Esempio n. 1
def delete_doc_in_cloudsearch(doc_ids,

    :param doc_ids: the doc id array
    :param cloudsearch_domain_name: the domain name

    !!! This method is in-efficient for validating.

    conn = boto.cloudsearch2.connect_to_region(region)
    domain = conn.describe_domains([cloudsearch_domain_name]) \
    doc_service = CloudSearchDomainConnection(
        host=domain[0]['DocService']['Endpoint'], region=region)
    if len(doc_ids) > 0:
        batch = []
        for id in doc_ids:
            batch.append({"id": str(id), "type": "delete"})
        doc_service.upload_documents(json.dumps(batch), 'application/json')

    if validate:
        # we need some time for the cloudsearch to apply the deletion.
        MAX_RETRIES = 100
        SLEEP_GAP = 10
        for id in doc_ids:
            retry = 0
            while retry < MAX_RETRIES:
                result ="(term field=_id '%s')" % id,
                if (result['hits']['found'] == 0):
                retry += 1
            if retry >= MAX_RETRIES:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Intended to delete cloudsearch documents with id %s, but it still exists after deletion. "
                    "Culprit document: %s" % (doc_ids, id))
Esempio n. 2
class SearchConnection(object):

    def __init__(self, domain=None, endpoint=None):
        self.domain = domain
        self.endpoint = endpoint
        self.session = requests.Session()

        # Endpoint needs to be set before initializing CloudSearchDomainConnection
        if not endpoint:
            self.endpoint = domain.search_service_endpoint

        # Copy proxy settings from connection and check if request should be signed
        self.sign_request = False
        if self.domain and self.domain.layer1:
            if self.domain.layer1.use_proxy:
                self.session.proxies['http'] = self.domain.layer1.get_proxy_url_with_auth()

            self.sign_request = getattr(self.domain.layer1, 'sign_request', False)

            if self.sign_request:
                layer1 = self.domain.layer1
                self.domain_connection = CloudSearchDomainConnection(

    def build_query(self, q=None, parser=None, fq=None, rank=None, return_fields=None,
                    size=10, start=0, facet=None, highlight=None, sort=None,
                    partial=None, options=None):
        return Query(q=q, parser=parser, fq=fq, expr=rank, return_fields=return_fields,
                     size=size, start=start, facet=facet, highlight=highlight,
                     sort=sort, partial=partial, options=options)

    def search(self, q=None, parser=None, fq=None, rank=None, return_fields=None,
               size=10, start=0, facet=None, highlight=None, sort=None, partial=None,
        Send a query to CloudSearch

        Each search query should use at least the q or bq argument to specify
        the search parameter. The other options are used to specify the
        criteria of the search.

        :type q: string
        :param q: A string to search the default search fields for.

        :type parser: string
        :param parser: The parser to use. 'simple', 'structured', 'lucene', 'dismax'

        :type fq: string
        :param fq: The filter query to use.

        :type sort: List of strings
        :param sort: A list of fields or rank expressions used to order the
            search results. Order is handled by adding 'desc' or 'asc' after the field name.
            ``['year desc', 'author asc']``

        :type return_fields: List of strings
        :param return_fields: A list of fields which should be returned by the
            search. If this field is not specified, only IDs will be returned.

        :type size: int
        :param size: Number of search results to specify

        :type start: int
        :param start: Offset of the first search result to return (can be used
            for paging)

        :type facet: dict
        :param facet: Dictionary of fields for which facets should be returned
            The facet value is string of JSON options
            ``{'year': '{sort:"bucket", size:3}', 'genres': '{buckets:["Action","Adventure","Sci-Fi"]}'}``

        :type highlight: dict
        :param highlight: Dictionary of fields for which highlights should be returned
            The facet value is string of JSON options
            ``{'genres': '{format:'text',max_phrases:2,pre_tag:'<b>',post_tag:'</b>'}'}``

        :type partial: bool
        :param partial: Should partial results from a partioned service be returned if
            one or more index partitions are unreachable.

        :type options: str
        :param options: Options for the query parser specified in *parser*.
            Specified as a string in JSON format.
            ``{fields: ['title^5', 'description']}``

        :rtype: :class:``
        :return: Returns the results of this search

        The following examples all assume we have indexed a set of documents
        with fields: *author*, *date*, *headline*

        A simple search will look for documents whose default text search
        fields will contain the search word exactly:

        >>> search(q='Tim') # Return documents with the word Tim in them (but not Timothy)

        A simple search with more keywords will return documents whose default
        text search fields contain the search strings together or separately.

        >>> search(q='Tim apple') # Will match "tim" and "apple"

        More complex searches require the boolean search operator.

        Wildcard searches can be used to search for any words that start with
        the search string.

        >>> search(q="'Tim*'") # Return documents with words like Tim or Timothy)

        Search terms can also be combined. Allowed operators are "and", "or",
        "not", "field", "optional", "token", "phrase", or "filter"

        >>> search(q="(and 'Tim' (field author 'John Smith'))", parser='structured')

        Facets allow you to show classification information about the search
        results. For example, you can retrieve the authors who have written
        about Tim with a max of 3

        >>> search(q='Tim', facet={'Author': '{sort:"bucket", size:3}'})

        query = self.build_query(q=q, parser=parser, fq=fq, rank=rank,
                                 size=size, start=start, facet=facet,
                                 highlight=highlight, sort=sort,
                                 partial=partial, options=options)
        return self(query)

    def _search_with_auth(self, params):
        return"q", ""), **params)

    def _search_without_auth(self, params, api_version):
        url = "http://%s/%s/search" % (self.endpoint, api_version)
        resp = self.session.get(url, params=params)

        return {'body': resp.content.decode('utf-8'), 'status_code': resp.status_code}

    def __call__(self, query):
        """Make a call to CloudSearch

        :type query: :class:``
        :param query: A group of search criteria

        :rtype: :class:``
        :return: search results
        api_version = '2013-01-01'
        if self.domain and self.domain.layer1:
            api_version = self.domain.layer1.APIVersion

        if self.sign_request:
            data = self._search_with_auth(query.to_domain_connection_params())
            r = self._search_without_auth(query.to_params(), api_version)

            _body = r['body']
            _status_code = r['status_code']

                data = json.loads(_body)
            except ValueError:
                if _status_code == 403:
                    msg = ''
                    import re
                    g ='<html><body><h1>403 Forbidden</h1>([^<]+)<', _body)
                        msg = ': %s' % (g.groups()[0].strip())
                    except AttributeError:
                    raise SearchServiceException('Authentication error from Amazon%s' % msg)
                raise SearchServiceException("Got non-json response from Amazon. %s" % _body, query)

        if 'messages' in data and 'error' in data:
            for m in data['messages']:
                if m['severity'] == 'fatal':
                    raise SearchServiceException("Error processing search %s "
                        "=> %s" % (params, m['message']), query)
        elif 'error' in data:
            raise SearchServiceException("Unknown error processing search %s"
                % json.dumps(data), query)

        data['query'] = query
        data['search_service'] = self

        return SearchResults(**data)

    def get_all_paged(self, query, per_page):
        """Get a generator to iterate over all pages of search results

        :type query: :class:``
        :param query: A group of search criteria

        :type per_page: int
        :param per_page: Number of docs in each :class:`` object.

        :rtype: generator
        :return: Generator containing :class:``
        page = 0
        num_pages_needed = 0
        while page <= num_pages_needed:
            results = self(query)
            num_pages_needed = results.num_pages_needed
            yield results
            query.start += query.real_size
            page += 1

    def get_all_hits(self, query):
        """Get a generator to iterate over all search results

        Transparently handles the results paging from Cloudsearch
        search results so even if you have many thousands of results
        you can iterate over all results in a reasonably efficient

        :type query: :class:``
        :param query: A group of search criteria

        :rtype: generator
        :return: All docs matching query
        page = 0
        num_pages_needed = 0
        while page <= num_pages_needed:
            results = self(query)
            num_pages_needed = results.num_pages_needed
            for doc in results:
                yield doc
            query.start += query.real_size
            page += 1

    def get_num_hits(self, query):
        """Return the total number of hits for query

        :type query: :class:``
        :param query: a group of search criteria

        :rtype: int
        :return: Total number of hits for query
        return self(query).hits
Esempio n. 3
File: Progetto: 10sr/hue
class SearchConnection(object):

    def __init__(self, domain=None, endpoint=None):
        self.domain = domain
        self.endpoint = endpoint
        self.session = requests.Session()

        # Endpoint needs to be set before initializing CloudSearchDomainConnection
        if not endpoint:
            self.endpoint = domain.search_service_endpoint

        # Copy proxy settings from connection and check if request should be signed
        self.sign_request = False
        if self.domain and self.domain.layer1:
            if self.domain.layer1.use_proxy:
                self.session.proxies['http'] = self.domain.layer1.get_proxy_url_with_auth()

            self.sign_request = getattr(self.domain.layer1, 'sign_request', False)

            if self.sign_request:
                layer1 = self.domain.layer1
                self.domain_connection = CloudSearchDomainConnection(

    def build_query(self, q=None, parser=None, fq=None, rank=None, return_fields=None,
                    size=10, start=0, facet=None, highlight=None, sort=None,
                    partial=None, options=None):
        return Query(q=q, parser=parser, fq=fq, expr=rank, return_fields=return_fields,
                     size=size, start=start, facet=facet, highlight=highlight,
                     sort=sort, partial=partial, options=options)

    def search(self, q=None, parser=None, fq=None, rank=None, return_fields=None,
               size=10, start=0, facet=None, highlight=None, sort=None, partial=None,
        Send a query to CloudSearch

        Each search query should use at least the q or bq argument to specify
        the search parameter. The other options are used to specify the
        criteria of the search.

        :type q: string
        :param q: A string to search the default search fields for.

        :type parser: string
        :param parser: The parser to use. 'simple', 'structured', 'lucene', 'dismax'

        :type fq: string
        :param fq: The filter query to use.

        :type sort: List of strings
        :param sort: A list of fields or rank expressions used to order the
            search results. Order is handled by adding 'desc' or 'asc' after the field name.
            ``['year desc', 'author asc']``

        :type return_fields: List of strings
        :param return_fields: A list of fields which should be returned by the
            search. If this field is not specified, only IDs will be returned.

        :type size: int
        :param size: Number of search results to specify

        :type start: int
        :param start: Offset of the first search result to return (can be used
            for paging)

        :type facet: dict
        :param facet: Dictionary of fields for which facets should be returned
            The facet value is string of JSON options
            ``{'year': '{sort:"bucket", size:3}', 'genres': '{buckets:["Action","Adventure","Sci-Fi"]}'}``

        :type highlight: dict
        :param highlight: Dictionary of fields for which highlights should be returned
            The facet value is string of JSON options
            ``{'genres': '{format:'text',max_phrases:2,pre_tag:'<b>',post_tag:'</b>'}'}``

        :type partial: bool
        :param partial: Should partial results from a partioned service be returned if
            one or more index partitions are unreachable.

        :type options: str
        :param options: Options for the query parser specified in *parser*.
            Specified as a string in JSON format.
            ``{fields: ['title^5', 'description']}``

        :rtype: :class:``
        :return: Returns the results of this search

        The following examples all assume we have indexed a set of documents
        with fields: *author*, *date*, *headline*

        A simple search will look for documents whose default text search
        fields will contain the search word exactly:

        >>> search(q='Tim') # Return documents with the word Tim in them (but not Timothy)

        A simple search with more keywords will return documents whose default
        text search fields contain the search strings together or separately.

        >>> search(q='Tim apple') # Will match "tim" and "apple"

        More complex searches require the boolean search operator.

        Wildcard searches can be used to search for any words that start with
        the search string.

        >>> search(q="'Tim*'") # Return documents with words like Tim or Timothy)

        Search terms can also be combined. Allowed operators are "and", "or",
        "not", "field", "optional", "token", "phrase", or "filter"

        >>> search(q="(and 'Tim' (field author 'John Smith'))", parser='structured')

        Facets allow you to show classification information about the search
        results. For example, you can retrieve the authors who have written
        about Tim with a max of 3

        >>> search(q='Tim', facet={'Author': '{sort:"bucket", size:3}'})

        query = self.build_query(q=q, parser=parser, fq=fq, rank=rank,
                                 size=size, start=start, facet=facet,
                                 highlight=highlight, sort=sort,
                                 partial=partial, options=options)
        return self(query)

    def _search_with_auth(self, params):
        return"q", ""), **params)

    def _search_without_auth(self, params, api_version):
        url = "http://%s/%s/search" % (self.endpoint, api_version)
        resp = self.session.get(url, params=params)

        return {'body': resp.content.decode('utf-8'), 'status_code': resp.status_code}

    def __call__(self, query):
        """Make a call to CloudSearch

        :type query: :class:``
        :param query: A group of search criteria

        :rtype: :class:``
        :return: search results
        api_version = '2013-01-01'
        if self.domain and self.domain.layer1:
            api_version = self.domain.layer1.APIVersion

        if self.sign_request:
            data = self._search_with_auth(query.to_domain_connection_params())
            r = self._search_without_auth(query.to_params(), api_version)

            _body = r['body']
            _status_code = r['status_code']

                data = json.loads(_body)
            except ValueError:
                if _status_code == 403:
                    msg = ''
                    import re
                    g ='<html><body><h1>403 Forbidden</h1>([^<]+)<', _body)
                        msg = ': %s' % (g.groups()[0].strip())
                    except AttributeError:
                    raise SearchServiceException('Authentication error from Amazon%s' % msg)
                raise SearchServiceException("Got non-json response from Amazon. %s" % _body, query)

        if 'messages' in data and 'error' in data:
            for m in data['messages']:
                if m['severity'] == 'fatal':
                    raise SearchServiceException("Error processing search %s "
                        "=> %s" % (params, m['message']), query)
        elif 'error' in data:
            raise SearchServiceException("Unknown error processing search %s"
                % json.dumps(data), query)

        data['query'] = query
        data['search_service'] = self

        return SearchResults(**data)

    def get_all_paged(self, query, per_page):
        """Get a generator to iterate over all pages of search results

        :type query: :class:``
        :param query: A group of search criteria

        :type per_page: int
        :param per_page: Number of docs in each :class:`` object.

        :rtype: generator
        :return: Generator containing :class:``
        page = 0
        num_pages_needed = 0
        while page <= num_pages_needed:
            results = self(query)
            num_pages_needed = results.num_pages_needed
            yield results
            query.start += query.real_size
            page += 1

    def get_all_hits(self, query):
        """Get a generator to iterate over all search results

        Transparently handles the results paging from Cloudsearch
        search results so even if you have many thousands of results
        you can iterate over all results in a reasonably efficient

        :type query: :class:``
        :param query: A group of search criteria

        :rtype: generator
        :return: All docs matching query
        page = 0
        num_pages_needed = 0
        while page <= num_pages_needed:
            results = self(query)
            num_pages_needed = results.num_pages_needed
            for doc in results:
                yield doc
            query.start += query.real_size
            page += 1

    def get_num_hits(self, query):
        """Return the total number of hits for query

        :type query: :class:``
        :param query: a group of search criteria

        :rtype: int
        :return: Total number of hits for query
        return self(query).hits