def get_manager(cls): """ Returns the appropriate Manager class for a given Model class. It does this by looking in the boto config for a section like this:: [DB] db_type = SimpleDB db_user = <aws access key id> db_passwd = <aws secret access key> db_name = my_domain [DB_TestBasic] db_type = SimpleDB db_user = <another aws access key id> db_passwd = <another aws secret access key> db_name = basic_domain db_port = 1111 The values in the DB section are "generic values" that will be used if nothing more specific is found. You can also create a section for a specific Model class that gives the db info for that class. In the example above, TestBasic is a Model subclass. """ db_user = boto.config.get('DB', 'db_user', None) db_passwd = boto.config.get('DB', 'db_passwd', None) db_type = boto.config.get('DB', 'db_type', 'SimpleDB') db_name = boto.config.get('DB', 'db_name', None) db_table = boto.config.get('DB', 'db_table', None) db_host = boto.config.get('DB', 'db_host', "") db_port = boto.config.getint('DB', 'db_port', 443) enable_ssl = boto.config.getbool('DB', 'enable_ssl', True) sql_dir = boto.config.get('DB', 'sql_dir', None) debug = boto.config.getint('DB', 'debug', 0) # first see if there is a fully qualified section name in the Boto config module_name = cls.__module__.replace('.', '_') db_section = 'DB_' + module_name + '_' + cls.__name__ if not boto.config.has_section(db_section): db_section = 'DB_' + cls.__name__ if boto.config.has_section(db_section): db_user = boto.config.get(db_section, 'db_user', db_user) db_passwd = boto.config.get(db_section, 'db_passwd', db_passwd) db_type = boto.config.get(db_section, 'db_type', db_type) db_name = boto.config.get(db_section, 'db_name', db_name) db_table = boto.config.get(db_section, 'db_table', db_table) db_host = boto.config.get(db_section, 'db_host', db_host) db_port = boto.config.getint(db_section, 'db_port', db_port) enable_ssl = boto.config.getint(db_section, 'enable_ssl', enable_ssl) debug = boto.config.getint(db_section, 'debug', debug) elif hasattr(cls, "_db_name") and cls._db_name is not None: # More specific then the generic DB config is any _db_name class property db_name = cls._db_name elif hasattr(cls.__bases__[0], "_manager"): return cls.__bases__[0]._manager if db_type == 'SimpleDB': from boto.sdb.db.manager.sdbmanager import SDBManager return SDBManager(cls, db_name, db_user, db_passwd, db_host, db_port, db_table, sql_dir, enable_ssl) elif db_type == 'XML': from boto.sdb.db.manager.xmlmanager import XMLManager return XMLManager(cls, db_name, db_user, db_passwd, db_host, db_port, db_table, sql_dir, enable_ssl) else: raise ValueError('Unknown db_type: %s' % db_type)
def get_xmlmanager(cls): if not hasattr(cls, '_xmlmanager'): from boto.sdb.db.manager.xmlmanager import XMLManager cls._xmlmanager = XMLManager(cls, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, False) return cls._xmlmanager