Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self):
     d = "TESTER initially defects to test what the other player will do. "+\
     "If the other player defects ever, TESTER apologizes by cooperating "+\
     "and then mirrors the partner's moves thereafter. If the other "+\
     "player does not retaliate, TESTER cooperates twice but then defects "+\
     "on and off every other turn."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "TESTER", description=d)
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, p_sneaky=0.1):
     d = "JOSS defaults to cooperation on the first turn, and "+\
     "thereafter mirrors its partner's previous move, except after its "+\
     "partner cooperates JOSS defects with some probability to see what "+\
     "it can get away with every once in a while."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "JOSS_"+str(p_sneaky), description=d)
     self.p_sneaky = p_sneaky
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self):
     d = "TESTER initially defects to test what the other player will do. "+\
     "If the other player defects ever, TESTER apologizes by cooperating "+\
     "and then mirrors the partner's moves thereafter. If the other "+\
     "player does not retaliate, TESTER cooperates twice but then defects "+\
     "on and off every other turn."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "TESTER", description=d)
Esempio n. 4
 def __init__(self, p_sneaky=0.1):
     d = "JOSS defaults to cooperation on the first turn, and "+\
     "thereafter mirrors its partner's previous move, except after its "+\
     "partner cooperates JOSS defects with some probability to see what "+\
     "it can get away with every once in a while."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "JOSS_" + str(p_sneaky), description=d)
     self.p_sneaky = p_sneaky
Esempio n. 5
 def __init__(self):
     d = "PAVLOV defaults to cooperation on the first turn, and "+\
     "thereafter cooperates if and only if both players made the same "+\
     "choice last turn. This is known as 'win-stay, lose-shift', because "+\
     "PAVLOV repeats its own last move after it receives T or R (the good "+\
     "scores) and changes its move after it receives P or S (the bad "+\
     "scores), like a reflex demonstrated in Pavlov's dog experiment."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "PAVLOV", d)
Esempio n. 6
 def __init__(self):
     d = "PAVLOV defaults to cooperation on the first turn, and "+\
     "thereafter cooperates if and only if both players made the same "+\
     "choice last turn. This is known as 'win-stay, lose-shift', because "+\
     "PAVLOV repeats its own last move after it receives T or R (the good "+\
     "scores) and changes its move after it receives P or S (the bad "+\
     "scores), like a reflex demonstrated in Pavlov's dog experiment."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "PAVLOV", d)
Esempio n. 7
 def __init__(self, p_generous=0.1):
     d = "GENEROUS_TIT_FOR_TAT defaults to cooperation on the first turn, "+\
     "and thereafter mirrors its partner's previous move, except after "+\
     "its partner defects GENEROUS_TIT_FOR_TAT cooperates with some "+\
     "probability to forgive occasional mistakes and avoid unnecessary "+\
     "mutual punishment."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "GENEROUS_TIT_FOR_TAT_"+str(p_generous),\
     self.p_generous = p_generous
Esempio n. 8
 def __init__(self, p_cooperate=0.5):
     d = "CHAMPION cooperates for about 1/20 of the expected length of "+\
     "interaction, mirrors its partner's previous move for about 3/40 of "+\
     "the expected length of interaction, and then cooperates unless all "+\
     "three of the following conditions are true: its partner defected "+\
     "last turn, its partner cooperated less than 60% of the time, and "+\
     "a randomly generated number between 0 and 1 is less than its "+\
     "partner's defection rate."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "CHAMPION", description=d)
Esempio n. 9
 def __init__(self, p_generous=0.1):
     d = "GENEROUS_TIT_FOR_TAT defaults to cooperation on the first turn, "+\
     "and thereafter mirrors its partner's previous move, except after "+\
     "its partner defects GENEROUS_TIT_FOR_TAT cooperates with some "+\
     "probability to forgive occasional mistakes and avoid unnecessary "+\
     "mutual punishment."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "GENEROUS_TIT_FOR_TAT_"+str(p_generous),\
     self.p_generous = p_generous
Esempio n. 10
 def __init__(self, p_cooperate=0.5):
     d = "CHAMPION cooperates for about 1/20 of the expected length of "+\
     "interaction, mirrors its partner's previous move for about 3/40 of "+\
     "the expected length of interaction, and then cooperates unless all "+\
     "three of the following conditions are true: its partner defected "+\
     "last turn, its partner cooperated less than 60% of the time, and "+\
     "a randomly generated number between 0 and 1 is less than its "+\
     "partner's defection rate."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "CHAMPION", description=d)
Esempio n. 11
 def __init__(self, nice=True):
     d = "STATBOT cooperates, then defects, then after that calculates its average score per move"+\
     " for cooperation and defect and chooses whichever one is higher, in the case of a tie, "+\
     "NICE_STATBOT cooperates and MEAN_STATBOT defects"
     self.nice = nice
     if nice:
         n = 'NICE_STATBOT'
         n = 'MEAN_STATBOT'
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, n, d)
Esempio n. 12
 def __init__(self, soft=True):
     d = "MAJORITY cooperates as long as its partner has cooperated more "+\
     "than it has defected (if partner has cooperated and defected equal "+\
     "amounts, MAJORITY cooperates if it is soft and defects if it is "+\
     if soft:
         name = "MAJORITY_SOFT"
         name = "MAJORITY_HARD"
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, name, description=d)
     self.soft = soft
Esempio n. 13
 def __init__(self, soft=True):
     d = "MAJORITY cooperates as long as its partner has cooperated more "+\
     "than it has defected (if partner has cooperated and defected equal "+\
     "amounts, MAJORITY cooperates if it is soft and defects if it is "+\
     if soft:
         name = "MAJORITY_SOFT"
         name = "MAJORITY_HARD"
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, name, description=d)
     self.soft = soft
Esempio n. 14
 def __init__(self, optimistic=True):
     d = "DOWNING tries to maximize expected gains by testing the water "+\
     "with its partner. The idea is that if its partner seems responsive "+\
     "to what DOWNING is doing, DOWNING will cooperate, but if the other "+\
     "player seems unresponsive, DOWNING will try to get away with "+\
     "whatever it can by defecting. DOWNING does this by keeping an "+\
     "estimate of the probability of the other player cooperating given "+\
     "DOWNING's last move. The initial estimates depend on DOWNING's "+\
     "outlook (optimistic or pessimistic)."
     if optimistic:
         name = "OPT_DOWNING"
     elif not optimistic:
         name = "PESS_DOWNING"
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, name, description=d)
     self.optimistic = optimistic
Esempio n. 15
 def __init__(self, optimistic=True):
     d = "DOWNING tries to maximize expected gains by testing the water "+\
     "with its partner. The idea is that if its partner seems responsive "+\
     "to what DOWNING is doing, DOWNING will cooperate, but if the other "+\
     "player seems unresponsive, DOWNING will try to get away with "+\
     "whatever it can by defecting. DOWNING does this by keeping an "+\
     "estimate of the probability of the other player cooperating given "+\
     "DOWNING's last move. The initial estimates depend on DOWNING's "+\
     "outlook (optimistic or pessimistic)."
     if optimistic:
         name = "OPT_DOWNING"
     elif not optimistic:
         name = "PESS_DOWNING"
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, name, description=d)
     self.optimistic = optimistic
Esempio n. 16
 def add_bot(self):
     if not any(
             isinstance(player, BotPlayer)
             for player in self.waiting_players.values()):'adding a bot')
         bot = BotPlayer()
Esempio n. 17
def play_game():
    game = GameController()
    tracker = PlayTracker()

    while game.is_playing():

        x, y = -1, -1
        if game.current_player_A():
            x, y = ui.read_user_play(game)
            x, y =
            ui.print_bot_play(x, y)

        tracker.track(game, x, y), y)

    ui.draw_winner(game), PLAYS_FILE)
Esempio n. 18
    def __init__(self, fname, use_bots=False):
        self.waiting_players = {}
        self.db = Database(fname)
        self.rooms = self.db.load_unfinished_rooms()
        self.t = 0
        self.timer = None
        self.use_bots = use_bots

        if use_bots:
            for room in self.rooms:
                for i, nick in enumerate(room.nicks):
                    # XXX recognize bots in a nicer way
                    if nick == 'Bot':
                        bot = BotPlayer()
                        room.add_player(i, bot)
Esempio n. 19
 def __init__(self):
     d = "FRIEDMAN is the permanent retaliator. It cooperates until its "+\
     "partner defects, after which FRIEDMAN defects for the rest of the "+\
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "FRIEDMAN", description=d)
Esempio n. 20
 def __init__(self):
     d = "ALL_C cooperates unconditionally."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "ALL_C", description=d)
Esempio n. 21
 def __init__(self):
     d = "ALL_C cooperates unconditionally."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "ALL_C", description=d)
Esempio n. 22
 def __init__(self):
     d = "FRIEDMAN is the permanent retaliator. It cooperates until its "+\
     "partner defects, after which FRIEDMAN defects for the rest of the "+\
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "FRIEDMAN", description=d)
Esempio n. 23
 def __init__(self):
     ## TODO: read pages 45-46 of Axelrod and describe this
     d = None
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "TRANQUILIZER", d)
Esempio n. 24
 def __init__(self, p_cooperate=0.5):
     d = "RANDOM chooses randomly between cooperation and defection with "+\
     "some specified probability for each, independent of its partner's "+\
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "RANDOM_"+str(p_cooperate), description=d)
     self.p_cooperate = p_cooperate
Esempio n. 25
 def __init__(self):
     d = "ALL_D defects unconditionally."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "ALL_D", description=d)
Esempio n. 26
 def __init__(self):
     d = "TWO_TITS_FOR_TAT cooperates unless its partner defects in which "+\
     "case TWO_TITS_FOR_TAT retaliates with two defections."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "TWO_TITS_FOR_TAT", description=d)
Esempio n. 27
 def __init__(self):
     d = "TIT_FOR_TWO_TATS defects if and only if its partner has "+\
     "defected for the past two turns."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "TIT_FOR_TWO_TATS", description=d)
Esempio n. 28
File: Progetto: jivanf/unopy

        elif human_player_count + ai_player_count == 0:
                "Do you really want to start a game with 0 players? I don't think so\n"

        elif human_player_count + ai_player_count == 1:
            print("The game can't start with only one player!\n")

        for i in range(0, ai_player_count):
            bot_name = "Bot{0}".format(i + 1)
            bot_player = BotPlayer(bot_name)
            bot_player.draw_cards(7, game)

        for i in range(0, human_player_count):
            human_player = None
            player_name = input(
                "Player {0}'s name? Default is Player{0}: ".format(i + 1))

            if player_name in [ for player in game.players]:
                while True:
                    player_name = input(
                        "That name is already being used. Please use a different name: "
                    if player_name in [ for player in game.players]:
Esempio n. 29
 def __init__(self):
     d = "ALL_D defects unconditionally."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "ALL_D", description=d)
Esempio n. 30
 def __init__(self):
     ## TODO: read pages 45-46 of Axelrod and describe this
     d = None
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "TRANQUILIZER", d)
Esempio n. 31
 def __init__(self):
     d = "EATHERLY defaults to cooperation, but keeps track of how many "+\
     "times the other player has defected, so after a defection by the "+\
     "other player, EATHERLY can defect with probability equal to the "+\
     "ratio of its partner's defections to the total number of moves so far."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "EATHERLY", d)
Esempio n. 32
 def __init__(self):
     d = "SUSPICIOUS_TIT_FOR_TAT defaults to defection on the first turn, "+\
     "and thereafter mirrors its partner's previous move."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "SUSPICIOUS_TIT_FOR_TAT", description=d)
Esempio n. 33
 def __init__(self):
     d = "SUSPICIOUS_TIT_FOR_TAT defaults to defection on the first turn, "+\
     "and thereafter mirrors its partner's previous move."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "SUSPICIOUS_TIT_FOR_TAT", description=d)
Esempio n. 34
 def __init__(self):
     d = "TWO_TITS_FOR_TAT cooperates unless its partner defects in which "+\
     "case TWO_TITS_FOR_TAT retaliates with two defections."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "TWO_TITS_FOR_TAT", description=d)
Esempio n. 35
 def __init__(self, p_cooperate=0.5):
     d = "RANDOM chooses randomly between cooperation and defection with "+\
     "some specified probability for each, independent of its partner's "+\
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "RANDOM_" + str(p_cooperate), description=d)
     self.p_cooperate = p_cooperate
Esempio n. 36
 def __init__(self):
     d = "EATHERLY defaults to cooperation, but keeps track of how many "+\
     "times the other player has defected, so after a defection by the "+\
     "other player, EATHERLY can defect with probability equal to the "+\
     "ratio of its partner's defections to the total number of moves so far."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "EATHERLY", d)
Esempio n. 37
 def __init__(self):
     d = "TIT_FOR_TAT defaults to cooperation on the first turn, and "+\
     "thereafter mirrors its partner's previous move."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "TIT_FOR_TAT", description=d)
Esempio n. 38
 def __init__(self):
     d = "TIT_FOR_TAT defaults to cooperation on the first turn, and "+\
     "thereafter mirrors its partner's previous move."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "TIT_FOR_TAT", description=d)
Esempio n. 39
 def __init__(self):
     d = "TIT_FOR_TWO_TATS defects if and only if its partner has "+\
     "defected for the past two turns."
     BotPlayer.__init__(self, "TIT_FOR_TWO_TATS", description=d)