# create the app layout
top = row(fig, widgetbox(xdrop, width=300))
layout = column(top, tabs)

# update the document and initialize the app by setting the Dropdown value
param0 = list(r0.keys())[0]
xdrop.value = list(r0[param0].keys())[0]

# output_file('tmp.html')
# show(layout)

# # create a column layout of widgets for setting the dynamic parameters
# dlist = []
# for d in dynamic:
Esempio n. 2
div_total_invested_capital = Div()
div_monthly_cash_flow = Div()
div_sale_profit = Div()
div_investment_metrics = Div()
divs = column(
    widgetbox(div_total_invested_capital, width=400),
    widgetbox(div_monthly_cash_flow, width=400),
    widgetbox(div_sale_profit, width=400),
    widgetbox(div_investment_metrics, width=400))

# create the app layout, update curdoc
drops = column(
    widgetbox(ytext, width=300),
    widgetbox(ydrop, width=300),
    widgetbox(xtext, width=300),
    widgetbox(xdrop, width=300))
top_left = row(drops, fig)
bottom_left = row(panels)
left = column(top_left, bottom_left)
layout = row(left, divs)

# initialize the app thru setting the initial Dropdown value and callbacks
param0 = list(r0.keys())[0]
xdrop.label = list(r0[param0].keys())[0]
xdrop.value = xdrop.label
ydrop.label = ymenu[0]
xdrop.on_change('value', partial(update_drop, drop_type='x'))
ydrop.on_change('value', partial(update_drop, drop_type='y'))
ydrop.value = ydrop.label