Esempio n. 1
def _get_closed_and_cancelled_statusid():
    sql = """
        select SubStatusID
        from InstallationSubStatus
        where StatusID IN (5,7)
    return list(sw.readsql(sql)['SubStatusID'].values)
Esempio n. 2
def _get_status_history():
    sql = """
        select sh.InstallationID, sh.NewSubStatusID, sh.Changed
        from StatusHistory sh
            join Installations i on sh.InstallationID = i.InstallationID
        where i.markettypeid = 1 and i.producttypeid = 1
    return sw.readsql(sql)
Esempio n. 3
def _get_installation_status_names():
    sql = """
        select isst.SubStatusID, ist.StatusName, isst.SubStatusName
        from InstallationStatus ist
            join InstallationSubStatus isst on ist.StatusID = isst.StatusID

    return sw.readsql(sql)
Esempio n. 4
from import solarworks as sw # import my solarworks macros
import pandas as pd                     # import pandas which is the library that allows me to use 
                                        # DataFrames and gives me access to functions like groupby, resample, etc

sql = """
select top 10000 lf.LeaseFundName, fl.* 
from forecastledger fl join tranche t on fl.trancheid = t.trancheid 
join leasefund lf on lf.leasefundid = t.leasefundid

df = sw.readsql(sql)

# convert DueDate from a string to a datetime (don't worry about what map() and lambda functions do
# just yet, we'll learn how useful they are later)
df['DueDate'] = df['DueDate'].map(lambda dt: datetime.strptime(dt,'%Y-%m-%d'))

def dummy(group):                           # group is a chunk of the ta ble that's being fed in one at a time   
    temp = group.set_index('DueDate')       # set this table's index to a date, which converts this table to a timeseries
    temp2 = temp['Amount']                  # select out the Amount column
    temp3 = temp2.resample('m',how='sum')   # resample my time series to months
    return temp                             # return the compressed table
x = df.groupby('LeaseFundName')             # group the table into separate chunks based on the fund name
x = x.apply(dummy)                          # apply the dummy function to each chunk from the above grouping
x = x.unstack()                             # unstack the dates so they become columns
x.to_csv('test.csv')                        # output to a file