async def set_google_auth(message: types.Message): increase_message_counter() chat_id = text = _( "") + "\n\n" if has_g_auth(chat_id): if enabled_g_auth(chat_id): await bot.send_message( chat_id, text + _("Here you can enable and disable your Google Authenticator settings" ), reply_markup=ListOfButtons(text=[_("Turn off")], callback=["turn 0" ]).inline_keyboard) else: await bot.send_message( chat_id, text + _("Here you can enable and disable your Google Authenticator settings" ), reply_markup=ListOfButtons(text=[_("Turn on")], callback=["turn 1" ]).inline_keyboard) else: await bot.send_message( chat_id, _("Google Authenticator is not set for you. Press /g_auth_info"))
async def change_language(call: types.CallbackQuery, state: FSMContext): chat_id = try: await bot.edit_message_reply_markup(chat_id, call.message.message_id, reply_markup=None) except MessageNotModified: pass language =[1] set_language(chat_id, language) menu = ListOfButtons(text=[ _("🔒 Encode", locale=language), _("🔑 Decode", locale=language), _("ℹ️How to use", locale=language), _("🇬🇧 Set language", locale=language), _("🔐 Two step verification", locale=language), _("📝 Write a review", locale=language) ], align=[2, 2, 2]).reply_keyboard await bot.send_message(chat_id, _("""Language has changed to 🇬🇧<b>EN</b> <b>{users}</b> users are using this bot. <b>{passwords}</b> passwords encrypted. <b>{messages}</b> messages received. Start using this bot: /info""", locale=language).format(**get_counters()), reply_markup=menu)
async def starting(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext): increase_message_counter() await state.reset_state() chat_id = check_if_new_user(chat_id) menu = ListOfButtons(text=[ _("🔒 Encode"), _("🔑 Decode"), _("ℹ️How to use"), _("🇬🇧 Set language"), _("🔐 Two step verification"), _("📝 Write a review") ], align=[2, 2, 2]).reply_keyboard await bot.send_message(chat_id, _(""" Hello, <b>{}</b> This bot is designed to encrypt your passwords so you can store them publicly, for example in your \ <code>Telegram saved messages.</code> You can choose your language using command /set_language """).format(message.from_user.first_name), reply_markup=menu)
async def g_auth(call: types.CallbackQuery, state: FSMContext): chat_id = try: await bot.edit_message_reply_markup(chat_id, message_id=call.message.message_id) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"{e}") if has_g_auth(chat_id): await bot.send_message( chat_id, _("You have already received the Google Authenticator code")) return await bot.send_message( chat_id, _(""" Please ensure you have the app installed. <a href= "">IOS</a> <a href= "">Android</a> Press continue when you done. After you receive the code - write it down somewhere. """), reply_markup=ListOfButtons(text=[_("Continue")], callback=["continue"]).inline_keyboard) await GoogleAuth.ONE.set()
async def your_advice(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext): chat_id = try: last_message = (await state.get_data()).get("last_message") await bot.edit_message_reply_markup(chat_id, last_message) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"{e}") await state.update_data(advice=message.text) last_message = await bot.send_message(chat_id, _(""" Your advice: {advice} Write your advice in the next message. """).format(advice=message.text), reply_markup=ListOfButtons( text=[ _("Publish"), _("Cancel")], callback=[ "publish", "cancel"] ).inline_keyboard) await state.update_data(last_message=last_message.message_id)
async def language_set(message: types.Message): increase_message_counter() chat_id = await bot.send_message( chat_id, _(""" Hello, <b>{}</b> Let's choose your language """).format(message.from_user.first_name), reply_markup=ListOfButtons( text=["English", "Русский", "Українська"], callback=["language en", "language ru", "language uk"]).inline_keyboard)
async def unknown(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext): increase_message_counter() text = (_("🔒 Encode") + f" '{message.text}'")[:20] + "..." await message.reply(_(""" Looks like the input is invalid... To decode your password - forward the message with encoded password you received from bot. <a href= ''>ᅠ</a> Perhaps you wanted to encrypt this message? Click """) + _("🔒 Encode") + _("\n\nOr setup the language again /set_language"), reply_markup=ListOfButtons( text=[text], callback=[f"encrypt_saved"]).inline_keyboard)
async def reviews_button(message: types.Message): increase_message_counter() chat_id = await bot.send_message(chat_id, _("""Please, it is important for me to receive a response and advice from you. How would you change the bot? Any comments are appreciated. Your comment will be posted <b>anonymously</b> in our channel @pcypher Or you can just rate the bot using this link: """), reply_markup=ListOfButtons( text=[_("Give an advice to the bot")], callback=["give_advice"] ).inline_keyboard)
async def info(message: types.Message): increase_message_counter() chat_id = if has_g_auth(chat_id): text = _( "Here you can enable and disable your Google Authenticator settings" ) if enabled_g_auth(chat_id): await bot.send_message(chat_id, text, reply_markup=ListOfButtons( text=[_("Turn off")], callback=["turn 0"]).inline_keyboard) else: await bot.send_message(chat_id, text, reply_markup=ListOfButtons( text=[_("Turn on")], callback=["turn 1"]).inline_keyboard) else: await bot.send_message( chat_id, _("Google Authenticator is not set for you. Press /g_auth_info"))
async def info(message: types.Message): increase_message_counter() chat_id = text = _( "To encrypt your phrase/file you need to enter a master password each time you want to encrypt or decrypt, or" " you can enable <b>Google Authenticator</b> and enter one-time codes from your phone <b>only to decrypt</b>" " your passwords. \n" "(Master password will be kept in database then) \n\n" "Please make your choice (you can change it later with command /reset_google_auth\n" ) await bot.send_message( chat_id, text, reply_markup=ListOfButtons(text=[_("Setup")], callback=["g_auth_setup"]).inline_keyboard)
async def give_advice(call: types.CallbackQuery, state: FSMContext): chat_id = await Other.REVIEW.set() await bot.edit_message_reply_markup(chat_id, call.message.message_id) last_message = await bot.send_message(chat_id, _(""" Your advice: {advice} Write your advice in the next message. """).format(advice=" "), reply_markup=ListOfButtons( text=[_("Cancel")], callback=["cancel"] ).inline_keyboard) await state.update_data(last_message=last_message.message_id)
async def lang_choose(message: types.Message): chat_id = increase_message_counter() try: await bot.send_message( chat_id, _(""" Hello, <b>{}</b> Firstly, let's choose your language """).format(message.from_user.first_name), reply_markup=ListOfButtons( text=["English", "Русский", "Українська"], callback=["language en", "language ru", "language uk"]).inline_keyboard) except CantParseEntities as err: print(f"Error. CantParseEntities: {err}")
async def encoded(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext): increase_message_counter() chat_id = if "/g_auth_info" == message.text: text = _( "To encrypt your phrase/file you need to enter a master password each time you want to encrypt or decrypt, or" " you can enable <b>Google Authenticator</b> and enter one-time codes from your phone <b>only to decrypt</b>" " your passwords. \n" "(Master password will be kept in database then) \n\n" "Please make your choice (you can change it later with command /reset_google_auth\n" ) await bot.send_message(chat_id, text, reply_markup=ListOfButtons( text=[_("Setup")], callback=["g_auth_setup"]).inline_keyboard) await state.finish() return async with state.proxy() as data: data["master_pass"] = message.text password = data.get("to_encrypt") master_pass = data.get("master_pass") if not data.get("encrypt_from_saved"): await Encode.PASSWORD.set() await bot.send_message( chat_id, _("""Enter phrase you want to encrypt. It should be under 400 characters, for best results there should be only characters from this list: <pre>{allowed_chars} </pre> <b> THE BOT DELETES YOUR MESSAGES WITH PASSWORDS AFTER 10 SECONDS</b> """).format(allowed_chars=allowed_chars)) else: if not password: await message.reply(_("Password not found.")) await state.finish() return if len(password) > 400: await bot.send_message( chat_id, _("Error has occurred... Too long phrase. Try to enter a phrase under 400 \ characters.")) await state.finish() return elif not master_pass: await message.reply(_("Master Password not found.")) await state.finish() return text, code = encode(password.replace("\n", "\\n"), master_pass) if master_pass == get_google_auth(chat_id): hint = "Google Authenticator" else: hint = master_pass[:2] + "***********" await bot.send_message( chat_id, _("""<code>---------------------------- ENCRYPTION STARTS HERE ---------------------------- {passw} ---------------------------- ENCRYPTION ENDS HERE ---------------------------- CODE {code} ---------------------------- </code> Hint: {hint} Save this message wherever you want and forward it to the bot should you need to decode it. """).format(passw=text, code=code, hint=f"{hint}")) await state.finish() increase_message_counter(password=True) await asyncio.sleep(10) await message.delete()