def __init__(self, url, access_key, secret_key): self.index_url = url self.headers = { u'Accept': u'application/json, text/plain', u'Content-Type': u'application/json' } self.signer = BotoRequestSigner(self.index_url, access_key, secret_key) self.session = self.requests_retry_session() self.session_not_found_ok = self.requests_retry_not_found_ok_session()
class VinylDNSClient(object): def __init__(self, url, access_key, secret_key): self.index_url = url self.headers = { u'Accept': u'application/json, text/plain', u'Content-Type': u'application/json' } self.signer = BotoRequestSigner(self.index_url, access_key, secret_key) self.session = self.requests_retry_session() self.session_not_found_ok = self.requests_retry_not_found_ok_session() def requests_retry_not_found_ok_session( self, retries=5, backoff_factor=0.4, status_forcelist=(500, 502, 504), session=None, ): session = session or requests.Session() retry = Retry( total=retries, read=retries, connect=retries, backoff_factor=backoff_factor, status_forcelist=status_forcelist, ) adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry) session.mount(u'http://', adapter) session.mount(u'https://', adapter) return session def requests_retry_session( self, retries=5, backoff_factor=0.4, status_forcelist=(500, 502, 504), session=None, ): session = session or requests.Session() retry = Retry( total=retries, read=retries, connect=retries, backoff_factor=backoff_factor, status_forcelist=status_forcelist, ) adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry) session.mount(u'http://', adapter) session.mount(u'https://', adapter) return session def make_request(self, url, method=u'GET', headers=None, body_string=None, sign_request=True, not_found_ok=False, **kwargs): # pull out status or None status_code = kwargs.pop(u'status', None) # remove retries arg if provided kwargs.pop(u'retries', None) path = urlparse(url).path # we must parse the query string so we can provide it if it exists so that we can pass it to the # build_vinyldns_request so that it can be properly included in the AWS signing... query = parse_qs(urlsplit(url).query) if query: # the problem with parse_qs is that it will return a list for ALL params, even if they are a single value # we need to essentially flatten the params if a param has only one value query = dict( (k, v if len(v) > 1 else v[0]) for k, v in iteritems(query)) if sign_request: signed_headers, signed_body = self.build_vinyldns_request( method, path, body_string, query, with_headers=headers or {}, **kwargs) else: signed_headers = headers or {} signed_body = body_string if not_found_ok: response = self.session_not_found_ok.request( method, url, data=signed_body, headers=signed_headers, **kwargs) else: response = self.session.request(method, url, data=signed_body, headers=signed_headers, **kwargs) if status_code is not None: if isinstance(status_code, collections.Iterable): assert_that(response.status_code, is_in(status_code)) else: assert_that(response.status_code, is_(status_code)) try: return response.status_code, response.json() except: return response.status_code, response.text def ping(self): """ Simple ping request :return: the content of the response, which should be PONG """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, '/ping') response, data = self.make_request(url) return data def get_status(self): """ Gets processing status :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, '/status') response, data = self.make_request(url) return data def post_status(self, status): """ Update processing status :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, '/status?processingDisabled={}'.format(status)) response, data = self.make_request(url, 'POST', self.headers) return data def color(self): """ Gets the current color for the application :return: the content of the response, which should be "blue" or "green" """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, '/color') response, data = self.make_request(url) return data def health(self): """ Checks the health of the app, asserts that a 200 should be returned, otherwise this will fail """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, '/health') self.make_request(url, sign_request=False) def create_group(self, group, **kwargs): """ Creates a new group :param group: A group dictionary that can be serialized to json :return: the content of the response, which should be a group json """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/groups') response, data = self.make_request(url, u'POST', self.headers, json.dumps(group), **kwargs) return data def get_group(self, group_id, **kwargs): """ Gets a group :param group_id: Id of the group to get :return: the group json """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/groups/' + group_id) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, **kwargs) return data def delete_group(self, group_id, **kwargs): """ Deletes a group :param group_id: Id of the group to delete :return: the group json """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/groups/' + group_id) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'DELETE', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def update_group(self, group_id, group, **kwargs): """ Update an existing group :param group_id: The id of the group being updated :param group: A group dictionary that can be serialized to json :return: the content of the response, which should be a group json """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/groups/{0}'.format(group_id)) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'PUT', self.headers, json.dumps(group), not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def list_my_groups(self, group_name_filter=None, start_from=None, max_items=None, **kwargs): """ Retrieves my groups :param start_from: the start key of the page :param max_items: the page limit :param group_name_filter: only returns groups whose names contain filter string :return: the content of the response """ args = [] if group_name_filter: args.append(u'groupNameFilter={0}'.format(group_name_filter)) if start_from: args.append(u'startFrom={0}'.format(start_from)) if max_items is not None: args.append(u'maxItems={0}'.format(max_items)) url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/groups') + u'?' + u'&'.join(args) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, **kwargs) return data def list_all_my_groups(self, group_name_filter=None, **kwargs): """ Retrieves all my groups :param group_name_filter: only returns groups whose names contain filter string :return: the content of the response """ groups = [] args = [] if group_name_filter: args.append(u'groupNameFilter={0}'.format(group_name_filter)) url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/groups') + u'?' + u'&'.join(args) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, **kwargs) groups.extend(data[u'groups']) while u'nextId' in data: args = [] if group_name_filter: args.append(u'groupNameFilter={0}'.format(group_name_filter)) if u'nextId' in data: args.append(u'startFrom={0}'.format(data[u'nextId'])) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, **kwargs) groups.extend(data[u'groups']) return groups def list_members_group(self, group_id, start_from=None, max_items=None, **kwargs): """ List the members of an existing group :param group_id: the Id of an existing group :param start_from: the Id a member of the group :param max_items: the max number of items to be returned :return: the json of the members """ if start_from is None and max_items is None: url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/groups/{0}/members'.format(group_id)) elif start_from is None and max_items is not None: url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/groups/{0}/members?maxItems={1}'.format( group_id, max_items)) elif start_from is not None and max_items is None: url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/groups/{0}/members?startFrom={1}'.format( group_id, start_from)) elif start_from is not None and max_items is not None: url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/groups/{0}/members?startFrom={1}&maxItems={2}'.format( group_id, start_from, max_items)) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def list_group_admins(self, group_id, **kwargs): """ returns the group admins :param group_id: the Id of the group :return: the user info of the admins """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/groups/{0}/admins'.format(group_id)) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def get_group_changes(self, group_id, start_from=None, max_items=None, **kwargs): """ List the changes of an existing group :param group_id: the Id of an existing group :param start_from: the Id a group change :param max_items: the max number of items to be returned :return: the json of the members """ if start_from is None and max_items is None: url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/groups/{0}/activity'.format(group_id)) elif start_from is None and max_items is not None: url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/groups/{0}/activity?maxItems={1}'.format( group_id, max_items)) elif start_from is not None and max_items is None: url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/groups/{0}/activity?startFrom={1}'.format( group_id, start_from)) elif start_from is not None and max_items is not None: url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/groups/{0}/activity?startFrom={1}&maxItems={2}'.format( group_id, start_from, max_items)) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, **kwargs) return data def create_zone(self, zone, **kwargs): """ Creates a new zone with the given name and email :param zone: the zone to be created :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones') response, data = self.make_request(url, u'POST', self.headers, json.dumps(zone), **kwargs) return data def update_zone(self, zone, **kwargs): """ Updates a zone :param zone: the zone to be created :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}'.format(zone[u'id'])) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'PUT', self.headers, json.dumps(zone), not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def sync_zone(self, zone_id, **kwargs): """ Syncs a zone :param zone: the zone to be updated :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/sync'.format(zone_id)) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'POST', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def delete_zone(self, zone_id, **kwargs): """ Deletes the zone for the given id :param zone_id: the id of the zone to be deleted :return: nothing, will fail if the status code was not expected """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}'.format(zone_id)) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'DELETE', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def get_zone(self, zone_id, **kwargs): """ Gets a zone for the given zone id :param zone_id: the id of the zone to retrieve :return: the zone, or will 404 if not found """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}'.format(zone_id)) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def get_zone_history(self, zone_id, **kwargs): """ Gets the zone history for the given zone id :param zone_id: the id of the zone to retrieve :return: the zone, or will 404 if not found """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/history'.format(zone_id)) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def get_zone_change(self, zone_change, **kwargs): """ Gets a zone change with the provided id Unfortunately, there is no endpoint, so we have to get all zone history and parse """ zone_change_id = zone_change[u'id'] change = None def change_id_match(possible_match): return possible_match[u'id'] == zone_change_id history = self.get_zone_history(zone_change[u'zone'][u'id']) if u'zoneChanges' in history: zone_changes = history[u'zoneChanges'] matching_changes = filter(change_id_match, zone_changes) if len(matching_changes) > 0: change = matching_changes[0] return change def list_zone_changes(self, zone_id, start_from=None, max_items=None, **kwargs): """ Gets the zone changes for the given zone id :param zone_id: the id of the zone to retrieve :param start_from: the start key of the page :param max_items: the page limit :return: the zone, or will 404 if not found """ args = [] if start_from: args.append(u'startFrom={0}'.format(start_from)) if max_items is not None: args.append(u'maxItems={0}'.format(max_items)) url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/changes'.format(zone_id)) + u'?' + u'&'.join(args) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def list_recordset_changes(self, zone_id, start_from=None, max_items=None, **kwargs): """ Gets the recordset changes for the given zone id :param zone_id: the id of the zone to retrieve :param start_from: the start key of the page :param max_items: the page limit :return: the zone, or will 404 if not found """ args = [] if start_from: args.append(u'startFrom={0}'.format(start_from)) if max_items is not None: args.append(u'maxItems={0}'.format(max_items)) url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/recordsetchanges'.format( zone_id)) + u'?' + u'&'.join(args) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def list_zones(self, name_filter=None, start_from=None, max_items=None, **kwargs): """ Gets a list of zones that currently exist :return: a list of zones """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones') query = [] if name_filter: query.append(u'nameFilter=' + name_filter) if start_from: query.append(u'startFrom=' + str(start_from)) if max_items: query.append(u'maxItems=' + str(max_items)) if query: url = url + u'?' + u'&'.join(query) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, **kwargs) return data def create_recordset(self, recordset, **kwargs): """ Creates a new recordset :param recordset: the recordset to be created :return: the content of the response """ if recordset and u'name' in recordset: recordset[u'name'] = recordset[u'name'].replace(u'_', u'-') url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/recordsets'.format(recordset[u'zoneId'])) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'POST', self.headers, json.dumps(recordset), **kwargs) return data def delete_recordset(self, zone_id, rs_id, **kwargs): """ Deletes an existing recordset :param zone_id: the zone id the recordset belongs to :param rs_id: the id of the recordset to be deleted :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/recordsets/{1}'.format(zone_id, rs_id)) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'DELETE', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def update_recordset(self, recordset, **kwargs): """ Deletes an existing recordset :param recordset: the recordset to be updated :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/recordsets/{1}'.format(recordset[u'zoneId'], recordset[u'id'])) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'PUT', self.headers, json.dumps(recordset), not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def get_recordset(self, zone_id, rs_id, **kwargs): """ Gets an existing recordset :param zone_id: the zone id the recordset belongs to :param rs_id: the id of the recordset to be retrieved :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/recordsets/{1}'.format(zone_id, rs_id)) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, None, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def get_recordset_change(self, zone_id, rs_id, change_id, **kwargs): """ Gets an existing recordset change :param zone_id: the zone id the recordset belongs to :param rs_id: the id of the recordset to be retrieved :param change_id: the id of the change to be retrieved :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/recordsets/{1}/changes/{2}'.format( zone_id, rs_id, change_id)) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, None, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def list_recordsets(self, zone_id, start_from=None, max_items=None, record_name_filter=None, **kwargs): """ Retrieves all recordsets in a zone :param zone_id: the zone to retrieve :param start_from: the start key of the page :param max_items: the page limit :param record_name_filter: only returns recordsets whose names contain filter string :return: the content of the response """ args = [] if start_from: args.append(u'startFrom={0}'.format(start_from)) if max_items is not None: args.append(u'maxItems={0}'.format(max_items)) if record_name_filter: args.append(u'recordNameFilter={0}'.format(record_name_filter)) url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/recordsets'.format(zone_id)) + u'?' + u'&'.join(args) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, **kwargs) return data def create_batch_change(self, batch_change_input, **kwargs): """ Creates a new batch change :param batch_change_input: the batchchange to be created :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/batchrecordchanges') response, data = self.make_request(url, u'POST', self.headers, json.dumps(batch_change_input), **kwargs) return data def get_batch_change(self, batch_change_id, **kwargs): """ Gets an existing batch change :param batch_change_id: the unique identifier of the batchchange :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/batchrecordchanges/{0}'.format(batch_change_id)) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, None, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def list_batch_change_summaries(self, start_from=None, max_items=None, **kwargs): """ Gets list of user's batch change summaries :return: the content of the response """ args = [] if start_from: args.append(u'startFrom={0}'.format(start_from)) if max_items is not None: args.append(u'maxItems={0}'.format(max_items)) url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/batchrecordchanges') + u'?' + u'&'.join(args) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, **kwargs) return data def build_vinyldns_request(self, method, path, body_data, params=None, **kwargs): if isinstance(body_data, basestring): body_string = body_data else: body_string = json.dumps(body_data) new_headers = {u'X-Amz-Target': u'VinylDNS'} new_headers.update(kwargs.get(u'with_headers', dict())) suppress_headers = kwargs.get(u'suppress_headers', list()) headers = self.build_headers(new_headers, suppress_headers) auth_header = self.signer.build_auth_header(method, path, headers, body_string, params) headers[u'Authorization'] = auth_header return headers, body_string @staticmethod def build_headers(new_headers, suppressed_keys): """Construct HTTP headers for a request.""" def canonical_header_name(field_name): return u'-'.join(word.capitalize() for word in field_name.split(u'-')) import datetime now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() headers = { u'Content-Type': u'application/x-amz-json-1.0', u'Date': now.strftime(u'%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'), u'X-Amz-Date': now.strftime(u'%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ') } for k, v in iteritems(new_headers): headers[canonical_header_name(k)] = v for k in map(canonical_header_name, suppressed_keys): if k in headers: del headers[k] return headers def add_zone_acl_rule_with_wait(self, zone_id, acl_rule, sign_request=True, **kwargs): """ Puts an acl rule on the zone and waits for success :param zone_id: The id of the zone to attach the acl rule to :param acl_rule: The acl rule contents :param sign_request: An indicator if we should sign the request; useful for testing auth :return: the content of the response """ rule = self.add_zone_acl_rule(zone_id, acl_rule, sign_request, **kwargs) self.wait_until_zone_change_status(rule, 'Synced') return rule def add_zone_acl_rule(self, zone_id, acl_rule, sign_request=True, **kwargs): """ Puts an acl rule on the zone :param zone_id: The id of the zone to attach the acl rule to :param acl_rule: The acl rule contents :param sign_request: An indicator if we should sign the request; useful for testing auth :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, '/zones/{0}/acl/rules'.format(zone_id)) response, data = self.make_request(url, 'PUT', self.headers, json.dumps(acl_rule), sign_request=sign_request, **kwargs) return data def delete_zone_acl_rule_with_wait(self, zone_id, acl_rule, sign_request=True, **kwargs): """ Deletes an acl rule from the zone and waits for success :param zone_id: The id of the zone to remove the acl from :param acl_rule: The acl rule to remove :param sign_request: An indicator if we should sign the request; useful for testing auth :return: the content of the response """ rule = self.delete_zone_acl_rule(zone_id, acl_rule, sign_request, **kwargs) self.wait_until_zone_change_status(rule, 'Synced') return rule def delete_zone_acl_rule(self, zone_id, acl_rule, sign_request=True, **kwargs): """ Deletes an acl rule from the zone :param zone_id: The id of the zone to remove the acl from :param acl_rule: The acl rule to remove :param sign_request: An indicator if we should sign the request; useful for testing auth :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, '/zones/{0}/acl/rules'.format(zone_id)) response, data = self.make_request(url, 'DELETE', self.headers, json.dumps(acl_rule), sign_request=sign_request, **kwargs) return data def wait_until_recordset_deleted(self, zone_id, record_set_id, **kwargs): retries = MAX_RETRIES url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/recordsets/{1}'.format(zone_id, record_set_id)) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, status=(200, 404), **kwargs) while response != 404 and retries > 0: url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/recordsets/{1}'.format(zone_id, record_set_id)) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, status=(200, 404), **kwargs) retries -= 1 time.sleep(RETRY_WAIT) return response == 404 def wait_until_zone_change_status(self, zone_change, expected_status): """ Waits until the zone change status matches the expected status """ zone_change_id = zone_change[u'id'] def change_id_match(change): return change[u'id'] == zone_change_id change = zone_change retries = MAX_RETRIES while change[u'status'] != expected_status and retries > 0: history = self.get_zone_history(zone_change[u'zone'][u'id']) if u'zoneChanges' in history: zone_changes = history[u'zoneChanges'] matching_changes = filter(change_id_match, zone_changes) if len(matching_changes) > 0: change = matching_changes[0] time.sleep(RETRY_WAIT) retries -= 1 return change[u'status'] == expected_status def wait_until_zone_deleted(self, zone_id, **kwargs): """ Waits a period of time for the zone deletion to complete. :param zone_id: the id of the zone that has been deleted. :param kw: Additional parameters for the http request :return: True when the zone deletion is complete False if the timeout expires """ retries = MAX_RETRIES url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}'.format(zone_id)) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, status=(200, 404), **kwargs) while response != 404 and retries > 0: url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}'.format(zone_id)) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, status=(200, 404), **kwargs) retries -= 1 time.sleep(RETRY_WAIT) return response == 404 def wait_until_zone_exists(self, zone_change, **kwargs): """ Waits a period of time for the zone creation to complete. :param zone_change: the create zone change for the zone that has been created. :param kw: Additional parameters for the http request :return: True when the zone creation is complete False if the timeout expires """ zone_id = zone_change[u'zone'][u'id'] retries = MAX_RETRIES url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}'.format(zone_id)) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, status=(200, 404), **kwargs) while response != 200 and retries > 0: url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}'.format(zone_id)) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, status=(200, 404), **kwargs) retries -= 1 time.sleep(RETRY_WAIT) return response == 200 def wait_until_recordset_exists(self, zone_id, record_set_id, **kwargs): """ Waits a period of time for the record set creation to complete. :param zone_id: the id of the zone the record set lives in :param record_set_id: the id of the recprdset that has been created. :param kw: Additional parameters for the http request :return: True when the recordset creation is complete False if the timeout expires """ retries = MAX_RETRIES url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/recordsets/{1}'.format(zone_id, record_set_id)) response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, status=(200, 404), **kwargs) while response != 200 and retries > 0: response, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, status=(200, 404), **kwargs) retries -= 1 time.sleep(RETRY_WAIT) if response == 200: return data return response == 200 def abandon_zones(self, zone_ids, **kwargs): #delete each zone for zone_id in zone_ids: self.delete_zone(zone_id, status=(202, 404)) # Wait until each zone is gone for zone_id in zone_ids: success = self.wait_until_zone_deleted(zone_id) assert_that(success, is_(True)) def wait_until_recordset_change_status(self, rs_change, expected_status): """ Waits a period of time for a recordset to be active by repeatedly fetching the recordset and testing the recordset status :param rs_change: The recordset change being evaluated, must include the id and the zone id :return: The recordset change that is active, or it could still be pending if the number of retries was exhausted """ change = rs_change retries = MAX_RETRIES while change['status'] != expected_status and retries > 0: latest_change = self.get_recordset_change( change['recordSet']['zoneId'], change['recordSet']['id'], change['id'], status=(200, 404)) print "\r\n --- latest change is " + str(latest_change) if "Unable to find record set change" in latest_change: change = change else: change = latest_change time.sleep(RETRY_WAIT) retries -= 1 if change['status'] != expected_status: print 'Failed waiting for record change status' if 'systemMessage' in change: print 'systemMessage is ' + change['systemMessage'] assert_that(change['status'], is_(expected_status)) return change def batch_is_completed(self, batch_change): return batch_change['status'] in [ 'Complete', 'Failed', 'PartialFailure' ] def wait_until_batch_change_completed(self, batch_change): """ Waits a period of time for a batch change to be complete (or failed) by repeatedly fetching the change and testing the status :param batch_change: The batch change being evaluated :return: The batch change that is active, or it could still be pending if the number of retries was exhausted """ change = batch_change retries = MAX_RETRIES while not self.batch_is_completed(change) and retries > 0: latest_change = self.get_batch_change(change['id'], status=(200, 404)) print "\r\n --- latest change is " + str(latest_change) if "cannot be found" in latest_change: change = change else: change = latest_change time.sleep(RETRY_WAIT) retries -= 1 if not self.batch_is_completed(change): print 'Failed waiting for record change status' print change assert_that(self.batch_is_completed(change), is_(True)) return change
class VinylDNSClient(object): """TODO: Add class docstring.""" def __init__(self, url, access_key, secret_key): """TODO: Add method docstring.""" self.index_url = url self.headers = { u'Accept': u'application/json, text/plain', u'Content-Type': u'application/json' } self.signer = BotoRequestSigner(self.index_url, access_key, secret_key) self.session = self.requests_retry_session() self.session_not_found_ok = self.requests_retry_not_found_ok_session() def requests_retry_not_found_ok_session( self, retries=5, backoff_factor=0.4, status_forcelist=(500, 502, 504), session=None, ): """TODO: Add method docstring.""" session = session or requests.Session() retry = Retry( total=retries, read=retries, connect=retries, backoff_factor=backoff_factor, status_forcelist=status_forcelist, ) adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry) session.mount(u'http://', adapter) session.mount(u'https://', adapter) return session def requests_retry_session( self, retries=5, backoff_factor=0.4, status_forcelist=(500, 502, 504), session=None, ): """TODO: Add method docstring.""" session = session or requests.Session() retry = Retry( total=retries, read=retries, connect=retries, backoff_factor=backoff_factor, status_forcelist=status_forcelist, ) adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry) session.mount(u'http://', adapter) session.mount(u'https://', adapter) return session def make_request(self, url, method=u'GET', headers=None, body_string=None, sign_request=True, not_found_ok=False, **kwargs): """TODO: Add method docstring.""" # remove retries arg if provided kwargs.pop(u'retries', None) path = urlparse(url).path # we must parse the query string so we can provide it if it exists # so that we can pass it to the build_vinyldns_request so that # it can be properly included in the AWS signing... query = parse_qs(urlsplit(url).query) if query: # the problem with parse_qs is that it will return a list # for ALL params, even if they are a single value we need # to essentially flatten the params if a param has only one value query = dict( (k, v if len(v) > 1 else v[0]) for k, v in iteritems(query)) if sign_request: signed_headers, signed_body = self.build_vinyldns_request( method, path, body_string, query, with_headers=headers or {}, **kwargs) else: signed_headers = headers or {} signed_body = body_string if not_found_ok: response = self.session_not_found_ok.request( method, url, data=signed_body, headers=signed_headers, **kwargs) else: response = self.session.request(method, url, data=signed_body, headers=signed_headers, **kwargs) try: return response.status_code, response.json() except: return response.status_code, response.text def ping(self): """ Perform a simple ping request. :return: the content of the response, which should be PONG """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, '/ping') _, data = self.make_request(url) return data def get_status(self): """ Get processing status. :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, '/status') _, data = self.make_request(url) return data def post_status(self, status): """ Update processing status. :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, '/status?processingDisabled={}'.format(status)) _, data = self.make_request(url, 'POST', self.headers) return data def color(self): """ Get the current color for the application. :return: the content of the response, which should be "blue" or "green" """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, '/color') _, data = self.make_request(url) return data def health(self): """ Check the health of the app. Asserts that a 200 should be returned, otherwise this will fail. """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, '/health') self.make_request(url, sign_request=False) def create_group(self, group, **kwargs): """ Create a new group. :param group: A group dictionary that can be serialized to json :return: the content of the response, which should be a group json """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/groups') _, data = self.make_request(url, u'POST', self.headers, json.dumps(group), **kwargs) return data def get_group(self, group_id, **kwargs): """ Get a group. :param group_id: Id of the group to get :return: the group json """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/groups/' + group_id) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, **kwargs) return data def delete_group(self, group_id, **kwargs): """ Delete a group. :param group_id: Id of the group to delete :return: the group json """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/groups/' + group_id) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'DELETE', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def update_group(self, group_id, group, **kwargs): """ Update an existing group. :param group_id: The id of the group being updated :param group: A group dictionary that can be serialized to json :return: the content of the response, which should be a group json """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/groups/{0}'.format(group_id)) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'PUT', self.headers, json.dumps(group), not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def list_my_groups(self, group_name_filter=None, start_from=None, max_items=None, **kwargs): """ Retrieve my groups. :param start_from: the start key of the page :param max_items: the page limit :param group_name_filter: only returns groups whose names contain filter string :return: the content of the response """ args = [] if group_name_filter: args.append(u'groupNameFilter={0}'.format(group_name_filter)) if start_from: args.append(u'startFrom={0}'.format(start_from)) if max_items is not None: args.append(u'maxItems={0}'.format(max_items)) url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/groups') + u'?' + u'&'.join(args) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, **kwargs) return data def list_all_my_groups(self, group_name_filter=None, **kwargs): """ Retrieve all my groups. :param group_name_filter: only returns groups whose names contain filter string :return: the content of the response """ groups = [] args = [] if group_name_filter: args.append(u'groupNameFilter={0}'.format(group_name_filter)) url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/groups') + u'?' + u'&'.join(args) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, **kwargs) groups.extend(data[u'groups']) while u'nextId' in data: args = [] if group_name_filter: args.append(u'groupNameFilter={0}'.format(group_name_filter)) if u'nextId' in data: args.append(u'startFrom={0}'.format(data[u'nextId'])) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, **kwargs) groups.extend(data[u'groups']) return groups def list_members_group(self, group_id, start_from=None, max_items=None, **kwargs): """ List the members of an existing group. :param group_id: the Id of an existing group :param start_from: the Id a member of the group :param max_items: the max number of items to be returned :return: the json of the members """ if start_from is None and max_items is None: url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/groups/{0}/members'.format(group_id)) elif start_from is None and max_items is not None: url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/groups/{0}/members?maxItems={1}'.format( group_id, max_items)) elif start_from is not None and max_items is None: url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/groups/{0}/members?startFrom={1}'.format( group_id, start_from)) elif start_from is not None and max_items is not None: url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/groups/{0}/members?startFrom={1}&maxItems={2}'.format( group_id, start_from, max_items)) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def list_group_admins(self, group_id, **kwargs): """ Return the group admins. :param group_id: the Id of the group :return: the user info of the admins """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/groups/{0}/admins'.format(group_id)) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def get_group_changes(self, group_id, start_from=None, max_items=None, **kwargs): """ List the changes of an existing group. :param group_id: the Id of an existing group :param start_from: the Id a group change :param max_items: the max number of items to be returned :return: the json of the members """ if start_from is None and max_items is None: url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/groups/{0}/activity'.format(group_id)) elif start_from is None and max_items is not None: url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/groups/{0}/activity?maxItems={1}'.format( group_id, max_items)) elif start_from is not None and max_items is None: url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/groups/{0}/activity?startFrom={1}'.format( group_id, start_from)) elif start_from is not None and max_items is not None: url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/groups/{0}/activity?startFrom={1}&maxItems={2}'.format( group_id, start_from, max_items)) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, **kwargs) return data def create_zone(self, zone, **kwargs): """ Create a new zone with the given name and email. :param zone: the zone to be created :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones') _, data = self.make_request(url, u'POST', self.headers, json.dumps(zone), **kwargs) return data def update_zone(self, zone, **kwargs): """ Update a zone. :param zone: the zone to be created :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}'.format(zone[u'id'])) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'PUT', self.headers, json.dumps(zone), not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def sync_zone(self, zone_id, **kwargs): """ Sync a zone. :param zone: the zone to be updated :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/sync'.format(zone_id)) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'POST', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def delete_zone(self, zone_id, **kwargs): """ Delete the zone for the given id. :param zone_id: the id of the zone to be deleted :return: nothing, will fail if the status code was not expected """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}'.format(zone_id)) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'DELETE', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def get_zone(self, zone_id, **kwargs): """ Get a zone for the given zone id. :param zone_id: the id of the zone to retrieve :return: the zone, or will 404 if not found """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}'.format(zone_id)) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def get_zone_history(self, zone_id, **kwargs): """ Get the zone history for the given zone id. :param zone_id: the id of the zone to retrieve :return: the zone, or will 404 if not found """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/history'.format(zone_id)) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def get_zone_change(self, zone_change, **kwargs): """ Get a zone change with the provided id. Unfortunately, there is no endpoint, so we have to get all zone history and parse. """ zone_change_id = zone_change[u'id'] change = None def change_id_match(possible_match): return possible_match[u'id'] == zone_change_id history = self.get_zone_history(zone_change[u'zone'][u'id']) if u'zoneChanges' in history: zone_changes = history[u'zoneChanges'] matching_changes = filter(change_id_match, zone_changes) if matching_changes: change = matching_changes[0] return change def list_zone_changes(self, zone_id, start_from=None, max_items=None, **kwargs): """ Get the zone changes for the given zone id. :param zone_id: the id of the zone to retrieve :param start_from: the start key of the page :param max_items: the page limit :return: the zone, or will 404 if not found """ args = [] if start_from: args.append(u'startFrom={0}'.format(start_from)) if max_items is not None: args.append(u'maxItems={0}'.format(max_items)) url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/changes'.format(zone_id)) + u'?' + u'&'.join(args) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def list_recordset_changes(self, zone_id, start_from=None, max_items=None, **kwargs): """ Get the recordset changes for the given zone id. :param zone_id: the id of the zone to retrieve :param start_from: the start key of the page :param max_items: the page limit :return: the zone, or will 404 if not found """ args = [] if start_from: args.append(u'startFrom={0}'.format(start_from)) if max_items is not None: args.append(u'maxItems={0}'.format(max_items)) url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/recordsetchanges'.format( zone_id)) + u'?' + u'&'.join(args) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def list_zones(self, name_filter=None, start_from=None, max_items=None, **kwargs): """ Get a list of zones that currently exist. :return: a list of zones """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones') query = [] if name_filter: query.append(u'nameFilter=' + name_filter) if start_from: query.append(u'startFrom=' + str(start_from)) if max_items: query.append(u'maxItems=' + str(max_items)) if query: url = url + u'?' + u'&'.join(query) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, **kwargs) return data def create_recordset(self, recordset, **kwargs): """ Create a new recordset. :param recordset: the recordset to be created :return: the content of the response """ if recordset and u'name' in recordset: recordset[u'name'] = recordset[u'name'].replace(u'_', u'-') url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/recordsets'.format(recordset[u'zoneId'])) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'POST', self.headers, json.dumps(recordset), **kwargs) return data def delete_recordset(self, zone_id, rs_id, **kwargs): """ Delete an existing recordset. :param zone_id: the zone id the recordset belongs to :param rs_id: the id of the recordset to be deleted :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/recordsets/{1}'.format(zone_id, rs_id)) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'DELETE', self.headers, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def update_recordset(self, recordset, **kwargs): """ Delete an existing recordset. :param recordset: the recordset to be updated :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/recordsets/{1}'.format(recordset[u'zoneId'], recordset[u'id'])) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'PUT', self.headers, json.dumps(recordset), not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def get_recordset(self, zone_id, rs_id, **kwargs): """ Get an existing recordset. :param zone_id: the zone id the recordset belongs to :param rs_id: the id of the recordset to be retrieved :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/recordsets/{1}'.format(zone_id, rs_id)) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, None, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def get_recordset_change(self, zone_id, rs_id, change_id, **kwargs): """ Get an existing recordset change. :param zone_id: the zone id the recordset belongs to :param rs_id: the id of the recordset to be retrieved :param change_id: the id of the change to be retrieved :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/recordsets/{1}/changes/{2}'.format( zone_id, rs_id, change_id)) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, None, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def list_recordsets(self, zone_id, start_from=None, max_items=None, record_name_filter=None, **kwargs): """ Retrieve all recordsets in a zone. :param zone_id: the zone to retrieve :param start_from: the start key of the page :param max_items: the page limit :param record_name_filter: only returns recordsets whose names contain filter string :return: the content of the response """ args = [] if start_from: args.append(u'startFrom={0}'.format(start_from)) if max_items is not None: args.append(u'maxItems={0}'.format(max_items)) if record_name_filter: args.append(u'recordNameFilter={0}'.format(record_name_filter)) url = urljoin( self.index_url, u'/zones/{0}/recordsets'.format(zone_id)) + u'?' + u'&'.join(args) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, **kwargs) return data def create_batch_change(self, batch_change_input, **kwargs): """ Create a new batch change. :param batch_change_input: the batchchange to be created :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/batchrecordchanges') _, data = self.make_request(url, u'POST', self.headers, json.dumps(batch_change_input), **kwargs) return data def get_batch_change(self, batch_change_id, **kwargs): """ Get an existing batch change. :param batch_change_id: the unique identifier of the batchchange :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/batchrecordchanges/{0}'.format(batch_change_id)) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, None, not_found_ok=True, **kwargs) return data def list_batch_change_summaries(self, start_from=None, max_items=None, **kwargs): """ Get list of user's batch change summaries. :return: the content of the response """ args = [] if start_from: args.append(u'startFrom={0}'.format(start_from)) if max_items is not None: args.append(u'maxItems={0}'.format(max_items)) url = urljoin(self.index_url, u'/zones/batchrecordchanges') + u'?' + u'&'.join(args) _, data = self.make_request(url, u'GET', self.headers, **kwargs) return data def build_vinyldns_request(self, method, path, body_data, params=None, **kwargs): """TODO: Add method docstring.""" if isinstance(body_data, basestring): body_string = body_data else: body_string = json.dumps(body_data) new_headers = {u'X-Amz-Target': u'VinylDNS'} new_headers.update(kwargs.get(u'with_headers', dict())) suppress_headers = kwargs.get(u'suppress_headers', list()) headers = self.build_headers(new_headers, suppress_headers) auth_header = self.signer.build_auth_header(method, path, headers, body_string, params) headers[u'Authorization'] = auth_header return headers, body_string @staticmethod def build_headers(new_headers, suppressed_keys): """Construct HTTP headers for a request.""" def canonical_header_name(field_name): return u'-'.join(word.capitalize() for word in field_name.split(u'-')) import datetime now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() headers = { u'Content-Type': u'application/x-amz-json-1.0', u'Date': now.strftime(u'%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'), u'X-Amz-Date': now.strftime(u'%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ') } for k, v in iteritems(new_headers): headers[canonical_header_name(k)] = v for k in map(canonical_header_name, suppressed_keys): if k in headers: del headers[k] return headers def add_zone_acl_rule(self, zone_id, acl_rule, sign_request=True, **kwargs): """ Put an acl rule on the zone. :param zone_id: The id of the zone to attach the acl rule to :param acl_rule: The acl rule contents :param sign_request: An indicator if we should sign the request; useful for testing auth :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, '/zones/{0}/acl/rules'.format(zone_id)) _, data = self.make_request(url, 'PUT', self.headers, json.dumps(acl_rule), sign_request=sign_request, **kwargs) return data def delete_zone_acl_rule(self, zone_id, acl_rule, sign_request=True, **kwargs): """ Delete an acl rule from the zone. :param zone_id: The id of the zone to remove the acl from :param acl_rule: The acl rule to remove :param sign_request: An indicator if we should sign the request; useful for testing auth :return: the content of the response """ url = urljoin(self.index_url, '/zones/{0}/acl/rules'.format(zone_id)) _, data = self.make_request(url, 'DELETE', self.headers, json.dumps(acl_rule), sign_request=sign_request, **kwargs) return data