async def cmd_move_message(ctx): if not IS_READY: raise BotException(ExceptionType.BOT_NOT_READY, True) args = ctx.content.split(' ') if len(args) <= 2: raise BotException(ExceptionType.WRONG_COMMAND_ARGS, True, f'사용법 : {bot.command_prefix}이동 [메시지ID] [채널]') message_id = args[1] channel_id = args[2] if channel_id.startswith('<#') and channel_id.endswith('>'): channel_id = channel_id[2:-1] try: message = await await move_message(message, channel_id) except Exception as e: if e.code == 10008: e = '메시지가 탐색되지 않았습니다.' elif e.code == 50001: e = '해당 채널에 접근할 수 없습니다.' elif e.code == 50035: e = '채널ID 혹은 메시지 ID가 올바르지 않습니다.' log(from_text(ctx), e) await return
def getInputFromRequest(self, input, param, error=ErrorMessages.GENERAL, required=False): if BotConstants.RESULT in input: result = input[BotConstants.RESULT] if BotConstants.PARAMETERS in result: parameters = result[BotConstants.PARAMETERS] param_value = '' if param in parameters: param_value = parameters[param] if param_value is not None and (param_value == "" or len( str(param_value)) == 0) and required: raise BotException(error) return param_value if not required: raise BotException(error)
async def cmd_spoiler_convert(ctx, is_spoiler): if not IS_READY: raise BotException(ExceptionType.BOT_NOT_READY, True) args = ctx.content.split(' ') if len(args) <= 1: raise BotException(ExceptionType.WRONG_COMMAND_ARGS, True, f'사용법 : {bot.command_prefix}[스포일러|언스포일러] [메시지ID]') message_id = args[1] try: message = await await spoiler_convert(is_spoiler, message, except Exception as e: if e.code == 10008: e = '메시지가 탐색되지 않았습니다.' if e.code == 50001: e = '해당 채널에 접근할 수 없습니다.' elif e.code == 50035: e = '메시지 ID가 올바르지 않습니다.' log(from_text(ctx), e) await return
async def on_reaction_add(reaction, user): if return if not IS_READY: raise BotException(ExceptionType.BOT_NOT_READY, True) emoji = reaction.emoji target_emoji = None for ve in get_valid_emojies(): if ve.encode('unicode-escape') in emoji.encode('unicode-escape'): target_emoji = ve break if target_emoji: message = reaction.message emoji = target_emoji if bot_env.get_env('USE_GAMIE_REACTION_MODE') is True: if emoji == bot_env.get_env('GAMIE_EMOJI'): if not IS_READY: raise BotException(ExceptionType.BOT_NOT_READY) log(from_text(message), '개미 이모지 발견') await message.add_reaction(bot_env.get_env('GAMIE_EMOJI')) return if bot_env.get_env('USE_SPOILER_REACTION_MODE') is True: if emoji == bot_env.get_env('SPOILER_REACTION_EMOJI'): log(from_text(message), '스포일러 이모지 발견') await spoiler_convert(True, message, user) return elif emoji == bot_env.get_env('UNSPOILER_REACTION_EMOJI'): log(from_text(message), '언스포일러 이모지 발견') await spoiler_convert(False, message, user) return if bot_env.get_env('USE_IMPORTANT_CHANNEL_REACTION_MODE') is True: if emoji == bot_env.get_env('IMPORTANT_CHANNEL_REACTION_EMOJI'): log(from_text(message), '중요 채널 이모지 발견') channel_id = bot_env.get_env('IMPORTANT_CHANNEL_ID') await move_message(message, channel_id) return if bot_env.get_env('USE_TRASH_CHANNEL_REACTION_MODE') is True: if emoji == bot_env.get_env('TRASH_CHANNEL_REACTION_EMOJI'): log(from_text(message), '휴지통 채널 이모지 발견') channel_id = bot_env.get_env('TRASH_CHANNEL_ID') await move_message(message, channel_id) return
async def on_message(ctx): if return try: if ctx.content.startswith(f'{bot.command_prefix}도움'): await cmd_help(ctx) return elif ctx.content.startswith(f'{bot.command_prefix}이동'): await cmd_move_message(ctx) return elif ctx.content.startswith(f'{bot.command_prefix}스포일러'): await cmd_spoiler_convert(ctx, True) return elif ctx.content.startswith(f'{bot.command_prefix}언스포일러'): await cmd_spoiler_convert(ctx, False) return if bot_env.get_env('USE_GAMIE_MODE') is True: if ('개미' in ctx.content) or ('미개' in ctx.content): if not IS_READY: raise BotException(ExceptionType.BOT_NOT_READY) log(from_text(ctx), '개미 발견') await ctx.add_reaction(bot_env.get_env('GAMIE_EMOJI')) log(from_text(ctx), '개미 이모지 달았음') return except BotException as be: log(from_text(ctx), be) if be._notice: await except Exception as e: log(from_text(ctx), e) await
async def spoiler_convert(is_spoiler, message, requester): if not IS_READY: raise BotException(ExceptionType.BOT_NOT_READY, True) log(from_text(message), '메시지 변환 시작...') channel = await channel.trigger_typing() # 봇 상태를 타이핑중으로 변경. is_mention = bot_env.get_env('SPOILER_MENTION') try: msg = Message(message) if is_spoiler: if msg._bot_edited_type is BotEditType.SPOILED: raise BotException(ExceptionType.ALREADY_SPOILER) else: if msg._bot_edited_type is BotEditType.UNSPOILED: raise BotException(ExceptionType.ALREADY_SPOILER) bot_edit_type = BotEditType.SPOILED if is_spoiler else BotEditType.UNSPOILED # extract header & content from message obj header, content = await msg.split_header(requester, is_mention) header = str(bot_edit_type) + ' ' + header edited_msg = await msg.edit(is_spoiler, header, content) await send_edited(channel, msg._message_type, edited_msg) except BotException as be: if be._exception_type in [ ExceptionType.ALREADY_SPOILER, ExceptionType.ALREADY_UNSPOILER ]: log(from_text(message), be) else: await channel.send(be) except Exception as e: await channel.send(e) else: try: await message.delete() except: log(from_text(message), '기존 메시지 삭제 실패') log(from_text(message), '메시지 변환 완료')
def getGroupId(self, group_name, groups): if group_name is None or group_name == '' or len(group_name) == 0: return -1 group_name = group_name.lower() for group in groups: if group_name == group.getName().lower(): return group.getId() raise BotException(ErrorMessages.GROUP)
def graph(args, queryThing): #Initialize lists of stats and locations locations = [] stats = [] # If @ is at this location, there is one stat and multiple locations. This will be a bar graph if args[1] == "@": # Add the single stat to the list of stats stats.append(args[0]) #Add all locations to the list of locations for i in range(2, len(args)): locations.append(args[i]) # If @ is anywhere else, it is assumed there is one location and multiple stats else: # Add the stats, when you find the @, take the next element because that is your only location for i in range(0, len(args)): if args[i] == "@": locations.append(args[i + 1]) break stats.append(args[i]) # If there is more than one location, there has to be one stat and vice versa. This creates the bar graph. if len(locations) > 1 and not len(stats) > 1: # Some setup plt.rcdefaults() fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Pointless, honestly labels = locations # Initialize list of locations numbers locationNumbers = [] # Add to the list of the locations numbers for i in range(len(locations)): locationNumbers.append( queryThing.requestStatAtLocation([stats[0], locations[i]])) # Create the bar graph, locationNumbers) # Make it look official plt.title(stats[0] + " per location") plt.xlabel("Location") plt.ylabel(stats[0]) plt.xticks(rotation=45) # Save the image plt.savefig('image\\graph.png', bbox_inches='tight') # This creates the pie chart elif len(stats) > 1 and not len(locations) > 1: plt.title(locations[0]) # Also pointless, just lazy labels = stats # intialize the stat numbers statNumbers = [] # add to the stat numbers for i in range(len(stats)): num = queryThing.requestStatAtLocation( [stats[i], locations[0]]) statNumbers.append(num) # some setup gig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() # Create the pie chart ax1.pie(statNumbers, labels=labels, autopct="%1.1f%%", shadow=True, startangle=90) # Idk what this does ax1.axis('equal') ax1.set_title(locations[0]) # Redundant plt.savefig('image\\graph.png', bbox_inches='tight') # This screams at you if you try to break it else: BotException( "Invalid argments. Check spelling and make sure there is either one" + "stat and multiple countries, or multiple stats and one country" )
async def cmd_help(ctx): if not IS_READY: raise BotException(ExceptionType.BOT_NOT_READY, True) log(from_text(ctx), '도움') embed = discord.Embed(title='유틸리티 봇입니다.', description='자세한 기능은 아래를 참조하세요.', color=EMBED_COLOR) PREFIX = str(bot.command_prefix) USE_GAMIE_MODE = 'ON' if bot_env.get_env('USE_GAMIE_MODE') else 'OFF' USE_GAMIE_REACTION_MODE = 'ON' if bot_env.get_env( 'USE_GAMIE_REACTION_MODE') else 'OFF' GAMIE_EMOJI = bot_env.get_env('GAMIE_EMOJI') USE_SPOILER_REACTION_MODE = 'ON' if bot_env.get_env( 'USE_SPOILER_REACTION_MODE') else 'OFF' SPOILER_MENTION = 'ON' if bot_env.get_env('SPOILER_MENTION') else 'OFF' SPOILER_REACTION_EMOJI = bot_env.get_env('SPOILER_REACTION_EMOJI') UNSPOILER_REACTION_EMOJI = bot_env.get_env('UNSPOILER_REACTION_EMOJI') MOVE_MENTION = 'ON' if bot_env.get_env('MOVE_MENTION') else 'OFF' USE_IMPORTANT_CHANNEL_REACTION_MODE = 'ON' if bot_env.get_env( 'USE_IMPORTANT_CHANNEL_REACTION_MODE') else 'OFF' IMPORTANT_CHANNEL_ID = bot_env.get_env('IMPORTANT_CHANNEL_ID') IMPORTANT_CHANNEL_REACTION_EMOJI = bot_env.get_env( 'IMPORTANT_CHANNEL_REACTION_EMOJI') USE_TRASH_CHANNEL_REACTION_MODE = 'ON' if bot_env.get_env( 'USE_TRASH_CHANNEL_REACTION_MODE') else 'OFF' TRASH_CHANNEL_ID = bot_env.get_env('TRASH_CHANNEL_ID') TRASH_CHANNEL_REACTION_EMOJI = bot_env.get_env( 'TRASH_CHANNEL_REACTION_EMOJI') embed.add_field(name='스포일러 리액션 옵션-' + USE_SPOILER_REACTION_MODE + ' 멘션-' + SPOILER_MENTION, value='메시지에 스포일러 이모지 ' + SPOILER_REACTION_EMOJI + ' 가 달리면 메시지를 스포일러로 바꿉니다.\n' + \ '메시지에 언스포일러 이모지 ' + UNSPOILER_REACTION_EMOJI + ' 가 달리면 스포일러된 메시지를 공개합니다.\n' + \ '``` 혹은 > 같은 마크다운 텍스트는 지원하지 않습니다.\n', inline=False) embed.add_field(name='중요 채널 리액션 옵션-' + USE_IMPORTANT_CHANNEL_REACTION_MODE + ' 멘션-' + MOVE_MENTION, value='메시지에 중요 이모지 ' + IMPORTANT_CHANNEL_REACTION_EMOJI + ' 를 달면 중요 채널로 이동시킵니다.\n' + \ '중요 채널 : ' + f'<#{IMPORTANT_CHANNEL_ID}> (ID:' + IMPORTANT_CHANNEL_ID + ')', inline=False) embed.add_field(name='휴지통 채널 리액션 옵션-' + USE_TRASH_CHANNEL_REACTION_MODE + ' 멘션-' + MOVE_MENTION, value='메시지에 휴지통 이모지 ' + TRASH_CHANNEL_REACTION_EMOJI + ' 를 달면 휴지통 채널로 이동시킵니다.\n' + \ '휴지통 채널 : ' + f'<#{TRASH_CHANNEL_ID}> (ID:' + TRASH_CHANNEL_ID + ')', inline=False) embed.add_field( name='메시지 스포일러', value= f'{PREFIX}스포일러 [메시지ID] 로 메시지를 명령어로 스포일러 혹은 언스포일러 처리 할 수 있습니다.\n(언스포일러는 {PREFIX}언스포일러 [메시지ID]', inline=False) embed.add_field( name='메시지 이동', value=f'{PREFIX}이동 [메시지ID] [채널ID] 로 메시지를 명령어로 채널간 이동시킬 수 있습니다.', inline=False) embed.add_field(name='개미옵션-' + USE_GAMIE_MODE, value='개미, 미개한 메시지가 보이면 개미 이모지를 답니다.', inline=False) embed.add_field(name='개미 리액션 옵션-' + USE_GAMIE_REACTION_MODE, value=f'메시지에 개미 이모지 {GAMIE_EMOJI} 가 달리면 동조합니다.', inline=False) embed.set_footer(text='Embed 스포일러는 정상적으로 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다.') await
def getExpenses(splitwise_obj, limit, date): try: expenses = splitwise_obj.getExpenses(limit=limit, dated_after=date) return expenses except Exception: raise BotException(ErrorMessages.GENERAL)
def process(self, input): app.logger.debug("Processing Unknown Request") raise BotException(random.choice(ErrorMessages.UNKNOWN))
def process(self, input): app.logger.debug("Processing New Transaction Request") output = BotConstants.NEW_EXPENSE_OUTPUT splitwise_obj = SplitwiseProcessor.getSplitwiseObject(input) current_user = splitwise_obj.getCurrentUser() friends_list = splitwise_obj.getFriends() user_list = [] split = SplitwiseProcessor.getInputFromRequest( input, TransactionProcessor.SplitType.SPLIT, ErrorMessages.SPLIT, True) split = split.lower() if split not in TransactionProcessor.SplitType.getSplitList(): raise BotException(ErrorMessages.WRONG_SPLIT) name = SplitwiseProcessor.getInputFromRequest(input, BotConstants.NAME, ErrorMessages.NAME, True) currency = SplitwiseProcessor.getInputFromRequest( input, BotConstants.CURRENCY) description = SplitwiseProcessor.getInputFromRequest( input, BotConstants.DESCRIPTION) if description == "": description = BotConstants.FROM_BOT amount = 0 if BotConstants.AMOUNT in currency: amount = currency[BotConstants.AMOUNT] else: amount = SplitwiseProcessor.getInputFromRequest( input, BotConstants.AMOUNT, self.getAmountError(split), True) group = str( SplitwiseProcessor.getInputFromRequest(input, BotConstants.GROUP)) group_id = self.getGroupId(group, splitwise_obj.getGroups()) expense = Expense() expense.setCost(amount) if not group_id == -1: expense.setGroupId(group_id) mode = split.lower() expense.setDescription(description) # current user paid, owed = self.getDistribution(mode, amount) expense_user = self.getExpenseUser(current_user, paid, owed) user_list.append(expense_user) match = False for friend in friends_list: if friend.getFirstName().lower() == name.lower(): expense_user = self.getExpenseUser(friend, owed, paid) match = True if mode != TransactionProcessor.SplitType.PAID and mode != TransactionProcessor.SplitType.OWE: expense_user.setPaidShare(str(0)) expense_user.setOwedShare(str(owed)) output += friend.getFirstName() user_list.append(expense_user) break if not match: raise BotException(ErrorMessages.NO_FRIEND.format(name=name)) expense.setUsers(user_list) expense = splitwise_obj.createExpense(expense) if expense.getId() is None: raise BotException(ErrorMessages.GENERAL) app.logger.debug("New Expense is created") return output