Esempio n. 1
 def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection):
     """SAX XML logic for parsing new element found."""
     if name == CORS_CONFIG:
         self.validateParseLevel(name, 0)
         self.parse_level += 1
     elif name == CORS:
         self.validateParseLevel(name, 1)
         self.parse_level += 1
     elif name in self.legal_collections:
         self.validateParseLevel(name, 2)
         self.parse_level += 1
         self.collection = name
     elif name in self.legal_elements:
         self.validateParseLevel(name, 3)
         # Make sure this tag is found inside a collection tag.
         if self.collection is None:
             raise InvalidCorsError('Tag %s found outside collection' %
         # Make sure this tag is allowed for the current collection tag.
         if name not in self.legal_collections[self.collection]:
             raise InvalidCorsError('Tag %s not allowed in %s collection' %
                                    (name, self.collection))
         self.element = name
         raise InvalidCorsError('Unsupported tag ' + name)
Esempio n. 2
 def endElement(self, name, value, connection):
     """SAX XML logic for parsing new element found."""
     if name == CORS_CONFIG:
         self.validateParseLevel(name, 1)
         self.parse_level -= 1
     elif name == CORS:
         self.validateParseLevel(name, 2)
         self.parse_level -= 1
         # Terminating a CORS element, save any collections we found
         # and re-initialize collections list.
         self.collections = []
     elif name in self.legal_collections:
         self.validateParseLevel(name, 3)
         if name != self.collection:
             raise InvalidCorsError(
                 'Mismatched start and end tags (%s/%s)' %
                 (self.collection, name))
         self.parse_level -= 1
         if not self.legal_collections[name]:
             # If this collection doesn't contain any sub-elements, store
             # a tuple of name and this tag's element value.
             self.collections.append((name, value.strip()))
             # Otherwise, we're terminating a collection of sub-elements,
             # so store a tuple of name and list of contained elements.
             self.collections.append((name, self.elements))
         self.elements = []
         self.collection = None
     elif name in self.legal_elements:
         self.validateParseLevel(name, 3)
         # Make sure this tag is found inside a collection tag.
         if self.collection is None:
             raise InvalidCorsError('Tag %s found outside collection' %
         # Make sure this end tag is allowed for the current collection tag.
         if name not in self.legal_collections[self.collection]:
             raise InvalidCorsError('Tag %s not allowed in %s collection' %
                                    (name, self.collection))
         if name != self.element:
             raise InvalidCorsError(
                 'Mismatched start and end tags (%s/%s)' %
                 (self.element, name))
         # Terminating an element tag, add it to the list of elements
         # for the current collection.
         self.elements.append((name, value.strip()))
         self.element = None
         raise InvalidCorsError('Unsupported end tag ' + name)
Esempio n. 3
 def validateParseLevel(self, tag, level):
     """Verify parse level for a given tag."""
     if self.parse_level != level:
         raise InvalidCorsError('Invalid tag %s at parse level %d: ' %
                                (tag, self.parse_level))