def ui_elements(op): cc.deleteAllUi(op) # to delete all existing ui mouse_x, mouse_y = cc.mouse_xy(op) btn_height, btn_width = 50, 200 rd = RectData(mouse_x, mouse_y - 50, btn_width, btn_height) btn_title = cc.button(op, rd, text='Title Bar') space = 10 rd = rd.getBottom(space) cc.button( op, rd, text='button 1', buttonData=onClick, parent=btn_title, canDrag=False, ) rd = rd.getBottom(space) cc.button( op, rd, text='button 2', buttonData=onClick, parent=btn_title, canDrag=False, )
def ui_elements(op): UICreator.deleteAllUi(op) # to delete all existing ui btn_width, btn_height = 100, 40 mouse_x, mouse_y = UICreator.mouse_xy(op) rd = (mouse_x, mouse_y - btn_height, btn_width, btn_height) UICreator.button(op, rd, 'btn_text', onClick)
def ui_elements(op): UICreator.deleteAllUi(op) # to delete all existing ui btn_width, btn_height = 100, 40 rr = UICreator.rr(op) # region_rect:rr rd = (rr.width / 2 - btn_width / 2, rr.height / 2 - btn_height / 2, btn_width, btn_height) UICreator.button(op, rd, 'text', onClick)
def ui_elements(op): def onClicked(): print('Button is Clicked') def dragging(some_param): print(some_param) def onWheel(caller, addby): caller.param += addby print('param is now', caller.param) buttonData=ButtonData( onClick=onClicked, onMouseEnter=lambda :print('mouse entered'), onMouseExit=lambda :print('mouse exited'), onWheelUp=(onWheel, 1), onWheelDown=(onWheel, -1), onDragBegin=(dragging, 'dragging is started'), onDrag=(dragging, "it's being dragged"), onDragEnd=(dragging, 'dragging is ended') ) button = UICreator.button( op=op, rectData=RectData(10, 110, 200, 100), text='ButtonText', buttonData=buttonData, ttt='tool tip text', param=100 )
def ui_elements(op: Boss_OT_base_ui): UICreator.button(op=op, rectData=RectData(10, 110, 200, 100), text='ButtonText', buttonData=ButtonData( onClick=onClicked, onMouseEnter=lambda: print('mouse entered'), onMouseExit=lambda: print('mouse exited'), onWheelUp=(onWheel, 1), onWheelDown=(onWheel, -1), onDragBegin=(dragging, 'dragging is started'), onDrag=(dragging, "it's being dragged"), onDragEnd=(dragging, 'dragging is ended')), ttt='tool tip text', tti='', canDrag=True, parent=None, rectIsLocal=False, param=100)
def ui_elements(op): UICreator.deleteAllUi(op) mouse_x, mouse_y = UICreator.mouse_xy(op) rd = RectData(mouse_x,mouse_y-50,200,50) btn_title = UICreator.button(op,rd,'Turntable') rd = rd.getBottom(5) if_frame_start = UICreator.intField( op,rd,1,parent=btn_title,canDrag=False,ttt='start frame') rd = rd.getBottom(5) if_frame_end = UICreator.intField( op, rd, 150,parent=btn_title,canDrag=False,ttt='end frame') rd = rd.getBottom(5) param = if_frame_start, if_frame_end btn_create = UICreator.button( op, rd, 'Create', turnTable, param=param, parent=btn_title, canDrag=False)
def ui_elements(op: Boss_OT_base_ui): button = UICreator.button(op=op, rectData=RectData(10, 110, 200, 100), text='ButtonText', buttonData=ButtonData(onClick=onClicked), ttt='tool tip text', param=(1, 'two', 3.0)) # This adds callback button.add_onClick(onClicked1, 1, 'two', 3.0) button.add_onClick(onClicked2) button.add_onClick(onClicked3, 1, 'two', 3.0) button.add_onClick(lambda caller: print('lambda-', caller, caller.param))
def ui_elements(op: Boss_OT_base_ui): UICreator.deleteAllUi(op) sel_obj = create_grid() fv = FieldValue(value=(3, 3, 1), min=(0, 0, 0), max=(10, 10, 10), changeBy=(1, 1, 1)) vif_cnt = UICreator.vectorIntField(op, RectData(100, UICreator.rr(op).height - 150, 200, 50), value=fv, onValueChange=onCountChanged, param=sel_obj) UICreator.button(op, vif_cnt.rectData.getBottom(5), text='Apply', buttonData=apply_mods, param=sel_obj)
def ui_elements(op: Boss_OT_base_ui): button = UICreator.button(op=op, rectData=RectData(10, 110, 200, 100), text='ButtonText', buttonData=None, ttt='tool tip text', param=100) button.add_onClick(onClicked) button.add_onMouseEnter(lambda: print('mouse entered')) button.add_onMouseExit(lambda: print('mouse exited')) button.add_onWheelUp((onWheel, 1)) button.add_onWheelDown((onWheel, -1)) button.add_onDragBegin((dragging, 'dragging is started')) button.add_onDrag((dragging, "it's being dragged")) button.add_onDragEnd((dragging, 'dragging is ended'))
def ui_elements(op): # Button(op, RectData(10,10,100,50)) # or UICreator.button(op, RectData(10, 10, 100, 50))
def ui_elements(op): cc.deleteAllUi(op) # to delete all existing ui mouse_x, mouse_y = cc.mouse_xy(op) btn_height, btn_width = 50, 200 rd = RectData(mouse_x, mouse_y - 50, btn_width, btn_height) btn_title = cc.button(op, rd, text='Title Bar', ttt='This is a button, you can drag it' ) space = 0#10 rd = rd.getBottom(space) cc.button( op,rd, text='text', buttonData=onClick, parent = btn_title, canDrag = False, ttt='This is a button' ) rd = rd.getBottom(space) cc.textField( op,rd, onTextChange=onTextField_TextChanged, onValueChange=onTextField_ValueChanged, onEnterPress=onTextField_EnterPressed, parent = btn_title, canDrag = False, ttt='This is a TextField' ) rd = rd.getBottom(space) cc.intField( op,rd, value=1, onTextChange=onTextChange, onValueChange=onValueChange, onEnterPress=onEnterPress, parent = btn_title, canDrag = False, ttt='This is a IntField' ) rd = rd.getBottom(space) cc.floatField( op,rd, value=0.0, onTextChange=onTextChange, onValueChange=onValueChange, onEnterPress=onEnterPress, parent = btn_title, canDrag = False, ttt='This is a FloatField' ) rd = rd.getBottom(space) cc.checkBox( op,rd, text='text', value=True, onValueChange=onValueChange, parent = btn_title, canDrag = False, ttt='This is a Checkbox(boolean)' ) rd = rd.getBottom(space) cc.vectorBooleanField( op,rd, value=(True, False, True), onValueChange=onValueChange, parent = btn_title, canDrag = False, ttt='This is VectorBooleanField' ) rd = rd.getBottom(space) cc.vectorFloatField( op,rd, value=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), onValueChange=onValueChange, onTextChange=onTextChange, onEnterPress=onEnterPress, parent = btn_title, canDrag = False, ttt='This is VectorFloatField' ) rd = rd.getBottom(space) cc.vectorIntField( op, rd, value=(0, 0, 0), onValueChange=onValueChange, onTextChange=onTextChange, onEnterPress=onEnterPress, parent = btn_title, canDrag = False, ttt='This is VectorIntField' )
def ui_elements(op: Boss_OT_base_ui): UICreator.deleteAllUi(op) # to delete all existing ui btn_width, btn_height = 150, 40 space = 10 rr = UICreator.rr(op) rd = RectData( op.uip.mouse_x, rr.height - 150, # op.uip.mouse_y - btn_height, btn_width, btn_height ) UICreator.button( op=op, rectData=rd, text='btn_text', buttonData=None, ttt='button tooltip', tti=r'C:\Users\abc\Desktop\boss_location.png', canDrag=True, parent=None, rectIsLocal=False, param=None ) rd = rd.getBottom(space) UICreator.textField( op, rectData=rd, onTextChange=onTextField_TextChanged, onValueChange=onTextField_ValueChanged, onEnterPress=onTextField_EnterPressed, ttt='This is tool_tip_text (ttt)', tti=r'C:\Users\abc\Desktop\boss_location.png', canDrag=True, parent=None, rectIsLocal=False ) rd = rd.getBottom(space) UICreator.intField( op, rectData=rd, value=1, onTextChange=onTextChange, onValueChange=onValueChange, onEnterPress=onEnterPress, ttt='This is tool_tip_text (ttt)', tti=r'C:\Users\abc\Desktop\boss_location.png', canDrag=True, parent=None, rectIsLocal=False ) rd = rd.getBottom(space) UICreator.floatField( op, rectData=rd, value=0.0, onTextChange=onTextChange, onValueChange=onValueChange, onEnterPress=onEnterPress, ttt= 'This is tool_tip_text (ttt)', tti = r'C:\Users\abc\Desktop\boss_location.png', canDrag = True, parent = None, rectIsLocal = False ) rd = rd.getBottom(space) UICreator.checkBox( op=op, rectData=rd, text='checkBox', value=False, onValueChange=None, ttt='checkBox', tti=r'C:\Users\abc\Desktop\boss_location.png', canDrag=True, parent=None, rectIsLocal=False, param=None ) rd = rd.getBottom(space) UICreator.vectorBooleanField( op, rectData=rd, value=(True, False, True), onValueChange=onValueChange, ttt='This is tool_tip_text (ttt)', tti=r'C:\Users\abc\Desktop\boss_location.png', canDrag=True, parent=None, rectIsLocal=False ) rd = rd.getBottom(space) UICreator.vectorFloatField( op, rectData=rd, value=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), onValueChange=onValueChange, onTextChange=onTextChange, onEnterPress=onEnterPress, ttt='This is tool_tip_text (ttt)', tti=r'C:\Users\abc\Desktop\boss_location.png', canDrag=True, parent=None, rectIsLocal=False ) rd = rd.getBottom(space) UICreator.vectorIntField( op, rectData=rd, value=(0, 0, 0), onValueChange=onValueChange, onTextChange=onTextChange, onEnterPress=onEnterPress, ttt='This is tool_tip_text (ttt)', tti=r'C:\Users\abc\Desktop\boss_location.png', canDrag=True, parent=None, rectIsLocal=False )