def newapplet(): theme = request.args.get('theme', 'default') INLINE = Resources( mode="inline", minified=False, ) templname = "stocks_custom.html" js_resources = JS_RESOURCES.render(js_raw=INLINE.js_raw, js_files=INLINE.js_files) css_resources = CSS_RESOURCES.render(css_raw=INLINE.css_raw, css_files=INLINE.css_files) p = create_main_plot(theme) plot_script, extra_divs = components({ "main_plot": p, "selection_plot": create_selection_plot(p, theme), }) themes = ["default", "dark"] options = {k: 'selected="selected"' if theme == k else "" for k in themes} return render_template( templname, theme=theme, extra_divs=extra_divs, plot_script=plot_script, js_resources=js_resources, css_resources=css_resources, theme_options=options, )
def newapplet(): theme = request.args.get('theme', 'default') INLINE = Resources(mode="inline", minified=False,) templname = "stocks_custom.html" js_resources = JS_RESOURCES.render( js_raw=INLINE.js_raw, js_files=INLINE.js_files ) css_resources = CSS_RESOURCES.render( css_raw=INLINE.css_raw, css_files=INLINE.css_files ) p = create_main_plot(theme) plot_script, extra_divs = components( { "main_plot": p, "selection_plot": create_selection_plot(p, theme), } ) themes = ["default", "dark"] options = { k: 'selected="selected"' if theme == k else "" for k in themes} return render_template( templname, theme = theme, extra_divs = extra_divs, plot_script = plot_script, js_resources=js_resources, css_resources=css_resources, theme_options=options, )
def graphstocks(ssymbol): """ Very simple embedding of a polynomial chart""" # Grab the inputs arguments from the URL # This is automated by the button args = ["ADAM"] args = request.args # Get all the form arguments in the url with defaults color = colors[getitem(args, 'color', 'Black')] _from = int(getitem(args, '_from', 0)) to = int(getitem(args, 'to', 10)) # Create a polynomial line graph #x = list(range(_from, to + 1)) #fig = figure(title="Polynomial") #fig.line(x, [i ** 2 for i in x], color=color, line_width=2) AAPL= pd.read_csv(""+ssymbol+"&a=0&b=1&c=2000&d=0&e=1&f=2010",parse_dates=['Date']) data = dict(AAPL=AAPL['Adj Close'], Date=AAPL['Date']) tsline = TimeSeries(data,x='Date', y='AAPL', ylabel='Stock Prices', legend=True) #tsline=TimeSeries(data,x='Date', y=['AAPL'], color=['AAPL'], dash=['AAPL'], # title="Timeseries", ylabel = 'Stock Prices', legend=True) # tspoint=TimeSeries(data,x='Date',y=[ssymbol], dash=[ssymbol],title="Timeseries",ylabel='Stock Prices', legend=True) output_file("timeseries.html") fig=vplot(tsline) # Configure resources to include BokehJS inline in the document. # For more details see: # js_resources = JS_RESOURCES.render( js_raw=INLINE.js_raw, js_files=INLINE.js_files ) css_resources = CSS_RESOURCES.render( css_raw=INLINE.css_raw, css_files=INLINE.css_files ) #from: # Before: #html = file_html(layout, None, title=title, template=template, js_resources=js_resources, css_resources=css_resources) #v0.11: # #html = file_html(layout, resources=(js_resources, css_resources), title=title, template=template) # For more details see: # script, div = components(fig, INLINE) html = render_template( 'embed.html', plot_script=script, plot_div=div, js_resources=js_resources, css_resources=css_resources, color=color, _from=_from, to=to ) return encode_utf8(html)
def model(): pTOOLS = "crosshair,hover,pan,box_zoom,reset,save" p2 = figure(tools=pTOOLS,background_fill="#dbe0eb", x_range = (0,100), y_range =(80,100), x_axis_label='Decision Boundary (score)', y_axis_label='Precision', title='Recall and Precision', plot_height=600, plot_width=800) # Setting the second y axis range name and range p2.extra_y_ranges = {"foo": Range1d(start=-5, end=105)} # Adding the second axis to the plot. p2.add_layout(LinearAxis(y_range_name="foo",axis_label="Recall", axis_label_text_color = "red", major_label_text_color = "red"), 'right') source1 = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(precision = crit_r_c[1]*100, recall = crit_r_c[2]*100.0/153546, risk = 100 - crit_r_c[1]*100, miss = 100- crit_r_c[2]*100.0/153546)) source2 = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(precision = crit_r_c[1]*100, recall = crit_r_c[2]*100.0/153546, risk = 100 - crit_r_c[1]*100, miss = 100- crit_r_c[2]*100.0/153546)) p2.line(crit_r_c[0],crit_r_c[1]*100,line_color="blue", line_width=20, alpha=0.7,source=source1) p2.line(crit_r_c[0],crit_r_c[2]*100.0/153546,line_color="red", line_width=20, alpha=0.7,y_range_name="foo",source=source2) hover = hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ('Decison Boundary (score)', '$x'), ("Precision (%)","@precision"), ("Risk (%)", "@risk"), ("Recall (%)", "@recall"), ("Missed Opportunity (%)", "@miss"), ]) js_resources2 = JS_RESOURCES.render( js_raw=INLINE.js_raw, js_files=INLINE.js_files) css_resources2 = CSS_RESOURCES.render( css_raw=INLINE.css_raw, css_files=INLINE.css_files) p2script, p2div = components(p2, INLINE) html = flask.render_template( 'model.html', plot_script2=p2script, plot_div2=p2div, js_resources=js_resources2, css_resources=css_resources2) return encode_utf8(html)
def test_file_html_handles_css_only_resources(): css_resources = CSSResources() template = Template("<head>{{ bokeh_css }}</head><body></body>") output = embed.file_html(_embed_test_plot, None, "title", template=template, css_resources=css_resources) rendered_css = CSS_RESOURCES.render(css_raw=css_resources.css_raw) assert output == "<head>%s</head><body></body>" % rendered_css
def graphstocks(ssymbol, sdate, edate,color): stock = ssymbol if color not in colors: color="Black" api_url='' % {"symbol":stock, "key":YOURAPIKEY,"sdate":sdate, "edate":edate} session = requests.Session() session.mount('http://', requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=3)) raw_data=session.get(api_url) aapl_stock=raw_data.json() color="Black" cnames = aapl_stock['dataset']['column_names'] df = pandas.DataFrame(aapl_stock['dataset']['data'],columns=cnames) # create dataframe and assign column names df['Date']=pandas.to_datetime(df['Date']) # convert Date column to DateTime in place tsline = TimeSeries(df,x='Date', y='Close', ylabel=ssymbol+' Stock Prices', legend=True, color=colors[color]) fig=vplot(tsline) # Configure resources to include BokehJS inline in the document. # For more details see: # js_resources = JS_RESOURCES.render( js_raw=INLINE.js_raw, js_files=INLINE.js_files ) css_resources = CSS_RESOURCES.render( css_raw=INLINE.css_raw, css_files=INLINE.css_files ) #from: # Before: #html = file_html(layout, None, title=title, template=template, js_resources=js_resources, css_resources=css_resources) #v0.11: # #html = file_html(layout, resources=(js_resources, css_resources), title=title, template=template) # For more details see: # script, div = components(fig, INLINE) html = render_template( 'embed.html', plot_script=script, plot_div=div, js_resources=js_resources, css_resources=css_resources, color=color, _from=sdate, to=edate, symbol_lulu=ssymbol ) return encode_utf8(html)
def polynomial(): """ Very simple embedding of a polynomial chart""" # Grab the inputs arguments from the URL # This is automated by the button args = flask.request.args # Get all the form arguments in the url with defaults color = colors[getitem(args, 'color', 'Black')] _from = int(getitem(args, '_from', 0)) to = int(getitem(args, 'to', 10)) # Create a polynomial line graph x = list(range(_from, to + 1)) fig = figure(title="Polynomial") fig.line(x, [i ** 2 for i in x], color=color, line_width=2) # Configure resources to include BokehJS inline in the document. # For more details see: # js_resources = JS_RESOURCES.render( js_raw=INLINE.js_raw, js_files=INLINE.js_files ) css_resources = CSS_RESOURCES.render( css_raw=INLINE.css_raw, css_files=INLINE.css_files ) # For more details see: # script, div = components(fig, INLINE) html = flask.render_template( 'embed.html', plot_script=script, plot_div=div, js_resources=js_resources, css_resources=css_resources, color=color, _from=_from, to=to ) return encode_utf8(html)
def polynomial(): """ Very simple embedding of a polynomial chart""" # Grab the inputs arguments from the URL # This is automated by the button args = flask.request.args # Get all the form arguments in the url with defaults color = colors[getitem(args, 'color', 'Black')] _from = int(getitem(args, '_from', 0)) to = int(getitem(args, 'to', 10)) # Create a polynomial line graph x = list(range(_from, to + 1)) fig = figure(title="Polynomial") fig.line(x, [i**2 for i in x], color=color, line_width=2) # Configure resources to include BokehJS inline in the document. # For more details see: # js_resources = JS_RESOURCES.render(js_raw=INLINE.js_raw, js_files=INLINE.js_files) css_resources = CSS_RESOURCES.render(css_raw=INLINE.css_raw, css_files=INLINE.css_files) # For more details see: # script, div = components(fig, INLINE) html = flask.render_template('embed.html', plot_script=script, plot_div=div, js_resources=js_resources, css_resources=css_resources, color=color, _from=_from, to=to) return encode_utf8(html)
{{ }} {{ plot_script }} </body> </html> ''') resources = INLINE js_resources = JS_RESOURCES.render( js_raw=resources.js_raw, js_files=resources.js_files ) css_resources = CSS_RESOURCES.render( css_raw=resources.css_raw, css_files=resources.css_files ) script, div = components({'red': red, 'blue': blue, 'green': green}) html = template.render(js_resources=js_resources, css_resources=css_resources, plot_script=script, plot_div=div) html_file = 'embed_multiple_responsive.html' with open(html_file, 'w') as f: f.write(html) view(html_file)
app = flask.Flask(__name__) colors = { 'Black': '#000000', 'Red': '#FF0000', 'Green': '#00FF00', 'Blue': '#0000FF', } js_resources = JS_RESOURCES.render( js_raw=INLINE.js_raw, js_files=INLINE.js_files ) css_resources = CSS_RESOURCES.render( css_raw=INLINE.css_raw, css_files=INLINE.css_files ) @app.route("/figure1") def plot_data(): # get data x = [] y = [] colors = [] i = 0 with open("data.csv", "r") as f: while True: line = f.readline() if len(line) == 0: break if i == 6:
def prediction(): args = session['loan'] Grade = args['sub_grade'] x = pd.DataFrame(args,index=[0]) x_dict = List2DictT.transform(x) x_vect = DictVectorT.transform(x_dict) x_y_prob = [] for RF in FinalTotModes[:-1]: x_y_prob.append(RF.predict_proba(x_vect)[:,0]) y_pred = FinalTotModes[-1].predict_proba(np.array(x_y_prob).T) YourLoan = int(y_pred[:,1]*100) Loc = int(YourLoan/5) xgrades =[i for i in ScoreByGrade.index] Beats = ['%.2f' %(ScoreByGrade.PayoffProba.iloc[Loc]*100) + ' (your loan is better than %.2f%% of loans)' % (sum(ScoreByGrade[Grade].iloc[:Loc]))] Median = MedianScore.loc[Grade].prob MedianLoc = MedianLoc = int(Median)/5+1 TOOLS = "hover,pan,box_zoom,reset,save" p = figure(background_fill='white', x_range=[2,102], x_axis_label='Score assigned by the model', y_range = [0, int(max(ScoreByGrade[Grade]))+3], title="Score of " + Grade + " loans", y_axis_label='Counts per 100 loans', tools = TOOLS, plot_width=1000, plot_height=600) source1 = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(payoffProb = ScoreByGrade.PayoffProba.values*100, distribution = ScoreByGrade[Grade].values, scores = ['%d-%d' %(i-4,i) for i in ScoreByGrade.index])) source2 = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(payoffProb = Beats, distribution =[ScoreByGrade[Grade].iloc[Loc]], scores = ['%d-%d' %(i-4,i) for i in [ScoreByGrade.index[Loc]]])) source3 = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(payoffProb = [ScoreByGrade.PayoffProba.iloc[MedianLoc]*100], distribution =[ScoreByGrade[Grade].iloc[MedianLoc]], scores = ['%d' %(Median) ])) p.rect(xgrades, ScoreByGrade[Grade]/2, 0.6*5, ScoreByGrade[Grade], fill_color="#08c994",source = source1) p.rect([xgrades[Loc]], ScoreByGrade[Grade].iloc[Loc]/2, 0.6*5, ScoreByGrade[Grade].iloc[Loc], fill_color="#ff5a00",source = source2, legend='Score of your loan') # p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = np.pi/6 p.rect([Median], (int(max(ScoreByGrade[Grade]))+1)/2.0, 0.15*5, (int(max(ScoreByGrade[Grade]))+1), fill_color="black",source = source3, legend='Average Score') # p.line([Median,Median],[0,int(max(ScoreByGrade[Grade]))+1], # line_color="black", line_width=10, legend='Average Score', # source = source3) hover = hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ("Score","@scores"), ("Within 100 loans", "@distribution in this group"), ('Payoff chance (%)', '@payoffProb'), ]) js_resources = JS_RESOURCES.render( js_raw=INLINE.js_raw, js_files=INLINE.js_files ) css_resources = CSS_RESOURCES.render( css_raw=INLINE.css_raw, css_files=INLINE.css_files ) script, div = components(p, INLINE) if YourLoan>=60: ShouldOrNot = 'SHOULD' tmplt ="result_success.html" elif YourLoan>=50: ShouldOrNot = 'MAY' tmplt ="result_success.html" elif YourLoan>=40: ShouldOrNot = 'may NOT' tmplt ="result_failure.html" else: ShouldOrNot = 'should NOT' tmplt ="result_failure.html" pTOOLS = "crosshair,hover,pan,box_zoom,reset,save" p2 = figure(background_fill='white', x_axis_label='Score assigned by the model', title="Score versus Success rate", y_axis_label='Success rate (%)', tools = pTOOLS, plot_width=1000, plot_height=600) p2.line(ScoreByGrade.index,ScoreByGrade.PayoffProba*100,line_color="blue", line_width=20, alpha=0.7) r2 =,ScoreByGrade.PayoffProba.iloc[MedianLoc]*100-3,color="black",legend='Average Loan') r =,ScoreByGrade.PayoffProba.iloc[Loc]*100-3,color="#ff5a00",legend='Your Loan') def glyy(r,colors): glyph = r.glyph glyph.size = 40 glyph.fill_alpha = 0.5 glyph.line_color = colors glyph.line_dash = [6, 3] glyph.line_width = 2 glyy(r,"#ff5a00") glyy(r2,"black") p2.grid.grid_line_alpha=0.7 p2.legend.orientation = "top_left" hover2 = hover2.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ('Score', "$x"), ('Payoff chance (%)', '$y')]) js_resources2 = JS_RESOURCES.render( js_raw=INLINE.js_raw, js_files=INLINE.js_files) css_resources2 = CSS_RESOURCES.render( css_raw=INLINE.css_raw, css_files=INLINE.css_files) p2script, p2div = components(p2, INLINE) html = flask.render_template( tmplt, plot_script=script, plot_div=div, plot_script2=p2script, plot_div2=p2div, js_resources=js_resources, css_resources=css_resources, score=YourLoan, beats="%.2f" %(sum(ScoreByGrade[Grade].iloc[:Loc])), prob="%.2f" %(ScoreByGrade.PayoffProba.iloc[Loc]*100), invest=ShouldOrNot) return encode_utf8(html)
def static_html(template, title="bokehutils plot", resources=INLINE, css_raw=None, template_variables=None): """Render static html document. This is a minor modification of :py:meth:`bokeh.embed.file_html`. Args: template (Template): a Jinja2 HTML document template title (str): a title for the HTML document ``<title>`` tags. resources (Resources): a resource configuration for BokehJS assets css_raw (list): a list of file names for inclusion in the raw css template_variables (dict): variables to be used in the Jinja2 template. In contrast to :py:meth:`bokeh.embed.file_html`, this is where plot objects are placed. The plot objects will be automagically split into script and div components. If used, the following variable names will be overwritten: title, js_resources, css_resources Returns: html : standalone HTML document with embedded plot """ # From bokeh.resources def _inline(paths): strings = [] for path in paths: begin = "/* BEGIN %s */" % path middle = open(path, 'rb').read().decode("utf-8") end = "/* END %s */" % path strings.append(begin + '\n' + middle + '\n' + end) return strings # Assume we always have resources js_resources = resources css_resources = resources bokeh_js = '' if js_resources: bokeh_js = JS_RESOURCES.render(js_raw=js_resources.js_raw, js_files=js_resources.js_files) bokeh_css = '' _css_raw = css_resources.css_raw if css_raw: tmp = lambda: _inline(css_raw) _css_raw += tmp() if css_resources: bokeh_css = CSS_RESOURCES.render(css_raw=_css_raw, css_files=css_resources.css_files) # Hack to get on-the-fly double mapping def _update(template_variables): tmp = {} for k, v in template_variables.items(): if (isinstance(v, Widget)): tmp.update({k: [{'script': s, 'div': d} for s, d in [components(v, resources)]][0]}) elif (isinstance(v, dict)): if not v: tmp.update(v) else: v.update(_update(v)) else: tmp.update({k: v}) return tmp template_variables.update(_update(template_variables)) template_variables_full = \ template_variables.copy() if template_variables is not None else {} template_variables_full.update( { 'title' : title, 'bokeh_js' : bokeh_js, 'bokeh_css' : bokeh_css, } ) html = template.render(template_variables_full) return encode_utf8(html)
def output(): ALL = request.args.get('ALL') if ALL == "ALL": input_team = ['ATL', 'BOS', 'BKN', 'CHA', 'CHI', 'CLE', 'DAL', 'DEN', 'DET', 'GSW', 'HOU', 'IND', 'LAC', 'LAL', 'MEM', 'MIA', 'MIL', 'MIN', 'NOP', 'NYK', 'OKC', 'ORL', 'PHI', 'PHO', 'POR', 'SAC', 'SAS', 'TOR', 'UTA', 'WAS'] else: ATL = request.args.get('ATL') BOS = request.args.get('BOS') BKN = request.args.get('BKN') CHA = request.args.get('CHA') CHI = request.args.get('CHI') CLE = request.args.get('CLE') DAL = request.args.get('DAL') DET = request.args.get('DET') GSW = request.args.get('GSW') HOU = request.args.get('HOU') IND = request.args.get('IND') LAC = request.args.get('LAC') LAL = request.args.get('LAL') MEM = request.args.get('MEM') MIA = request.args.get('MIA') MIL = request.args.get('MIL') NOP = request.args.get('NOP') OKC = request.args.get('OKC') ORL = request.args.get('ORL') PHO = request.args.get('PHO') POR = request.args.get('POR') SAC = request.args.get('SAC') SAS = request.args.get('SAS') TOR = request.args.get('TOR') UTA = request.args.get('UTA') WAS = request.args.get('WAS') teams = [ATL, BOS, BKN, CHA, CHI, CLE, DAL, DET, GSW, HOU, IND, LAC, LAL, MEM, MIA, MIL, NOP, OKC, ORL, PHO, POR, SAC, SAS, TOR, UTA, WAS] input_team = [] for team in teams: if team: input_team += [team] if len(input_team) < 1: input_team = ['ATL', 'BOS', 'BKN', 'CHA', 'CHI', 'CLE', 'DAL', 'DEN', 'DET', 'GSW', 'HOU', 'IND', 'LAC', 'LAL', 'MEM', 'MIA', 'MIL', 'MIN', 'NOP', 'NYK', 'OKC', 'ORL', 'PHI', 'PHO', 'POR', 'SAC', 'SAS', 'TOR', 'UTA', 'WAS'] # Grab data off database sql = "SELECT * FROM results" df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, g.db) df = df.drop('index', axis = 1) df = df[df['team'].isin(input_team)] df = df.sort_values('points', ascending = False) df = df.reset_index().drop('index', axis = 1) # Round values for display purposes for col in ['avg_pm','pred','points']: df[col] = np.round(df[col], 1) entries = [dict(lineup = df['lineup'][row], team = df['team'][row], opponent = df['opponent'][row], month = df['month'][row], day = df['dayofmonth'][row], base = df['avg_pm'][row], pred = df['pred'][row], points = df['points'][row]) for row in range(df.shape[0])] # Get dimensions of screen with Tkinter root = tk.Tk() scr_width = root.winfo_screenwidth() scr_height = root.winfo_screenheight() wide = scr_width * 0.4 height = scr_height * 0.45 # MAKE PLOT DATA pred = np.array(df['pred']) y_test = np.array(df['points']) avg_pm = np.array(df['avg_pm']) # Configure resources to include BokehJS inline in the document. js_resources = JS_RESOURCES.render( js_raw=INLINE.js_raw, js_files=INLINE.js_files ) css_resources = CSS_RESOURCES.render( css_raw=INLINE.css_raw, css_files=INLINE.css_files ) source = ColumnDataSource(data = dict(x = y_test, y = pred, lineup = np.array(df['lineup']), base = np.array(df['avg_pm']), month = np.array(df['month']), day = np.array(df['dayofmonth']), team = np.array(df['team']), opponent = np.array(df['opponent']) ) ) # create a new plot with the tools above, and explicit ranges TOOLS = "resize, pan, wheel_zoom, box_zoom, reset, hover" p = figure(tools = TOOLS, x_range=(-175,175), y_range=(-175, 175), plot_width = int(wide), plot_height = int(height)) # Plot fill quadrant 1 and 4 p.patch([0, 0, 5000, 5000], [0, 5000, 5000, 0], alpha = 0.3, color = (6, 110, 10)) p.patch([0, 0, -5000, -5000],[0, -5000, -5000, 0], alpha = 0.3, color = (6, 110, 10)) # Plot results p.line(np.arange(-2000,2000,100), np.arange(-2000,2000,100), line_width = 2, color = "grey", legend = "Perfect Prediction")'x', 'y', source = source, radius=3, color = (153, 0, 51), alpha = 0.9, legend = "New Model") # Plot styling p.text(50, 150, text = ['True Positive:'], text_font_size="10pt") p.text(50, 135, text = ['Favorable Matchup'], text_font_size="10pt") p.text(-120, -135, text = ['True Negative:'], text_font_size="10pt") p.text(-120, -150, text = ['Unfavorable Matchup'], text_font_size="10pt") p.text(80, -135, text = ['False Negative:'], text_font_size="10pt") p.text(80, -150, text = ['Missed Opportunity'], text_font_size="10pt") p.text(-150, 100, text = ['False Positive:'], text_font_size="10pt") p.text(-150, 85, text = ['Mistaken Prediction'], text_font_size="10pt") p.legend.orientation = "top_left" p.xaxis.axis_label = 'Actual +/- (points/48min)' p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Predicted +/- (points/48min)' hover = hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([("Lineup", "@lineup"), ("Team", "@team"), ("Opponent", "@opponent"), ("(Month, Day)", "(@month, @day)"), ("Actual", "@x"), ("Prediction", "@y"), ("Base Model", "@base")]) plot_script, plot_div = components(p) # convert input_team to a string for html and then passed to img function input_team = ','.join(input_team) """ # Debugging output_file("tt2.html") f = open('tfile', 'w') f.write(plot_script) f.close() show(p) """ html = render_template("result.html", input_team = input_team, entries = entries, wide = wide, height = height, plot_script = plot_script, plot_div = plot_div, js_resources=js_resources, css_resources=css_resources) return encode_utf8(html)
def static_html(template, title="bokehutils plot", resources=INLINE, css_raw=None, template_variables=None): """Render static html document. This is a minor modification of :py:meth:`bokeh.embed.file_html`. Args: template (Template): a Jinja2 HTML document template title (str): a title for the HTML document ``<title>`` tags. resources (Resources): a resource configuration for BokehJS assets css_raw (list): a list of file names for inclusion in the raw css template_variables (dict): variables to be used in the Jinja2 template. In contrast to :py:meth:`bokeh.embed.file_html`, this is where plot objects are placed. The plot objects will be automagically split into script and div components. If used, the following variable names will be overwritten: title, js_resources, css_resources Returns: html : standalone HTML document with embedded plot """ # From bokeh.resources def _inline(paths): strings = [] for path in paths: begin = "/* BEGIN %s */" % path middle = open(path, 'rb').read().decode("utf-8") end = "/* END %s */" % path strings.append(begin + '\n' + middle + '\n' + end) return strings # Assume we always have resources js_resources = resources css_resources = resources bokeh_js = '' if js_resources: bokeh_js = JS_RESOURCES.render(js_raw=js_resources.js_raw, js_files=js_resources.js_files) bokeh_css = '' _css_raw = css_resources.css_raw if css_raw: tmp = lambda: _inline(css_raw) _css_raw += tmp() if css_resources: bokeh_css = CSS_RESOURCES.render(css_raw=_css_raw, css_files=css_resources.css_files) # Hack to get on-the-fly double mapping def _update(template_variables): tmp = {} for k, v in template_variables.items(): if (isinstance(v, Widget)): tmp.update({ k: [{ 'script': s, 'div': d } for s, d in [components(v, resources)]][0] }) elif (isinstance(v, dict)): if not v: tmp.update(v) else: v.update(_update(v)) else: tmp.update({k: v}) return tmp template_variables.update(_update(template_variables)) template_variables_full = \ template_variables.copy() if template_variables is not None else {} template_variables_full.update({ 'title': title, 'bokeh_js': bokeh_js, 'bokeh_css': bokeh_css, }) html = template.render(template_variables_full) return encode_utf8(html)
<h3>Green - pan with resize & responsive (should maintain new aspect ratio)</h3> {{ }} <h3>Blue - pan no responsive</h3> {{ }} {{ plot_script }} </body> </html> ''') resources = INLINE js_resources = JS_RESOURCES.render(js_raw=resources.js_raw, js_files=resources.js_files) css_resources = CSS_RESOURCES.render(css_raw=resources.css_raw, css_files=resources.css_files) script, div = components({'red': red, 'blue': blue, 'green': green}) html = template.render(js_resources=js_resources, css_resources=css_resources, plot_script=script, plot_div=div) html_file = 'embed_multiple_responsive.html' with open(html_file, 'w') as f: f.write(html) view(html_file)